The Forum > General Discussion > British Riots Surprised it Took so Long eg Rotherham
British Riots Surprised it Took so Long eg Rotherham
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Posted by Bezza, Monday, 5 August 2024 1:09:06 PM
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Was that the story that started Tommy Robinson's activism Bezza?
BTW what was the 'false information' you mentioned about? Multiculturalism has definitely failed there, that's for sure. Is this what's down the road for us too I wonder? Also I noticed Albo and the Head of ASIO letting out a bunch of mealy-mouthed waffle earlier: Seems Albo's trying to micromanage everyone's brains for them again. The dreaded disinfo and misinfo... I quickly tuned out. Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 5 August 2024 2:35:43 PM
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And the low-down press has taken the attention off the slaughter of three little girls to bang on about “far right” rioters, people who have had enough of multiculturalism and the illegal immigration of monsters.
The reactions to immigration atrocities take second place - or are not existent - to the media and political class who yap about the understandable anger of the white working class that is the main target of immigrant trash. The people responsible for multiculturalism and immigrants, illegal and legal, never have personal experiences with the scum they are bringing in. Now, while attacks on police are deplorable, we must remember that the angry crowds identify the highly politicised force as enforcers of the politicians’ policies; which, in a way, they are. And those angry crowds are sick of the media and elites branding them - not the immigrants - as the problem. The same thing will happen in Australia under the previously failed immigration minister (under Rudd), Tony Burke, whose electorate is made up of more Muslims than all other people. 54% is a figure that has been given. Australians will be under severe threat if that minister and the Albanese government are voted back in at the coming election. Posted by ttbn, Monday, 5 August 2024 3:49:34 PM
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Armchair; the misinformation was that the 17 yer old that killed those
girls was a moslem illegal immigrant, when on fact while he did not have a Welsh or English name he was born in Cardiff. I have not seen anything to suggest he was a moslem. That such a bit of misinfo can trigger off such a reaction just shows what is hiding just under the surface. I did not see anything about homeless people complaining that the government puts up illegals in hotels but leaves them in the street. I can imagine what the reaction will be if there is a real Islamic terrorist attack in the UK, like the Manchester event. Posted by Bezza, Monday, 5 August 2024 5:11:42 PM
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Armchair, yes it was the Rotherham gang that started Tommy Robertson
off about the Pakistanis. The police tried to stop him going on about it and eventually he was charged and gaoled over the matter. All in all the police and government minsters came out looking bad. Posted by Bezza, Monday, 5 August 2024 5:20:34 PM
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Hi Bezza,
Here's what to know: Disinformation consisted of claims being made that an asylum seeker was behind the attack on the three girls. It turned out that the young attacker was born in Wales. As a result of misinformation some 7,000 rioters surrounded the Holiday Inn in Rotherham - known to have asylum seekers. Windows were broken. flaming trash was thrown at the building. People attacked the place. Racism against Islam and Muslims, and Muslim communities took place. British Prime Minister Keir Starmer called the riots - "Far-right thuggery." As Nazi salutes were given. The Prime Minister said "This is not protest. It;s organized violent, thuggery and it has no place on our streets or online." It must be a cultural thing. Hopefully this will be a warning to us - to ensure this does not happen here in Australia. Spreading fear and hate - and disinformation everyone loses. Posted by Foxy, Monday, 5 August 2024 5:33:37 PM
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Democracy in action !
Posted by Indyvidual, Monday, 5 August 2024 6:07:50 PM
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Hi Bezza,
I watched the original Tommy Robinson documentary about a decade or so back, where he tried to expose those Islamic rape gangs in Luton and how the government vilified him afterwards, and then it was pulled off youtube. I tried looking for it today, but couldn't find it. Hi Foxy, There's a difference between peaceful Muslims and Islamic Extremists. You need to make the distinction that these are not the same thing. Furthermore none of us can really know how bad things actually are there, because we don't live there. I remember watching that video above many years ago, and all I can say is that the truth is a whole lot worse than you will ever know. It's us that are being fed the misinfo and disinfo, right from the UK government. And I'm not saying that to be difficult Foxy, it just is. 'The killer of children in Southport was previously expelled from school for carrying a knife and calling for a genocide. This is Axel, poisonous from day one.' 'Axel Rudakubana killed three little girls at a Taylor Swift-themed dance class with a kitchen knife. He injured 10 others.' Here's the real truth right from the horses mouth. - But I'm guessing you'd rather not bother enlightening yourself. Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 5 August 2024 6:48:59 PM
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The Forums little band of rabid right supporters attempting to deflect what motivates the like minded in Britain. These haters of all who are not like them, have no respect for the law or civil society. Like those in Britain, there are some boneheads in Australia who also hate migrants, and would behave like their British cousins given the opportunity. No one should believe the political party One Nation is moderate, they attract the extreme, as do similar far right parities in Britain, Europe and North America.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 5 August 2024 7:21:31 PM
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This is the one story you must not mistaken for being simply black and white.
If you do, you'll sentence our country to the exact same fate. Watch the video above, please. And FYI Tommy Robinson's mother was Irish, and he grew up in a predominantly black British community, he's not racist. But he is against Islamic extremism, and he doesn't want to live in a community held captive to foreign rape gangs. They're angry because they fear for their wives and daughters safety and they've had enough. You know that Hotel you mentioned Foxy, what the won't tell you is1400 girls and women have been raped in that community, and that an old age pensioner was stabbed to death for no reason by an immigrant there recently. Don't jump to conclusions on this story without finding out the full story, there's a lot more to it. Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 5 August 2024 9:12:58 PM
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What may not be known here is that the event in Trafalgar Square was
organised a couple of months previously. Tommy Robinson was calling for funds and he had to get permission to hold the event and hire screens and people to operate the system. This was even before the girls got stabbed. Yet he is being blamed here and by police etc for encouraging the riots. I gather that he was arrested in Trafalgar Square. In the video he was certainly being hassled by the police and one seemed to be reading something to him. Riot Act ? In the UK there has been trouble in the police force with orders from above that seem over the top. That was some time ago so I do not still have a reference to it. It has been going on for years. One example will do. When the Rotherham six were on trial Tommy was outside the court in the street interviewing the public and he was arrested for contempt of court. That is what is meant by heavy handed authorities. Posted by Bezza, Monday, 5 August 2024 11:26:11 PM
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Hi Bezza,
Right now he's in Cypress on holiday with his family. It's all in the last video link I added. Thanks for starting this thread. Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 5 August 2024 11:42:50 PM
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People are sometimes described as being "up a wattle" (tree) when they have upset someone with "misinformation". AC has someone up a Cypress (tree). He is probably talking about Cyprus. Not much of a place for a holiday, but a bit better then spending time in a tree.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 6 August 2024 10:11:29 AM
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Nathan and others who want the government to spoon feed them and keep them "safe", might want to move to Queensland, where Mickey Miles has pledged 12 GOVERNMENT owned petrol stations and caps on petrol prices, in the latest socialist attempt to bribe poor widdle mummy's boys and girls who don't like private enterprise and market forces. Ya know: the ones who would be better off living in Communist countries, where the government does everything for them - as long as they are good little boys and girls and do what their big brother says. After a while, you don't even get bothered by having to vote.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 6 August 2024 10:52:16 AM
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Another one in the wrong thread. Talk about Joe Biden! Same age, and should get the same support he gets from the Leftists here. Just joking. They don't make such allowances for what they call the "far right".
