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The Forum > General Discussion > Chapter 24 Verse 55 from the Quran has promised Muslims they will take over Australia one day?!

Chapter 24 Verse 55 from the Quran has promised Muslims they will take over Australia one day?!

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Heres a news flash 1 in 5 Australians have at some time in thier life a mental problem of some sought. Could that be classed as unstable? In America its even worse...

Although the rate doctors prescribe anti-depressants and rittalyn its any wonder.

But thats not the real way the virus of Isalm is spread, its the demographics, breeding rates upwards of 5 offspring and 10's of 1000's of immigrants every year.

Add to that every good muslim boy would love to turn the infidels women over to Allah, now we start to get a picture of how it begins.

Do you not see the increasing trend of white girls getting around with the hijab and babies and the doting but heart broken christian mother tagging along? I do..

Now chuck that togethor with a society of self hating white folk.
Who want to feel superior to the rest of the evil racist white folk and you have a situation where Islam will not only grow but fester into a boil and poison the system it has come to invade.

Could never happen?

Londonistan, take this once great city for example, Brits are leaving in the droves, fed up with crime, filth and Islam. If you cant take my word for it, try google.

Midlands- The whites have all left in some suburbs lock stock and barrel.

Paris- why anyone would want to go to this $^%& hole I will never know. Its western Sydney with an artsy feel.

There is not a day that goes by that Isam is not debated here and it is not for its world wide charity work or its latest coup in bringing peace to the middle east.

Its very clear what Islams about, its what we do to stop it that is important.

Political leaders, this should be debated on national television, If Howard wanted to win this election he would.
Posted by SCOTTY, Tuesday, 18 September 2007 1:11:40 PM
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This is most of the problem, Philip and Boaz, right here:

>>Those who work righteous deeds are Muslims who follow strictly the letter of the Koran and also fulfill the dream of Mohammad by building the kingdom of Allah on earth.<<

>>'Righteous deeds'.... indeeeeeed.. now your naive focus on that element of the verse, clearly displays your serious lack of understanding of Islam as a whole<<

You have your view of what someone else means by "righteous deeds", and I am supposed to accept this, simply because you say so?

Where, apart from in your fevered whack-a-mozzie imaginations, does "righteous" translate to "all-conquering"?

You are both highly selective in what you choose to believe about Islam, are you not? Boaz, I know for an absolute certainty, is equally picky about what the more unsavoury bits of the bible mean, and this bred-in-the-bone bias has naturally infected your thinking about your favourite bête-noir religion.

You can choose what you believe with exactly the same freedom that I can. But until and unless you can come up with some evidence that does not rely on centuries-old texts that you twist to meet your own warped view of their world, I shall remain unconvinced that we are about to be swept into the sea by a tidal wave of Muslims.

It simply ain't going to happen.

Scotty, of course, manages to get it almost picture-perfect-wrong.

>>Londonistan, take this once great city for example, Brits are leaving in the droves, fed up with crime, filth and Islam<<

Last time I looked - and I was over there in June - London was as vibrant and exciting as ever. I spoke with some good friends who have lived there all their lives, and they wouldn't live anywhere else if you paid them.

>>Paris- why anyone would want to go to this $^%& hole I will never know. Its western Sydney with an artsy feel.<<

Now that simply has to be the funniest comment so far! Paris is one of the most liveable cities in the world, despite its incorrigible socialist leanings... Western Sydney? ROFLMAO!
Posted by Pericles, Tuesday, 18 September 2007 4:18:31 PM
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London and great city should not be in the same sentence.

1000's upon 1000's of Brits live in Perth and Sydney because why?

8 pounds for a pint. Rest my case

Paris most liveable city in the world. Apart from it being populated by French.

Come On now, is this not exactly what one would expect from a leftist yuppy like yourself. Yeh great place to be if your viewing it from the Hilton. Or come from the monied elite whom have a buffer from the commoners.

I'd like to bet your friends are not Sarkozy supporters.

France has in excess of 10 million Islamics and growing, living there is on a knife edge, the left can deny it only so long. The next round of riots are due in the next few weeks, lets see how many 1000 cars they burn this time.

Go back to your glass of Moet.
Posted by SCOTTY, Tuesday, 18 September 2007 9:57:39 PM
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No Tabbouleh! Non Moët!
Posted by CJ Morgan, Tuesday, 18 September 2007 10:22:57 PM
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Muslim immigration should be halted - now. Any migrant who is a Muslim, extreme Christian or any other blow-in blood-thirsty enough to want jihad or violent confrontation Cronulla-style, should be stripped of citizenship and deported to a country more congenial to their beliefs.

Secondly, as current Australian law does not allow stripping of citizenship, except for certain criminal cases (and this mob don't have the cojones to do it) the next government should give priority to such a law.

Thirdly, Islamic governments should not be allowed to finance schools/colleges which preach Wahabbism or any other extremist politico-religious doctrine. The same should apply to the Christian Zionists who court world war.

Lastly, Hizb ut-Tahrir should be banned - again the Howard government doesn't have the courage.

And to all you left-wing, dewy-eyed multiculturalists who will respond to the above with a litany of hate - when the first bomb goes off, we will remember you.
Posted by perikles, Tuesday, 18 September 2007 10:26:45 PM
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"And to all you left-wing, dewy-eyed multiculturalists who will respond to the above with a litany of hate - when the first bomb goes off, we will remember you" (Quote:Rickles)

I always wanted to be dewy eyed. I'll leave the hate to you.
Posted by Ginx, Wednesday, 19 September 2007 1:23:45 AM
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