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'Four Corners' blames non-Muslims for extremism : Comments

By Leon Bertrand, published 14/3/2008

To deny or ignore the anti-social behaviours which have caused hostility towards Muslims will not help anyone.

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Boaz, you know exactly what CJ was referring to when he pointed out:

>>every one of those examples has been refuted several times in this forum<<

You are perfectly well aware that those "Muslim TAXI drivers denying passage" were told to shape up or ship out by the authorities, in a unanimous decision.

And as for the "Muslim Students demanding a)changes to University lecture times to permit 'religous obligation' daily prayer times, specially Friday", you know perfectly well that these requests were politely turned down. It even said so, in the very article you used to "expose" this activity.,24897,23269447-12332,00.html

In the light of this, it would be appropriate for you to reconsider your rather intemperate - and totally inaccurate - response.

>>CJ... I dunno what drugs ur on man but none of those examples has been in the slightest 'refuted'... some might have 'whined' whinged etc..but refuted ? you cannot refute fact, but you can't resist putting your snout in the trough of lies yourself can ya<<

(I have omitted from my cut-and-paste the little smiley you added at the end, since it is more than a little insulting in the circumstances.)

>>...putting your snout in the trough of lies...<<

Of course, this is not one of those ad hominem attacks that you deplore so much, is it Boaz?

This reflects badly on you, both in terms of the "facts" that you choose to spray us with, and the lack of grace you show when confronted with a dissenting view.
Posted by Pericles, Sunday, 23 March 2008 8:35:51 AM
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Thanks Pericles. I was just debating with myself whether I could be bothered digging out the references.

I think that it's instructive that Boazy seems incapable of recognising when his exaggerated claims are refuted. His contention that Australian society is in dire danger of being 'Islamized', because some Muslims seek to have their Islamic practices recognised administratively, is effectively refuted when those efforts are rebuffed by the appropriate authorities.

The taxi drivers were told to pull their heads in and carry passengers with guide dogs or alcohol, on the pain of being fined if they didn't, and the university in question declined the students' request. However, this doesn't matter to Boazy, who has never let reality get in the way of a good Islamophobic rant.

Boazy - you've just been demonstrated to be telling porkies again. And you wonder why so many of us find your posts here offensive.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Sunday, 23 March 2008 9:48:25 AM
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B_D, Is it possible that, while there is a danger, as you point out, that Muslims want to take over - by administrative stealth, for example - their chances of succeeding are low because the wider community is onto them?

CJM & Pericles, Might Boaz be right that a high degree of vigilance is needed to make sure that a stealthy inculturation of Australia by aggressive Arabic Islam doesn't take place? It would be terrible if they succeeded, I think, so it makes sense to make sure they don't.

Are we actually close to agreeing that -

i) there is a threat to our culture, in the form of an aggressive desire to take it over by slowly altering it;
ii) we can defeat this threat by exposing it, and keeping it visible;
iii) we should remain vigilant for that purpose;
iv) beyond that, we shouldn't exaggerate or get overly agitated - in fact, we should try our best to be on good neighbourly terms with Muslims within our personal spheres.

I'm on my consensus kick again. How wide of the mark am I?

Meanwhile, if we devote too much energy to Islam, less energy is available for other problems like global warming, which are arguably more serious.

Posted by goodthief, Sunday, 23 March 2008 11:03:38 AM
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goodthief: "Are we actually close to agreeing that -

i) there is a threat to our culture, in the form of an aggressive desire to take it over by slowly altering it"

Posted by CJ Morgan, Sunday, 23 March 2008 11:20:57 AM
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I agree with goodthief that there is a threat to our culture, and that we are "on to it". The degree of threat is debatable perhaps, but if CJ lived in England or elsewhere in Europe, he would possibly begin to understand it a bit more. Here in Australia, although we do have a Muslim minority, they do not carry the same weight that the Muslims do in England.

Consequently we have not yet seen the kind of intrusions that they are trying to make in Europe.

I have relatives currently living in England, and I am informed by them and my own reading of the English media, from all sides of the political spectrum.

I do not believe it will be successful, provided that we are on our guard, and that we can reduce the demographic impact of the increasing Muslim population in the UK and the rest of Europe. We still have the ability at this stage to prevent a Muslim takeover.

I definitely don't want to live in an Islamic country, having visited one.

It would be a dreadful pity to see an Islamic culture predominant in Western Europe, particularly after so many lives have been given in the cause of retaining our freedoms.

If CJ cares to examine the politics of Islamist extremism, he will see there many parallels with those of the Nazis. And as I said in a previous post, Muslims do not seem to have very effective measures in place to limit the power and influence of their extremists.
Posted by Froggie, Sunday, 23 March 2008 12:09:28 PM
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CJ Morgan

It is only a matter of time.

Not about Qaradawi alone, but about the menace of demographic conquest is the following, just posted at by Rebecca Bynum:

“Don Morris writes at Doc’s Talk (thanks to Janet Levy):

…As long as the Muslim population remains around 1% of any given country they will be regarded as a peace-loving minority and not as a threat to anyone. In fact, they may be featured in articles and films, stereotyped for their colorful uniqueness:

United States — Muslim 1.0%
Australia — Muslim 1.5%
Canada — Muslim 1.9%
China — Muslim 1%-2%
Italy — Muslim 1.5%
Norway — Muslim 1.8%

At 2% and 3% they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs:
Denmark — Muslim 2%
Germany — Muslim 3.7%
United Kingdom — Muslim 2. 7%
Spain — Muslim 4%
Thailand — Muslim 4.6%

From 5% on they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population.
They will push for the introduction of halaal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature it on their shelves — along with threats for failure to comply. (United States).

France — Muslim 8%
Philippines — Muslim 5%
Sweden — Muslim 5%
Switzerland — Muslim 4.3%
The Netherlands — Muslim 5.5%
Trinidad & Tobago — Muslim 5.8%

At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves under Sharia, the Islamic Law. The ultimate goal of Islam is not to convert the world but to establish Sharia law over the entire world.
When Muslims reach 10% of the population, they will increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions (Paris — car-burnings). Any non-Muslim action that offends Islam will result in uprisings and threats (Amsterdam — Mohammed cartoons).

Posted by bigmal, Sunday, 23 March 2008 12:22:49 PM
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