But, here is one that does belong in this thread: Even the gold-standard in rioting, France, is amazed by the UK riots seeing in another extreme-Left government, whose leader is convinced all the trouble comes from the “Far Right”, and all those nice little immigrants, legal and illegal, must be protected from “islamophobia”. Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 6 August 2024 11:01:50 AM
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Yes ttbn they, the authorities, are banging on about the "Far Right"
which is a term with built in prejudice. The UK government should take a closer look. This seems to have all started up independently originally due to news reports. I think the UK govt will make a major blunder if they think all these riots are due to a "Plot". It has been a long time coming because the British were too polite to challenge their "betters". For too long they have been treating the "Islamic" movement with kid gloves and that has caused all this trouble. Sooner or later it breaks. Where is Enoch Powell when he is needed ? Posted by Bezza, Tuesday, 6 August 2024 12:53:27 PM
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Yeah. Spelt Labour or Labor, the socialists will be the death of the West if voters don't take charge. The "plot" is the Labor/Labour one to increase their control over everything and everyone. The biggest problem for voters is that they have infiltrated what used to be right of centre parties as well. You only need to look at the Coalition here to see that.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 6 August 2024 1:13:31 PM
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TTBN & attn Graham Young
I don't know how we will go if the AEMO predictions come true. As peak hour is 4pm to 10 pm a lot of res truants do their business at that time. So lots to fall over then. Think of all those continuous processes that will spoil a days work with a 1/2 hour blackout. How much is a 100Kwatt no break diesel set ? Cheaper to move to Indonesia. ttbn do you have a bigpond email address ? If so do you get notifications when another put posts up ? I don't and I complained to Graham about this problem a year or so ago. It seems to be a bigpond fault and it means that no more bigpond users on OLO can get notifications. I found out today that a big commercial company can no longer accept bigpond users. I had an account on there and can no longer use it because the when they send me the login code I do not get it. Even my mobile number does not get the access code. I did however get a survey on their service ! I think I might have to change service providers, what a pain ! Posted by Bezza, Tuesday, 6 August 2024 2:29:53 PM
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No. Teltsra is not available to me, unless in 5G form, and when I asked Telstra if I could get it,they said "it should be alright". Needless to say I stuck with internode, which is OK, unless you have any problems and have to ring them. My hearing aids are not magical enough to decode the Indian accents. My wife, who has good hearing, often struggles with them, too. I'm only 8kms from the city centre, but I have a poor mobile signal as well. I'm not expecting anything better: Labor government, similar opposition. I have never tried to get response advice - I don't really need to keep up with some of the tripe that gets slung at me because I am and old, white male and a conservative. I do regular checks of the posters who think like me, or similarly to me. Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 6 August 2024 2:46:14 PM
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Its all shock horror to these rabid right posters. The Cronulla riots were typical of far right extremism in Australia, the anti-vaxxers rioting in Melbourne was more of the same, as was neo-Nazi riots on trains in Sydney. Half-hearted condemnation by the likes of One Nation, but solidly supported by their far right octogenarian groupie on forums like this.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 6 August 2024 3:02:27 PM
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Back to Britain. Apart from blaming some “right wing” group and being mainly interested in “islamophobia”, Comrade Starmer is also banging the “misinformation” drum. He is also a champion of more facial recognition technology.
He might be surprised to see that the faces recorded are not all white. Oh, and he wants social media to censor all the naughty white people. Perhaps we could sell him the Inman Grant woman, whom Bettina Arndt today described as “running amok”. The alleged murderer seems to have been acting alone: no known terror connections but he definitely is not one of Starmer's “far right thugs”. He is black, and it's doubtful that people of any colour would be out on the streets rioting if the black teenager hadn't allegedly murdered 3 white children, and attempted to kill others. Perhaps Starmer might be able to admit that non-whites of whatever political or cultural background can also be very bad people. He is probably too thick to understand that among the Brits who make up 83% of the population, not many are child-killers, and they behave pretty well, seeing that their culture and very lives are constantly under threat from non-white immigrants that his sort has allowed to live in the UK. This same anti-white, anti-free speech PM also threatened to prosecute Dr. David Starkey, a conservative academic whom I once heard describe himself as a homosexual with a club foot, and describes Starmer as a “fierce anti-democratic”, who wants to transfer power from Parliament to unelected bodies, including civil service quangos. Yes. The Tories are Tories no longer. But Britain is facing a terrible experience under Labour, as we in Australia are experiencing under Labor. Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 6 August 2024 3:37:50 PM
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I doubt if one would encounter Conservatives at such moron meets like the far Right & the Left !
How long before they start here, three days, five, a couple of weeks ? Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 6 August 2024 4:08:17 PM
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"But Britain is facing a terrible experience under Labour, as we in Australia are experiencing under Labor."
What a load of rot! This old bloke is suffering under a Labor government, well how unlikely, as he is being well looked after by the taxpayer with Labor introduced aged welfare, with cheap or free everything. Pray tell what agony is Labor inflicting on YOU old salt? If things are so bad for you under Labor, give it all up, get yourself a dot com business and make yourself the next billionaire under capitalism! Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 6 August 2024 4:12:16 PM
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"The Tories are Tories no longer. But Britain is facing a terrible experience under Labour, as we in Australia are experiencing under Labor."
- This problem in the UK dates back 10 to 20 years, and it's been slowly festering till it reached boiling point. So it's not a political left or a political right problem. If anything, I'd say it's a 'Our Leaders are branch managers under UN Sustainable Development Goals type-problem'. Look at all this stuff we see, look deeper: First article today Bettina Arndt: Womens Empowerment - UN SDG What do you think 'The Voice' referendum was, it wasn't Albo on his own, it was Albo pushing the UNDRIP goals as a good little vegemite. What do I think is going on in the world? Well probably best to keep that to myself after what Mike Burgess said yesterday, reiterating the dob in anyone who dare have thoughts on anything other than thoughts and narratives they worked hard to put in people heads themselves. While I think Islamic Extremism is most certainly an issue. I tend to think in terms of... 'If you have spiders in your bed, are the spiders really the problem, or is the real problem the ones who put them there'. Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 6 August 2024 5:30:25 PM
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Hi AC,
Did not the Poms on being forced to divest themselves of great wealth generating colonies, in places like India, Africa and the West Indies, were they not forced to declare the inhabitants of those vast colonies "British Subjects" and as a consequence thousands migrated to Britain in the 1960's!The aim was probably to get away from the sunshine, or to enjoy a decent curry! Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 7 August 2024 5:20:38 AM
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Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 7 August 2024 10:18:11 AM
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Hi Paul,
I watch so many British TV programs and enjoy them very much. I'll be watching "Judge John Deed" tonight. As well as "First Dates UK." I've also got relatives living in London. Therefore, it's very distressing to look at the scenes currently being screened in the UK and shown on our news channels. I agree with our PM - that it breaks your heart to see all that anger which is coming from people. And it's very concerning. that people are resorting to violence. Of course we in Australia should be on alert. It's a lesson to us all and a warning about what can happen as more people embrace a more ugly range of extreme ideologies. People who are willing to use violence to advance their pathetic cause. The last time riots such as these occurred in London in 2011. We don't need a bunch of racists being violent here. I agree with ASIO Chief Burgess - who assures us that our authorities will react quickly and with full force to any nonsense of this kind. Violence and thuggery has no place in society. I have every faith in our law enforcement agencies. People are entitled to live and feel safe in their communities no matter who they are. And authorities and law enforcement have to ensure that this happens. Violence is not acceptable and should not be excused or tolerated. Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 7 August 2024 3:53:30 PM
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I could point the finger of blame at the PM for letting in a million people in a year. We may not have race riots yet but we certainly have a housing shortage problem. I could point the finger of blame at the Foxys of this world who support more migrants and have enabled the situation to ensue. I could point the finger at Muslims, I could point the finger at Jews, I could point the finger at Western sponsored conflicts. I could point the finger at the far left pro-migrants or the far right anti-migrants.
Whose to blame? But I'm not going to do either of those things (not right now anyway), because I think we are all being used and played. - Probably even the Jews as well. You see they want people like me to think the Foxy's and the immigrants and the government are the problem; And they want the Foxy's and the immigrants to think the government supports them and nationalists are the problem. We're all just being pitted against each other. It's a recipe for eventual disaster. I can see whats happening here, it's divide and conquer. I saw a video of a white British man chasing a car with a chainsaw today. Saying violence is wrong isn't going to stop it from happening Foxy. It's all happening by design. Move along, nothing to see here. Par for the course. Nineteen suspected terrorists - including five linked to ISIS - are living in taxpayer-funded migrant hotels after crossing the Channel from France on small boats One in three Brits SUPPORT this week's anti-immigration protests - and one person in 14 backs the rioting too, shock poll reveals: A quarter of people say Muslims are at least 'somewhat responsible' for the unrest The question is will we pay attention to this warning sign of whats on the horizon? Or is it 'full steam ahead'? Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 7 August 2024 10:26:11 PM
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British TV shows:
I don't watch British TV shows much anymore Foxy, but when I was little I liked Man about the House and George and Mildred, probably a few others as well, but I can't remember off hand right at this moment. I watched a few episodes recently, so funny! Man About the House George and Mildred Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 7 August 2024 10:34:05 PM
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Hi AC,
"say Muslims are at least 'somewhat responsible' for the unrest" to clarify that its correct to say SOME Muslims, as it is to say SOME Britons. From my experience most people, the vast majority abhor violence, including Muslims, violence is something that frightens most people, the majority of us just want to live in peace and get on with their lives. Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 8 August 2024 6:54:52 AM
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Hi Paul,
I don't want to point the finger of blame at this juncture, it just feeds the problem, it's exactly what they want, everyone pointing the finger of blame at everyone else, what good would that do? But lets be brutally honest. One in 3 Brits support the protests - that's 33% of the country. Taking into account white British comprises 73% of the country, and that % is probably somewhat higher. - And far higher numbers than Kier Starmers support to win the Prime Ministership at 18%. I've seen over the last day, Black British and some Muslims supporting the 'Fa Right' against the illegal immigration and Islamic extremists. And though I've shared a video of a White Briton chasing Muslims with a chainsaw, I've also seen videos of Muslims with axes, swords and sledgehammers. The big issue right now it seems is 'Two Tier Policing'. One rule for the white Britons, and another rule for the Muslim immigrants. I don't want to put myself out there as some crazy fanatic, that someone else will deem worthy of dobbing me into the government. I'm just one person. I'm not out there engaging in any protests; - Though there's no problem if you support their key policies only a problem if you don't. I'm not out there spreading fear and mininformation or disinformation on social media. Just one person with his 2 cents, nobody has to listen to me here, and the majority of the time no-one does, so what I say is relatively harmless. Possibly not so in the eyes of the eKaren, but whose to say. I may have shared a Tommy Robinson video, but this is simply in the interests of helping people have the ability to see two sides of the story, not just one - if they so choose. What's happening in England, I don't want that for us. Not that it matters, it may be unavoidable if we continue on this course. Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 8 August 2024 8:23:20 AM
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Remind me again how 'diversity is our strength'!!
