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The Forum > General Discussion > Unions - are they still relevant in 2024?

Unions - are they still relevant in 2024?

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Major disruptions have hit city centres across Australia as tens of thousands of tradies walked off the job today in protest against the forced administration of the construction arm of the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU).

Regardless of what you think of the CFMEU, the bigger question for me is are unions still relevant in 2024? I mean most people look after themselves employment wise and a lot of people have dropped out of Unions as the membership fees are so expensive and you have to decide - a Union membership fee versus putting food on the table.

Then Unions are still linked to the ALP (Labor). For some, Labor isn't their thing, so they don't want a Union as a result, which is also understandable. I think Unions have to be open to supporting all political parties - including the Liberal Party.

There are no doubt positives to Unions though like better pay and conditions and better working hours. So, there are some pluses, but I'm not sure if that's enough to draw people in - and the recent CFMEU thing may turn some people off joining a Union.

They are just some of my thoughts - what about yours?
Posted by NathanJ, Tuesday, 27 August 2024 6:09:08 PM
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Hi Nathan,

The short answer is yes, unions are necessary. Just as employers have their "unions" to act in their interests, so to employees need an organised voice to act on their behalf. Whilst ever there is the possibility of anti-worker conservative governments being elected in Australia, as we had for almost ten years, with deliberate anti-worker policies, with their suppression of wages and conditions in favour of their support base, the employers, unions will be necessary.

Both sides in the industrial debate need to take a modern conciliatory approach, and by-and-large that has been achieved. The bad old days, modelled on the British system of industrial confrontation with its "class warfare", has mostly been replaced in Australia today. BUT there are still renegades on both sides, and they raise their ugly heads from time to time.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 28 August 2024 6:10:15 AM
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Some numbers....

Less than 8% of those employed in the private sector are in unions.
Less than 6% of those in part-time employment are in unions.
17% of those employed by governments (the public sector) are unionised.
Overall 12.5% of all employed are in unions.

So unions have very little relevance to the average Australian except those in somewhat more unionised sectors like construction (and we can all see how well that's going!!) and mining.

Given that the majority of unionists are now employed by the various governments, it seems that the main function of the union movement today is to lobby government to transfer more wealth from the workers in the private sector to those in the public sector.

Relevance? -not much. Get rid of them? Why -who cares? They are a minor irritant these days, a drag on the economy but only a minor drag. There are exceptions like the CMFEU but we've know they are highly corrupt all the way back to Builders Laborers Federation in the 1970s and I suspect we'll be saying the same thing in 2070.
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 28 August 2024 8:15:38 AM
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So unions have very little relevance to the average Australian
?? Are you seriously suggesting that the disruptions, the excessive pay demands etc etc aren't of relevance to average Australians ?? You know all of these things that make employing people unaffordable & make life unaffordable for many ? Did you know that over 200,000 Australians are moving out every year because of these ruined economics ? I don't think you need to be enlightened as to whom Union-pandering Labor is replacing these qualified & useful citizens with ?
Posted by Indyvidual, Wednesday, 28 August 2024 9:15:22 AM
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The fact that only 12.5% of Australian workers were members of a union in 2022 answers your question, Nathan.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 28 August 2024 9:26:41 AM
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Unions have to be open to supporting all political parties
Or categorically none but then anything can be written & said & acted upon differently.
I agree that your suggestion has the most merit if merit can still be reintroduced that is !
Mentality is the hardest thing to change hence all the problems society is constantly faced with !
Posted by Indyvidual, Wednesday, 28 August 2024 10:36:29 AM
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