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Fair cop on media ruling, Mr Jones : Comments
By Irfan Yusuf, published 20/4/2007Surely shock jocks, of all people, wouldn't want to see anyone get away with breaking the law?
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Posted by yvonne, Saturday, 21 April 2007 4:50:23 PM
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Amazing how quickly the people forget that it was the Muslims who provoked Cronulla. They brought it on themselves by their wilful actions over many years, then had the temerity to complain when finally Australian's tolerance came to an end.
It could have been so much worse for them, if Australians had really reacted. Today's Australian are inheritors of the ANZAC spirit. Not a good idea to get on the wrong side of them, I would suggest. Of course if you were to listen only to the lefties and multi-cultis, again it was all the fault of the "racist" Australians. I would suggest that Muslims have a go at tolerance themselves, and try to integrate into Australian society, rather than constantly proving how "different" they are. Posted by Froggie, Saturday, 21 April 2007 9:00:47 PM
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TRTL, you’ve missed the point entirely…at-no-time did I suggest Alan Jones was ‘above the law’…though others apparently are.
I heard Alan Jones’ comments on the days-in-question and there was nothing inflammatory in his statements or reading of the listener’s e-mails. You accept Irfan’s dismissal of the democratic right-to-free-speech, (talkback, etc.)…Is Alan Jones entitled to that same right either? Apparently not, according to Irfan or CJMorgan, (whose contemptuous, unimaginative, verbal diarrhoea indicates unquestionably whose ‘disciple’ he is…) The ACMA’s toothlessness is entirely their fault, if the best they’ve to offer is this ’80 ODD page’ report. Their own credibility has been found wanting and seriously called into question when they can’t convince either the PM or Rudd that they’ve done the issue justice…I suspect there’s another agenda, perhaps ‘tall-poppy-syndrome’, rearing its ugly head…or worse. I wonder if the (apparently nameless) complainants even heard the program…like Irfan, they probably didn’t. There’s that green giant looking to tear down someone who might perform better than him. TRTL, you might like to re-check your position as the ACMA’s accusation against AJ is very directly related to Muslims. Perhaps you’re confusing the fact that Alan Jones’ comments were simply telling-it-as-it-was and allowing public debate on an issue that those in authority should have been addressing and clearly weren’t! Incredibly, the only Australian residents apparently immune from the law are people like the Sheik and his disciples who say-and-do-as-they-please, to the detriment of their fellow Australians, including other Muslim Australians who do NOT support Irfan’s or the Sheik’s comments. These two are the divisive and inflammatory ones, not the Alan Jones’ who aren’t afraid to challenge the pack mentality that pervades this issue. Where is the line in the sand that Irfan draws to distance himself from Australians generally? The us-and-them-mentality is cemented in every line Irfan writes and perhaps he should review…does he want to be Australian at all? Or does he just want what he can get without contributing anything in return to the country that has clearly offered him so many opportunities… One way or the other,we’re all ‘migrants’... (tbc…) Posted by Meg1, Saturday, 21 April 2007 11:09:29 PM
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Sorry Mercurius, I’m not 19-27 either…and 21% indicates that there are still a lot of under 55’s in Jones’ audience…I don’t hear them going off each day to riot on any other issue that Alan Jones discusses. You’re clutching at straws now…
The degree of venom that Alan Jones’ success engenders from some other sectors of the media is sadly more indicative of envy than any fault of Jones’…I suspect that is the real agenda behind this issue as it has been on other occasions. The same names keep reappearing time and again, don’t they? Not sure what frenzy Netab has whipped him/herself into with his two posts, but Sage’s point is valid. Irfan, re: your comment - the ‘conservative establishment’, interesting that both sides of the political establishment see Jones as innocent of the accusations…it seems those who have most to say about his alleged ‘guilt’ openly admit they don’t even listen to the program…how’s that for hypocrisy? So, the message indeed is the same, just the conclusions are distorted…instead of accusing Jones of inciting riot, examine who might’ve started the pot boiling really…hmmm, so who’s really clueless? Let’s see how many legitimate comments can be posted WITHOUT simply using OLO as a forum to slander Alan Jones…phone his talkback if you’d like to discuss the issue with any degree of intelligence…you’ll find he is well researched and it’s healthy to listen to a viewpoint that differs from your own…even a political one…he certainly does. I didn’t vote for either of the major political parties at the last election but I’ll acknowledge valid points made by those who may have… Babushka’s delusional presumption - AJ reads OLO is unlikely! Gitmo Guy, Arjay & Froggie correctly point out the hypocrisy in scapegoating Alan Jones, while the Muslim Cronulla-culprits continue to skulk around plotting their next move…when will they be brought to justice indeed? I guess Irfan isn’t covering that angle…hmmm such hypocrisy. Arjay’s colourful description of ACMA, left-wing academics and those who ‘suck off the public purse’ was aptly put…so who fits that cap I wonder? : ) Posted by Meg1, Saturday, 21 April 2007 11:12:09 PM
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Your comprehensive overview of the thread was awe inspiring; pity it was'nt as informative. It lacked depth and it continues your reasonable good / bad Muslims; the criteria clearly being that a good Muslim will see the error of their ways and develop your clarity of the situation. Very christian indeed and no doubt such an offer of conciliation will be greatly welcomed in the Mosques tomorrow. But lets not get off thread. Now, I'm sure that we would agree on some facts. Last year, a particularly scandalous book was published about our rightous right bretheran. He did everything he could to stop it and failed. From that little exercise we know that Allans real hobby is being a power broker in NSW politics. In a short period since the book he's had to have Johnny damage control over the ACMA findings (You are right, they are toothless but I suspect that will change soon as a result of Allans latest antics to pump up ratings); he's been convicted by a court for criminal behaviour. I'm sure I don't have to step out for you the sad decline that this icon of the right must take. There's a smell of blood in the water around Sydney Town and there is some nasty sharks in Allans pond. My fervant hope is that Allan will use his right of free speech to make some public statements expressing his annoyance about the NSW judicial system and his conviction. Maybe that team of lawyers he assembled to deal with Masters will have something to do at last. Another righteous right icon's scalp to the leering left socialists and their multicultural bedfellows. Posted by Netab, Sunday, 22 April 2007 1:16:49 AM
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before you all get to a bite'n an a scratch'n have a read at this. It may not support your preconceptions but still worth the gander. Posted by aqvarivs, Sunday, 22 April 2007 5:37:52 AM
When I read Singleton's and Jones' comments after the hearing I was amazed that they even had the temerity to imply that they could have expected some 'mates' deal. Is that so common in Australia still? Aren't Jones' listeners, conservative all, very concerned about this idea in our legal system? I thought this arrogance would have created a great outcry.
I have no idea why anyone of any age can still listen to someone like Jones without a big grain of salt. He surely lost any notion of integrity during the 'Cash for Comments' saga. Now, to top that off, the likes of him obviously think that laws governing everyone else should not apply to him.
The displayed personal arrogance and evident low opinion of his listeners is breath taking. Someone like Jones claims to give a voice to conservative Australians. He obviously is counting on blind, unquestioning obedience to his authority.
Why can't some posters get off their 'hate the evil Muslim' hobby horse just occasionally?