The Forum > General Discussion > Chapter 24 Verse 55 from the Quran has promised Muslims they will take over Australia one day?!
Chapter 24 Verse 55 from the Quran has promised Muslims they will take over Australia one day?!
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Posted by P_Dox, Saturday, 15 September 2007 8:48:17 PM
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Only if we let them.
Posted by AK47, Sunday, 16 September 2007 2:06:36 PM
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part of 'letting' is denying the undeniable, and failing to sound a warning BEFORE the situation becomes unmanagable. You can bend a small sappling...but not a tree. If we wait until it becomes a 'tree'....then genuine and gracious people like F.H. will be caught up in the knee jerk racist, Cronulla-like reaction.. When a government does nothing but follow the wagging of its tail, by small but growing minority groups, the result is Lambing Flats rebellion.. If they had listened to the voice of the people BEFORE Aussies felt overwhelmed and swamped......nothing would have occurred. I've never advocated anything other than a lawful response, in particular a POLITICAL/GOVERNMENT POLICY response, to a worrying trend... I'm sure there are those who would take different measures which would concern us all. Posted by BOAZ_David, Sunday, 16 September 2007 4:19:39 PM
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"Do you really think they might take our country one day?"
Well anything's possible and I certainly trust we will remain vigilant. That vigilance is also required to prevent Christian fundamentalism taking over our way of life. What we value: reason, free inquiry, critical thinking, ethics, freedom, compassion and a high regard for our fellow human beings. All the above can be achieved without being dictated to by people's supernatural beliefs. Remember, we are a secular nation and despite our flaws, we have one of the most stable democracies in the world. Why not keep it that way! Posted by dickie, Sunday, 16 September 2007 5:00:44 PM
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Perhaps here is an indication of what may be in store for us if Sharia ever becomes the law of the land.
BISHOP WARNS THAT MUSLIMS WHO CONVERT RISK BEING KILLED,,2170160,00.html Some quotes: >>One of the Church of England's most senior bishops is warning that people will die unless Muslim leaders in Britain speak out in defence of the right to change faith.>> >>'It is very common in the world today, including in this country, for people who have changed their faith, particularly from being Muslim to being Christian, to be ostracised, to lose their job, for their marriages to be dissolved, for children to be taken away,' Ali said. 'And this is why some leadership is necessary from Muslim leaders themselves to say that this is not what Islam teaches.'>> >>In 2004, Prince Charles asked British Muslim leaders to renounce laws of apostasy and the death sentence for converts in Islamic countries, but no public statement was ever made.>> >>Dispatches obtained Islamic texts sold in Britain that say the punishment for apostasy is death - according to all four schools of Islamic jurisprudence. One text called for Muslims to cut off the head of those who reject Islam.>> AND THEN THIS CHILLING PARAGRAPH. >>A poll of more than 1,000 British Muslims, conducted by the Policy Exchange think-tank this year, found that 36 per cent of Muslims aged between 16 and 24 believe those who convert to another faith should be punished by death.>> Posted by stevenlmeyer, Sunday, 16 September 2007 6:57:42 PM
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Steven has highlighted the truth in this matter.. regarding apostacy.. and it IS chilling.. and anyone who 'poo poo's the 'Islamophobics' (like me) who constantly raise awareness about the dangers of unchecked unbalanced 'information' about Islam, and uninformed, ignorant Australians... need only refer to the survey showing 36% regard apostacy as punishable by death. is clearly justified to target such Muslims.. by all means available. The other 64% are quite ok..obviously, unless they become radicalized by the 36% who will undoubtedly harras them and berate them with "You are not true Muslims". So, perhaps we can extend the 36% to some higher figure in reality. TOPIC. specifically related to the Quranic verse cited in the title, I have to disagree with the understanding that 'that' verse suggests that Muslims will 'take over' one day. This particular verse, when taken with the one preceeding is goes as follows: V 54 "The prophet is to proclaim Islam" V 