"People who are willing to use violence to advance their pathetic cause." Oh, by killing 8 yr old girls? Isn't it interesting that yet again the usual suspects on OLO here come down on the side of the establishment and against to the working classes. PS. Chrissy from 'Man about the House' was my first true love when I was a kid. I saw her recently in 'Upstart Crow' and she still has a certain something about her. Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 8 August 2024 9:58:13 AM
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I don't suppose there is any chance that many people will wake up to the fact that the demonstrations, riots - whatever you want to call them, and whatever you want to brand the participants as - are a result of the stupidity of multiculturalism and the allowing/encouraging Muslim immigration to the West.
The people responsible are now complaining the loudest about the situation, which is going to get much worse. The claim that Islam is a religion of peace is a nicety INVENTED BY WESTERN POLITICIANS so as either not to offend their Muslim populations or simply lie to themselves that everything is good, and that they are not really responsible for bringing violence to the West via multiculturalism and inappropriate immigration from Islamic countries. Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 8 August 2024 10:33:05 AM
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The British experience will come to Australia.
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 29 of the 151 federal electorates have 5 per cent or more people of Islamic faith. Significantly, 27 of those 29 seats are held by Labor. “Acting in the national interest involves members of parliament standing up to vocal minorities, even in their own electorates, from time to time. Otherwise, they surrender their essential role to consider the issues free from partisan pressure and local sentiment and become more like delegates.” (Kevin Andrews) Edmund Burke wrote, “Parliament is not a congress of ambassadors from different and hostile interests; which interests each must maintain, as an agent and advocate, against other agents and advocates; but parliament is a deliberative assembly of one nation, with one interest, that of the whole; where, not local purposes, not local prejudices, ought to guide, but the general good, resulting from the general reason of the whole.” Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 8 August 2024 10:38:53 AM
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There's enough blame to go around.
We've had all sorts of criminal networks for decades. We've had child exploitation. Pedophilia. Sex slaves. Prostitution. Drug Lords. Corruption. Police and politicians on the take. We've had all kinds of Gangs. Control freaks. The Mafia. Triads. White Supremacists. Bikie gangs. Political movements. And the list goes on. As do the protests. Having a "them" and "us" mentality doesn't help anyone. Neither does blaming any group for the criminal actions. All groups can lead to violence if there's enough outrage. That's why we have law enforcement agencies and the law which helps to keep things civil. Without the rule of law - chaos and destruction would be the norm. Surely no person of a sound mind would want that? Would halting Muslim migration really solve the UK's problems? On whom would they vent their spleens? Who would they be able to blame then? Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 8 August 2024 10:55:55 AM
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There's the suggestion that multiculturalism is to blame for
the current UK riots? The entire history of the UK has been involved with multiculturalism for centuries. The UK has had so many invasions and different mixes of people - its in its DNA. Not only from invasions but from colonialism. Britannia after all ruled the waves. And now to complain that this is a problem is self defeating. You can't have it both ways. How do the Scots, Welsh, Irish, feel about all this? Who exactly are the English - other than a "mixture" over the centuries. They are and always have been multicultural - as history has recorded. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 8 August 2024 11:09:05 AM
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Hi AC,
I hear what you say, and I agree that there are tensions within Britain. Given the Northern Ireland experience, is it fair to say that there are violent tendencies within Christianity, history would say so, particularly between Catholics and Protestants? I see economic suppression as more the reason for the troubles in Northern Ireland, "religion" is nothing more than a defining aspect between the two groups. Hitler didn't oppose Jews on religious grounds, or simply because they were Jews, it was economic reasons related to Germany's defeat in WWI that led to his hatred, but that morphed into total hatred of all Jews, not just those who were financially influential. I see a parallel here, Hitler came to the conclusion that all Jews were involved in some great conspiracy, there are those today who believe all Muslims are involved in some great conspiracy, just like the Hitlers Jews. Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 8 August 2024 11:19:34 AM
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The difference Paul is that the violence is written into the Koran
and is an active part of Islam. It is the Koran that is used to justify everything from 9/11 to Manchester etc etc. No body calls on the Bible to justify their crimes. If you think they could that is one thing but nobody accepts that. Posted by Bezza, Thursday, 8 August 2024 11:56:39 AM
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I've asked you before to quote the relevant passages from this Koran that you claim to be so knowledgeable of, and you've failed to do so. How about a quote? Myself I'm ignorant as to what's in or not in this Islamic holy book. As we know we can get all sorts of interpretations from the Christian Bible, maybe the Muslims can do the same thing with their Koran. Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 8 August 2024 12:38:25 PM
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Dear Paul,
I've told Bezza heaps of times that Muslims are not homogenous. That race, ethnicity and culture play an important part within the study of Islam. With the diversity of nationalities, ethnicities, languages and traditions shaping an individuals experience of their religion. A white Muslim would not have the same experience as an Asian Muslim or a Black Muslim. And there are different sects - Sunni and Shiai . They can't all be lumped into the one box. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 8 August 2024 2:43:57 PM
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Something that different groups of Australians are united on:
Leaders of the Christian, Muslim and Jewish religions in Queensland have united to condemn the Miles government’s draft anti-discrimination laws restricting their schools from hiring and firing staff based on their faith, sexuality, marital status and gender identity. This is likely to spread country-wide, robbing the Albanese government of one of its divide and conquer weapons. Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 8 August 2024 3:02:19 PM
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While they are punching it out in the UK, Sir Mark Rowley, Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, is also getting physical, snatching the microphone off a SkyNews reporter and throwing it to the ground.
Rowley doesn't look like he could pull the skin off a rice pudding but, of course, the uniform and the better manners of the reporter saved him from a smack in the mouth. Hardly encouraging behaviour for the ordinary Plods to act properly when the boss is a thug. Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 8 August 2024 4:54:20 PM
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This is just an observation:
If Muslims are currently 5% of the population in Australia (7% in UK) Then a dictator would simply see that as a small minority. Under democracy, when Albo wins with 33% or Starmer with 18% Catering to the concerns of that minority can be a game changer come election time. Does that mean democracy makes things worse? That these people are given more consideration in a democracy than would otherwise be given under a dictatorship? Hi ttbn, "Leaders of the Christian, Muslim and Jewish religions in Queensland..." - This could be a double edged sword. It may mean Christians can have Christian staff who have total allegience to that religion, but it also means Islam too are free to also hire their staff who have total allegience to that religion. Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 8 August 2024 5:18:14 PM
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Like Albanese is the most Left wing PM ever in Australia, Starmer is the most Left wing ever in the UK, fear mongering about “far right”, instead of acknowledging that the reaction to multiculturalism and mass immigration is the fault of his sort, who are responsible for the foreign threat.
Commentator, Ron Lampard, says Starmer is “startled and stupefied”. “Instead of addressing Islamism and the apparent failure of multiculturalism, or even the genuine safety concerns of citizens, Starmer has been smack-talking the British working class”. Familiar to Australians. Labour has no idea how to deal with radical Islamism. Familiar to Australians, whose government is too cowardly to invoke perfectly reasonable hate-speech laws, to deal with Mad Mullahs and Palestinians they brought into Australia - and are bringing more. Lampard further says: “Labour have been politely feeding the radical crocodile for decades, hoping it would never eat them”. Familiar to Australians. Starmer is blaming the victims. Familiar to Australians. Albanese is as “wilfully ignorant” as Starmer; we haven't seen anything here yet. It's coming unless we change the government at the looming election. Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 8 August 2024 5:23:54 PM
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"Would halting Muslim migration really solve the UK's problems?"
