The Forum > Article Comments > Fair cop on media ruling, Mr Jones > Comments
Fair cop on media ruling, Mr Jones : Comments
By Irfan Yusuf, published 20/4/2007Surely shock jocks, of all people, wouldn't want to see anyone get away with breaking the law?
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Posted by Meg1, Friday, 20 April 2007 9:48:18 AM
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This is a democracy, an Australain democracy...welcoming migrants with more tolerance than any Muslim nation or community on earth would welcome christians, agnostics, aethists...etc. Non-Muslims would be expected to conform or suffer the consequences in a Muslim nation...the same should apply here...when in Rome, do as the Romans do. That's why I live here and haven't migrated to Iraq. You should ask yourself whether you are Australian or not...and take off your blinkers and see what this country has to attract migrants...don't destroy that for others who live here also or may want to migrate here too. Judge the issue as an Australian and from the facts...did you hear the program? I guess not...there's an Aussie saying 'stop talking through your hat...'. Surely you wouldn't like to see a Muslim cleric getting away with breaking the law, Irfan? Who would you say has incited more racial and religious hatred in Australia...I guess Alan Jones isn't even in the race in that respect when you put it all in perspective without your blinkers, huh Irfan? Aren't we lucky we can still democratically have our say in Australia...I see Irfan enjoys the privilege of online opinions and blogs, etc...I wonder how those privileges would sit for a Christian in Iraq? Posted by Meg1, Friday, 20 April 2007 9:55:41 AM
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Meg, I tried to see how your post was relevant to the ACMA ruling and Jones's contempt for it, but I really can't.
So, put simply, you're saying... Jones should be above the law? I find it interesting that for every thread Irfan writes about muslim issues he's criticised for being inflammatory. Then when he writes one which is only very tangentially related to the muslim issue, he's criticised for the same thing. Quite frankly, I'm annoyed at Jones's hubris - the man clearly doesn't have much respect for ACMA, and if the Federal Government doesn't take a tougher line on this, ACMA won't have any teeth at all, so you can kiss any media oversight goodbye. Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Friday, 20 April 2007 1:19:36 PM
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Clearly, Australia's most odious shirtlifter is above the law. But of course that suits his disciples just fine. Personally, I think a stint in the big house is in order for Gloria, but I won't hold my breath.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Friday, 20 April 2007 1:46:32 PM
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“Admittedly, most are over 55”, sneers Yusuf, making his contempt for older people clear.
Yusuf is one of the Muslims always making excuses by saying that the Mad Mullah, Hilali, does not represent Islam or the majority of Muslims. Let’s hope that Yusuf himself also does not represent Islam or the majority of Muslims in his regular rants on OLO. Posted by Leigh, Friday, 20 April 2007 2:13:00 PM
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irfan PLEASE give it up you are flogging a dead horse in your accusation about jones. Jones 'attacked' gutless islamists - OH DEAR! - who had insulted Anglo Australian women and when asked by lifesavers to desist they turned on these l/savers, well they would wouldn't they as they outnumbered them. I have never listened to nor would I waste my time listening to jones and his ilk. He apparently broke a law but remember petal these gutless moslems were coming from even Melbourne as I believe to do battle. These moslems also broke the law in a much harsher and a more severe way than did janet jones. If there had been no gutless arrogant pagan moslems behaving like mindless thugs there would have not been any strife.
I have noticed my pagan friend that you do not answer many questions put to you in other posts, you disappear then wallah you turn up once again with yet another inane article. And it is either said or unsaid but the nub of ALL your articles is how we poor bloody peace loving, decent, honourable moslems are being maligned. Please mate pack it in for a while eh! Regards, numbat Posted by numbat, Friday, 20 April 2007 2:16:43 PM
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Leigh, it's no use getting indignant at Irfan about the age business. The fact that most of Jones' listeners are aged over 55 was first brought up by Jones himself as one of the cornerstones of his defence to ACMA.
Jones submitted to ACMA that the fact that the largest group of listeners are aged over 55 meant he couldn't have incited a riot that involved mostly people of 19-27 (age and IQ). Nielsen Media Research also shows that 2GB leads the way in age 55+ readers, with 21.8% compared to nearest rival 2UE on about 16%. So if Irfan is showing "contempt" by mentioning the age of Jones' listeners, how you describe Jones' attitude in using their age as a key defence against the complaint? Or AC Nielsen for releasing figures about it? Advertisers, who keep Jones on air, want to know the age and other characteristics of his audience, so they can decide whether they wish to spend big bucks advertising on his show. If you would prefer that the audience age was not discussed, then advertisers will simply cease spending their money, and Jones will have to hang up his mike. (Not a bad outcome, actually...) However, as Meg reminds us, there are many many Jones fans aged under 50. So maybe Jones' age-based defence isn't as solid as he would like us to believe... And Leigh, I hope your regular rants here aren't representative of most Australians. You certainly don't speak for me. Posted by Mercurius, Friday, 20 April 2007 3:07:58 PM
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Alan Jones has just been fined $1,000 and placed on a 9 month good behaviour bond for naming a 14 year old witness in a murder trial.
"Prosecutor Peter Miller told Deputy Chief Magistrate Helen Syme Jones had editorialised the article and added his own comment, which could have had a negative consequence for the boy." Jones cares about one thing, his ratings. If he keeps this up he will end up in jail Posted by Steve Madden, Friday, 20 April 2007 3:16:43 PM
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Thank you, my sentiments exactly. Since being on this forum, I've realised with shame, the degree of bigotry and racism that the muslim community has to put up with in this country. I've now watched this author put up three posts, posing reasonable and interesting issues being hijacked by a bunch of paranoid pseudo intellectuals (and I'm being very, very generous!), who would do a neo nazi gathering proud. I hope the author keeps popping these posts out and driving them into these frenzies of rage - great entertainment and it might be a timely warning as to where the threat to our society really resides. Posted by Netab, Friday, 20 April 2007 3:16:53 PM
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Seriously, some people on this forum need to improve their English language skills. This article is not about religion or age. Rather, it is about the double standards and hypocrisy of the allegedly conservative establishment. Whether Jones spoke of bikey gangs bashing up Middle Easterners or Greeks of Asians or Buddhists or Catholics is really immaterial. The message would be the same.
Posted by Irfan, Friday, 20 April 2007 3:53:13 PM
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Netab, just a small correction to your post. Muslims aren’t a race. They are a religion. We know that the lines are deliberately blurred so that they can play the victim. Confusing race with religion might see you lumped in with other pseudo intellectuals. And people can say all sorts of vile and disgusting things as long as they can hide behind religion. Have you read the Qur’an lately?
Posted by Sage, Friday, 20 April 2007 4:07:19 PM
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If you want Irfan to reply to your posts, try writing coherently, instead of the drivel that you regularly serve up. I don't necessarily agree with everything Irfan writes but frankly, I wouldn't dignify your ranting with a response either. Instead of scrawling abusive and incorrect (yes, I've read your tortured attempts to justify the term 'pagan moslem' before and it was rubbish) statements, try to come up with a non-emotive and logical argument - who knows, Irfan might even engage with you! I won't hold my breath for an improvement though... Posted by stickman, Friday, 20 April 2007 4:24:52 PM
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Netab: Read your newspapers watch your TV and see that 99% of terrorists are pagan moslems. Read the terrorist hand book also known as the koran. Do a bit of study instead of bleating and peeping about the nasty, nasty horrible Christians. Did you know, it's in the koran, that moslems are allowed - nay commanded to lie to non-moslems to allay their fears then when the situation is in their favour resume the attack. Did you know that this same book allows/commands truce breaking between moslems and pigs and monkeys. Pigs and monkeys is also from the bloodthirsty koran it refers too Christians and Jews who I may add are to be converted to pagan islam which means worshipping a saudi tribal god called the moon god of mecca or slain. READ the flamin book and wake up to yourself. Regards, numbat
Posted by numbat, Friday, 20 April 2007 4:31:03 PM
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Firstly, I couldn't give a toss about Jones, but trying to blame him for inciting Cronulla is absurd. Jones seems to have been hauled over the coals by the multiculturalism industry who are now in damage control with their beloved 'melting pot of brotherhood' being shown by the day to be a myth. Immigrants usually integrate into Australian society by the second or third generation but today we see little of this, especially from the Muslim communities. Instead we are faced with a balkanization of entire suburban areas where people of one nationality form enclaves. It is becoming undeniable that the cause is their 'religion', where they are taught that non Muslims are lesser beings - pigs and dogs. Their children are discouraged from mixing with non Muslims and old prejudices get passed on.
