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The Forum > General Discussion > The Australian Left's Attacks On Christianity6

The Australian Left's Attacks On Christianity6

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We all know the difference between right and wrong.

And I can still hear the words ingrained into my mind
from Sister Mary Virgilius - when I do something wrong-
I think - "God'll Get Me For It!" Somethings last a
lifetime - especially if you were raised Catholic.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 4 July 2024 1:35:14 PM
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Hi Foxy,

Did you have a Sr Mary as well, my Sr Mary, an old Irish nun, told me in 3rd class, when I asked about Hell, she said it was place where all the Pagans (I thought that was the black people of Africa) and the Protestants, particularly the C of E, went to burn for what they had done to the poor Irish, that's the Protestants not the Pagans burning, not sure why the Pagans had to burn as well, maybe to make them a bit more blacker. Also according to Sr Mary naughty little boys burn in hell for sure and certain, a busy place, maybe Dud Dutton can build a power station down there, so I should listen to the Holy Father in Rome, and read my Catechism! Not sure what I should expect to hear from the Holy Father, and the Catechism was in Latin. I was stuffed on both counts!
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 4 July 2024 2:08:22 PM
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Hi Paul,

I used to love the Mass in Latin. I was very much
a traditionalist back then. To a certain extent,
in many ways, I still am, I guess. I can still be
brought to tears by beautiful hymns, as well as
Church and Cathedral interiors - that are capable of
making you feel ever so small.

Science can explain a great deal, but you have to
admit that there are things that science cannot explain,
and for that reason I think that religion will always
be here to stay.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 4 July 2024 2:40:18 PM
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AC, who understands Christianity in the same way my budgie understands time dilation, tells Christians they aren't doing Christianity right.

Then apologises "Sorry if I'm being harsh."

It'd only be harsh if you made any sense. Now its just funny.

Paul, putting hands over both eyes, declares "I can't see what part Christianity played in the development of Modernism/Humanism. "

People like this, if they are going to be the least bit convincing, would need to explain why it was that the Reformation, the Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution, the end of slavery and modern human-rights all happened first (and sometimes only) in Christian countries. They simply don't understand how the Christian philosophy enabled all of these things while every other religion on the planet suppressed any advances.

For example, printing was invented in China and imported to Europe. But in China it was completely and tightly controlled by the central government such that only approved texts could be distributed. In Europe, it was freely used by all to print both the Bible in local languages and incendiary things like Martin Luther's 'Ninety-five Theses'. So new ideas and new advances spread quickly and easily through Europe but never saw the light of day elsewhere.

Bernard Lewis (among other books...'What Went Wrong?: The Clash Between Islam and Modernity in the Middle East') explained the essential difference between Christianity and Islam was that Christianity allowed for the search for the mind of God via science, while Islam forbade it. Newton thought he could better understand his God by understanding the world He created. Muslim science held that the world was the way it is because Allah willed it and if he willed it to change tomorrow then it would, and therefore there was little point in studying nature. Christian societies therefore advanced and Islamic societies stagnated (and still stagnate).

Christianity was and is an integral part of the creation of the modern world and failing to understand that is simply down to an abysmal lack of historic knowledge and a fervent wish to deny that which you don't want to be true.
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 4 July 2024 3:42:35 PM
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The ignorance of Christianity and its gift to humanity will only get worse.

All school children used to get religious instruction irrespective of their home situation. It hurt none of them, but it was knowledge they wouldn't have had otherwise. They weren't totally ignorant, as people are now.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 4 July 2024 4:09:54 PM
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"All school children used to get religious instruction irrespective of their home situation. It hurt none of them"

YES, The great work of Father Fuuckemup, and Brother Boyplugger in Religious schools...."it hurt none of them" Wow!
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 4 July 2024 4:25:33 PM
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