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The Forum > Article Comments > It is never the victim's fault > Comments

It is never the victim's fault : Comments

By Dannielle Miller, published 25/5/2009

Our blame-the-victim mentality is one of the main reasons many women do not report sexual assault.

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I absolutely adore you! You are the far and away the most prolific and unrepentant of woman haters I have ever encountered – and I have encountered quite a few in my time.

When I read your posts, I am amazed to realise just how successful feminism has actually been. Obviously, feminism both frightens and fascinates you, to an extent that is so intensely passionate as to be flattering. However, I doubt that it is feminism you fear – more its role in demolishing the right-wing sacred belief in heroic male exceptionalism, along with the futile martyrdom such exceptionalism always demands.

In terms of the article you linked to, it would be nice to think that football’s currently shoddy fall from grace were a product of someone’s idea of feminist power – but I think not. Football continues to fall on its own gladiatorial sword due to a combination of too much money and too many people watching its every move.


I was wondering when you’d be back. Pity. While you were away we were actually in danger of achieving an interesting discussion … A rarity on an OLO gender thread.

‘In today's world, women dominate …’

If you really must subscribe to that hopelessly dysfunctional delusion, I wish you well. However, it signals time for me to leave, as I know from past experience the battle from here on in will not be worth fighting
Posted by SJF, Thursday, 4 June 2009 11:34:09 PM
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Cornflour:- I agree with you that football is a male sport and that it is best that way. There's nothing I like better than an all in punch up between the players on the field.

I am not a real rugby fan though, but I love the AFL. My husband is a rugby fan and has flags and colours around the house and painted on his truck. I have always thought that women reporters look totally out of place in football dressing rooms and on football panels. They just look like they are trying too hard to fit in or something.

The article by Pual Mccauley,
states:-Men in general have had to accept discrimination in major areas of their lives such as education, marriage and employment.

I wholeheartedly agree with the education system being too feminine for boys who often learn differently to girls because they are less verbal and more action orientated.
I don't agree that men are discriminated against in marriage. I often see fathers left in a big house while the children have to seek inadequate accomodations with their mothers. <there are suburbs of single mothers looking for male role models for their sons>
Matthew Johns and his players lining up to have sex like dogs with a female on heat is hardly what I would call a good male role model for boys. Maybe they are demonstrating this so the lads know what to do in times of war conquests. Or maybe they see this as normal male behaviour except when they are denying it to their wives.

Basically I agree that men need to be proud of their maleness and the great athletic power and skills they have and football is a great showcase for this. But they need to demonstrate the strength and power as something that has great value to our families and society when it is channelled lovingly and used wisely and have the sense not to get involved in stupid acts that showcase selfish sexual weaknesses.
Posted by sharkfin, Friday, 5 June 2009 12:31:02 AM
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<"Education springs out. Tertiary institutions have a large excess of women as a result of very deliberate policies that have demonstrably disadvanteged boys in secondary school for several decades.">

Well we know that is rubbish because it wasn't until the 1980s that women gained reasonable access and enouragement towards higher education.

Moreover, who occupies the majority of senio academic, executive and other positions in the pubic service and in professions such as teaching? :

Finally, the post referred to women getting ahead of men (as if that were the goal, and it isn't) "at any cost". Can you show any policy, legislation, data or any type of evidence that males have been or are systematically excluded from undertaking any course, at any level whatsoever? (No).

As to "family" - that's a great sense of humour you have there. Hypothetical: Tell me, would you be in favour of men getting full custody 90 % of the time? Why or why not - how would it work; what social effects do you foresee?
Posted by Pynchme, Friday, 5 June 2009 1:30:23 AM
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sharkfin, "But they need to demonstrate the strength and power as something that has great value to our families and society when it is channelled lovingly and used wisely and have the sense not to get involved in stupid acts that showcase selfish sexual weaknesses."

Well said! I am sure that the great majority of men and women live their lives with that aim in mind. There will always be the stupid and selfish few, but we shouldn't judge the box by the few bad apples.
Posted by Cornflower, Friday, 5 June 2009 3:42:09 AM
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Sharkfin, the toilet cubicle incident took place the night prior to the Johns incident. IOW "she had form" - ask any prosecutor about "form". Yes, they were separate incidents, but they were remarkably similar in nature, hence her credibility in the matter is grossly damaged. That's what reputations are about.

I put it to you that the media beatup was nothing to do with her regret except that it allowed the Four Corners people to gain her cooperation. Her regret is what she was expressing in going to the police some 5 days after the event. the Four Corners piece was about ratings and making a feminist point about the "evilness" of footballers and by extension young men in general.

Gunk (incoherent as ever):"look at me, look at me, i'm a grrl too you know, look at me"

Nope, still nothing worth looking at. Pity...

SJF, I regard it as a badge of personal honour that you run off when I show up. After all, I know it's because I ask questions which you simply don't want to hear because you cannot fit the answers into your dogma.If your ideology wasn't such a defective mish-mash of misandry and dishonesty that wouldn't be a problem, since you could defend it, but as it stands, you know you can't, so you run and look for a "friendly" forum, where all those nasty men aren't allowed to be bullies by asking questions and the grrls can all tell each other how lovely their content-free posts are. Tough titties...
Posted by Antiseptic, Friday, 5 June 2009 8:34:47 AM
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Ahhhh! The ubiquitous post count..

"Well said! I am sure that the great majority of men and women live their lives with that aim in mind. There will always be the stupid and selfish few, but we shouldn't judge the box by the few bad apples."
Posted by Cornflower, Friday, 5 June 2009 3:42:09 AM

Well now cornflower, I think we'd agree on that one...

"Gunk (incoherent as ever):"look at me, look at me, i'm a grrl too you know, look at me"

Silly squity,-you've already done that one. Haven't you got anything fresh to say?
Silly of ME! Of course you haven't!!

Odious thurd.
Posted by Ginx, Saturday, 6 June 2009 11:06:05 AM
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