It would stop the problem getting worse which is where its headed now. "The entire history of the UK has been involved with multiculturalism for centuries. " The last invasion was close on 1000 years ago. I think those people have integrated by now. </sarc> The idea that England was anything other than a monocultural nation up to the last 70 years is just so historically ignorant as to be laughable. The Britain that fought the Battle of Britain was a fully integrated whole. Sure there were small, very very small, pockets of immigrants but they were a curiosity not a feature of the nation. Thinking anything else utterly fails to understand the history on England. It was only after the war and particularly after Blair opened the floodgates to non-European invaders, did Britain start to change. The English have consistently voted against it and been ignored by the major parties. (Just as Australians have never voted to accept vast numbers of immigrants and given the chance - eg the Stop the Boats election- have voted against it, only to be ignored by both majors.) Whatismore, England never had a policy of multiculturalism until the late 20th century. Again a policy that the English were never asked to endorse or accept. Multiculturalism claims that all cultures are equal and equally deserving of government support. Now that the English have decided to see themselves as a culture, the elite are suddenly telling them that their culture is invalid and must be suppressed. The best summary I've seen of this since the English revolt... Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 8 August 2024 6:03:49 PM
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How much more British can you get than Jeremy Clarkson? I try to stand back and look at the bigger picture, and if I'm not mistaken, it seems to me that all the white Australians that I knew this country to be not so long ago, (QLD) well if we say anything about anything, well we're all effectively terrorists now. That's the feeling I get from these articles. And they're not giving the full story. These articles are more narrative than truth to inform. ‘Sinister influence’ behind UK riots revealed as 500 extra prison spots ‘freed up’ as violence escalates British police prepared for far-right agitators. They found peaceful anti-racism protesters instead Not only that it seems that in the UK, the illegal immigrants which are actual terrorists, well they're citizens now. It feels like someone has played some kind of sick joke? The normal people are now the terrorists. And the terrorists are now citizens. Seems to me as though traditional white populations in the west are being systematically exterminated. It may seem extreme, but I'm not sure its that far from the truth. HI mhaze, Yes I had a crush on Chrissy too, I was still in primary school I think, maybe grade 5 or 6. Funny though, I was watching some episodes a few months back, and I was thinking to myself I think I like Jo better now, - I don't know why, she really is a 'dumb blonde' if ever there was one. Maybe I'll watch some more episodes and switch back. There must've been hundreds of thousands of blokes just like us with a thing for Chrissy. Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 8 August 2024 7:33:10 PM
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The riots in Britain were triggered by false information.
Bezza, Well, simply ill-logic & un-reason compounded by very poor mentality was what really set it all off. These riots had nothing to do with grief whatsoever. Brainless hot heads let down by dumbed-down teachers & hand-tied Law enforcement are what Democracy is all about. Posted by Indyvidual, Thursday, 8 August 2024 8:00:16 PM
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ttbn said "While they are punching it out in the UK, Sir Mark Rowley, Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, is also getting physical, snatching the microphone off a SkyNews reporter and throwing it to the ground".
Answer- Not that it makes much difference but what I saw on the video was Rowley grabbing the top and snapping the top off the microphone with a snap of his wrist, sort of a whip motion. I didn't see him throw the microphone to the ground. But the microphone was obviously broken at the top and hanging by the wires as Rowley J walked across the road, turning back and contemptuously looking at the damage he had done. Posted by Canem Malum, Friday, 9 August 2024 2:28:26 AM
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Multiculturalism not working in the UK?
If it's not working, it's not been working for a very long time. The word England is a word derived from the "land of the Angles." A people of southern Denmark and speaking English, a language derived from Anglo-Saxon. England and Britain to a lesser extent, was already a melting pot of Angles, Saxons, Norse, Jutes, Frisians, Normans and others in the Middle Ages. There's more at the following: The world is a melting pot of some 7,000 languages and cultures. Why not embrace them as they make the world a more interesting place to live. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 9 August 2024 8:48:45 AM
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Yes Indy, I was aware that it was false info.
However the riots were fed by everything else that had happened including the official attitude of police, eg that case in Rotherham where a father was bashing on a house door to rescue his daughter from the Pakistani sex slave gang and when the police arrived they arrested the father. As it turned out later the police knew all about the gang but had been given softly softly orders. This knowledge appears to have been common knowledge. hence it only required one incidence to set the whole thing off. Posted by Bezza, Friday, 9 August 2024 8:49:31 AM
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One of the idiots thinks that multiculturalism and rioting because of it makes things "interesting". Definitely insane.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 9 August 2024 8:55:19 AM
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Nasty Met. Commissioner has decided to answer the question after his microphone-breaking strop. He was asked about his “two tier” policing, which seems to be the way of Pom Plods.
He says its “nonsense”. But, of course, he has to deny it. The Met is “in the middle”; “we operate without fear of favour”, the little chap huffed. Nothing about the top cop (him) acting like a spoilt child when asked a civil question by a reporter. Meanwhile, a West Midlands senior cop has ADMITTED to performing two-tier policing. That's after they consult with “community leaders”. No prizes for guessing which ‘communities’ they might be! We are looking at Australia's future right now. Our wack job politicians always copy the worst of other countries. And, of course, numbskulls and nutters see this as “interesting”. Posted by ttbn, Friday, 9 August 2024 9:32:16 AM
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An independent thinker follows their own path and
expresses their ideas despite the controversy they may cause. They speak their own mind and fears less the labels of "numbskull," "idiot", "insane," and "nutter," than the stigma of conformity. Here we are - unique human beings with eternal aspects of consciousness. With an infinity of potential. And, yet a few of us it seems have allowed themselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. A herd mentality can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. As Mark Twain once said: When you find yourself on the side of the majority it's time to pause and reflect. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 9 August 2024 10:07:02 AM
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We've been told that high profile anti-immigration and
anti-Muslim activists have promoted the protests vigourously online. They've been accused by both politicians and the media of peddling misinformation and lies to deliberately inflame tensions. We're told that social media has played a significant role in amplifying false messages. Police have confirmed that those involved in clashes were people from outside their local communities, but that in some cases they'd been joined by people with local grievances or young people seeking to join in the disorder for "sport." Claims being made by these people who describe themselves as "patriots" according to Mark Rowly UK's most senior police officer, called it all nonsense. The protesters looting of shops, attacks on police, on mosques, and hotels, betrays the true motive of those behind the violence. Patriotism was being used as a veneer for extremism and opportunism. And for some - for profit. In a most recent YouGov poll three quarters of respondents said the rioters did not represent the views of Britain as a whole with only 7% saying they support the violence. cont'd ... Posted by Foxy, Friday, 9 August 2024 11:02:30 AM
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cont'd ...
To quell this disorder the government has said the rioters will face the full force of the law. Nearly 600 additional prison places are being made available and specialist officers are being drafted in. A 58 year old man has been jailed for 3 years. The government has also vowed to go after not just the rioters but those who used social media to spread the trouble. One man has been charged with using threatening words and behaviour intending to stir up hatred on posts. Britain's science engineer Peter Kyle has met with representatives from TikTok, Meta, Google and X, to enforce the message that they all had a responsibility for helping to stop incitement and the spread of false information and personal attacks. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 9 August 2024 11:10:54 AM
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In an environment where people get door knocks and threats by the police for having the wrong opinions, I'm not surprised if YouGov expresses a biased highly distorted opinion. People don't trust the government do you think it's going to trust systems that are perceived as representing the establishment, even if they're anonymous. In polling often anti-establishment movements don't participate so to get a gauge of this effect it's necessary to get a measure of the participation rate. If the participation rate is high it can make polling data biased. Remember the ratings agency scandals ten years before- I wonder where these employees went after they finished. Perhaps data needs to be kept on those working within the statistics field that have engaged in suspect or deceptive practices in the past. Anecdotally the public is confused with cause and effect of government policy and fail to model phenomena. Perhaps statisticians are like lawyers and pharma companies and universities- they don't ask a question for which they don't already know the answer. The type of controlled opposition that has contempt for the public. Confucism says "rulers are critical for the stability of community". Tests of the good ruler were social stability, population growth (a reflection of ancient statecraft where the good ruler was one who could attract people from other states), welfare. The Mandate of Heaven was understood as justifying the right to rule, with the corollary right to rebel against a ruler who did not fulfill his duties to the people. State played roles in water rights, famine control and relief, social stability. The state encouraged people to grow rice and other grains rather than commercial crops in order to insure and adequate food supply; it held reserves in state granaries, in part to lessen the effects of drought and floods, particularly common in northern China. For fear of losing the Mandate of Heaven governments levied very low taxes which often meant that the government could not provide all the services expected of it, and that officials ended up extorting money from the people. Posted by Canem Malum, Friday, 9 August 2024 1:39:18 PM
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If you read the article you linked to about British multiculturalism you'd see that they were talking about immigration post WW2. Sure there were immigrants from Ireland and a smaller number from other parts of Europe in the past few centuries, but that hardly counts as multiculturalism. Its just bonkers, or more bonkers, to say that 17th century England was a multicultural haven because it had an Irish component. It'd be like moving a family from Launceston to Ballarat and then declaring Ballarat to be a multicultural mecca. Foreign , truly foreign cultures arrived in England post-WW2 and even then in small manageable numbers. It was the Blair government that decided to import massive numbers of future Labour voters in the 1990s that caused the real problems. Mark Steyn, among others, was predicting as far back as 2005 that this wasn't going to end well. As the cultural and political elites ignored and then tried to suppress the concerns of the ordinary indigenous English to the destruction of the nation, the bottled up resistance was certain to eventually explode. The death of 3 little girls was merely the catalyst for the mayhem. While-ever people could be convinced that the solution was through the ballot box they were prepared to bide their time. But they no longer believe the political elite will save the British culture. It is the same with the French yellow vests, and the Dutch farmer revolts and the German AfD. All through Europe, the Muslim invasion is finally being resisted. Posted by mhaze, Friday, 9 August 2024 2:02:49 PM
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When you look at the vision in the UK - to see all
that anger which is coming from a comparatively small number of people should make us realize that in Australia we should be on a threat level alert. It's a warning and making us aware of what can happen if more Australians will embrace a more diverse range of extreme ideologies and become willing to use violence to advance their cause. The last time London saw this kind of violence was in 2011. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 9 August 2024 2:06:13 PM
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I'm concerned that authorities are pointing to Far Right politics as a way of minimalizing the concerns of the British people over the issues surrounding the terror of the 25 girls, 11 of who were stabbed, 3 who were killed, the youngest being 6 years old. Opinions on issues will come from various sources the responsibility for rulers is to ensure that children aren't stabbed in the community, not to complain that the criticism is unfair after the fact. What the Woke/ Marxist's label as Far Right I label as Traditionalist's- and they are correct in that this seems to be an 'effect' of ethnic identity conflict within Britain and elsewhere that Woke/ Marxist's have 'caused'. Cause and effect.