Anyone who thinks this culture will ever get along with ours the way the cultures of many other immigrant groups have is seriously deluded. I notice whenever people post here about Muslims some have the habit of pointing out the Bible etc is also this or that and these people seem ignorant of the fact that Judeo-Christian religions have long ago accepted rationality. Islam never has, and as consequence remains a medieval ideology of supremacy rather than a religion. Another tendency is to brand anyone critical of of multiculturalism or Islam as racist to prevent any debate on the issues. Posted by Gitmo Guy, Friday, 20 April 2007 6:51:57 PM
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My comment about Mr Jones is; who cares? Mr Jones must be getting close to a point where he is running out of political favours and a smell of political liability is becoming a stench - I'm afraid his supporters are going to have to deal with his political execution soon - my heart will bleed!
In 1109, a single warrior / scholar set out to unite the clans of the Saudian Arabian Peninsula. By 1300, a ascendant Islamic Empire stretched from the Cape of Good Hope to Southern Europe. It was the Super power of its day. Its technological level was probably in front of western europe by 2 / 3 hundred years. It was highly sophisticated in the arts, sciences and medicine, a place that attracted the intellectual elite of the known world. Its down fall was.....that it tolerated and supported and integrated with, indigenous culture's. The laws of this magnificent empire could quite easily be translated through the laws of a modern democracy. The Empire was lost because it was multicultural but its rise to power in such a short time was a result of its multicultural strategy for Empire building. Read the whole history of Islam but especially its time of Empire, before you make a judgement on Islam. Goodnight. Posted by Netab, Friday, 20 April 2007 9:55:19 PM
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If Jones got off lightly,what can we say about those 200 hundred feral Muslims who were involved in the revenge attacks at Cronulla Irfan.How many of them have been arrested and charged?One or two was the last count.
The ACMA is comprised of left wing academics and ex ABC apparatchiks.We could expect nothing less from this clack of self serving,insular bureaucracy that has never had their perceptions moulded by survival,since they convienently suck off the public purse. Are you a freelance lawyer Irfan,or do you also find the public nipple of tax payer funded sustenanse too enticing? Posted by Arjay, Friday, 20 April 2007 10:17:25 PM
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A word for our wise Mr Jones:
Mr Jones, following your court attendance today I heard your little speech on TV this evening where you stated that you were unsure how to judge the outcome of the day's events. May I suggest that it was you sir, who was being judged today. Babushka Posted by Babushka, Friday, 20 April 2007 11:07:23 PM
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Now that Allan is a certified criminal, I wonder whether we are going hear any more from our esteemed broadcaster on the issue of crime and punishment? Not a great time to be found guilty of criminal behaviour; the ghost of Burke is engaging the PM at the moment. I think Allen is going to find that the return calls from prominent types will take some time in the future.
I hope Allan is shown in this time of crisis, the same considerations that he has given others in difficult times. The piper must be paid! Posted by Netab, Saturday, 21 April 2007 4:26:27 PM
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Great article Irfan.
When I read Singleton's and Jones' comments after the hearing I was amazed that they even had the temerity to imply that they could have expected some 'mates' deal. Is that so common in Australia still? Aren't Jones' listeners, conservative all, very concerned about this idea in our legal system? I thought this arrogance would have created a great outcry. I have no idea why anyone of any age can still listen to someone like Jones without a big grain of salt. He surely lost any notion of integrity during the 'Cash for Comments' saga. Now, to top that off, the likes of him obviously think that laws governing everyone else should not apply to him. The displayed personal arrogance and evident low opinion of his listeners is breath taking. Someone like Jones claims to give a voice to conservative Australians. He obviously is counting on blind, unquestioning obedience to his authority. Why can't some posters get off their 'hate the evil Muslim' hobby horse just occasionally? Posted by yvonne, Saturday, 21 April 2007 4:50:23 PM
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Amazing how quickly the people forget that it was the Muslims who provoked Cronulla. They brought it on themselves by their wilful actions over many years, then had the temerity to complain when finally Australian's tolerance came to an end.
It could have been so much worse for them, if Australians had really reacted. Today's Australian are inheritors of the ANZAC spirit. Not a good idea to get on the wrong side of them, I would suggest. Of course if you were to listen only to the lefties and multi-cultis, again it was all the fault of the "racist" Australians. I would suggest that Muslims have a go at tolerance themselves, and try to integrate into Australian society, rather than constantly proving how "different" they are. Posted by Froggie, Saturday, 21 April 2007 9:00:47 PM
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TRTL, you’ve missed the point entirely…at-no-time did I suggest Alan Jones was ‘above the law’…though others apparently are.