55 "Allah promises they will have an inheritance, power in the land" The context here, is clear that there is nothing other than the work of Allah in the hearts of men going on.... Having said that....we just NEVER cease to realize that the Quran is a many faceted book, which widely varying takes on the idea of Muslim supremacy. The only verse out of ALL the 'fight them' verses which specifically and unambiguously calls Muslims to fight unbelievers outside the Muslim community to establish the rule of Allah is 9:29 This does not call for forced conversions, but it has overtones of it when it refers to non Muslims being taxed and 'humiliated' as 2nd class citizens. CONCLUSION. The promise is there..YES and the command is, taken together..the call to fight and the promise of victory.. could be taken to mean what the topic suggests, but not on the basis of that verse alone (24:55) Posted by BOAZ_David, Monday, 17 September 2007 8:11:44 AM
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regarding the 'take over' by Christian fundamentalism.. you are quite right. And I'm a fundy :) but not a political fundy in the sense that I want a 'Christian' government... I just want a 'strongly Judao Christian flavored' one.. so our values (which include freedom) are cherished and protected. History has taught us, that "Political Christianity" in the sense of a "Christian" Political party such as Fred Niles CDP or it's various incarnations, will in the end have a very unhappy outcome for the community as a whole.. things would be fine for a while.. but as opposition increased from humanists, atheists, Leftoids and others.. the government would increasingly seek to portray them as scoundrels, 'blasphemers' and the such like, and quite possibily try to legislate them out of existence, which of course puts them underground and encourages revolution in the end. I hope and pray that Australians of all philosophical flavors can join together in the cause of freedom, and seek to recognize values we can hold in common and proudly defend. The major drawbacks to this seem to be the areas which divide the community at present. -Abortion -Censorship -Refugees -Migration and the list goes on. In the final analysis, the nature of our country and its political flavor is going to be 'dynamic'..and constantly changing. It is up to each of us to try to persuade others to our value system and then proceed to establish this as the foundation for our nation. Let's hope that those so persuaded, will be of kind, forgiving and generous disposition toward those who's ideas lost out in the struggle. Posted by BOAZ_David, Monday, 17 September 2007 8:21:34 AM
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Oh no, not another one.
>>Chapter 24 Verse 55 from the Quran has promised Muslims they will take over Australia one day?!<< Since a translation of this verse wasn't provided, I went looking. Here's what I found: "God promises those among you who believe and do good works, that He will make them successors on Earth..." Here's another: "GOD promises those among you who believe and lead a righteous life, that He will make them sovereigns on earth" And one more: "God has promised those of you who believe and do good, righteous deeds that He will most certainly empower them as vicegerents on the earth" Leaving aside the obvious grammatical faux pas - "you" becoming "them" in the same sentence - one thing is crystal clear: while the common denominator is belief, the qualifying factor is "doing good works", "[doing] good, righteous deeds" or "leading a righteous life". This indicates to me that - by definition - the inheritance can only be achieved by peaceful means. Any other path to world domination is clearly out of order. Sounds remarkably similar to Matt 5:5 "Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth". Similarly peaceful. Meekness in this context doesn't mean spineless submission either - after all, Jesus declared himself to be meek - "Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls" Matt 11:29 So it would appear that both religions - hardly remarkably, I might add - advocate that with an appropriate level of meekness and righteousness, each will "inherit the earth". If I was inventing a religion, I'd say precisely the same thing. Gotta give the punters something to reassure them that they are on the right track, haven't you? Posted by Pericles, Monday, 17 September 2007 11:27:10 AM
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Well it's not going to happen to me. I sleep with tinfoil wrapped around my head so 'THEY' can't implant a q'uran microchip in my noggin while I sleep.
