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Do Libertarians Still Exist?

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Hi Random,

Do Libertarians really want to gut what remains of
the welfare state? Do they really want to give free
reign to hate speech and tilt industrial relations
balance in favour of employers?

It's somewhat confusing when you hear people like Senator James
Paterson and others speak and voice their opinions on being
pro-euthanaisa (people's right of dieing with dignity).
That they often support same-sex marriage and are even
relaxed about weed.

Then along comes Leyonhjelm who exemplifies a form of
politics that thrives in parts of provincial Australia.
I know - I have family members that I have difficulty
talking to on certain issues. They thrive on Canberra
bashing and are committed to their views that they feel
gives them unique insights - especially about the
Indigenous people.

You get this display of mindsets found in the rank and file
of the IPA and the letters pages of The Australian.

These attitudes unfortunately cannot be considered to
be allies of "progressives," because that is what the
"progressives" exist to fight against.

What if we could find a way to work together?

Wouldn't it be great?

What if we had leaders who were willing to consult and
be inclusive - and left politics to one side, as well
as point-scoring?

I guess we can live and hope.

Who was it who said - "Miracles Do Happen."

But then someone also said - "Life Wasn't Meant To Be Easy."

Life always gives you a second chance. It's called -

I am optimistic about tomorrow. I have to be for the sake of my
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 9 May 2024 1:48:38 PM
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"It is true that most Right Wing Nut Jobs (RWNJ's) did not finish high school. Make of that what you will. "


What I make of it is that Random is someone who just makes stuff up. I'll guarantee he hasn't got anything even vaguely resembling data that supports his claim.
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 9 May 2024 1:50:32 PM
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What I make of it is that Random is someone who just makes stuff up. I'll guarantee he hasn't got anything even vaguely resembling data that supports his claim.
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 9 May 2024 1:50:32 PM

But I do. Everytime I meet someone who, by opening their mouth, shows that they are Climate Change Deniers, two things come with that ...

1. They hate the Labour party, even thought they were blue collar.
2. They either did not finish high school and if they did scrap through, did not do any further study.

Everytime I tell you!

But don't just listen to me ...

‘Education’ is why federal voting patterns are changing

Ross Gittins

Economics Editor
June 13, 2022 — 5.00am

"Take climate change. The better educated you are, the more likely you are to accept the science, believe we should be acting, and not be worried about either losing your job in the mine or paying a bit more for power."
Posted by Random, Thursday, 9 May 2024 3:07:11 PM
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"But I do. Everytime I meet someone who, by opening their mouth, shows that they are Climate Change Deniers, two things come with that ...'

Like I said, nothing even approaching data. Personal anecdote, even made up personal anecdote, isn't data.

BTW, I'm what you'd call a climate denier, voted Labor and have a degree. Oops!

Can't help but notice that the moment Random's idiotic claims about libertarianism were challenged, he ran for cover. Not the brightest tool in the shed.

BTW, whatever happened to Mr Opinion?
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 9 May 2024 3:46:53 PM
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Libertarians drive down government provided roads because they're there. But we recognise that they would still be there if the government got outta the way and left it to individuals to do. Roads were provided and existed long before government decided it was their function and established a coercive monopoly of their provision.

Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 9 May 2024 7:24:44 AM

Maaate, you are one seriously deluded puppy, but the fishing is easy here, caught you with one cast. You are one of the chattering masses who was playing hooky the day they discussed critical thinking.

People with your views should be free to have them, but you are embarassing yourself expressing those crazy illogical views in a public forum.
Posted by Random, Thursday, 9 May 2024 3:47:45 PM
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Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 9 May 2024 7:24:44 AM
"But we recognise that they would still be there if the government got outta the way and left it to individuals to do. Roads were provided and existed long before government decided it was their function and established a coercive monopoly of their provision."

1. Do you know about the Global Financial Crisis? Who bailed out all those evil greedy Individuals?

2. I worked roads for 24 years and 8 months, at the end of that time road construction was contracted out to private companies.

That you have so much wrong in just one post tires me out. But then facts are not something that a climate change denier understands.

I'm calling bullshite on both the Labour vote and the degree. A real Libitarian casts a donkey vote or not the socialists, and anyone with a degree would not be capable of assembling the post I am responding to. It's a struggling sixth grade effort at best.

But let's have some more, just keep the number of fails in any one post lower please.
Posted by Random, Thursday, 9 May 2024 4:12:29 PM
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