I heard Alan Jones’ comments on the days-in-question and there was nothing inflammatory in his statements or reading of the listener’s e-mails. You accept Irfan’s dismissal of the democratic right-to-free-speech, (talkback, etc.)…Is Alan Jones entitled to that same right either? Apparently not, according to Irfan or CJMorgan, (whose contemptuous, unimaginative, verbal diarrhoea indicates unquestionably whose ‘disciple’ he is…) The ACMA’s toothlessness is entirely their fault, if the best they’ve to offer is this ’80 ODD page’ report. Their own credibility has been found wanting and seriously called into question when they can’t convince either the PM or Rudd that they’ve done the issue justice…I suspect there’s another agenda, perhaps ‘tall-poppy-syndrome’, rearing its ugly head…or worse. I wonder if the (apparently nameless) complainants even heard the program…like Irfan, they probably didn’t. There’s that green giant looking to tear down someone who might perform better than him. TRTL, you might like to re-check your position as the ACMA’s accusation against AJ is very directly related to Muslims. Perhaps you’re confusing the fact that Alan Jones’ comments were simply telling-it-as-it-was and allowing public debate on an issue that those in authority should have been addressing and clearly weren’t! Incredibly, the only Australian residents apparently immune from the law are people like the Sheik and his disciples who say-and-do-as-they-please, to the detriment of their fellow Australians, including other Muslim Australians who do NOT support Irfan’s or the Sheik’s comments. These two are the divisive and inflammatory ones, not the Alan Jones’ who aren’t afraid to challenge the pack mentality that pervades this issue. Where is the line in the sand that Irfan draws to distance himself from Australians generally? The us-and-them-mentality is cemented in every line Irfan writes and perhaps he should review…does he want to be Australian at all? Or does he just want what he can get without contributing anything in return to the country that has clearly offered him so many opportunities… One way or the other,we’re all ‘migrants’... (tbc…) Posted by Meg1, Saturday, 21 April 2007 11:09:29 PM
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Sorry Mercurius, I’m not 19-27 either…and 21% indicates that there are still a lot of under 55’s in Jones’ audience…I don’t hear them going off each day to riot on any other issue that Alan Jones discusses. You’re clutching at straws now…
The degree of venom that Alan Jones’ success engenders from some other sectors of the media is sadly more indicative of envy than any fault of Jones’…I suspect that is the real agenda behind this issue as it has been on other occasions. The same names keep reappearing time and again, don’t they? Not sure what frenzy Netab has whipped him/herself into with his two posts, but Sage’s point is valid. Irfan, re: your comment - the ‘conservative establishment’, interesting that both sides of the political establishment see Jones as innocent of the accusations…it seems those who have most to say about his alleged ‘guilt’ openly admit they don’t even listen to the program…how’s that for hypocrisy? So, the message indeed is the same, just the conclusions are distorted…instead of accusing Jones of inciting riot, examine who might’ve started the pot boiling really…hmmm, so who’s really clueless? Let’s see how many legitimate comments can be posted WITHOUT simply using OLO as a forum to slander Alan Jones…phone his talkback if you’d like to discuss the issue with any degree of intelligence…you’ll find he is well researched and it’s healthy to listen to a viewpoint that differs from your own…even a political one…he certainly does. I didn’t vote for either of the major political parties at the last election but I’ll acknowledge valid points made by those who may have… Babushka’s delusional presumption - AJ reads OLO is unlikely! Gitmo Guy, Arjay & Froggie correctly point out the hypocrisy in scapegoating Alan Jones, while the Muslim Cronulla-culprits continue to skulk around plotting their next move…when will they be brought to justice indeed? I guess Irfan isn’t covering that angle…hmmm such hypocrisy. Arjay’s colourful description of ACMA, left-wing academics and those who ‘suck off the public purse’ was aptly put…so who fits that cap I wonder? : ) Posted by Meg1, Saturday, 21 April 2007 11:12:09 PM
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Your comprehensive overview of the thread was awe inspiring; pity it was'nt as informative. It lacked depth and it continues your reasonable good / bad Muslims; the criteria clearly being that a good Muslim will see the error of their ways and develop your clarity of the situation. Very christian indeed and no doubt such an offer of conciliation will be greatly welcomed in the Mosques tomorrow. But lets not get off thread. Now, I'm sure that we would agree on some facts. Last year, a particularly scandalous book was published about our rightous right bretheran. He did everything he could to stop it and failed. From that little exercise we know that Allans real hobby is being a power broker in NSW politics. In a short period since the book he's had to have Johnny damage control over the ACMA findings (You are right, they are toothless but I suspect that will change soon as a result of Allans latest antics to pump up ratings); he's been convicted by a court for criminal behaviour. I'm sure I don't have to step out for you the sad decline that this icon of the right must take. There's a smell of blood in the water around Sydney Town and there is some nasty sharks in Allans pond. My fervant hope is that Allan will use his right of free speech to make some public statements expressing his annoyance about the NSW judicial system and his conviction. Maybe that team of lawyers he assembled to deal with Masters will have something to do at last. Another righteous right icon's scalp to the leering left socialists and their multicultural bedfellows. Posted by Netab, Sunday, 22 April 2007 1:16:49 AM
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before you all get to a bite'n an a scratch'n have a read at this. It may not support your preconceptions but still worth the gander. Posted by aqvarivs, Sunday, 22 April 2007 5:37:52 AM
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Meg1: "CJMorgan, (whose contemptuous, unimaginative, verbal diarrhoea indicates unquestionably whose ‘disciple’ he is…)"
Verbal diarrhoea? Until this point, I'd written 37 words in this thread, while the parrot-loving Meg's written hundreds. While Gloria's cheerleader may spend an inordinate amount of time listening to the rabble-rousing closet queen, I wonder if she's read "Jonestown"? I have. Has Meg1 read this damning report? Whose disciple am I "unquestionably", Meg1? I'd dearly love to know. Posted by CJ Morgan, Sunday, 22 April 2007 9:04:38 AM
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ACMA.Quote;"By referring to Lebanese gangs/Middle Eastern people on one hand and Australians on the other[Jones]implied that the first two were not Australian."Well I have news for the ACMA,many in thse catagories do not consider themselves to be Ausralian.They are Muslim first,Lebanese/Middle Eastern second and maybe Australian third.
We constantly want to shoot the messenger and blame Anglo Australians for religious/racial frictions that are not of our making.Instead of arresting the real instigators of this conflict,the police have taken all the easy options and arrested those who were the esay targets. The reality is that the police force are to too scared to take on these Middle Eastern gangs becasue they are too numerous and extremely violent.There are many eyewitness accounts of police and these gangs being involved in standoffs.There were no gangs of Anglos destroying property at Bankstown simply because they would face too many weapons and that is not generally the nature of our culture. Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 22 April 2007 11:42:15 AM
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Arjay, the whole 'muslim first, Australian second' argument gets trotted out quite frequently.
I wonder though - if you asked a reasonably devoted christian to give up their citizenship or faith, which would they give up first? I suppose I can understand some people wanting to take a line accusing muslims of being troublemakers. I don't agree with it, and I certainly don't think it has much merit, but I can see the people putting forward that argument. But I can't understand this 'be Australian first' rot - it's hypocrisy, plain and simple. And Meg - the article's largely about the ACMA ruling on Jones's comment - that's why I said 'tangentially related to muslims.' What say you about adhering to the ACMA ruling - this is what I said when I referred to you arguing Jones is above the law - the ACMA ruling, is in theory, the word of law. You don't seem to set much stock by it. So, are you arguing that Jones is above this ACMA ruling? Do you feel that government representatives should be supporting the ACMA ruling? Do you think there should be media oversight? If media oversight doesn't apply to somebody impying bikies should be out there beating up lebanese troublemakers, pray tell, where should it? Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Sunday, 22 April 2007 2:25:37 PM
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I think this is one more example of left politics manufacturing criminals out of right political foes. Alan Jones may have some following as a shock jock of sorts but hardly the leader of any reformation of conservative think in Australia. No matter the hype by the left or Jones own club members. Jones probably hates it but, conversely, now he's part of the victim club. The left will have to listen to him now. :-)
Ya gotta love politics and political correctness. Peace Posted by aqvarivs, Sunday, 22 April 2007 2:39:54 PM
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Irfan, I basically agree with your article, and its exposure of the pissant corruption that keeps Alan Jones in place (for the time being). But, I think you are disingenuous when you say your article is not really inviting the discussion it has given rise to. You know where the buttons are.
Nebut, I know Islam had a heyday - as the US has just about had its - but what's the relevance of that now? Even if we say its decline is tragic, because it was once culturally and intellectually impressive, I don't see how that helps non-Muslims feel any more relaxed about having in their midst a subculture that doesn't seem (so far as I can tell) to want to get along. In fact, a subculture that seems determined not to get along. If I'm wrong in my impression, I'm sorry, but I need to see a lot more evidence of Australian Muslims distancing themselves from the scary bits. Pax, Posted by goodthief, Sunday, 22 April 2007 5:32:56 PM
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There has been a concerted effort by the forces of the left in our society to destroy Alan Jones.He is not always pure and right,however this campaign smacks of gestapo tactics that the Third Richt would roundly approve.
It is alright for Hilali to refer to Anglos as exposed meat that deserved to be raped by the whim of passing Muslim passion,but not for Alan Jones to show passion on the spur of the moment that abhors such attitudes? In trying to appease these facist aggressors,we are losing our own freedoms.Just read between the lines of everything that Irfan Usef writes.It is all double speak. Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 22 April 2007 9:00:33 PM
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You know these last three posts have had me reaching for the tissue box, as I feel the pain that my righteous right bretheran, are feeling at the moment. The reference to the third reich was freudian when you consider the circumstances of the post.