I have tin cans on string around my boundary fence so I can hear 'them' coming. IF 'they' get in; I have a stout piece of 2 by 4 and I will give them a right seeing to. Posted by Ginx, Monday, 17 September 2007 12:19:35 PM
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24:55 Allah has promised...,that he will, of a surety, grant them [Muslims] in the land, inheritance (of power) as he granted it to those before them;... (translated by Abdullah Yusuf Ali)
The opposite of Muslims are non-Muslims; it means Muslims have declared jihad (war) against every religion, every political system, democratic, socialists, communists, etc. The thing to do now, right this moment is to close down every mosque, madrasahs and Islamic school in Australia. Then to bring the message to leave Islam to the 200 Muslims in Indonesia. Islam is not only against Christians they are against non-Muslims. Boaz and Pericles may turn their left butt when kicked on the right butt by Muslims, this strategy does not work. One has to be tough with them. Muslims have shown aggression and intolerance towards other religions and systems of governments, its time non-Muslims give them and double what they do to non-Muslims Posted by Philip Tang, Monday, 17 September 2007 1:53:15 PM
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I have just finished reading a book called Infidel written by Ayaan Hirsi Ali.if you want to know the real truth of this Cult (I don't believe it is religion in my eyes) read it!
They are sick minded ,cruel,egotistical murderers basically who treat their silly women with no respect ,because ,they the women,are bred into thinking they are so inferior to the male Muslim and know no better.They cannot think like a westerner and hate us for our way of life but,have the gall to want to set up their camps in our countries....why. Our Government needs to wake up and kick them all out ,back to their own country,and do not allow any muslim to enter western countries. They are no asset to us. Posted by patricia22au, Monday, 17 September 2007 2:37:05 PM
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Philip Tang, your translation is, I agree, a very well accepted version. You quote:
"24:55 Allah has promised...,that he will, of a surety, grant them [Muslims] in the land, inheritance (of power) as he granted it to those before them;..." Unfortunately, by the casual insertion of an ellipsis, you failed to provide it in its entirety. "Allah has promised, to those among you who believe and work righteous deeds, that He will... etc. etc." The additional requirement kinda changes the sense, doesn't it? Did you omit the part about the "working righteous deeds" on purpose, or is your copy unfortunately smudged at this exact point - possibly by a carelessly spilt cup of tea? Does not this omission speak volumes about the sincerity of your offerings on this forum? You conclude, from this deceitful truncation, that... >> means Muslims have declared jihad (war) against every religion, every political system, democratic, socialists, communists, etc<< ...when to any fair-minded individual not infected by blind hatred of someone else's religion, it says precisely the opposite. In fact, if Muslims were to act aggressively to promote their religion, as you appear to suggest, they can kiss their chances of paradise goodbye in a heartbeat. So the verse quoted means precisely the opposite to that which you are keen to propagandize. >>The thing to do now, right this moment is to close down every mosque, madrasahs and Islamic school in Australia<< On what grounds? That you are full of fear and loathing? Not sufficient. >>Muslims have shown aggression and intolerance towards other religions<< Forgive me for stating the obvious, but that is be exactly what you are doing now. If that is to be grounds for expulsion from this country, then I'd be only too pleased to support it. Just so long as it applies to individuals, equally. Posted by Pericles, Monday, 17 September 2007 3:58:30 PM
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I must take issue with you on this, "History has taught us, that "Political Christianity" in the sense of a "Christian" Political party such as Fred Niles CDP or it's various incarnations, will in the end have a very unhappy outcome for the community as a whole." Boaz, I am a member of CDP in NSW and we are not Church based but volunteer based from all churches. We have over 40,000 on our contacts list. With Family First they are organised by one denomination with its prophetic pronouncements from apostolic leaders. All The members of the denomination are expected to assist in their campaign. They are more dangerous because their power philosophy is centralised. CDP is democratic hence the name. We rely on the voice of the majority which is a safe way to disperse power. In case you had not realised Australia was established under Christian leadership and laws. Many of our leading politicians are Christian and uphold democracy as the principle of rule. I suggest you go to and see what he has contributed to our Australian heritage and way of life. He is currently a CDP politician in NSW parliament. Posted by Philo, Monday, 17 September 2007 8:07:55 PM
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Pericles-"Allah has promised to those among you who believe and work righteous deeds .........