Woke Marxism in institutions such as universities is complicit in this terror campaign that has given rise to these types of murderous outcomes. These institutions start with the core universities as well as other downstream institutions such as law and order, politicized public policy, media commentariat, schools. These contempting institutions are paid off in economic benefits obtained through job security, promotion, and superior salaries and impacting the contemptible public. In many cases in public policy, the public were never asked. I see Foxy and Paul1405 as apologist's for this Woke/ Marxist view that is complicit in the crime. People that claim the interest of the people need to start listening to the Traditionalist's rather than showing them contempt- but as with the Scorpion and the Frog the scorpion has it's nature. Posted by Canem Malum, Friday, 9 August 2024 2:09:39 PM
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"To quell this disorder the government has said the rioters
will face the full force of the law. " To suppress the concerns of the natives, the British government is using its monopoly on violence to squash the uprising. Note that they are doing this to one side. There is footage of police telling Muslim rioters to hide the weapons to avoid arrest. There is footage of a lone speaker being arrests for reading out of the Bible which rioters were calling for the Death to Israel. The British government is claiming that it is now illegal to share footage of the protests on the basis that it is sharing hate speech. Britain used to be a democracy and used to have freedom of speech. Any wonder that people have concluded that the British heritage is being destroyed by this alien multiculturalism. _________________________________________________________________ Freedom is also under siege elsewhere in Europe. There was footage of a young German being attacked by a gang of foreigners in school. The German government have decreed that it is illegal to share that footage. Germans have to continue to pretend that the violence only comes from the whites. In sweden a journalist collated government statistics to show just how bad the rape culture there had become, even as the government tried to suppress the data. He is now on trial for hate crimes. Get it, they don't care about Swedish women being raped, just care that to protect the rapists. And we saw it here as the government tried to suppress distribution of the knife attack on a Christian cleric. Again, the actual attack wasn't the problem as far as the government was concerned, just the reaction to it. There was a famous quote from a Tim Blair blog years ago... Muslim leaders are concerned about the violent backlash to tomorrow's bombing. Posted by mhaze, Friday, 9 August 2024 2:22:15 PM
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AC: Re Man About the House.
"I was thinking to myself I think I like Jo better now," The original producers of the show meant to feature Jo as the sex symbol and were surprised at the male reaction to the Chrissy character. I denounce (grin) your betrayal of Chrissy toward Jo. I will remain loyal forever. BTW, if you get a chance, watch an episode of Upstart Crow. Paula Wilcox aka Chrissy plays Shakespeare's mother. Even in old age, she still has a certain something. Posted by mhaze, Friday, 9 August 2024 2:48:19 PM
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The Brits love their curries. Their cultures are dynamic.
They love their bearded Muslim sports heroes. Their Muslim Mayors. They even had a Prime Minister of Indian descent. Heck even their Royal Family has mixed ancestry. A range of cultures in Britain is normal. Not novel. Why then are a small minority still resistant to diversity? Is it economic austerity of the times that has shrunk the space they might share. Growing inequalities as history shows do supply people with opportunities to scapegoat minorities. Claims are often made about government policies of encouraging cultural differences at the expense of national cohesion. Britain should not allow itself to be noticeably susceptible to being overtaken by extreme so called nationalists or self-proclaimed "patriots." Their thought processes may lead to many wrong policies. What is lacking to counter their arguments is a project to get people to bridge their differences just as much as they bond over their similarities. The more people from different backgrounds trust each other, the better their society. Politicians should be preaching the need to learn how to get along with others. That's how people can be encouraged to broaden their outlooks. Other nations do it. Challenging myths and misinformation would ensure Britain fosters egalitarianism and representative cultures. Surely everyone will agree that is what the country needs. There's more at: Posted by Foxy, Friday, 9 August 2024 3:52:06 PM
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Akram Khan, an award-winning British dancer and
choreographer writes: "It is our culture that makes me most proud to be British. That same culture has been a welcoming home for my own work. Where a British dancer of Bangladeshi origin can pursue a career blending the Indian kathak style with contemporary forms." "This openness to diversity is visible in many areas just look at Notting Hill carnival every year. Or take the Turner Prize, where the artists shorlisted in the last two years have been German, Fijian, Israeli, Zanzibari, Palestinian, Jamaican, and Bengali heritage." "Diversity is what makes Britain's culture great. But recently it has felt as though we have lost sight of this self-evident truth." "Brexit, polarisation and the poisonous debate about immigration threaten to turn our diversity into division. That would be a historic disaster for the country." There's more at: Posted by Foxy, Friday, 9 August 2024 4:31:57 PM
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"Why then are a small minority still resistant to diversity?"
Small minority? Meanwhile in the real world.... "They love their bearded Muslim sports heroes." Maybe so. But they also hate those that wield machetes and groom their daughters and rape their women and seek to overthrow their culture. Strangely </sarc> some see those things as more important than someone who can kick a goal. Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 10 August 2024 3:18:56 PM
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There are criminals, extremists, and fundamentalists, in all cultures.
Most sane people are opposed to them. But that's no excuse for the recent behaviour in the UK - of taring certain communities with the one brush, blaming them, spreading hate, misinformation, and resorting to violence. That's why law enforcement agencies are determined not to allow matters to get out of hand. Excusing this behaviour is not justified. Violence is not acceptable no matter who does it. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 10 August 2024 3:33:12 PM
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In a refreshing change there were anti-fascist protests by people of conscience all over Britain. These peaceful protest were in stark contrast to the violent rioting of far right bully boys over the past week or so, behaviour reminiscent of Hitlers 'Brownshirts' of pre-war days. Several of the Nazi types have already received jail time for their disgusting violent behaviour.
p/s, So far six fascists have been jailed for up to 2 years and 8 months, and another 150 are facing serious charges with possible lengthy jail time for their disgusting behaviour. Lets hope none of the far right radicals here intend acting like their British cousins. The police are preparing themselves for any far right violent behaviour in Australia. Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 10 August 2024 6:24:06 PM
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The riots are a convenient excuse for Starmer-Labour to crack down on free speech.
Yes. Free speech. The Left has decided that vandalism of war memorials or other people's property is an expression of free speech. So too, then, is rioting and demonstrating free speech. BLM, which did enormous damage to property, and people, was also ‘peaceful’ free speech. But when the working class demonstrates its frustration with multiculturalism and mass immigration affecting their lives, the ‘white, male, far-right rhetoric comes out. This problem with white people coming from Starmer - a more pasty-faced Pom you will never see - is ridiculous. Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 11 August 2024 8:53:08 AM
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Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 11 August 2024 9:31:00 AM
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"Why then are a small minority still resistant to diversity?"