I know that this giant of neo conservatism, is going to be missed by his disciples and idealogical followers; and there is no doubt that your anguish is very real. They say the political wilderness is an awful place for those used to wielding political power. The question for Allan right now is; does he commit political hari kari or is he diminished in the circus of the public arena and spill his guts on the skeletons in the cupboard of the NSW neo conservative wing of the Liberal Party. Whatever sad, sad path he takes, it will be truly a tragic end for a neo conservative icon of NSW. But take some heart that every cloud has a silver linning; the leering left socialists and their motly bedfellows are feeling positively gleeful at Allans dilemma. Of course its all part of a vast conspiracy by the etc etc etc to remove your rights, guns etc etc etc. Now before you go to sleep to dream lovely dreams of an ordered world where everyone knows their place; check under the bed in case the red peril has returned! Posted by Netab, Sunday, 22 April 2007 11:01:47 PM
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Netab…ROFL...What the!
Do you even bother to read your prattle? Your comprehension skills are as un-awe-inspiring as your command of the English language…my post’s criteria indicated little to do with conversion of Muslims to my ‘clarity’ of thinking…but it’s nice you felt so ‘awe-inspired’. I guess I should be amused by your reference to Chris Master’s pulp fiction – I’ve lost count of the numerous contradictions made regarding its contents. Having previous experience of the author’s journalistic ‘lack-of-expertise’, I would have expected nothing less…It lacks any credibility and listening to interviews he gave, it is by his own admission – he has proof of none of the accusations or inuendo. ‘There's a smell of blood in the water around Sydney Town and there is some nasty sharks in Allans pond. ‘ (Netab) Well, it seems you agree that all this has had more to do with an agenda to ‘get Jones’ than it has to do with any wrongdoing by him. They could be described as ‘nasty sharks’…bearing in mind the characteristics of sharks…However, on reflection you may be besmirching the image of sharks…as sharks are only acting on instinct, not deliberate malice. ‘Another righteous right icon's scalp to the leering left socialists and their multicultural bedfellows. ‘ (Netab) There’s a saying about counting your chickens before they’ve hatched… It’s interesting that your comments don’t seem to show much respect for your own ‘bedfellows’ either…curiouser and curiouser… I heard Alan Jones’ comments on the days-in-question and didn’t go on my pushbike to terrorise any rail patrons…if clutching at straws was an Olympic event there are some potential Gold Medallists here. TRTL…and Jones’ comments concerned Muslims…so did the talk-back calls and Irfan's literary offering. Hmmm Arjay, some more words-from-the-wise, well said…you’ve seen that racial or general tolerance only goes one way for those hurling most of the accusations…and Hilali, Irfan and their particular brand of unwilling Aussies may like to exclude or alienate the majority, but they do like to play the victim when they succeed in cheesing anyone off…however mildly it is expressed…this whole episode is a classic example. (tbc...) Posted by Meg1, Sunday, 22 April 2007 11:58:33 PM
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I’m yet to see any recognisable slap on the wrist for Hilali or any of the others really responsible for the riots and verbal disgrace that has led to the riots in the first place…but no self-righteous disapproval from the shark pool ‘disciples’ on that score. Alan Jones doesn’t need me or any other ‘club’ supporters, but like Arjay, I too find it abhorrent that we are not just losing our freedoms but we are handing them over to the likes of Hilali and Co. rather than admit that we find their behaviour and language repulsive and unacceptable. Don’t kid yourselves that all Muslims agree with this narrow-minded group/sub-culture, they don’t…Alan Jones is one of the few prepared to state the facts on this issue and risk being the focus of this sort of abuse…I applaud his courage for that reason and am still waiting for any evidence that he should be held up for ridicule while the real perpetrators are smirking all the way to their ‘exclusive’ suburbs…exclusive meaning that ‘other’ Aussies are unwelcome there… : ( Posted by Meg1, Monday, 23 April 2007 12:03:07 AM
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The only thing I want to know about Mr Jones is what was he doing in that London public toilet to draw the attention of police.
He is a Christian crusader, however, I suspect if his listener demographic was moslem then he'd be fighting for Allah. He's simply a professional orator. The message is immaterial. Posted by shanno, Monday, 23 April 2007 7:52:41 AM
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Meg1: "I’m yet to see any recognisable slap on the wrist for Hilali..."
Idiotic though the mad mufti's statements are, he hasn't broken the law. Gloria has - can you see past your blinkers and recognise that? Shanno - Gloria's shirtlifting exploits in London are obviously an example of "pulp fiction". I know this, because it was dealt with in some detail in "Jonestown", and the erudite Meg1 tells us that the book is fictional. Mind you, if that were indeed the case, one would surely have expected the odious Parrot to have sued. Since he hasn't, the inference must be that the events recounted in Masters' book actually happened. Posted by CJ Morgan, Monday, 23 April 2007 9:52:33 AM
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"There has been a concerted effort by the forces of the left in our society to destroy Alan Jones ... In trying to appease these facist aggressors,we are losing our own freedoms.Just read between the lines of everything that Irfan Usef writes.It is all double speak."
Yes, Arjay, it's all a huge conspiracy by leftists like me. Leftists who usually vote for that nasty communist outfit like the Liberal Party and who (in the immediate aftermath of Sept 11) ran as a federal candidate for nasty jihadi communist fascists like John W Howard. Why don't you take a bex and have a brief rest. Or if you are in the mood to leave abusive infantiule messages, visit Tim Blair's blog. You'll fit right at home there. Don't bother visiting mine. I moderate all comments now and leave the wackos out. Posted by Irfan, Monday, 23 April 2007 11:26:04 AM
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Talkback radio is the cheapest and least demanding form of broadcasting, both technically and morally.It's values are those of the lowest common denominator.The prejudice and bigotry encouraged by the cynical exploitation of the audience, has convinced the broadcasters that they, and only they, hold opinions that truly reflect the values of the community even if those views are of doubtful morality,and unsupported by anything other than prejudice and bigotry.
Terrified of being wrong-footed by these self appointed arbiters of political correctness, politicians,will say and do anything to pander to them,even if it means changing the law. That it's practitioners consider themselves above the law should not surprise anyone. That such should continue to be the case is a blot on our society. Irfan, I agree with you whole heartedly. Posted by ocm, Monday, 23 April 2007 5:22:24 PM
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Ohhhhhhhh Meg - such wounding comments. Please no more, I'll be reduced to a paranoid wreck like the rest of the neo right christian clowns on this forum.
Your discourse has the rational of a drunken spider trying to weave a web. However, lets just deal with a sample of your assertions, so that we can get a flavour of the overall meandering dialogue. Lets start with this scandalous and libelious book that has caused heartache for Allan. Now that it is in the public domain, I've been waiting for Allan to start the libel action; instead the only sound is the sound of the wind blowing through the tree's of the political landscape...! So, what we have is a book of legal facts that Allan by his silence is confirming as true. Reality Meg, is a harsh judge! Now, in relation to my comment 'nasty sharks in Allans pond'; I was going to add the adjective 'murky pond' to clarify that the pond is the political world of the NSW neo right. My apologies; but I am concerned at your comment that the creatures from this pond act in malice - really Meg? I thought the order of the day would be brotherly and sisterly love in these murky waters? Or is it that Allans membership is under review because he's broken the golden rule and been caught. The whole situation is very, very sad and getting better each day! The harsh facts are Meg, that Allan is political dead meat swinging in the wind and even the disreputable characters that reside in his murky world are complaining about the stink. By the way Meg, please keep the posts coming on this subject and whilst its too late for Allan, it might bring some fresh air into the smelly environs that you and your disciples inhabit. Your dismissal of Babushka's comments on the subject reflect your masters contempt for the judiciary - not smart Meg. I think Babushka's comments were made quitely but carry considerable force of the battler who has had enough of squalid little people like Allan. Posted by Netab, Monday, 23 April 2007 5:23:05 PM
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ocm, you mean something like OLO? It's all same same. Media is media. You must represent the cretins you rant against. Ever heard of freedom of speech or does your diatribe come under a different set of rights and freedoms?