A lot of muslims seem to interpret the killing of those of the devil, (the infidel), as a righteous deed, as did the Catholics back in early England when they burnt heretics at the stake proclaiming they were doing righteous deeds by killing non believers because they were God's enemies. Righteous deeds it seems are open to interpretation. Particularly the interpretation of the Mullahs who preach to all muslims. Posted by sharkfin, Monday, 17 September 2007 11:01:42 PM
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Pericles, the promise was to those “…who believe and work righteous deeds…”, ie the faithful Muslims. One needs to define what is meant by ‘work righteous deeds’
Those who work righteous deeds are Muslims who follow strictly the letter of the Koran and also fulfill the dream of Mohammad by building the kingdom of Allah on earth. Half of the Western world has already been lost to the Muslims. Europe has no will to stand up against the Muslims introducing shariah law. 80% of Muslim cleric in Britain are trained by Islamic seminaries that advocate violence towards Hindus, Christians and Jews. Increasingly the terrorists are not “extremists.” They are the true Muslims because they adhere strictly to the letter of the Koran, and the moderates of the Muslim world increasingly admire them for this. “Most of the following verses are found in the second half, or Median period, of the Koran. In a strange practice of Koranic interpretation, they ‘abrogate,’ or nullify, more gentle verses found in the first, or Meccan, half of the Koran.” In ‘moderate’ Muslim Malaysia, which declare herself to be an Islamic state during the time of Mahathir, is introducing religious police (like Saudi Arabia) to catch Muslims breaking Sharia law. Posted by Philip Tang, Tuesday, 18 September 2007 3:14:27 AM
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PHILO... no problem :) I support your enthusiasm and membership... the point I was seeking to make is that just like when Calvin took power.. 'bad things happened' to some elements of the society.. albeit they happened because of a dark socio/political agenda they had... still.. I find it difficult to identify with a purely 'Christian' political party which seeks power. "In the name of Christ" ? I don't know.
I support their agenda as far as it goes in promoting Christian values, and if they manage to 'get up'..well that is a democratic choice we all would live with. The main issue for me is how far such a Christian party would be influenced by Old Testament law? Anyway.. don't feel discouraged because of my babblings :) PERICLES.. Philip Tang took the words right out of my mouth. 'Righteous deeds'.... indeeeeeed.. now your naive focus on that element of the verse, clearly displays your serious lack of understanding of Islam as a whole. You appear to 'perceive' the meaning of 'righteous' in Western JudaoChristian/liberal democracy way when you SHOULD be looking at the totality of Islamic core values. I've showed ad nauseum the clear and unmistakable 'aggression' and 'racial and religious vilification' inherrant in the Quran, and the word 'righteous' must be understood in this light. "Do not associate partners with Allah".. i.e.. Muslims "GOOD"..Christians "BAD" obviously, 'righteous' deeds include all attempts to diminish, and weaken such 'false belief' by all means, such as.... Legislate so that -no new Churches can be built -It is illegal to make any public statement or display any material anywhere which is suggestive of God having 'partners' (as they term it) Then.. "fight in the way of Allah" etc.. so there you go..TOTALITY of the teaching.. not just picking out one tidbit which suits your desire to whitewash Islam and portray those exposing these things as rabid fundamentalist pig dogs. A good Muslim must also support the institutionalized Paedophelia present in 65:4 What's that you say.. "Good deeds" ? Posted by BOAZ_David, Tuesday, 18 September 2007 8:27:55 AM
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Philip Tang: "Half of the Western world has already been lost to the Muslims"
Good God! When did this happen? On what basis does poor old Philip make this dire assessment? What exactly has been "lost"? Boazy: "I've showed ad nauseum..." Yes, you have. Posted by CJ Morgan, Tuesday, 18 September 2007 8:51:39 AM
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It is a very unattractive religion especially if you can be killed for leaving the faith. The only voluntary converts to Islam I know of are the unstable or the incarcerated. I could not imagine anyone of sound mind and non addicted body becoming a Muslim.
