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The Forum > General Discussion > Finally Clarity The Voice Referendum Question

Finally Clarity The Voice Referendum Question

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The title of this post is inaccurate to start with. There is no "clarity" about the Voice: it just gets more confusing every day as the lies flow from proponents of this dreadful assault on our Constitution.

Just one quick example:-

At press conference, Albanese made these two statements - "It's a modest request".

Almost in the same breath, he said "I'm here to change the country".

And that was early in the piece. Since then, lawyers - even those supporting the Voice - have said that the Voice would NOT work the way Albanese claims; and it certainly would change the country, how it is governed and even democracy as we now enjoy it, forever. It would turn Australia into an activist judges Paradise.

Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 4 April 2023 12:20:04 PM
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See if you can find yourself arguing with the rhetoric in this link
Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 4 April 2023 1:35:40 PM
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I heard a comment the other day which conclusively means that the
Voice should not be entered into the Constitution, but should be done
by legislation.
Once in the constitution it is there forever !
Does this mean that it is considered that the indigenous people all
down through their generations will be disadvantaged ?

If they expect that to be so, why is it so ?
Posted by Bezza, Wednesday, 5 April 2023 2:26:10 PM
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Just so you know I am Bazz, but in trying to get access I had to generate a new account and I mistyped Bazza as Bezza.
I could not use Bazz because the old accounts had that nickname.
My normal account has become corrupted somehow and I no longer receive
notifications, I cannot cancel or edit the old accounts and it appears that Graham cannot edit that part of the system either.
Posted by Bezza, Wednesday, 5 April 2023 2:42:18 PM
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My old fingers and noggin do peculiar things too these days. Have you asked Graham if he can get you back to what you were?

I hate mobile phones and have a 3G dumbphone just for emergencies. I like to walk, and I might keel over and need help or I wouldn't have the bloody thing. 3G is being phased out next year, and my daughters think I should get a smart phone. Nuh. I've reached my limit on technology and will stick to what is politely called a 'good for seniors' phone - talk and message, and that's it. I understand even some of the youngsters want to 'detox' and get rid of their smartphone, which are an addiction for most of them.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 5 April 2023 7:59:24 PM
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Heard a couple of interesting comments on the ABC this morning. One was that it was okay to have a racist amendment to the Constitution as it already had racist passages. Another was that it was racist to discuss how voters for the Voice might be selected: Well of course it is. How else can a race based electoral system be made to work other than with carefully honed racism?
Posted by Fester, Wednesday, 5 April 2023 8:14:41 PM
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