Posted by aqvarivs, Monday, 23 April 2007 5:58:47 PM
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netab, silence is guilt? You must be one of these existential relative deconstructionist. Your virtue of no facts arguing in your opinion of megs sinful ommision of facts.
I'm always amazed at some of the totally inbedded leftoids (I just love that word, it's still new for me) who haunt OLO in order to dictate what everyone ought to believe while not paying attention to the total event but, rather choosing little snippets bent out of proportion to "criminalize" someone like Jones while allowing by their "silence" the acts and words of folks like brother Hilali. As far as I can see Jones took it standing up and accepted the decision by the courts. He's not my cup of tea but, in this regard he's heads above Hilali. The left media made damn sure he got to court. Now if they would get off their knees in front of Hilali maybe we could have some sense of the use of law across the board. Posted by aqvarivs, Monday, 23 April 2007 6:20:30 PM
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Is this really true Irfan?You have permission by Graham Young to moderate all comments on your blogs?Could this be Irfan Usef style censorship since he cannot stand the heat of debate that lays bare his foibles time and time again?Did not the Third Richt also have such cencorship?
You cannot just have a clack of left wing noddies dancing with approval at your every whim and fancy,otherwise Irfan,your articles will become totally boring! I wonder if this "armchair Nazi" has hit too many raw nerves? Posted by Arjay, Monday, 23 April 2007 6:56:01 PM
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I wonder whether our self-described "armchair Nazi" had a beer or two too many after work tonight. If he revisits Irfan's last comment in the cold light of sobriety, perhaps he'll notice that Irfan was talking about his own blog, rather than OLO.
How unsurprising that Arjay is a fan of Gloria's. They seem to be people who are only too willing to suspend their human faculties in order to support the rabble-rousing Parrot. Such a predisposition is normally a condition of intoxication, stupidity, bigotry, or various forms of mental illness. Jones has well and truly outlived his use by date. The poor old sod should retire before he's incarcerated. Posted by CJ Morgan, Monday, 23 April 2007 7:44:50 PM
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CJ Morgan you got it wrong on two accounts.Irfan has described myself and many others on this site who disagreed with him in the past and present as "Armchair Nazis".Just have a look at his past postings on OLO.I was never a self described"Arm Chair Nazi" in either of your perceptions.Irfan himself desribed myself and others as such many times on OLO.
Instead of referring to "his blog" Irfan should have made reference to "his website".Irfan's blog was on OLO's website,that is my interpretation.You and Irfan may well make merry with semantics but the reality remains the same.Islam is poison to our Western Democracies,just as Hitler and facism was poison to those who opposed him in WW2. It is interesting that Irfan censors his own website,since that says a lot about his own inadaqacies.I just don't trust him or his religion. Posted by Arjay, Monday, 23 April 2007 10:09:46 PM
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A couple of old rams from the neo christian flock of bleeting christians. Its always a problem at pagan festival when your only alternatives are doddering old rams of christian facism and young skinny christian lamb idealoges of no substance.
I mean the last time I observed aqvarvs was his waxing and a wanning about his memory of a young catholic scholar, treading his path in his white shirt, grey slacks, school blazer and black loafers (do let me know if I have the details incorrect)to his very public private school. The parable does not end there; aqvarvs, was required to suffer for the faith, in the terrible taunts of 'catholic dogs sitting on fences..' and a hail of rocks. My heart bleeds at another catholic martyr to the faith. Not only that aqvarvs was brought up to be believe that he was the elite and so his little theoretical rhetoric at the beginning of his post. Grow up mate! Sursum Corda. Now to Arjay who's name is appropriate in that he is one of our little lambs that we do appreciate. His freenzied dingo style attacks, remind us that rabbi's is still a problem in our modern communities. I hope you both pray for me tonight, after you have had your glass of warm milk. Don't forget that christianity is about forgiving your ememies and turning the other cheek. It is festival time after all! Posted by Netab, Tuesday, 24 April 2007 12:17:44 AM
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I’m not sure what Shanno and CJMorgan get up to in public toilets but both need to research the facts…
London’s bobbies were on a blitz-for-bounty at the time, they rewarded the ‘biggest-catch-of-the-night’. Alan Jones coached the Australian footie team (beating the Poms soundly) - plenty of incentive to upset him and the team by fair means or foul. All charges were dropped and an apology extended. The ‘bounty system’ also came to a sudden abrupt end…as it should have. Any man relieving himself in a public toilet is in a vulnerable position easily accused of ‘exposing’ his person…like you, I wasn’t there so, can’t prove guilt or innocence…nevertheless I believe everyone is ‘innocent until proven guilty in a court of law’…which Alan Jones never was…quite the reverse. It is interesting you both pretend ‘tolerance and respect’ for all, including terrorist sympathisers and those who will vilify and degrade women…yet engage in the same language and vilification of someone you ‘accuse’ of being homosexual…cowardly as you are, using innuendo and insidious remarks. Even if he was, homosexuality isn’t a crime in Australia as far as I’m aware today. Your pitiful accusation begs the question, where is his ‘partner’ or ‘partners’? Are you suggesting he has ‘secret lovers’? Again, I’d suggest you’re not only clutching at straws, but you are engaging in the very vilification that you purport to oppose. Hypocrisy at its most despicable. As for your ‘mad mufti’, he has indeed ‘broken the law’ applying to all Australians…with sexist vilification and incitation to violence against women. When you huff-and-puff as loudly against his vile utterances, you may gain a semblance of credibility in your statements about others whose remarks pale into insignificance by comparison. RE: Chris Masters…If you’d followed his journalistic ‘achievements’, you wouldn’t be so quick to assume his latest effort holds any credibility. When interviewed by journalists unsupportive of AJ, Masters was forced to admit he had no evidence against Jones and had been condemned for much of the contents of the book by people who knew or were associated with events discussed in the ‘book’. (tbc...) Posted by Meg1, Tuesday, 24 April 2007 12:19:58 AM
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RE: Masters - I’d say ‘pulp fiction’ was generous. Irfan, there’s so little difference between the majority of Libs and ALP now - they may as well merge…they’re all paid by the same pipers, the transnational corporations who fund election campaigns of all the major parties so they dictate policy and the government and opposition meekly acquiesce or fall over themselves to comply. More exclusivity Irfan? It’s a pity some of the ‘wackos’ supporting you here aren’t as carefully screened, you don’t seem to mind them joining your thread…you only have difficulty with opposing opinions or those who point out the numerous flaws in your piece. Confine yourself to your own ‘exclusive’ site and avoid any opposition or free thought at all… : ) Netab, your confusing diatribe’s exposed your own bigotry and pitiful prejudices yet again…I am not a supporter, nor a disciple of either-the-right-or-the-left…I judge politicians and their supporters on merit…individually. Irfan exemplifies that extremes of left and right are a lot alike…and suffer the same delusions. RE: the ‘battler’ in you…your greatest battle seems to be with reality. As for the judiciary…they’re not omnipotent either, though many of them would disagree…there’ve been lots of innocents incarcerated (or killed, in the days of capital punishment). The law’s there to protect-and-serve – to ensure we treat one another with respect…it doesn’t always succeed, neither does the judiciary. RE: The Qu’ran – disallows usuary; labour-saving conveniences, e.g., dish-washers, etc.; the use of ‘images’; all conveniently ignored by Irfan, Osama Bin Laden, Hilali and every other fundamentalist Muslim who argues for the rest of us to acknowledge the Qu’ran…or else…be branded as intolerant, infidels, racks of meat, or worse…more do-as-I-say,-but-not-as-I-do from that quarter, huh? Crikey CJM, amazingly you continue to accuse all those with differing opinions of blindly following AJ as ‘disciples’, while you are clearly incapable of even conceiving your own labels and slander without having it dictated by your masters…Crikey, give it a rest and have an original thought! Posted by Meg1, Tuesday, 24 April 2007 12:26:57 AM
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Gee Meg1, rattling your cage would sure be a sight to behold in the zoo. I picture a chimpanzee enclosure where throwing dung is the accepted norm. Which brings me to your comment about not knowing what I do in public toilets. If you don't know I suggest a basic book on human biology may provide some enlightenment.