Posted by SILLE, Tuesday, 18 September 2007 12:39:40 PM
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Heres a news flash 1 in 5 Australians have at some time in thier life a mental problem of some sought. Could that be classed as unstable? In America its even worse... Although the rate doctors prescribe anti-depressants and rittalyn its any wonder. But thats not the real way the virus of Isalm is spread, its the demographics, breeding rates upwards of 5 offspring and 10's of 1000's of immigrants every year. Add to that every good muslim boy would love to turn the infidels women over to Allah, now we start to get a picture of how it begins. Do you not see the increasing trend of white girls getting around with the hijab and babies and the doting but heart broken christian mother tagging along? I do.. Now chuck that togethor with a society of self hating white folk. Who want to feel superior to the rest of the evil racist white folk and you have a situation where Islam will not only grow but fester into a boil and poison the system it has come to invade. Could never happen? Londonistan, take this once great city for example, Brits are leaving in the droves, fed up with crime, filth and Islam. If you cant take my word for it, try google. Midlands- The whites have all left in some suburbs lock stock and barrel. Paris- why anyone would want to go to this $^%& hole I will never know. Its western Sydney with an artsy feel. There is not a day that goes by that Isam is not debated here and it is not for its world wide charity work or its latest coup in bringing peace to the middle east. Its very clear what Islams about, its what we do to stop it that is important. Political leaders, this should be debated on national television, If Howard wanted to win this election he would. Posted by SCOTTY, Tuesday, 18 September 2007 1:11:40 PM
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This is most of the problem, Philip and Boaz, right here:
>>Those who work righteous deeds are Muslims who follow strictly the letter of the Koran and also fulfill the dream of Mohammad by building the kingdom of Allah on earth.<< >>'Righteous deeds'.... indeeeeeed.. now your naive focus on that element of the verse, clearly displays your serious lack of understanding of Islam as a whole<< You have your view of what someone else means by "righteous deeds", and I am supposed to accept this, simply because you say so? Where, apart from in your fevered whack-a-mozzie imaginations, does "righteous" translate to "all-conquering"? You are both highly selective in what you choose to believe about Islam, are you not? Boaz, I know for an absolute certainty, is equally picky about what the more unsavoury bits of the bible mean, and this bred-in-the-bone bias has naturally infected your thinking about your favourite bęte-noir religion. You can choose what you believe with exactly the same freedom that I can. But until and unless you can come up with some evidence that does not rely on centuries-old texts that you twist to meet your own warped view of their world, I shall remain unconvinced that we are about to be swept into the sea by a tidal wave of Muslims. It simply ain't going to happen. Scotty, of course, manages to get it almost picture-perfect-wrong. >>Londonistan, take this once great city for example, Brits are leaving in the droves, fed up with crime, filth and Islam<< Last time I looked - and I was over there in June - London was as vibrant and exciting as ever. I spoke with some good friends who have lived there all their lives, and they wouldn't live anywhere else if you paid them. >>Paris- why anyone would want to go to this $^%& hole I will never know. Its western Sydney with an artsy feel.<< Now that simply has to be the funniest comment so far! Paris is one of the most liveable cities in the world, despite its incorrigible socialist leanings... Western Sydney? ROFLMAO! Posted by Pericles, Tuesday, 18 September 2007 4:18:31 PM
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London and great city should not be in the same sentence. Dolt.... 1000's upon 1000's of Brits live in Perth and Sydney because why? 8 pounds for a pint. Rest my case Paris most liveable city in the world. Apart from it being populated by French. Come On now, is this not exactly what one would expect from a leftist yuppy like yourself. Yeh great place to be if your viewing it from the Hilton. Or come from the monied elite whom have a buffer from the commoners. I'd like to bet your friends are not Sarkozy supporters. France has in excess of 10 million Islamics and growing, living there is on a knife edge, the left can deny it only so long. The next round of riots are due in the next few weeks, lets see how many 1000 cars they burn this time. Go back to your glass of Moet. Posted by SCOTTY, Tuesday, 18 September 2007 9:57:39 PM
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No Tabbouleh! Non Moët!
