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British Riots Surprised it Took so Long eg Rotherham

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The riots in Britain were triggered by false information.
That is what happens when the police etc turn a blind eye.
I was not surprised to see that riots had occurred in Rotherham.
A bit of background, Rotherham was where a father was bashing on a
door of a house where his daughter was being held as a sex slave by a
Pakistani gang. She was one of more than hundreds of young English
girls that went through their hands.
They were being traded all over the uk counties,
The police arrived and instead of helping the father they arrested him.
Sometime later after press publicity six Pakistanis were convicted
of sex slavery crimes.
Unfortunately it all started up again.
So I am not surprised to see Rotherham on the list as other towns had
similar gangs.
Where is Enoch Powell when you need him?
Posted by Bezza, Monday, 5 August 2024 1:09:06 PM
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Was that the story that started Tommy Robinson's activism Bezza?

BTW what was the 'false information' you mentioned about?
Multiculturalism has definitely failed there, that's for sure.
Is this what's down the road for us too I wonder?

Also I noticed Albo and the Head of ASIO letting out a bunch of mealy-mouthed waffle earlier:
Seems Albo's trying to micromanage everyone's brains for them again.
The dreaded disinfo and misinfo...
I quickly tuned out.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 5 August 2024 2:35:43 PM
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And the low-down press has taken the attention off the slaughter of three little girls to bang on about “far right” rioters, people who have had enough of multiculturalism and the illegal immigration of monsters.

The reactions to immigration atrocities take second place - or are not existent - to the media and political class who yap about the understandable anger of the white working class that is the main target of immigrant trash.

The people responsible for multiculturalism and immigrants, illegal and legal, never have personal experiences with the scum they are bringing in.

Now, while attacks on police are deplorable, we must remember that the angry crowds identify the highly politicised force as enforcers of the politicians’ policies; which, in a way, they are. And those angry crowds are sick of the media and elites branding them - not the immigrants - as the problem.

The same thing will happen in Australia under the previously failed immigration minister (under Rudd), Tony Burke, whose electorate is made up of more Muslims than all other people. 54% is a figure that has been given.

Australians will be under severe threat if that minister and the Albanese government are voted back in at the coming election.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 5 August 2024 3:49:34 PM
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Armchair; the misinformation was that the 17 yer old that killed those
girls was a moslem illegal immigrant, when on fact while he did not
have a Welsh or English name he was born in Cardiff. I have not seen
anything to suggest he was a moslem.
That such a bit of misinfo can trigger off such a reaction just shows
what is hiding just under the surface.
I did not see anything about homeless people complaining that the
government puts up illegals in hotels but leaves them in the street.

I can imagine what the reaction will be if there is a real Islamic
terrorist attack in the UK, like the Manchester event.
Posted by Bezza, Monday, 5 August 2024 5:11:42 PM
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Armchair, yes it was the Rotherham gang that started Tommy Robertson
off about the Pakistanis.
The police tried to stop him going on about it and eventually he
was charged and gaoled over the matter.
All in all the police and government minsters came out looking bad.
Posted by Bezza, Monday, 5 August 2024 5:20:34 PM
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Hi Bezza,

Here's what to know:

Disinformation consisted of claims being made that an
asylum seeker was behind the attack on the three girls.
It turned out that the young attacker was born in Wales.

As a result of misinformation some 7,000 rioters surrounded
the Holiday Inn in Rotherham - known to have asylum seekers.
Windows were broken. flaming trash was thrown at the building.
People attacked the place. Racism against Islam and Muslims,
and Muslim communities took place.

British Prime Minister Keir Starmer called the riots -
"Far-right thuggery." As Nazi salutes were given.

The Prime Minister said "This is not protest. It;s organized
violent, thuggery and it has no place on our streets or

It must be a cultural thing. Hopefully this will be a
warning to us - to ensure this does not happen here in
Australia. Spreading fear and hate - and disinformation
everyone loses.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 5 August 2024 5:33:37 PM
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