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The Forum > General Discussion > I Spy With My Little Eye

I Spy With My Little Eye

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Every day I arrive at this forum with good intentions
and a great attitude. Then - @#$%^&* -
Well, we all know what happens next.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 5 March 2024 3:12:59 PM
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"Trump is a self-proclaimed isolationist"

Well that's just wrong. He didn't proclaim it and his policies aren't isolationist. But you'd need to understand his policies to recognise that.

He is however in favour of America First ie don't send America's kids to go and die for other people's wars. In a Trump administration, the US would only fight when there was a clear benefit to the US. That's why he was one of the few presidents to never start a war.

Its funny though. The usual dills will simultaneously assert Trump is a warmonger while bemoaning that he wants to avoid wars.
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 5 March 2024 3:54:45 PM
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Oh BTW, the US Supreme Court just voted UNANIMOUSLY to overturn the fascistic attempt by Colorado to exclude Trump from the election. As the Bee sarcastically observed.." In a stunning unanimous decision that dealt a shocking blow to democracy, the United States Supreme Court affirmed that people can vote for the candidate they want."

The usual suspects are in the process of losing their sh!t.
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 5 March 2024 4:24:29 PM
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Hi Foxy

Now that you've semi-returned to spy rings in Parliament:

ASIO has narrowed the field to China. Chinese money (not ideology) is the prime motivator (briber of politicians and others) in Chinese intelligence's (MSS [1]) operations in the modern age.

Alex, son of Malcolm Turnbull, says [2] he did not know whether he was the family member referred to by ASIO, but that his experience fit that account.

As Malcolm Turnbull is a former Liberal Party politician it is more likely his son was approached by an ex-politician, more likely Federal level? from the Liberal side of politics? who left politics before June 2018?


[2] See caption at

Lots to research rather than endless defence gazing.
Posted by Maverick, Tuesday, 5 March 2024 4:56:45 PM
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Check out Wikipedia

Who on both sides of Federal Politics are on record as having associations with China - who gave China a leg up in ways.

In return Wikipedia details of these politicians obtaining money and/or jobs from China.

The above being the very definition of foreign influence from a country now considered hostile.
Posted by Maverick, Wednesday, 6 March 2024 7:53:05 AM
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Paul Monk, head of China analysis for the Defence Intelligence Organisation in 1994-95 and author of “Thunder from the Silent Zone: Rethinking China”, believes that Australia was “deeply compromised” by Australian traitors during the Cold War, and they got off scot free, just as our latest, unrevealed traitor looks like doing in the grey war with China.

Counter-intelligence was “deeply penetrated by the Soviet Union” at the time, he writes. The Left didn't want to know, and started the “Reds under the beds” mantra against those people, including Robert Menzies and the Liberal Party who were concerned about Communism at the time.

For all we know the Chinese Reds are now in bed, not under it, in Australia, and the political class we are now lumbered with are not fit (or interested enough) to do anything about it. Unlike other Western countries, Australia doesn't want to face up to espionage from without and within.

So, asks Monk,” … what basis do we have now for confidence in the effectiveness of our counter-intelligence services against the Chinese?”

The answer is probably NONE, given the pathetic performance of the ASIO head and the government tail that he is wagging

There are 1.5 million ‘overseas Chinese’ living in Australia; hordes of Chinese students; Chinese tourists - all usable by the CCP to spy on us. And, our mindless little politicians think of them only in terms of dollars.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 6 March 2024 8:13:37 AM
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