Posted by CJ Morgan, Tuesday, 18 September 2007 10:22:57 PM
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Muslim immigration should be halted - now. Any migrant who is a Muslim, extreme Christian or any other blow-in blood-thirsty enough to want jihad or violent confrontation Cronulla-style, should be stripped of citizenship and deported to a country more congenial to their beliefs.
Secondly, as current Australian law does not allow stripping of citizenship, except for certain criminal cases (and this mob don't have the cojones to do it) the next government should give priority to such a law. Thirdly, Islamic governments should not be allowed to finance schools/colleges which preach Wahabbism or any other extremist politico-religious doctrine. The same should apply to the Christian Zionists who court world war. Lastly, Hizb ut-Tahrir should be banned - again the Howard government doesn't have the courage. And to all you left-wing, dewy-eyed multiculturalists who will respond to the above with a litany of hate - when the first bomb goes off, we will remember you. Posted by perikles, Tuesday, 18 September 2007 10:26:45 PM
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"And to all you left-wing, dewy-eyed multiculturalists who will respond to the above with a litany of hate - when the first bomb goes off, we will remember you" (Quote:Rickles)
I always wanted to be dewy eyed. I'll leave the hate to you. Posted by Ginx, Wednesday, 19 September 2007 1:23:45 AM
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I know I mentioned it on Angelas84's Abu Bakar Ba'asyir post, but I would like to mention this christian prophecy again.
I think it has a part to play amongst the many visions and prophecies from The Lord about enemy soldiers on Australian soil. The prophecy is under invasion of australia. The prophet is called david kriss. The site is storm harvest. When on storm harvest look up a prophecy under Prophecies for Australia by a christian pastor by tha name of Jack Burrell. Jack Burrell got a two-part vision back in 1975 about an invader moving down into Sth East Asia and on into Australia as far south as Byron bay NSW. I came across so many revelations about this invader that in December 2006 I moved out of QLD back into NSW. I believe the invasion will eventually occur and that God will probably allow it because of the sins of the people. Many christians all over Australia have become committed to believing in these visions and prophecies. Posted by Gibo, Wednesday, 19 September 2007 7:46:17 AM
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Gibo: "Many christians all over Australia have become committed to believing in these visions and prophecies."
I suspect that those who regard such bogeyman stories as true are very likely to be committed - but to a very different kind of institution to a church. Posted by CJ Morgan, Wednesday, 19 September 2007 7:54:38 AM
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Yes, Mr. Morgan. But how are you going to know for sure about prophecies if you are always on the outside of the christian churches?
