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Are we safe? : Comments
By Peter Sellick, published 29/6/2009The danger with attempting to over-manage risk is that it becomes the main game and distracts us from the life at hand.
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As to the question of “Why?,”Michael Novac gives a poignant expression of this in, ‘ No One Sees God: The Dark Night of Atheists and Believers’, “..Granted that I am overcome with the experience of nothingness, how should I live? The alternatives come down to two: some form of suicide (drugs, drink, fast living, killing time will do) such as Albert Camus contemplated in the Myth of Sisyphus. Or this: creatio ex nihilo,reaching down into nothingness to create a new being..." He adds also, but by what light? Following which stars? For in order to have one’s "soul go far beyond any human contrivance you must be willing to go out into the desert and the night" (as did Elijah).
What is our modern nihilism? Nietzsche gave good answer: "The aim is lacking; 'why?' finds no answer." Some thing is to be achieved through the process - and now one realises that ‘becoming’ aims at nothing and achieves nothing."