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The Forum > General Discussion > Chapter 24 Verse 55 from the Quran has promised Muslims they will take over Australia one day?!

Chapter 24 Verse 55 from the Quran has promised Muslims they will take over Australia one day?!

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I know I mentioned it on Angelas84's Abu Bakar Ba'asyir post, but I would like to mention this christian prophecy again.
I think it has a part to play amongst the many visions and prophecies from The Lord about enemy soldiers on Australian soil.
The prophecy is under invasion of australia. The prophet is called david kriss. The site is storm harvest. When on storm harvest look up a prophecy under Prophecies for Australia by a christian pastor by tha name of Jack Burrell. Jack Burrell got a two-part vision back in 1975 about an invader moving down into Sth East Asia and on into Australia as far south as Byron bay NSW. I came across so many revelations about this invader that in December 2006 I moved out of QLD back into NSW. I believe the invasion will eventually occur and that God will probably allow it because of the sins of the people. Many christians all over Australia have become committed to believing in these visions and prophecies.
Posted by Gibo, Wednesday, 19 September 2007 7:46:17 AM
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Gibo: "Many christians all over Australia have become committed to believing in these visions and prophecies."

I suspect that those who regard such bogeyman stories as true are very likely to be committed - but to a very different kind of institution to a church.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Wednesday, 19 September 2007 7:54:38 AM
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Yes, Mr. Morgan. But how are you going to know for sure about prophecies if you are always on the outside of the christian churches?
Ive been inside for 24 years and seen incredible things in The Holy Spirit. Healings, prophecies, words of knowledge about the Second Coming. Ive learnt much about the moves of The Holy Spirit. Ive already collected 14 or so mentions of an invader enough for a book. With all respect even an crotchetty old man can see whats coming. Look to the north and see Indonesia building her army (South Irian they calls us). Looking further to the north and see China with a incredible military build-up (New China and New South China they call us). I think like many people youre just a bit frightened of the future thats why your criticising. Put your trust in Jesus and the fear will fade away....................
Posted by Gibo, Wednesday, 19 September 2007 10:35:22 AM
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Nice one! Good to have another sane poster.

Anyone catch Insight last night? The only sane muslim there was a lady who refuses to wear the hijab whos 17 year old son is trying to bully her into covering up. The usual leftist rabble and multiculti scumbags were present (wouldnt expect anything less from SBS).

Surprising though, is that one leftist moonbat from the muslim womens advisory council of western Sydney or some such admitted to Muslims carrying out FGM's, hang on lets let the leftists squirm a bit, they are responsible for this kind of Immigrant.

F E M A L E ----G E N I T A L----M U T I L A T I O N

of little girls. Or cutting the clitoris off if you will.

If this is common knowledge I should expect to open up the paper this morning and here of calls for a royal commission into this practise. If not why not?

Is that not child abuse?

How many of these operations take place?

How can these Isalmofascist bastards bring this crap to our country?

If they are that cruel, then there is a pretty good chance they dont give a crap about the killing of you and me.

We dont need people like these, we just dont.
Posted by SCOTTY, Wednesday, 19 September 2007 10:52:30 AM
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SCOTTY: "If this is common knowledge I should expect to open up the paper this morning and here of calls for a royal commission into this practise. If not why not?

Is that not child abuse?"

Yes it is, and I'm pleased you've finally come up with a valid issue about which to have a good rant. I don't know anyone who condones FGM, which I understand is illegal in Australia. I agree that perpetrators of this criminal abuse should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

However, even SCOTTY must be aware that FGM is not an Islamic practice per se, although in Australia I understand that it occurs primarily among a tiny minority of Muslim immigrants and their offspring.

What I don't understand is why SCOTTY rails against that Middle Eastern culinary delight ("No Tabbouleh!") instead of "No Child Abuse", or "No FGM".

"No Child Abuse! No Mindless Hatred! Deport Xenophobia!"
Posted by CJ Morgan, Wednesday, 19 September 2007 11:41:55 AM
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CJ... minor point of order there on the FGM not being "Islamic" practice.

True, you will not find it in the Quran, BUT...

You will find it outlined in the Sha'afi school of jurispridence, and I've seen the reference.

Now.. you made a fairly firm statement there :) "It's not Islamic" and then used that statement as a launch pad to rant against 'Xenophobia' ..

I'd prefer you to "apologise to me" for repeated accusations of 'massaging' truth.. :) no..don't worry, as long as people see the pot calling the kettle names.. the job is done.

I've come across some startling information recently regarding child abuse..

One issue is 'when & why' did sexual use of children by adults become 'abuse'.. who was behind this shift in the legal/social situation ?
I'll give you a hint "The mary ellen case"

But worse.. without at this stage naming the group concerned.. there IS a group of err..shall we say.. 'enthusiastic' practioners of a particular religion which permits and accepts intercourse with a child of age 3 yrs and 1 day.... I've verified this totally.. and people might be shocked to find out 'who' they are and how big a role they play in the economic situation of our daily lives.
No..its not the EB :)

Islam.. the Quran, does indeed permit sexual use of pre-pubescent children, if some of their major scholars is to be believed.(Maudidi)

The other one above actually condemns 'anal' bestiality but not vaginal... amazing stuff.. had I not seen it with my own eyes would have disposed of it as 'Stalinist/Nazi propoganda' invented to dehumanize a particular group. (as there was indeed some of that floating around)
Posted by BOAZ_David, Wednesday, 19 September 2007 4:32:31 PM
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