Ive been inside for 24 years and seen incredible things in The Holy Spirit. Healings, prophecies, words of knowledge about the Second Coming. Ive learnt much about the moves of The Holy Spirit. Ive already collected 14 or so mentions of an invader enough for a book. With all respect even an crotchetty old man can see whats coming. Look to the north and see Indonesia building her army (South Irian they calls us). Looking further to the north and see China with a incredible military build-up (New China and New South China they call us). I think like many people youre just a bit frightened of the future thats why your criticising. Put your trust in Jesus and the fear will fade away.................... Posted by Gibo, Wednesday, 19 September 2007 10:35:22 AM
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Nice one! Good to have another sane poster. Anyone catch Insight last night? The only sane muslim there was a lady who refuses to wear the hijab whos 17 year old son is trying to bully her into covering up. The usual leftist rabble and multiculti scumbags were present (wouldnt expect anything less from SBS). Surprising though, is that one leftist moonbat from the muslim womens advisory council of western Sydney or some such admitted to Muslims carrying out FGM's, hang on lets let the leftists squirm a bit, they are responsible for this kind of Immigrant. F E M A L E ----G E N I T A L----M U T I L A T I O N of little girls. Or cutting the clitoris off if you will. If this is common knowledge I should expect to open up the paper this morning and here of calls for a royal commission into this practise. If not why not? Is that not child abuse? How many of these operations take place? How can these Isalmofascist bastards bring this crap to our country? If they are that cruel, then there is a pretty good chance they dont give a crap about the killing of you and me. We dont need people like these, we just dont. Posted by SCOTTY, Wednesday, 19 September 2007 10:52:30 AM
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SCOTTY: "If this is common knowledge I should expect to open up the paper this morning and here of calls for a royal commission into this practise. If not why not?
Is that not child abuse?" Yes it is, and I'm pleased you've finally come up with a valid issue about which to have a good rant. I don't know anyone who condones FGM, which I understand is illegal in Australia. I agree that perpetrators of this criminal abuse should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. However, even SCOTTY must be aware that FGM is not an Islamic practice per se, although in Australia I understand that it occurs primarily among a tiny minority of Muslim immigrants and their offspring. What I don't understand is why SCOTTY rails against that Middle Eastern culinary delight ("No Tabbouleh!") instead of "No Child Abuse", or "No FGM". "No Child Abuse! No Mindless Hatred! Deport Xenophobia!" Posted by CJ Morgan, Wednesday, 19 September 2007 11:41:55 AM
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CJ... minor point of order there on the FGM not being "Islamic" practice.
True, you will not find it in the Quran, BUT... You will find it outlined in the Sha'afi school of jurispridence, and I've seen the reference. Now.. you made a fairly firm statement there :) "It's not Islamic" and then used that statement as a launch pad to rant against 'Xenophobia' .. I'd prefer you to "apologise to me" for repeated accusations of 'massaging' truth.. :) no..don't worry, as long as people see the pot calling the kettle names.. the job is done. I've come across some startling information recently regarding child abuse.. One issue is 'when & why' did sexual use of children by adults become 'abuse'.. who was behind this shift in the legal/social situation ? I'll give you a hint "The mary ellen case" But worse.. without at this stage naming the group concerned.. there IS a group of err..shall we say.. 'enthusiastic' practioners of a particular religion which permits and accepts intercourse with a child of age 3 yrs and 1 day.... I've verified this totally.. and people might be shocked to find out 'who' they are and how big a role they play in the economic situation of our daily lives. No..its not the EB :) Islam.. the Quran, does indeed permit sexual use of pre-pubescent children, if some of their major scholars is to be believed.(Maudidi) The other one above actually condemns 'anal' bestiality but not vaginal... amazing stuff.. had I not seen it with my own eyes would have disposed of it as 'Stalinist/Nazi propoganda' invented to dehumanize a particular group. (as there was indeed some of that floating around) Posted by BOAZ_David, Wednesday, 19 September 2007 4:32:31 PM
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So far, Pericles, C.J. Morgan and all Islamophiles have not produced a single example of a positive contribution to the world by Islam within the last 50 years . Political correctness and rhetoric only score for you political points, only truth will set you (Islamophiles) free.
