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In defence of Muslims : Comments

By Keysar Trad, published 28/11/2008

The Muslim community is, once again, in the dock, defending itself against a myriad of allegations.

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Mr Periwinkle

I decided to change your name, because you are so far removed from your namesake,
that to call you by that name would be a gross insult to the ancient Greek champion of democracy and freedom.

Quite amazing, Mr Periwinkle, that you should so greatly distort history in order to lend support to an alien totalitarian and fascist movement otherwise known as a religion called Islam.

It would be interesting to see just how sanguine Periwinkle would be if he were unarmed and suddenly faced with a heavily armed young terrorist who proceeded to shoot him to death.

I guess you won’t recognise the danger until it is you or a member of your family in the firing line. Or maybe not even then.

We’ll see who is right in the long run, but don’t forget the people you will consign to a nasty death, because of your head in the sand attitude.

Or should we all just roll over and let the Islamists make Dhimmis

of us?

Another thing: The Muslims are very fond of telling us how many there are of them- the usual figure bandied about is 1.2 billion. If only 5% become militants, then we shall have to deal with 60 million of them. The rest will sit supine, letting the Islamists do the heavy lifting.

My point is that instead of following a policy of appeasement, which will only encourage the Islamists to demand more and more concessions, we should now let them know that we will accept no more nonsense from them.

Cowards and bullies that they are, they will soon slink back into their shells, like a Periwinkle perhaps.
Posted by Froggie, Friday, 12 December 2008 9:37:20 PM
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Hey Traddy,

What has the section on rape got to do with your topic? No mention of anything but stats on all Australian women. So how does it relate to your topic?

It doesn't. It's just padding added to use a word to sensationalise your petty little dirge.

When are you Muslims going to just shut up and get on with assimilating into the best country in the world. All your whingeing attracts the lunatic fringe mate. Your problem if you keep up the publicity barrage.

Did you know there are more Buddhists in Australia than Muslims? Anyone ever hear them complaining, about anything? Anyone ever hear from them, at all? Ahhh, no.

So you must conclude the attention you get Traddy is because of your own approach. Complaining, finger pointing and failing to assimilate.
Posted by pegasus, Saturday, 13 December 2008 5:48:08 AM
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"Lunatic Fringe" here :) (thanx Peggy)

Froggie says:

<<Quite amazing, Mr Periwinkle, that you should so greatly distort history in order to lend support to an alien totalitarian and fascist movement otherwise known as a religion called Islam.>>

I note with great interest an atheists assessment of Pericles unwise thinking about the dangers of Islam: Strangely, Froggies views are ...remarkably just like my own, and not from a 'Christian Fundy's perspective..

WAIT!@!@!@....could it.... could it just... be.. from 'evidence' ?:)

ie.... the evidence of what both history and (un)holy writ both say about this religion?

I'd love to know how Perilous would react to someone like Froggie or myself yelling out on a street corner in Berlin in 1932 that words such as:

<<"Jewish youth lies in wait for hours on end satanically glaring at and spying on the unconscious girl whom he plans to seduce, adulterating her blood with the ultimate idea of bastardizing the white race which they hate and thus lowering its cultural and political level so that the Jew might dominate.">>

...have the potential... if those propounding them ever gained total power, to result in genocide?

Noooo..of course "The last hour will not come unless the Muslims kill the Jews", even though absolutely explicit (compared to the veiled and mere 'opinion' expressed by Hitler) would NEVER mean any such thing.... of course not.... *cough* (while rolling eyes)
Posted by Polycarp, Saturday, 13 December 2008 6:32:36 PM
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No *bOAZy* ...there are so many unique groups, previously isolated for so long that even though there is one common Bahasa, even in the use of same there are a huge amount of subtle differences. And that's b4 we even get 2 Bahasa Campur (like nasi campur yeah?) [mixed language] where the common tongue is mixed and interdispersed with the preferred native 1st language/lokal dialect ...

Of course, the Indo concept of tolerancy does extend to language which could otherwise be deemed as insulting, in the instance of bule, as it extends to a tolerance of less than ordinary behaviour amongst themselves.

But then, kl sdh mngrt mslh prng sdr? (Bahasa SMS for CJ)
(But then, kalau sudah mengerti masalah perang saudara?)
[But then, if you already understand the problem of family war?]


For us here, irrespective of any physical age difference, never "adik" and "abang" It goes contrary to principals of equality between Wifey & Hubbey. Adik is for younger niece or cousin say .. though I ackowledge variance between groups on this. If U trace these words with an over time dictionary, some of the usages have some pretty smelly patriarchal/male chauvinist pig overtones.


