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Budget for aboriginal

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What is your point, don't know what you are getting at with those Named, anyone the least bit familiar with the Aboriginal struggle over recent decades would recognise the name of a great Australian, Gary Foley. Now we know more about Gary Foley than Proud Boy Jose, who snipes and disparages Aboriginal people from behind his cloak of anonymity.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 21 May 2023 9:25:06 AM
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It goes without saying that there are bogans either side of the fence. If I as a Caucasian say about another Caucasian that he is an outright ar$e of a character then I’d get accused of being anything but racist. Were I do say the same about a non-Caucasian I’d be branded Racist in an instant even when right about their character. We have to be honest & call people out when they fail as this might make them think twice next time they behave badly or unfairly without justification !
Posted by Indyvidual, Sunday, 21 May 2023 9:34:16 AM
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Gary Foley is an aboriginal activist and has his own view of history. He will be one advocating for aboriginal sovereignty and the removal of the Crown. He protested apartheid in South Africa yet wants it introduced into Australia with the Voice. I moved to do High school at Macksville in the 1950s and the river settlement at Nambucca River was a large aboriginal settlement.

Worth a read -

Foley became involved in the "black power" movement active in Redfern soon after arrival. The movement was inspired by the American Black Panther Party. Lydia Thorpe uses the Black power ideology also.

'Foley played an active role in organising protests against the Springboks in 1971 as a result of the Apartheid policies in South Africa. At one stage, Foley and fellow protester Billy Craigie were arrested for wearing Springbok jerseys outside the team motel in Bondi Junction with the police believing they had been stolen when they had been supplied by former Wallabies player".

The Springboks closed his protests down with gifts
Posted by Josephus, Sunday, 21 May 2023 2:29:57 PM
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In our society with its demands there are "bogans either side of the fence", societies failures, yes some are Aboriginal, some are European, and some are other, I see them every week. It doesn't matter about their race, what matters is how we deal with these people. Some demand a heavy handed punitive approach of punishment, others like me believe in a more compassionate approach. I believe we need to do more to try and prevent people from falling into the trap of failure.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 22 May 2023 7:29:59 AM
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Add to the "Budget for aboriginal" the now running TV ads for the race-based assault on the Australian Constitution.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 22 May 2023 8:07:37 AM
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You claimed Dud Dutton was upholding a Liberal Party principal of "equality for all". Was not the racists rugby tour by white South Africans endorsed by Liberal Party governments in 1971? Maybe you should amend what you said to; Dud Dutton was upholding a Liberal Party principle of, "equality for all WHITE PEOPLE", and that would also be a stretch. I did ask you when did the Liberal Party first embraced their new found principle of "equality for all", certainly wasn't in vogue in 1971. Wasn't it the Liberal Party minister who said he supported bigots, that was only a few years back. Maybe the equality for all is a recent innovation in Liberal Party philosophy. Then again Dud Dutton could just be an out and out racists, we don't know, do we!

You said; "police believing they had been stolen", why did they believe that Jose'? I'm sure they don't suspect everyone wearing a football jumper as having stolen it, there would be mass arrests every weekend if that was the case. Wouldn't have anything to do with the fact the wearers were BLACK, walking about in an affluent white part of town, Bondi Junction, would it?

The Aboriginal settlement at Nambucca River, what was the housing like? Did they have central heating, possibly not, air conditioning, no, maybe electricity, surely not, water, sanitation, roads. I'm sure you white folks had many of those comforts in your comfortable houses in town.

BTW Lydia Thorpe and you are bedfellows, she like you says she is going to vote No
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 22 May 2023 3:18:32 PM
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