The greatest threat to world peace is Islam and 99% of Muslims are victims of this ideology. The only way to liberate them is by closing down mosques, madrasahs and Islamic schools not only in this land, but in those countries where millions and millions are mentally imprisoned by this ideology. One only has to look at how Islam failed the Muslims time and again. India and Pakistan (a state created to meet the aspirations of the Indian Muslims) got their independence from Britain in 1947, but today the two nations are miles apart; India is one of the great economies of the world whereas Pakistan and Bangladesh (former East Pakistan) are not only classified as failed states but trying to out do one another as to who is more Islamic. {Bangladesh, sitting on a volcano}{ Pakistan 'is a top failed state'} ct'd Posted by Philip Tang, Wednesday, 19 September 2007 7:01:01 PM
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Christianity had her reformation in the 16th century when a Catholic monk (Luther) rediscovered the doctrines of grace (justification by faith alone) when reading the Christian scriptures. For the Muslims, reformation has a different meaning altogether; going back to the Koran meant a 9/11 when the two towers of the World Trade Centre was brought down by crashing planes into them (11th Sept 2001). This is not surprising and only consistent with the character of the Muslim prophet who gave them the Koran. In non-Muslim religions their martyrs say, “we will die for what we believe”. In Islam, Muslim ‘martyrs’ say, “You die for what I believe”. The Koran is full of verses glorifying fighting and killing of non-Muslims. 2:216. “Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not.” 4:95. …. Allah hath granted a grade higher to those who strive and fight with their goods and persons than to those who sit (at home)… 9:5. …then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, an seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war);… Not to be disappointed, the French, US, etc are fighting back and not disappointing them.{ France warns of war with Iran} Posted by Philip Tang, Wednesday, 19 September 2007 7:02:27 PM
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My apologies for the links that don't work {Pakistan 'is a top failed state'} {France warns of war with Iran} Posted by Philip Tang, Wednesday, 19 September 2007 7:12:39 PM
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So far, Philip Tang, BOAZ_David and all Islamophobes have not produced a single example of a positive contribution to the world by Christianity within the last 50 years.
This is too easy. How many straw Muslims do these idiots have to put up before they wake up to themselves? Posted by CJ Morgan, Wednesday, 19 September 2007 10:31:20 PM
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Oh - Boazy, I assume that in amongst that incomprehensible babble you were trying to make a point about something.
Perhaps if you'd allow yourself to settle down a bit after unearthing yet another child sex fantasy in some ancient mythic text, you'd be able to make a bit more sense on the keyboard.. Using two hands might be a good start :) Posted by CJ Morgan, Wednesday, 19 September 2007 10:40:13 PM
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CJ Morgan, looks like you're not thinking and talking straight, parroting what has been said. Must be the Ramadan and all that fasting, not enough food and insufficient blood to the brains. Let’s resume after Ramadan.
Posted by Philip Tang, Thursday, 20 September 2007 1:41:42 AM
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Well, doesn't that just take the cake?!!
Boaz puffs: >>CJ... minor point of order there on the FGM not being "Islamic" practice. True, you will not find it in the Quran, BUT...<< So, now we have the situation whereby Boaz not only allows himself selective quotations from the Qur'an to justify his whack-a-mozzie rants, but also where he allows himself the latitude to include stuff that is not even in the Qur'an, to support his campaign of vilification and hatred. On the basis that, presumably, it was an oversight? Philip Tang weighs into the debate with a non-sequitur of the first order: >>So far, Pericles, C.J. Morgan and all Islamophiles have not produced a single example of a positive contribution to the world by Islam within the last 50 years<< I appreciate the honour you believe you have bestowed, Mr Tang, but it is not my job to put forward evidence of "positive contributions" from any religion. Nor is it clear how it is at all relevant to the discussion on "Muslims taking over Australia one day". But I thank you for yet another example of a post containing nothing but bile, vitriol and loathing - all, I am sure, deeply Christian notions - to add to the growing mountain of evidence that fanatical Christianity is also infested with its share of narrow-minded, hatred-filled bigots. Posted by Pericles, Thursday, 20 September 2007 3:40:31 PM
Some of the Australian Muslims argue that base on this Verse of the Quran they will certainly capture Australia.
Do you really think they might take our country one day?