A recent YouGov poll has found that 34% of the English support the protests. Now when you consider that 20% of all English residents are non-indigenous, that means that roughly half (yes HALF) of the indigenous English support the protest and its aims. Small minority? Not even close.... but its not a lie if you believe it. The fact is that this has been brewing for years, decades, as the British establishment tried to keep a lid on it. ("The British Establishment Refused to Talk About Migration. Now We’re Paying the Price."... ) “O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not.” They sought to keep the growing opposition to unfettered immigration under wraps through two major tools. First the establishment promised at each election that they saw the problem and would fix it. But once in power they not only didn't move to fix it but instead exacerbated it. While the people thought they could solve it via the ballot box they remained quiet. They now longer believe it and are therefore no longer quiet. Secondly, of course, they sought to suppress the growing rage via censorship. So while they happily called the protestors far-right and fascist, the establishment and those who opposed the protests used the tools of totalitarianism such as mass censorship, the courts and the police to suppress opposition. Pot meet kettle. Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 11 August 2024 9:37:32 AM
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Dear Paul,
I may be naive but I don't think that Australia will see those sort of riots here, as we're seeing in the UK. Yes, we share a rich common heritage, but in this country we're a fairer society. Here you get ahead by merit not birth right. We don't have class distinctions or a caste system - those characteristics of the old world. We have our great local creed of mateship. Which means relating to and helping others - and not according to class distinctions or caste. Of course there are a minority of people who often remember the past and don't know when its over. That Australians today are not the same as being British. We don't see ourselves as British. And even the Britons don't see us as anything but Australians. Australians all over the world are not seen as anything other than Australian. We have rules and regulations and programs in place that will help with the vetting of newcomers and their settlement. We also have our law enforcement agencies that have been warned to react with full force at any signs of disorder. We're a safe country. And it's in good hands. Something for which we can all be grateful. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 11 August 2024 9:38:39 AM
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Yet again we find people like Paul and Foxy coming down on the side opposed to the working class. Paul calls the protestors far-right and fascist. Now, we know that for Paul, anyone to the right of Castro is far-right, but why call the working class fascist?
Well that's what the establishment media calls them, and Paul always follows the dictates of the establishment media. Just as with the working class revolt in the US, Paul sides with the middle and upper classes to continue the suppression of the workers. Foxy OTOH thinks that's its all about liking curries. The world would be a much better place, thinks Foxy, if everyone just agreed with Foxy. Diversity is paramount. That a few thousand young white girls were raped and sex-trafficked is really not all that bad when you consider all the diversity it brings. Everyone has to make sacrifices, don't cha know? When you look at the map of where the protests took place, you see working class city after working class city. This is of course where the migrants are placed. You don't find migrants in Oxford, or the Cotswolds where the 'good' people live. No, just among those ignorant workers who then get pilloried for objecting. I've always thought Australia's migrant policies would look very different if we placed our refugee centres in Vaucluse or Toorak or Canberra. But instead they are placed in western Sydney and the like and then the people there are lambasted for their racism when they complain. Throughout Europe there is a rising mass opposed to the Muslim invasion and the authorities are struggling to suppress it. They might yet succeed, especially when there are millions of compliant dupes like Foxy and Paul there to cheer the suppression on. But history suggests that mass movements, even if delayed are rarely defeated. Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 11 August 2024 9:52:41 AM
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Over the weekend I went down to Sydney to watch the Swans stick it to Collingwood. Its been a while since I went to the 'big smoke'.
After the event and while waiting with the crowds to get public transport. there were constant announcements reminding people of the heightened terrorist risks, asking everyone to be vigilant and report any suspicious activity to the authorities.( I saw a couple of blokes dressed as shielas but was told that wasn't the kind of suspicious activity they were talking about. ). The announcements were made every minute or so. I found it rather revealing. In Austria members of the religion of peace were planning on murdering as many young kids as they could during a concert for a passing celebrity aka Taylor Swift. The authorities stopped them....this time. Behold, diversity is our strength. But at least you can get a good curry . Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 11 August 2024 10:01:12 AM
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I saw an item on TV this morning where a uniformed senior British
police officer was warning about "Hate crime" on the media. He stated quite clearly that it would be consided to extraditing US citizens who made such comments. That might seem over the top but remember the Assange case. It is "said" that extradition of Elon Musk to the UK was considered. In light of all that perhaps we should be careful of we put up here. I imagine it would be easier to exradite someone from Australia than the US. The world has gone truly mad ! Posted by Bezza, Sunday, 11 August 2024 10:24:30 AM
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Hi Bezza,
We're told that fewer Britons support the riots and disorder, with the vast majority saying it is unjustified and the views of the rioters are not representative of the wider community. The falsehood that the Southport attacker was a Muslim and a migrant was an idea floated by extremist agitators running the riots in scenes repeatedly shown on news outlets - to inflame and stir hatred. Their claims about the suspect were simply not true. He was neither a migrant nor a Muslim. The suspect was named to be a British national born in Wales to Christian parents from Rwanda. Despite attempts to debunk these provocateurs and stirrers the damage was done. Social media had done its job with its disinformation and its proliferation of its dangerous conspiracy theories - its targeting primarily of people of immigrant and Muslim families with abandom. The tragedy lies in the dupes falling for this malicious ploy and forgetting that as these rioters flaunted footage of their hate crimes - ethnic minorities and asylum seekers in Britain were paralysed with fear. So glad to be living in Australia - which seems to have extremists on the fringes of society with no real clout. And who are a tiny minority here. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 11 August 2024 11:07:32 AM
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Nigel Farage wants to deport all illegal aliens, and get out of the European Convention on Human rights. There is no “right” to enter a country illegally.
Farage wants a referendum to decide what the British people want. After all, Labour did not mention legal or illegal immigration in the pre-election spiels. Same in Australia. Noone now wants to talk about it in the UK Parliament. Under the previous Labour government and Home Secretary Blunkett 50,000 illegal aliens were deported in one year alone. Membership of the ECHR now makes that impossible. Since deportation has stopped, illegal entry has increased, and along with it, the enormous problem the UK now has. Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 11 August 2024 11:13:24 AM
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"We're told that fewer Britons support the riots and disorder, with the vast majority saying it is unjustified and the views of the rioters are not representative of the wider community."
Well I guess its possible to find sites that will tell you what you want to hear, and we know Foxy is a master at finding such sites. But its also easy to find information that will tell you the truth. The two are rarely the same. Yougov poll from 9 August.... 8% of Britons have some sympathy for those "causing unrest at recent protests". BUT... 58% somewhat agree with those taking part in the protests. AND... 47% think the protests are justified. Some of the reasons behind this include what is being two-tiered policing whereby the favoured ethnic groups get treated with kid-gloves and the book is thrown at whites.. eg Liverpool man gets 15 weeks gaol for making a racist comment on Facebook Essex man gets 2 years gaol for selling racist stickers. London man gets 180 hours of community service and no gaol time for repeated raping 12 year old girl. I'll leave you to work out the ethnic groups they belong to. The likes of Foxy won't understand this by Christopher Hitchens nailed it 15 years ago.... Enjoy this while you can. There will come a time when these type of discussions will no longer be possible. Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 11 August 2024 2:16:46 PM
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Albanese Labor's tolerance of an extremist cancer in our society through the unholy alliance of woke progressivism and extremist Islam, albeit on a smaller scale than Europe, will inevitably bring violence to our shores. The terror threat is now "probable".
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 11 August 2024 2:20:44 PM
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There is little support for the unrest. With the riots
receiving overwhelming opposition. This was the link from which I cited earlier and this data was given on the 6th August 2024 so it is recent. It gives a good overview: Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 11 August 2024 2:56:04 PM
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Yes Foxy, that's the poll I've been talking about.
It shows that most people don't agree with the riots BUT most agree with the protesters views ie most agree that immigration must be curtailed. But of course the half of the population that oppose further immigration are those icky </sarc> working class people, and Foxy most definitely doesn't want to be associated with them. So we can clearly see that most Britons don't accept the rubbish about Diversity being our strength and that you'd prefer to not notice that. Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 11 August 2024 5:04:45 PM
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That police officier that I said was talking about extraditing US
citizens to the UK was Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley I find it hard to believe he would say that just off the cuff. What fun if wants Elon Musk, I can't wait ! Posted by Bezza, Sunday, 11 August 2024 5:31:24 PM
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You are under no obligation to read any of the links I post. And your approval or disapproval of them is not required. The given data you can either accept, reject, ignore, or interpret whichever you you like. Neither it nor I need your validation. Also kindly don't make assumptions about me. You don't know me or my family background. I shall try to be kind and not do the same for you. Cheers. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 11 August 2024 5:40:31 PM
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"for Paul, anyone to the right of Castro is far-right" how irksome from a bloke who thinks violent rioting is a legitimate form of protest, he was cheering when the Capitol Building was stormed and people died after his man Trump had given the order to overturn the Presidential election result. One of the great lies of National Socialism of which our Trumpster is an adherent is that somehow them and only them, are the true champions of the working class. Mussolini, Hitler in their day, and now the modern day Trump make this same preposterous claim. A band of useful idiots, like our forum Trumpster, believe this to be true. What he fails to comprehend is how his folk hero's Mussolini and Hitler on assuming power, unleashed terrible carnage on any within the working class who disagreed. Trump given the chance would do the same, as would the far right in Australia led the likes of One Nation. Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 11 August 2024 5:43:05 PM
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Hi Foxy,
Trumpster, is like his folk hero Dangerous Doctor Donald, he bends twists and manipulates figures to suit his beliefs. Next thing he'll be saying is 113% of Britons, that's his 8+58+47=113% thinks the violent riots by far right extremists is okay in their book! One time we'd say keep off the Kool-Aid, but now its the Pine-O-Clean. Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 11 August 2024 6:07:56 PM
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Dear Paul,
Here's an interesting link telling us that the UK government needs to commission a proper inquiry in the past week's unrest and the roles that extremists played. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 11 August 2024 6:09:22 PM
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I didn't need to read your link Foxy....I've been referring to the data on the YouGov poll for days. Glad you caught up.
