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The Forum > General Discussion > Finally Clarity The Voice Referendum Question

Finally Clarity The Voice Referendum Question

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Village idiot,

Finding the source copied from the mainstream media takes about 10 seconds as you have clearly shown which is why your request is idiotic especially since you almost never provide any references as you pull your posts from your arse.

Would you prefer quotes from other gutter press such as the guardian, the SMH, the ABC, etc.?
Posted by shadowminister, Friday, 31 March 2023 9:45:07 AM
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What about attacks and abuse on Muslims?
Considering the violence dished out by them in recent decades I'd be more inclined to call that retaliation rather than attacks !
Posted by Indyvidual, Monday, 6 February 2023 3:35:15 PM

So you consider the Christchurch massacre carried by a white supremacist where 51 Muslims were murdered, men, women and children, as RETALIATION rather than an attack. And you're not a bigot, a hater and a racists. Forgive me for thinking otherwise.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 6 February 2023 6:49:36 PM

Another far right turd thinks Brenton Tarrant was wrongly convicted. He is also opposed to the Voice, I wonder why
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 31 March 2023 2:28:43 PM
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Don't try so hard to distort things and, yes many attacks on Muslims are reprisals !
That attack in Christchurch was as unwarranted or un-justified as most attacks on Westerners by Muslim Extremists. Muslims don't actually have a monopoly on such attacks but they do appear to be more active in that field. There certainly are times when it is quite understandable that people become extremist on all sides & in all societies !
Posted by Indyvidual, Friday, 31 March 2023 9:52:57 PM
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As I read your above post I see you getting yourself into a bit of knot there. You consider some attacks on innocent people as justified, you don't categorically condemn all attacks. You go on to mitigate those unjustified attacks by claiming there is "understandable" reasons individuals become extremists. In my opinion there is no justification for either attacks or retaliation, and there are no understandable reasons to justify extremism.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 1 April 2023 12:07:43 AM
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consider some attacks on innocent people as justified,
Now you're totally off your trolley. Show me where I justified violence against innocent people !
You're one of the most tormented & vindictive sods I've ever encountered. There's no moral justification to be so warped & desperate as you are. You really need to talk to a shrink !
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 1 April 2023 5:35:48 AM
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According to tweets by Anthony Albanese the Voice will follow the NZ model, which has in fact divided the nation on racial lines.
In 2020, now Prime Minister Anthony Albanese stated he wanted Australia to follow New Zealand’s lead on Indigenous reconciliation.

The Institute of Public Affairs has undertaken a detailed analysis of New Zealand’s Maori Voice to Parliament, the Waitangi Tribunal, and how it might inform the operation of the proposed Voice to Parliament in Australia.

The Waitangi Tribunal was established in 1975, to make recommendations to parliament about grievances arising from treaty.

The court held that: “If the Waitangi Tribunal finds merit in a claim and recommends redress, the Crown should grant at least some form of redress.

The advisory body was granted powers to interfere and demand changes in the law and public policy. Since then, the decisions of the Waitangi Tribunal have been driven by activists pushing race-based policies.

Some of the decisions of the Tribunal have included granting explicit Maori veto powers over legislation affecting land management and property rights.

The Tribunal has involved itself in everything from international trade agreements to Covid-19 policies demanding Maoris get priority to vaccines rather than those who are in medical need, and to electoral laws allowing prisoners to vote to increase Maori electoral participation.

Some decisions have been downright dangerous to reduce Maori incarceration rates, justice department officials must learn “Treaty-based thinking”.

Once something is inserted into our constitution, it is the High Court that will determine its powers. All control is taken out of the hands of the Australian people. Warned, former Australian High Court justice Ian Callinan.

In an attempt to divert attention away from addressing critical questions, supporters have stated its nothing more than a “modest request” in the name of reconciliation.

The great majority of Australians enthusiastically want a better life for our Indigenous communities, however, by refusing to be open and honest about the consequences of the Voice, its proponents may well end up being the biggest threat to reconciliation this century.
Posted by Josephus, Saturday, 1 April 2023 4:55:58 PM
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