Seriously though Meg, anyone who is an apologist for Alan Jones really has a screw loose. I find it hard to believe that even he believes the drivel he dishes out. He's just doing a job that pays him bloody big money. And he knows full well that the more controversial he sounds the more he gets paid. Take away the inflammatory remarks, specious arguments and cash for comments then he'd probably just have to settle for working in the ABC where truth and professionalism in reporting seems to still be a strongly held value. Hey, doesn't Chris Masters work there? Posted by shanno, Tuesday, 24 April 2007 1:07:11 PM
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Arjay - settle down, old son. I was merely responding to what you yourself wrote. It's hardly my fault if you can't express yourself properly.
Also, poor old Meg1 does seem to be a bit rattled, doesn't she? Her increasingly hysterical apologetics for the Parrot, while verbose, do very little other than demonstrate her blind loyalty to her hero. In her diatribes, there seems to be a pattern emerging where she has a fairly indiscriminate spray at all who welcome Gloria getting his just deserts, but when called upon to explain herself she simply obfuscates by attacking those who question her. I'm still waiting to learn whose disciple I am, and also which laws the hapless Hilali has broken. While I agree with her sentiments about being innocent until proven guilty, surely this should apply to Jones, who HAS been found guilty and convicted of breaching media laws. With respect to Chris Masters' articulation of the open secret of Gloria's closet homosexuality, perhaps Meg1 could address the point made by me and others that if his book was fictitious (as she claims), then why hasn't Jones enacted his threat to sue? Meg1 questions Masters' credibility on the basis of his "achievements" - I guess multiple Walkley awards and the odd Logie, not to mention the Public Service Medal and Centenary Medal for service to Australian society in journalism, aren't good enough for her. Personally, I'd believe Masters over the rabble-rousing, dog-whistling closet queen anyday. But I guess I'm just not as credulous as his audience apparently is. Posted by CJ Morgan, Tuesday, 24 April 2007 2:13:39 PM
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"Is this really true Irfan?You have permission by Graham Young to moderate all comments on your blogs?Could this be Irfan Usef style censorship since he cannot stand the heat of debate that lays bare his foibles time and time again?Did not the Third Richt also have such cencorship?"
No, Arjay, I don't have such permission. I don't need it. My blogs are my blogs. I moderate them as I wish. Obviously I cannot moderate the infantile rantings from these forums as I don't own them. But I can moderate what messages people leave on my own blog. Posted by Irfan, Tuesday, 24 April 2007 4:32:14 PM
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Ah netab, you don't disappoint. Thank you for labeling me an elite. I appreciate such high standing but, when I got home my wife was looking for a bit more money. Could you let me have some of what you get from the Leftoid Barrackers Club. I'm sure anyone from the left as yourself with such animosity for opinions other than your own must be well paid.
It's not like it's your religion right? :-) shanno, "the ABC where truth and professionalism in reporting seems to still be a strongly held value" (?) My goodness such low standards. Everybody knows Australian media sold out years ago when God was killed and the almighty dollar was resurrected. But tripe sells, and the lowest common denominator is of the highest good when serving the masses. We mustn't be too particular eh! meg1, Keep it up, your opinion is as valid as these others and quite frankly you wouldn't want to know what these people get up to in the public washrooms of their minds. Thats why their dirty little minds run rampant at the idea of any one actually having to use one for their intended purpose. :-) Posted by aqvarivs, Tuesday, 24 April 2007 6:35:24 PM
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Once again Irfan Yusuf, the Islamic apologist is on a jihad against the practice of free speech which is alien to the Koran. Firstly he insults a sizeable proportion of the residents in Sydney by describing Jone’s popularity as “Jones's morning rants bring him a large audience.” Next, he makes a really silly assumption that most of the listeners are over 55. How can that be when many under 55 were aware of the situation at Cronulla because of his talk-back radio?
Alan is popular because he is a spokesman for the silent majority. The facts: Coming to the days leading up to the incident, Alan only read out messages that were sent to him. His personal message to the listeners was to let the police handle the situation. Even ‘The Age’, which is generally hostile towards Alan had to admit that “Daily he [Alan Jones] cautioned his listeners not to take the law into their own hands…”(13/12/2005 Posted by Philip Tang, Tuesday, 24 April 2007 10:43:39 PM
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If the description of those as "Armchair Nazis"with whom you disagree with Irfan,is not and infantile indulgence,then I must be above the perceptions of Allah.
You and your ilk try to pigeon hole people like Alan Jones as a racist,yet ignore the complexities of a Rhodes Scholar who has achieved more in a single lifetime than you could aspire to in a dozen. The Muslim philosophy and general social attitudes are not compatible with our Western Democracies.It is not the people of Australia who have a problem with racism Irfan,it is your very own culture.Just read again the comments of Sheik Hilali and ask your self why so many Muslims still want to keep him as their representative.Muslims like the Jews of the Old Testament think that they are the"chosen people" and will some day dominate the entire planet. "There is no god but allah",what an infantile,debauched statement.If Muslim men cannot control themselves at the sight of"skippy uncovered meat",then they have no place in a democratic society. Posted by Arjay, Tuesday, 24 April 2007 11:09:44 PM
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Judging from your own specious comments on other people’s toilet habits…one would assume you’re either blatantly malicious in making such accusations or engaged in such perversions and so were speaking from your own experience…otherwise why would you expect us to swallow your perverse reasoning?