But its interesting that when I point out the facts don't suit their fantasies, both Foxy and Paul throw a tantrum rather than address the facts. Still, we're used to that. Now Paul, who, as I said, thinks everyone to the right of Castro is a Nazi, thinks Trump is Hitler. Analysis let alone common sense eludes poor Paul. Foxy seems upset that I point out she always comes down on the side of those opposed to the working class. And Paul will be really upset when I point out that his views mirror those of the King of Australia. Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 11 August 2024 7:04:47 PM
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Did I say I think Trump is Hitler, no you said that, not me, besides Hitler spoke German, Trump speaks Gobbledegook, you said that. There are parallel's between the ranting and raving of Hitler and Trump. Are you mesmerised by "strong" fanatics? When did I say anyone right of Castro is a Nazi, another one of your lies. I don't know what you are, or what organisations you are a member of, you keep that a secret. Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 11 August 2024 8:36:24 PM
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Dear Paul,
A quote from Winston Churchill is appropriate here: "You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks." See you on another discussion. Posted by Foxy, Monday, 12 August 2024 9:38:35 AM
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"Far-right is a synonym for 'poor'. Why do Foxy/Paul hate the poor? Posted by mhaze, Monday, 12 August 2024 2:37:24 PM
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88 comments on this subject, from only 7 posters.
Not a lot of interest, then. Pointless exercise. Posted by ttbn, Monday, 12 August 2024 2:56:38 PM
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How about forgetting the UK, about which we can do nothing, and concentrating on our own country, where we at least get a vote.
It was leaked that the Albanese government “was looking at creating a new special visa pathway for Palestinians so they did not have to return to Gaza”. Minister for Home Affairs Tony Burke has since confirmed that the federal government is examining how it can allow Palestinians on temporary visitor visas to stay in Australia longer. This is going on when the threat level for terrorism has gone up from ‘possible’ to ‘probable’ because of the “degrading security environment”, putting the chance of a terrorist attack to “greater than 50 per cent”. In the last four months, there have been 8 attacks or “disruptions”, according to ASIO. To put the question bluntly, WTF is the Albanese government playing at with these Palestinians? The ‘security’ checks have been done on these Palestinians in Gaza, we are told. How and by whom? We don't have a consulate in Gaza, and Australians have no access to Gaza. The only authority in Gaza is Hamas. Of course, this has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that 25% of Burke's electorate is Muslim - much! Labor has a mania for minorities that has clearly rotted their senses about the majority - 75% non-Muslim in Burke's case. Posted by ttbn, Monday, 12 August 2024 3:39:38 PM
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Paul, you are promoting one of the major lies about that event when
Trump asked the crowd to go to the capital buildings. I heard it live and what he said was this; "Now walk down to the Capital and let them hear you, so walk down there "peaceably"." It was broadcast just like that for an hour or so but from then on the last word "peaceably" was editted off. Very easy to do because it was the last word. The lesson for all politicians is do not use any significant word as the last word in a speech. Posted by Bezza, Monday, 12 August 2024 4:01:46 PM
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I think it is now obvious that the Labour government, but perhaps not
all members, are sucked in to the Palestinian cause. To actually invite in Palestinians from Gaza on such easy visas is a very significant indication of madness. Either that or a commitment to the Islamification of Israel and the west generally. For goodness sake didn't any of them see the enthusiasm with which the people welcomed the bodies of the dead Israelis and the live prisoners. And they want to give asylum to these people ? They gave them one hour examinations, that amounts to dereliction of duty for which they must resign. Posted by Bezza, Monday, 12 August 2024 4:19:37 PM
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There were 4 arrests in Brisbane yesterday. About 40 neo-Nazi's marched through the streets chanting racists slurs. The majority of demonstrators were members of a white supremacy group, wearing black outfits and masks to hide their identity. Meanwhile in Canberra a person dressed in an Australian flag style shirt broke into a Lebanese owned barbershop, setting it and himself (the dumb cock) alight with accelerant. The man and his accomplice made their getaway on bicycles, by which time the burning Nazi had managed to put himself out. I believe the police are looking for a man with burnt hair and a singed Hitler moustache!
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 12 August 2024 9:14:19 PM
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That Paul is what happens when the authorities act in a one sided
biased way as they have in Britain. Reactions are always nasty and those with fanatical fantasies will act first. A man was recently arrested in Britain because he had an Israeli flag around him, no demonstration or anything, just was in public somewhere. Must be careful, might get extradited ! Hi ! Posted by Bezza, Monday, 12 August 2024 10:27:00 PM
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"That Paul is what happens" surly Bezza you're not condoning the burning of a fellas barbershop, even if he is from that despised Muslim group within society.
What come first, the chicken or the egg? These neo-Nazi's, do they spontaneously appear from nowhere "when the authorities act in a one sided biased way", or are they lurking in the shadows waiting for the opportunity to vent their anger. Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 13 August 2024 6:18:20 AM
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"when the Capitol Building was stormed and people died "
One person died - a protestor. A court case seeking to hold the authorities responsible for that murder got the go-ahead a few days back.... Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 13 August 2024 9:32:58 AM
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A bit light on with the facts are you not? "Within 36 hours, (of the Capitol riot) five people died: one was shot by Capitol Police, another died of a drug overdose, and three died of natural causes, including a police officer. Many people were injured, including 174 police officers. Four officers who responded to the attack died by suicide within seven months." Obviously our leading forum Trumpster is only concerned about American Trumpeters, who were involved in the violent behaviour following the orders issued by Dangerous Doctor Donald 6th January 2021. Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 13 August 2024 6:55:32 PM
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Why do the parasitic blame Trump for these riots after all they started the trouble way before Trump was elected as POTUS !
Trump got in not because of his non-existing charisma, he got in because the Parasitic became too much to bear, that's why ! Posted by Indyvidual, Wednesday, 14 August 2024 11:43:03 AM
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According to some reports the security guards let the protesters in to entrap them in a false flag scenario.
Posted by Canem Malum, Thursday, 15 August 2024 1:16:28 PM
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A blind person on the other side of the World could see what was going on there. The "security" counted on a better marksman that's all !
Posted by Indyvidual, Friday, 16 August 2024 8:13:21 PM
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No doubt the little band of happy far right supporter here, think its okay to attack and beat up Ambulance Officers. No its not, not here or in Britain. BTW, most of the neo-Nazi's charged for their part in the British riots are Anglo white males over 40 years of age.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 16 August 2024 9:24:37 PM
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Far Right supporters beating up Ambulance officers ?
Paul1405, If you were to look you'd find that is done by raging idiots i.e. Uni students & other Woke whilst those from the Right are at work ! Posted by Indyvidual, Friday, 16 August 2024 9:33:46 PM
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Kieran Usher charge with rioting offences, including attacking an Ambulance Office, hopefully he'll receive the maximum sentience of 10 years imprisonment.
