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The Forum > General Discussion > The Australian Left's Attacks On Christianity6

The Australian Left's Attacks On Christianity6

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"For example, Christianity has been both an enabler and a hindrance for progress. "

That is very true. But on balance, Christianity has been one of the catalysts that created western civilisation and the modern world. There's no doubt that the hierarchy of the church has fought tooth and nail to oppose almost all innovation that threatened their beliefs or power structures. But equally, there is no doubt that pockets of Christianity facilitated innovation and created the modern world.

Religions in other parts of the planets were much more successful than Christianity at suppressing innovation in their societies and suppressing human progress.

It is not in the least by chance that things like the industrial revolution, the Enlightenment, human rights, the world-wide movement against slavery, democracy and the liberation of women, all started in any were promoted by Christian societies. All other societies from India to Japan and China as well as the stone-age societies of the North America and Australia, were only bought into the modern world following exposure to Christian society.

The passing of the Christian religion as a predominant factor in our society might not mean it all unravels. After all Christianity was just one leg of the stool that supported western civilisation and the others might yet survive. But what would be end would the passing of Christian values. That is, it is possible to conceive of a Christian society that doesn't contain Christian religion but its impossible to conceive of a free and progressive western society that abandons the Christian values that made it the exemplar to the world that it became.
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 4 July 2024 11:08:43 AM
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Christians by and large spent the last 9 months trying do defend a genocide, that's what I mean.
Or at the every least internally conflicted whilst trying to turn a blind eye to it.
It's because a flaw in Christian minds is that they can only see the world through Jewish coloured glasses.
So you all just stand there like a deer in the middle of the road.
Stunned by headlights, not moving and not saying squat.

Show me the Christian in Christian.
Show me compassion for the 9 year old girl I saw that had taken a sniper rifle bullet to the head and her brains and bloods had sprayed and squirted all over the wall.

When it comes to standing against the wrongs Israel does that
The type of things Jesus spoke againt, you lot are silent.
You balls are in a jar, in Jewish custody.
And your brains arent wired to speak up, when they do wrong.

Not one of you ever showed even the slightest level of humanity towards those Palestinians who were slaughtered.
But as for the 1200 Israelis, Christ, you'd think someone raped and murdered your own mums.

The hypocricy is quite clear.
But that doesn't ever register in your minds.
Christians seem to be talking out of both sides of their mouths
Don't talk about Christian values when you're running around tying to defend murderers

That's what I mean.
I hear Ben G'vir doesn't want to feed the Palestinians or release them from prison
Why would he, when he's been doing a good job of starving the other 7 million.
He wants to shoot them all in the head, stated publicly.

But somehow the narrative is 'cry, cry, cry'
Isreal must get it's hostages back
All the while Israel keeps some 7000 hostages
Held indefinitely without charge.

The whole thing takes lunacy to new levels.

You can keep your Lord's Prayer for all I care.
Just tell me when exactly are you lot going to start defending the values you claim are so paramount?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 4 July 2024 11:22:02 AM
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I jokingly refer to the above organisation
'Christians United for Genocide'.

Christians moral compasses are all over the place.
I make fun of Christians, doesn't it bother them how stupid they look?
Thanks for getting the Muslims all riled up too btw, really helped the 'unity' in our country.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 4 July 2024 11:37:11 AM
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I can't see what part Christianity played in the development of Modernism/Humanism. If it had been left to the Christian religion the world would most likely still be trapped in the Dark Ages. The religious with their superstition and intolerance tended to be a hindrance to advancement as the Age Of Enlightenment with its disciples of free thinkers dawned. The claim that it was through the efforts of Christianity the western world, has became a better place is untrue, the hierarchy of Christianity has always been hostile towards Enlightenment ideas.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 4 July 2024 11:54:13 AM
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I think no-one has done more to harm the Christian cause over the last 9 months than the Christians themselves.

You found yourselves at a crossroads:
You had to make a choice.

You had to decide between the modern state of Israel established in 1948.

'God's Chosen People'
- A place filled with many hostile, hateful sinful people determined to restore 'the promised land' through ethnic cleansing and genocide.

- And Jesus's teachings.

You stood there like idiots not knowing what to do and in the end
You chose Israel, not Christ's teachings.

The choice was simple.

Jesus or the Devil.
You chose the devil.

Your stupid religion may have retained some relevance, if only you'd have stood up for the downtrodden and the innocent, now it has none.

If Christians find themselves in a position where they set aside Jesus's teachings, then their religion is already dead.
- Or they're gearing up mentally for the next crusade.

Sorry if I'm being harsh.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 4 July 2024 12:17:46 PM
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Now for a bit of balance.

We have Christian songs that still inspire us today -
from "Silent Night," "Amazing Grace," "Ave Maria,"
to name just a few. We have works of art like -
Leonardo Da Vinci's "The Last Supper," and
Michaelangelo's - "Sistine Chapel," We have Christian
composers like Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven - who changed
the sound of history.

We have architecture from ancient to modern that whether
we admit it or not - still impacts on us. The famous
churches and basillicas.

Today, there are hospitals - Baptist, Presbyterian, Catholic
who help with our health.

The Bible is the best-selling book of all time.

And the list goes on.

As my father used to tell me - (he was raised by Jesuits) -
don't blame the religion - but blame the way some use it
to their advantage. It's not religion that's at fault by
the way some practice it.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 4 July 2024 1:30:07 PM
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