My credentials on human biology indicate that you could brush up on that subject and an English language subject or two… As I’ve mentioned before, AJ doesn’t need me to be an apologist or anything else for him…his achievements in life are sufficient testimony…acknowledging the merits of others isn’t adulation. However, I find your blatant vilification and left-wing bile (CJM also), needs reply, if only to give some balance and condemn such blind aggression. Your posts expose little more than your own bigotry and prejudices – that’s inevitably an indication of ‘a screw loose’ but take heart…even the greatest fool is capable of fluking a good idea occasionally…so we’ll persevere and endure the ‘debate’, with all your bile included and hope for miracles. RE: Chris Masters & ABC…he’s only ‘left’ with the abc…excuse the pun…as a rabble-rouser himself, he’s even too far left for any other media. He’s being paid too…what’s your point? I am not privy to AJ’s legal pursuit of individuals and don’t wish to be…but legal proceedings take time…remain hopeful. I’m not convinced of a person’s guilt-or-innocence because he’s sued an opponent…perhaps ensuring sales of Master’s dubious ‘pulp-fiction’. Are you on his payroll drumming up sales too? Maybe AJ’s just letting justice run its course, although there will doubtless be any number of leftist groups panting for the opportunity to credit this with an award-of-sorts. It’s an indication of the author’s character when his ‘greatest’ claim-to-fame is his dogged pursuit of individuals until, by sheer volume of s@#*t thrown on them, they succumb and drown under the mountain-of-innuendo-and-accusation…well, what-goes-‘round,-comes-‘round…the-bucket-above-his-door-is-toppling-too. RE: ‘explain herself’…you’re slipping into your paranoid-and-delusional-state again CJM…even if I felt any need to ‘explain myself’ to you, you didn’t pose any issue to explain myself on…wipe your chin, you’re dribbling again! (tbc…) Posted by Meg1, Wednesday, 25 April 2007 12:53:17 AM
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As a twosome shanno and CJM, you’re unconvincing apologists for both the abc and…but at least shanno’s bile isn’t parroted direct from the author’s beak, “Crikey!” You’re pretty slow CJM, perhaps-I-should-spell-it-out-so-even-you-can’t-miss-the-meaning… Irfan-‘Obviously I cannot moderate the infantile rantings from these forums as I don't own them.’ Does that mean democracy offends you Irfan? Or just the opinions of those who disagree with you? What other steps would you condone to keep speech from being too FREE? You’ve given me no reason to find comfort in the Liberal Party with you as a candidate…as I said, the major’s are all painted-with-the-same-brush these days. Do you also support the barbarians who’ve threatened to send Prince Harry’s ears back to his grandmother if he’s captured in Iraq? Some really sick minds aren’t there? I’m still waiting for you to state your position on such inhumanity and depravity. However, we’ll tolerate your OLO cheer leaders, despite their ‘rantings’, Irfan. Aqvarivs you make valid points, one that I haven’t previously considered…it’s true that today’s income-standard in the global corporate world does seem to indicate that the leftist, lowest standards = obscenely high income, especially if the package includes an individual who can trade the basic human rights of others for the ‘corporate good’…i.e., the ‘bottom line’…now I see where public toilets fit with shanno and CJM’s ‘philosophy-of-life’. Is trading the basic human rights of others, how support for Irfan’s mufti fits into their leftist plans then? I’ve always believed everyone has some good…however deeply it’s buried…like you aqvarivs, I was moved by comments like Netab’s ‘Your comprehensive overview of the thread was awe inspiring’ : ) …every now and again, reality seems to peep through their clouded minds and burst forth…like acknowledging you as an ‘elite’ : )…then he slips back into the murky depths with talk of rabbis, political hari kari, spilling his guts on skeletons, etc…not sure what the relationship is with Islam and rabbis , but I guess their garbled mutterings are caused by some sort of induced state…curious… PT’s another who heard AJ’s comments first-hand…well said! Ain’t-that-the--truth-Arjay…! Posted by Meg1, Wednesday, 25 April 2007 1:01:30 AM
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More vacuous ranting from Gloria's cheerleader, but unfortunately she still seems incapable of addressing the topic. I'll make it simple for the poor dear:
1. Was Alan Jones convicted in a court of law last week for breaching Australian media laws? 2. What Australian laws has Hilali broken? 3. Whose 'disciple' am I? Please do us the courtesy of simply answering the questions, which are based directly upon your own statements above. Posted by CJ Morgan, Wednesday, 25 April 2007 9:41:48 AM
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G'day CJM - I was just passing the the flocks paddock and the level of noise coming from their bleeting is disturbing the neighours. I don't know about this new look of wearing shiny jackboots (I think that is aqvarvs's idea) and attempting to march around to the strains of martial music. I suppose they have to amuse themseleves but it is not an edifying site. Little Arjay snapping and biting; Meg intoning the party liturgical chant; aqvarvs attempting to hold himself slightly above the rabble (difficult to do when marching in a circle!) and Phillip attempting to choreograph this little Munich inspired pantomine. I'm a bit concerned that the latest party adherent, my favourite lamb, little goodthief is missing from the paddock - I suppose our little Hillview disciple is too busy cleaning up the Party's theories on subcultures and so has been excused from the pantomine.
I suppose their idealogical droppings are doing something for the soil and they are in one place for our continuing entertainment. Posted by Netab, Wednesday, 25 April 2007 12:29:42 PM
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Netab: You are a judgemental LITTLE! twit or you are reading a lot of people's mail but I think the former. Regards, numbat
Posted by numbat, Wednesday, 25 April 2007 2:22:26 PM
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Awhhhhhhhh Numbat; didn't they invite you to the sheep's pantomine play? But you understand their problem; after all a brain dead bat hanging upside down in the paddock gum tree is hardly inspiring. Mind you, its probably as inspiring as your colleague's, the sheep in shiny jackboots, marching in circles to the strains of Horst - Wessel - Lied. But look numbat, I want to be fair and I did forget, the smelly political corpse of allan swinging in the wind above this little rural gathering; its just that your continual loud bleeting and the stink coming from Allan, has the neighours complaining.
But look numbat, we'll paint you into the picture - Above the gathering and next to allan is an upside down brain dead bat, contemplating this scene of party solidarity and concerning himself with internal security issues. By the way, members of the leering left socialists and multi cultural allies - meeting tonight at the UN to discuss with allies the next phase of world government - BYO but kegs will be available from Party funds. Posted by Netab, Wednesday, 25 April 2007 8:18:28 PM
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Meg - yeah, one thing I thought I'd point out - I've not said the article wasn't related to muslims. I said that it was - though only tangentially.
I was pointing out that the main thrust was the ACMA ruling found that Jones had acted illegally, yet Mr Jones didn't feel like following it. I was pointing out that the Federal Government has proven themselves lax on enforcing it, and that if there is to be any media oversight at all, they really had to show solidarity on this one. Yet, you're addressing the tangents which appear to get your juices flowing, rather than the thrust of the article, which really, you've yet to comment suitably on, aside from providing a cheer squad for Jones. Forget about Jones for a minute. Consider the issue impartially if you can: What is it you think of the ACMA ruling? And, do you believe in media oversight, and in what circumstances do you believe it should apply? Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Thursday, 26 April 2007 9:23:58 AM
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CJM, you truly are quite dim…
1. Accepting the ACMA has ‘powers’ does not mean renouncing my democratic-right-to-free-speech. I-therefore-choose-to-exercise-my-right-to-question-the-‘hidden agenda’-behind-this-whole-debacle…and the findings, based on my reasons given to TRTL below. (You’ve proven beyond reasonable doubt CJM that you’d execute AJ for jaywalking, given half-a-chance…the issue is immaterial to you and you haven’t even heard the context of the program in question, ‘Nancy’.) Thank’s though for the ‘cheerleader’ label…I like to keep in shape so thanks for the compliment. 2. Hilali’s comments should fill any decent person with revulsion and he has strayed well outside the laws regarding ‘incitement’ and ‘vilification’ himself… considering your diatribes regarding AJ’s statements, you should be outraged, if you were remotely genuine…unless of course, you-have-another-agenda. 3. Your ‘parroting’ of’s regular name-calling and slurs about Alan Jones indicate you’re not only a besotted disciple, but incapable of original thought. The guidelines for avoiding plagiarism confirm there’s little you ‘label’ AJ with that they haven’t used first… Ho Hum, you’re so predictable… Netab, allowing that you have few comprehension skills, re-read my posts, I’m a member of NO party, political or other…any comments are mine…unlike the ‘chants’, ‘rants’ and name-calling repeated ad nauseum on this thread by your comrades. Hi Numbat, judging from the content and lack-of-taste in his posts, Netab has been reading the messages on those washroom walls he’s obsessed with, rather than anything of a literary nature…or anyone’s mail. Why would he start to-let-the-truth-get-in-the-way-of-a-dirty-story-by-quoting-anything-based-on-fact? I can’t help but recoil with distaste when he suggests that he likes to have his opponents corralled in one place to observe them for his ‘entertainment’…sounds like those perverted individuals who put cameras in lavatory blocks and showers, doesn’t it? : ( If this is how you get your jollies Netab, I might suggest that you go get a life…preferably with Irfan over in Iraq…you should fit right in and could enjoy the ODD BBQ or two together…neither of you appear to appreciate the country that sustains your lifestyle and freedoms. (tbc…) Posted by Meg1, Thursday, 26 April 2007 11:29:29 AM
