The Forum > General Discussion > Chapter 24 Verse 55 from the Quran has promised Muslims they will take over Australia one day?!
Chapter 24 Verse 55 from the Quran has promised Muslims they will take over Australia one day?!
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Heres a news flash 1 in 5 Australians have at some time in thier life a mental problem of some sought. Could that be classed as unstable? In America its even worse...
Although the rate doctors prescribe anti-depressants and rittalyn its any wonder.
But thats not the real way the virus of Isalm is spread, its the demographics, breeding rates upwards of 5 offspring and 10's of 1000's of immigrants every year.
Add to that every good muslim boy would love to turn the infidels women over to Allah, now we start to get a picture of how it begins.
Do you not see the increasing trend of white girls getting around with the hijab and babies and the doting but heart broken christian mother tagging along? I do..
Now chuck that togethor with a society of self hating white folk.
Who want to feel superior to the rest of the evil racist white folk and you have a situation where Islam will not only grow but fester into a boil and poison the system it has come to invade.
Could never happen?
Londonistan, take this once great city for example, Brits are leaving in the droves, fed up with crime, filth and Islam. If you cant take my word for it, try google.
Midlands- The whites have all left in some suburbs lock stock and barrel.
Paris- why anyone would want to go to this $^%& hole I will never know. Its western Sydney with an artsy feel.
There is not a day that goes by that Isam is not debated here and it is not for its world wide charity work or its latest coup in bringing peace to the middle east.
Its very clear what Islams about, its what we do to stop it that is important.
Political leaders, this should be debated on national television, If Howard wanted to win this election he would.