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Positive Muslim integration is possible : Comments

By Imran Lum, published 4/5/2007

Issues Deliberation Australia, far from turning ugly, ended up being a real eye opener for both Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

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State Grants to establish synagogues and churches occurred in the colonies, before the existence of the Australian constitution.

I realise that you consider Islam to be fundamentally flawed and you have argued that ad nauseum, but all faiths are open to interpretation and therefore beliefs change. I have to remind you that Christianity was in its earlier days much worse than Islam, thought with inferior weapons which caused less damage.

Please get off the crap that Zionists believe that God gave us Palestine. Very few do. The history of Israel is far more complex than the one-liners beloved by some.
Posted by logic, Saturday, 5 May 2007 5:10:33 PM
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This author suggests that all the other states are out of step in not following Victoria’s lead in introducing religious vilification laws.

I would suggest that all the other states have seen what a farce the Bracks government laws have turned out to be. The only reason the Victorian government doesn’t repeal the law is that it is too embarrassed to have to admit that they were wrong.

There has not been one successful conviction against the Victorian law, several years after this strange law was enacted. If not one person has been found to have broken these laws, why does our author believe they were so necessary?

We already have freedom of religion in Australia. We also have freedom to speak our conscience. If some Muslims can’t cope with this, perhaps they are living in the wrong country.
Posted by Mick V, Saturday, 5 May 2007 7:09:29 PM
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Dear logic
Sorry - strike 'god' and make that 'Balfour'. In either case, no one asked those who have lived and worked the land for hundreds of years i.e the Palestinians.
Posted by GYM-FISH, Saturday, 5 May 2007 7:09:50 PM
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In my opinion and experience there are two types of immigrants. Those who believe the onus of change is on their host country to adapt to them and their needs, and those migrants who are grateful for the opportunity to live free and uncomplicated lives and contribute to their adopted country. There have been some of each from every migrant wave but, for the most part the majority with some time fit well and the country is wealthier in all aspects for their coming. Muslims(NOT ALL)are the first group ever to migrate to a democratic country not wanting the rights and freedoms available and strive for religious political influence to remove those rights and freedoms from their own and even their host society. Asking to be accepted on that basis confounds most Australians. I can only imagine what is going through the minds of Muslims born and raised in Australia. A friend told me he quit going to Mosque because he was being taught that he wasn't Indo-Chinese, he wasn't Australian, he was Muslim and that was all the nationality he required. It's no wonder some Muslims equate any resistance to their ideology to be a racist attack
Posted by aqvarivs, Sunday, 6 May 2007 12:16:14 AM
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“In my opinion and experience there are two types of immigrants. “

I owe you an apology. I didn’t realise you were such an expert on matters of immigration. And the fact that you admit to actually having a Muslim friend obviously means that you can pass judgement on the other four hundred and ninety nine thousand nine hundred and ninety nine other Muslims in Australia who you haven’t so far admitted to befriending yet.

I base my previous accusation that some people post Racist comments on this site on the fact that they engage in classic Racist rhetoric and stereotyping. You know what stereotyping is don’t you? Examples: All Muslims are Terrorists, all Blacks are criminals, all single mothers are sluts, all Irishmen are drunks, all homosexuals are paedophiles, etc. Or in your case, that you can pass judgement on all Muslims based on what one Muslim said to you. The fact that you defend stereotyping proves the weakness of your arguments.

It is not unusual for Racism to come out during wartime. I well remember the Vietnam war with the statements about the Vietnamese, for instance, slanty eyes were obvious signs of inferiority, etc. You would have loved it back then. You could have told everyone how you met an Asian once and how that made you an expert on all Asians.

However I am optimistic about the long term. I think that deep inside most Australians are very tolerant and once the present hysteria about Islam dies out, people will rediscover common sense and we’ll be able to have a sensible discussion about Islam, etc. Eventually the views of people like Leigh and yourself will become irrelevant. Until then enjoy the racism while it lasts.

Have a chat with Boaz David. I’m sure he is right now looking up lots of good quotes from the Bible and the Koran that you can use to prove that Muslims are sired by Satan
Posted by Peppy, Sunday, 6 May 2007 2:27:17 AM
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Peppy, what I wrote was, “In my opinion and experience there are two types of immigrants. Those who believe the onus of change is on their host country to adapt to them and their needs, and those migrants who are grateful for the opportunity to live free and uncomplicated lives and contribute to their adopted country.”

I see your one of those deconstruction relativist who believe your distortions are acceptable as proof of your preconceived ideas and that your opinion and experiences by right over ride all other peoples experiences and opinions. As for my Indo-Chinese Muslim friend, I was reiterating his own life experience to point out that even some Muslims take exception to the religious and political strong arming done by some of the more extreme Muslim clerics. That your all for such behaviour and the continuation of such an attitude with in Muslim Australia and that you refer to any argument toward this type of Islam as racism proves my point on the politicization of Islam in Australia.

Using your argumentative methodology I could therefore assert, that you are by your writing, only in favour of the rights and freedoms of the individual inherent in democracy, for the sole purpose of using those rights and freedoms to install Sharia and thus do away with democracy and institute a Islamic theocratic dictatorship. Oh ya. And that your a racist. I don't need any more proof than to highlight that you posted this statement. “All Muslims are Terrorists, all Blacks are criminals, all single mothers are sluts, all Irishmen are drunks, all homosexuals are paedophiles, etc. “ You must be a real piece of work to carry that much hatred for the different people and cultures that make up your society.

P.S. I would hardly require BOAZ David to choose a negative example of Islam from with in the pages of the Qur'an. I can accomplish that by just flipping randomly and choosing any old page. In as much as I wouldn't require your help in vilifying Judaism or Christianity and calling those people all as pigs and monkeys.
Posted by aqvarivs, Sunday, 6 May 2007 8:39:09 AM
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