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The Forum > General Discussion > No Australian Money For Gaza

No Australian Money For Gaza

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Itis not antisemitic to set the historical record
straight and critisize the Israeli government's
behaviour. And it is not personal for me to cite
Jewish historians to correct the Zionist historical
account of how the disputed land became the state of Israel
based on a cluster of myths that subtly cast
doubt on the Palestinians' moral right to the land.

Israeli historian Pro. Ilan Oaooe writes:

" It is sad that often, the Western mainstream media
and political elites accept this set of myths
as a given truth, as well as the justification for
Israeli actions across the decades".

"The tacit acceptance of these myths serves as an
explanation of Western governments' disinclination
to interfer in any meaningful way in a conflict that
has been going on since the nation's foundation".

I see no point in trying to explain anything to you.
Except to suggest that you get hold of the book
by Israeli historian Prof. Ilan Pappe -
"Ten Myths About Israel".

His book challenges these myths, which appear in the
public domain as indisputable truths. These statements
are, distortions and fabrications that can - and must -
be refuted through a closer examination of the historical

Prof. Pappe also examines the myth that equates Zionism with
Judaism (so that anti-Zionism can only be depicted as
anti-Semitism). He tries to refute the equation through an
historical assessment of Jewish attitudes to Zionism and
an analysis of the Zionist manipulation of Judaism for
colonial, and strategic reasons.

I'm not interested in explaining things to you any further.

Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 30 January 2025 7:42:23 AM
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I don't know why you people would think Trump can bring peace to Ukraine.
Trump has a narrative that Russia is losing, and that he is doing them a favour.
But Russia isn't losing, Ukraine is, and the losing side (Trumps side) doesn't get to set terms.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 30 January 2025 8:54:56 AM
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'Anti-Semite', or just 'Not Pro-Semite'?
Why should I hold one race in higher regard than any other?
Are they actually the supreme chosen ones?

Someone could ask me:
'Excuse me Sir, I hear that you are not a Pro-Semite. What is the explanation for this?'
- "Well I don't care, I don't see them as a group of people being any more or any less important than any other group of people."

'How dare you, you're not a Pro-Semite therefore you must be an Anti-Semite!'

'Anti-Semite' is just a trick of slagging you off to make sure you are aligned WITH THEM...

"Please don't call me an Anti-Semite", Foxy says whilst laying there frightened in the fetal position, in a puddle of her own pee, "I'm really a Pro-Semite! - I swear."
- 'Well good, now just be quiet like a good Pro-Semite and just shut-the-f-up while we slaughter all these women and kids then, and kill the journalists to cover up the atrocities we're committing too, that are making us look bad. We'd like to continue with our ethnic cleansing for land theft 'Eretz Israel' project without the criticism of people like you, if you don't mind. Your concerns for these Palestinian peoples lives is really inappropriate.'

It's all quite sad and pathetic if you ask me.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 30 January 2025 1:36:09 PM
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Armchair Critic,

Please don't speak about me indirectly.

If you have any questions - ask me directly.

Thank you.


I can only be responsible for what I post.
Not your interpretation of what I post.

Also do not confuse Zionism with Judaism.

Not all Jews support the current Israeli government.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 30 January 2025 2:00:24 PM
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Israel is breaking off all cooperation with UNRWA because the organisation has been involved with various acts of terrorism and its ranks have been infiltrated by Hamas. UNRWA must vacate all buildings it has been occupying in Jerusalem.

Meanwhile, the Albanese government continues to send Australians’ money to this awful mob.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 30 January 2025 2:21:21 PM
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Irael has banned UNRWA from operating on Israeli land
for sometime now. And allegations against UNRWA
have been cleared up and countries continue to fund UNRWA
while Israel continued it bombardments and blockades.

Yes indeed some are definitely an "awful mob!"
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 30 January 2025 3:56:51 PM
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