I've been teased about Adam & Eve since a kid. And now amonst the Muslims too we both get teased for same.
Adam & Eva or Adam and Hawa. Where I am sometimes confrontational and antagonistic, *BosEva* plays the gamelan of cultural sensibilities beautifully and quickly diffuses tense situations like post car vs bike prang out the front of the mosque which could otherwise have easily gotten out of hand. Thus again, never adik.


And of course, between intimates, 1st name is the preferance.
" Would Sayang Eva like a Kopi?"

& if apart ..

Q: udah tidur Sayang?
(already asleep, my darling?)

In this context, when Luvers are apart, it has naughty inferences. It means, I am thinking about being near U as is my Luv, though apart, and doing those things that we do before sleeping.
Posted by DreamOn, Sunday, 14 December 2008 12:31:44 AM
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Aaaaaahhh Aaaahh Ooooohh .. Bahasa Wayang gambar!? ..
Bahasa: Language
Wayang: Shadow Poppets (Haven't seen any since Count Putin's.)
Gambar: Pictures/Drawings

Don't U think that it sux @ that they have that pathetic little clause about satire and silly poppets?
Boo Boo - throw tomatoes and rotten eggs.

OOooohhh? Keturunan dari KeRajaan
(that which has descended from the old Hindu Kingdom pre Islam?)
Bahasa amat halus sekali
Silky smooth and purr like a kitten Language.
(Re J.Langdon though, its not a "blood" line.)

What happened *bOAZy* Did the *Tiger* growl @ U? Hmmm?

I want to put some more decorations on the tree. But U have to invite all the other computer poppets. There is much value in sharing with them all U know, even your greatest detractors?

I sense U have some valuable experiences to share, but in the 1st instance, please do it like an affidavit - just stick to what U personally saw, heard etc and leave out the opinion and heresay etc etc at least until everyone has had an opportunity to form there own views.

After that, by all means, put on the *pOLYCARp* glasses and interpret as U see fit.


" ... "Kita" pergi mana selepas kebaktian? ... Sounds more like he was asking U out for a beer?
Where can WE (kita both U and me and whoever else was present) go to free ourselves of our religious obligations?


"Tanda Hitam" the Black sign/omen - Grrrrr - Freudian slip perhaps ;-)
(The Black Book in Indo has the same connotations as in Bahasa Australi)


reminds me of a p!ssy night with my mate Major. Ex Malaysian air force and Ex Timor UN. He did a hilarious impersonation of the local clerics seeing off the Buddha.

"Right! U! P!SS OFF!"
(snicker snicker)
Posted by DreamOn, Sunday, 14 December 2008 12:43:59 AM
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You use a lot of words, Froggie, but you don't say a great deal.

>>Quite amazing, Mr Periwinkle, that you should so greatly distort history in order to lend support to an alien totalitarian and fascist movement otherwise known as a religion called Islam.<<

"Quite amazing", also that you don't actually point out where I have "distorted history".

Or indeed, where I have "lent support to an alien totalitarian and fascist movement".

But I guess evidence is not your strong point, just bluster and obloquy.

You can of course rely on support from Boaz, who uses the same methods.

>>I note with great interest an atheists assessment of Pericles unwise thinking about the dangers of Islam: Strangely, Froggies views are ...remarkably just like my own, and not from a 'Christian Fundy's perspective..<<

I think you may be wrong there, Boaz. Very few people have reason to hate Muslims as much as fundamentalist Christians - possibly because they feel threatened by a religion that shares so many fundamental principles.

I suspect that Froggy may actually be "one of you", whether he realizes it or not.

Such an aggressive attitude can only be maintained by a Christian evangelist - there is no other possible reason to fear Islam itself, as opposed to fearing individual Islamic terrorists.

Much as there was no point in hating all Irish, simply because a handful of them conducted indiscriminate bombing against people enjoying a drink in a pub.

You always have difficulty separating fantasy from reality, Boaz.

>>I'd love to know how Perilous would react to someone like Froggie or myself yelling out on a street corner in Berlin in 1932 that words such as...<<

I'd think you were really stupid. Just as I think that constantly referring to ancient scripture to support your modern "they're all out to murder us in our beds" is nothing more than deliberate rabble-rousing.
Posted by Pericles, Sunday, 14 December 2008 11:36:35 AM
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