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The Forum > General Discussion > Chapter 24 Verse 55 from the Quran has promised Muslims they will take over Australia one day?!

Chapter 24 Verse 55 from the Quran has promised Muslims they will take over Australia one day?!

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I must take issue with you on this, "History has taught us, that "Political Christianity" in the sense of a "Christian" Political party such as Fred Niles CDP or it's various incarnations, will in the end have a very unhappy outcome for the community as a whole."

Boaz, I am a member of CDP in NSW and we are not Church based but volunteer based from all churches. We have over 40,000 on our contacts list.

With Family First they are organised by one denomination with its prophetic pronouncements from apostolic leaders. All The members of the denomination are expected to assist in their campaign. They are more dangerous because their power philosophy is centralised. CDP is democratic hence the name. We rely on the voice of the majority which is a safe way to disperse power.

In case you had not realised Australia was established under Christian leadership and laws. Many of our leading politicians are Christian and uphold democracy as the principle of rule. I suggest you go to and see what he has contributed to our Australian heritage and way of life. He is currently a CDP politician in NSW parliament.
Posted by Philo, Monday, 17 September 2007 8:07:55 PM
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Pericles-"Allah has promised to those among you who believe and work righteous deeds .........

A lot of muslims seem to interpret the killing of those of the devil, (the infidel), as a righteous deed, as did the Catholics back in early England when they burnt heretics at the stake proclaiming they were doing righteous deeds by killing non believers because they were God's enemies.

Righteous deeds it seems are open to interpretation. Particularly the interpretation of the Mullahs who preach to all muslims.
Posted by sharkfin, Monday, 17 September 2007 11:01:42 PM
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Pericles, the promise was to those “…who believe and work righteous deeds…”, ie the faithful Muslims. One needs to define what is meant by ‘work righteous deeds’

Those who work righteous deeds are Muslims who follow strictly the letter of the Koran and also fulfill the dream of Mohammad by building the kingdom of Allah on earth.

Half of the Western world has already been lost to the Muslims. Europe has no will to stand up against the Muslims introducing shariah law. 80% of Muslim cleric in Britain are trained by Islamic seminaries that advocate violence towards Hindus, Christians and Jews.

Increasingly the terrorists are not “extremists.” They are the true Muslims because they adhere strictly to the letter of the Koran, and the moderates of the Muslim world increasingly admire them for this.

“Most of the following verses are found in the second half, or Median period, of the Koran. In a strange practice of Koranic interpretation, they ‘abrogate,’ or nullify, more gentle verses found in the first, or Meccan, half of the Koran.”

In ‘moderate’ Muslim Malaysia, which declare herself to be an Islamic state during the time of Mahathir, is introducing religious police (like Saudi Arabia) to catch Muslims breaking Sharia law.
Posted by Philip Tang, Tuesday, 18 September 2007 3:14:27 AM
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PHILO... no problem :) I support your enthusiasm and membership... the point I was seeking to make is that just like when Calvin took power.. 'bad things happened' to some elements of the society.. albeit they happened because of a dark socio/political agenda they had... still.. I find it difficult to identify with a purely 'Christian' political party which seeks power. "In the name of Christ" ? I don't know.

I support their agenda as far as it goes in promoting Christian values, and if they manage to 'get up'..well that is a democratic choice we all would live with. The main issue for me is how far such a Christian party would be influenced by Old Testament law?
Anyway.. don't feel discouraged because of my babblings :)

PERICLES.. Philip Tang took the words right out of my mouth. 'Righteous deeds'.... indeeeeeed.. now your naive focus on that element of the verse, clearly displays your serious lack of understanding of Islam as a whole. You appear to 'perceive' the meaning of 'righteous' in Western JudaoChristian/liberal democracy way when you SHOULD be looking at the totality of Islamic core values.

I've showed ad nauseum the clear and unmistakable 'aggression' and 'racial and religious vilification' inherrant in the Quran, and the word 'righteous' must be understood in this light.

"Do not associate partners with Allah".. i.e.. Muslims "GOOD"..Christians "BAD" obviously, 'righteous' deeds include all attempts to diminish, and weaken such 'false belief' by all means, such as....

Legislate so that
-no new Churches can be built
-It is illegal to make any public statement or display any material anywhere which is suggestive of God having 'partners' (as they term it)

Then.. "fight in the way of Allah" etc.. so there you go..TOTALITY of the teaching.. not just picking out one tidbit which suits your desire to whitewash Islam and portray those exposing these things as rabid fundamentalist pig dogs.

A good Muslim must also support the institutionalized Paedophelia present in 65:4

What's that you say.. "Good deeds" ?
Posted by BOAZ_David, Tuesday, 18 September 2007 8:27:55 AM
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Philip Tang: "Half of the Western world has already been lost to the Muslims"

Good God! When did this happen?

On what basis does poor old Philip make this dire assessment? What exactly has been "lost"?

Boazy: "I've showed ad nauseum..."

Yes, you have.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Tuesday, 18 September 2007 8:51:39 AM
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It is a very unattractive religion especially if you can be killed for leaving the faith. The only voluntary converts to Islam I know of are the unstable or the incarcerated. I could not imagine anyone of sound mind and non addicted body becoming a Muslim.
Posted by SILLE, Tuesday, 18 September 2007 12:39:40 PM
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