"whilst those from the Right are at work!" The only work this piece of far right trash was doing, was trying to bash an innocent public servant and family man to death! Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 16 August 2024 9:47:43 PM
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It sounds like Paul1405 hates Donald Trump. Not sure what he hates about him. He mentions the far right a bit. I wonder what attributes makes someone far right according to Paul1405. I don't generally use the term far-left because I don't consider the term left or far-left very useful. Paul1405 talks about racism at times but not all racism, it seems to be a very bigoted definition of racism. Marxist's have been talking about racism for a while but they seem to be the most bigoted of all. After Soviet and Maoist Marxist's were shown beyond doubt to be genocidal murderers, Marxist's rebranded as Social Democrats and Trotskyites now commonly branded as Woke it seems. There are still Marxist's in various parts of Australia, at least they claim to be Marxist. From memory the socialist girl says she is a Marxist, and labels the ethnic Hebrew interviewer "a literal Nazi". The Hong Kong protesters were asking for Donald Trump to save them. Around a similar time I remembered a poor Hong Kong journalist got a quick lime milk shake in the face by Woke Marxist protesters and had to attend hospital for burns. And there were fights between Pro HK and Pro China students at a university. It's interesting that Antifa originally started in Germany in the 1930's and uses a red and black flag representing a combination of the red communist flag (notice both the Chinese and the Soviet flags are red) and the black anarchist flag (remember the anarchist bombings from the 1960's). There are many branches of Antifa in the US and some in Australia. The five pointed red star also appears to have Marxist links Posted by Canem Malum, Saturday, 17 August 2024 2:49:36 AM
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Kudos Kid,
When it comes to repeating oneself you must have made 1,000 references to "Communists" on the forum, without providing a single name (other than me) and now its "Woke Marxists", whoever they are, again no names. I to don't like the terms left and right, blames the French for that, I prefer extreme and moderate. I see the extreme in terms of the Horseshoe Principle, where people like you who think they oppose the "far left" but in fact are strikingly similar in belief, like Hitler and Stalin. As for Trump, I don't hate him at all, in fact I don't hate anyone, I leave the hating to people like you, with you hate for those not like yourself, black people, gays, Muslims, "Woke Marxists" women, etc etc, there's plenty to go around. Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 17 August 2024 6:41:54 AM
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Paul1405 is actually a clear example of racism, greed, intolerance, parasitism & hate in general. In a way it's good that he shows how bad some Woke can actually become & it'll put people off Wokeism !
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 17 August 2024 8:35:15 AM
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Instead of addressing Islamism and the failure of multiculturalism, Starmer lashes out at the British working class. He also intends to install a Soviet-style surveillance state, with facial recognition cameras everywhere. He is desperately trying to avoid being eaten by the multicultural crocodile that the Left has been feeding. He is misdirecting attention away from the real cause of division onto what he is calling ‘far right thugs’.
The root cause of social division in the UK is Leftism, Marxism, Islamism and multiculturalism. As it is throughout the West, which is slowly bring colonised with the help of its own corrupt leaders. Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 17 August 2024 8:44:33 AM
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Things haven't changed, American President Joe Biden has designated a national monument to remember the anti negro race riots that took place in Springfield Illinois in 1908. Then a mob of white men went on a rampage, killing Black residents and destroying dozens of Black homes and businesses. Thing's haven't changed, 126 years later far right thugs like those in Springfield over 100 years ago are just as bigoted and racists as ever. I note today's mob have their supporters right here on this forum, extremists justifying and excusing such disgusting behaviour.
Indy, for one who called another, knowing he has Aboriginal blood a "concrete jungle bunny" shows what a disgusting racists YOU are! Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 17 August 2024 12:18:28 PM
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Racism is a word that gets thrown about a lot with no one taking into
account why "racism" is a target used by those who do not stop to think why Islam is the issue. Islam since its beginning has been strongly opposed to other religions and indeed those of no religion. Read some of the verses that call on Moslems to go to war with infidels, to NEVER have non moslems as friends, and as far as Jews go my goodness they really have it in for them. Everywhere Moslems immigrate they are trouble. Either in a deliberate antagonistic way in outright violent attacks. In a majority Islamic state, normal law is abandoned and Sharia Law implemented. Democracy is condemned well before their majority reached They preach that Islam cannot tolerate other religions or democracy. Have you not seen enough terrorist attacks over the last 20 years or so ? At the heart of the middle east troubles is the doctrine that land once conquered by moslems remains Islamic land forever. Think of the implications of that. Their aim is for all countries to submit to Islam by force if necessary. Posted by Bezz, Saturday, 17 August 2024 5:11:26 PM
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Paul1405 said "Obviously our leading forum Trumpster is only concerned about American Trumpeters, who were involved in the violent behaviour following the orders issued by Dangerous Doctor Donald 6th January 2021".
I wonder what Paul1405 thinks should be done about the "Dangerous Doctor Donald" and the "violent behaviour" of his "followers" following what Paul1405 calls "orders". Maybe Paul1405 thinks that the assassination attack on Donald Trump is a justified response. I wonder how many Australian Greens see things the same as Paul1405 Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 18 August 2024 3:27:37 AM
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Thanks Bezz for your points...
Interesting that the Woke Marxists don't have a problem with Islamic Territorialism but do have an issue with what they call "Far Right" Territorialism in their proxy war against The West. It seems the issue for the Woke Marxists isn't about Territorialism but who has the territory- doesn't that make Woke Marxists the racists. Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 18 August 2024 3:34:55 AM
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I think that Paul1405 might be a bit of a horseshoe.
Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 18 August 2024 4:18:22 AM
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Kudos Kid,
How witty, that's that. Lets address your rants; "I wonder what Paul1405 thinks should be done about the "Dangerous Doctor Donald". That is up to the American political and legal system, hopefully DDD can be dealt with in a democratic and peaceful manor, without violence, as occurred last time. Ditto for his active supporters. "Maybe Paul1405 thinks that the assassination attack on Donald Trump is a justified response." Maybe you're wrong, I never condone violence as "justified". All my posts indicate that is my belief. "Interesting that the Woke Marxists don't have a problem with Islamic Territorialism" I assume you see me as a "Woke Marxist" (whatever that is). I have a problem with all terrorism, violent extremism I never agree with, (not sure what Territirialism is, is it something you made up, or just a typo?). "I (Kudos Kid) wonder how many Australian Greens see things the same as Paul1405." I would hope as many as possible, believe like me in peace, justice, democracy and freedom through self determination. Fortunately, you and the other haters in society are small in number, but still are a dangerous breed never the less. Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 18 August 2024 6:23:37 AM
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Too much "micro-plastic" being ingested by humans, now suffering endocrine system dysfunction & chromosomal damage. Social engineering hasn't contributed greatly to foster harmonious neighbourhoods...coming soon to a city or regional town near you.
Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Monday, 19 August 2024 9:48:06 AM
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This belief that land once conquered by moslems remains Islamic land
forever. From something I have just heard during the 7th century there was no talk of Islam at all. It appears that Mohammad did not appear with Islam till sometime in the 8th century. The Arab armies that invaded Mesopotamia and surrounding areas in the 7th century did not do so as moslems. It appears that some historians have established this and others should have no problems confirming it. The corollary of this is that Mohammad did not exist ! I think the implication is that Islam is an 8th century invention ! Posted by Bezz, Saturday, 7 September 2024 3:38:17 PM
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Correct, there may have never existed a Mohammad, a Christ or a Budha. I can only speculate about Christ, who some claim at best is a composite figure, the result of the teachings of several prophets incorporated in an ancient sect of Judaism. Much of the words of Christ are in reality the thoughts, words and beliefs of Saul Of Tarsus (St Paul). Christ who I believe did exist, was in my mind a moral human being, and was raised to the exalted position of a god sometime after his death. Supernatural acts ie miracles, attributed to Christ during his lifetime, are almost certainly fabrications, to add impetus to the claim of Christs divinity. Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 7 September 2024 4:29:04 PM
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Yes Paul,
The Romans were real bureaucrats so perhaps there are records of Pontius Pilot's regime in Judea as I think Israel was called by the Romans. Posted by Bezz, Sunday, 8 September 2024 12:01:02 PM
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Yes Bezz, there are independent accounts of Christs existence, for example the Jewish historian Josephus give a scant mention of his existence, but he doesn't attribute any great significance to him at the time. I'm sure Christ involved himself in the political/religious affairs, it was impossible to separate politics from religion in those days. Christ was most likely executed, like thousands of other, by the Romans. Pontius Pilot who we know definitely existed, and was Roman Governor of Judea for a period of 11 years, is portrayed in the Bible as a weak vacillating figure, he was nothing of the kind, considered "ideal" by the Roman authority to oversee the troublesome province of Judea. Pilot would have sentenced a low class Jew like Christ to death quicker than you can say "Crucifixion!".
Another absolute impossibility is the notion that Christ's body was removed from the cross on the same day as his execution. One of the reasons for Roman crucifixion was as an example to others. The idea was for the corps to hang there until it rotted away, a kind of Roman bill board for all to see. BTW on the site where Christ was crucified there was capacity for up to 50 crucifixions on the upper and lower levels, shows the Romans were busy boys. Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 9 September 2024 7:03:20 AM
That is what happens when the police etc turn a blind eye.
I was not surprised to see that riots had occurred in Rotherham.
A bit of background, Rotherham was where a father was bashing on a
door of a house where his daughter was being held as a sex slave by a
Pakistani gang. She was one of more than hundreds of young English
girls that went through their hands.
They were being traded all over the uk counties,
The police arrived and instead of helping the father they arrested him.
Sometime later after press publicity six Pakistanis were convicted
of sex slavery crimes.
Unfortunately it all started up again.
So I am not surprised to see Rotherham on the list as other towns had
similar gangs.
Where is Enoch Powell when you need him?