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I’ve come to the conclusion that the reason for your obsessive hatred of AJ is that he is arguably the most articulate journalist/presenter in the country…given the obvious limits of your own literary ability, I guess that would rankle someone with your narrow-perspective-on-life. Perhaps you need to get an ‘outdoor’ hobby or you could consider ‘bingo’…you may even have a win there! Btw…you should move away from wherever you are because whatever you’re breathing in is affecting your ability to articulate anything that even vaguely resembles coherent thinking, even for a ‘leftist or facist’…whichever mindset has claimed you today. RE: your sheep theory…I guess there’s one positive there…we’re in good company and are the majority…it seems you, Irfan, CJM and the other incoherent-guy-back-there-are-all-there-is-barracking-for-your-mufti-mate… : ) TLTR, my comment on Irfan’s remarks were that he conveniently condemns Jones, as do the rest of his cult members- cheerleaders, or whatever, but ignores his own backyard, from which the-stench-of-all-he-supposedly-rejects-in-his-writing-emanates-in-a-thick, foul-smelling-cloud-of-Hilali-ism-and-cowardice-to-condemn-the-bile-he-speaks-about-women-and-Australians-in-general. As I’ve indicated above, having heard the context and tone of Jones’ comments over that period and the e-mails he read…balanced also with his insistence that the law should handle the situation and no-one should take matters into their own hands…this matter has another agenda, following from the many attempts to silence Jones and discredit him…refer to my comments on Masters for more… RE: Media oversight, Yes, in an ideal society, media oversight regarding content should apply to all indiscriminately, without fear or favour…clearly the Mufti’s media statements cannot seriously be classified as ok while Jones is condemned…hardy equity in practice or implementation. The ACMA-and-the-judiciary-are-not-infallible-either-TLTR…I can democratically question the findings…given the circumstances. Refer Lindy Chamberlain & Pauline Hanson…both over-turned! The fact that all involved in this issue remain ‘nameless’, save Jones, is un-Australian other than perhaps a similarity to the dingo population…perhaps naming them would indicate the real agenda behind the whole deal. The posters on this thread give a clear indication of the ‘politics’ behind it all and the depths some will sink to in justifying the means to their end. Posted by Meg1, Thursday, 26 April 2007 11:32:23 AM
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But Meg - media oversight has to apply to the media right?
Hilaly isn't part of the media. Sure, he's a scoundrel - but who do you suggest should be policing this, given that it's not a media issue? I can tell you with certainty that were there any muslim presenters a-la Jones, who urged muslims to go out and fight bikies, then they'd be subject to the same ACMA enforcement and much more public outcry, that's for damn sure. In regard to Hilaly - what kind of organisation would you have, and what kind of powers would they have to police the views expressed by religious organisations? They're not a part of the media, so what would you honestly suggest for Hilaly, given that he is not, repeat not, a subject that ACMA is really there to control. I tend to think that in relation to this article, you're focusing on the author rather than the substance of the piece. In regard to ACMA giving a ruling on Jones - if you're opposed to this ruling, what other journalists/presenters/media personalities have behaved in a manner that rivals Jones's? Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Thursday, 26 April 2007 11:38:37 AM
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The broadcast that got Jones into most trouble was the next day, on 7 December, when he READ A MESSAGE FROM A LISTENER containing the words:
"My suggestion is to invite the biker gangs to be present at Cronulla Railway station when these Lebanese thugs arrive, the biker gangs have been much maligned but they do a lot of good things – it would be worth the price of admission to watch these cowards scurry back onto the train for the return trip to their lairs." excerpt from Jones himself did not invite bikers to do anything. He was reading one of the many messages he had received. Not all were as this one reading. To say that he himself promoted this idea is stretching truth beyond reasonable capacity for even the most die hard leftoid. That it was done in the name of the Left media speaks of an agenda much darker than suggesting that by implication Jones was responsible for anyone who heard himself read the e-mail and who then ran immediately to the nearest biker hat in hand crying, "sanctuary, sanctuary, save us from the Lebanese". My opinion is that the ACMA failed utterly and set a precedence that will not be able to be countered in the future because the whole report is riddled with structure like "could have suggested", "could be implied", "a tone indicating approval". Relativism is alive and well and this farce proves the left media stands by their doctrine of no absolute truths, not even something close to the truth. There is one such truth that does seem to prevail though, "what goes around comes around". It's got a nasty kick. See ya in the funny pages. Posted by aqvarivs, Thursday, 26 April 2007 1:18:11 PM
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On day shift now, Meg1? Not that it makes much difference - prevarication seems to be your forte, day or night.
1. You can't quite bring yourself to acknowledge that Gloria has been convicted in a court of law for breaching Australian media law, can you? Of course you have the right to question the conviction, but you have to acknowledge that it exists first. 2. If Hilali had actually contravened our sedition and vilification laws, surely he would have been charged by now? I bet there's nothing that the Australian or NSW governments would like better than to be able to bring him to account. You may be trained in 'human biology', but you're no lawyer. 3. Jones has been known in media circles as 'the Parrot' and 'Gloria' for years. The fact that you've only read these nicknames in Crikey merely demonstrates your limited exposure to quality media. Whose 'disciple' am I, again? Nobody here is "barracking" for the mad mufti, who is in fact a straw man introduced by you to try and distract attention from the equally reprehensible Parrot. The fact is, Jones has broken Australian law and been convicted for it, while Hilali has made offensive statements for which he has been rightly pilloried in the media, but hasn't actually broken the law. Personally, I think we'd be much better off without either of the old hatemongers sullying our media. Fortunately, it seems likely that both of them are on the way out, each having become more of an embarrassment to their employers than they are worth. Posted by CJ Morgan, Thursday, 26 April 2007 3:37:34 PM
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Hey Meg1, you said "I’ve come to the conclusion that the reason for your obsessive hatred of AJ is that he is arguably the most articulate journalist/presenter in the country…"
Is this articulate JOURNALIST the same one who was sacked from the Sun-Herald in 1990 because he wrote an article on the 'oil crisis' based on information he'd gathered from a book of fiction - Frederick Forsyth's novel 'The Negotiator'? Posted by shanno, Thursday, 26 April 2007 4:35:54 PM
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Firstly TRTL, Hilali spoke in the media…he makes use of the media to spray his venom, he and those who promote his bile, should therefore be subject to the same media laws.
You and I are responsible for getting on our bikes, so is everyone else…I heard the statements and didn’t feel inclined to pedal my pushie to Cronulla to join the fray…you are all clutching at straws. AJ urged his listeners repeatedly to let-the-authorities-handle-the-situation-and-not-to-take-matters-into-their-own-hands. This was of serious concern to many, based on numerous e-mails he was receiving…sounds like he was doing his job. If the ACMA have chosen to ignore those facts, I’d like to know why? Other religious leaders have been subject to scrutiny by media and their authorities…as well as the public…so too should Hilali and Co. If he wants to speak in media and push his propaganda, he should be subjected to media laws. If he speaks the bile and venom that he does against Australia and women, including incitement to riot and terrorise, etc…unlawful as it is…in a public forum, e.g. his mosque, or the media…then he should be subjected to the full force of the law…re: treachery/treason, vilification, etc. There are indeed laws that apply… Your concern for the author is touching-but-invalid…he posted the thread-therefore attracts comment…mine indicated where the hypocrisy really lies after reading accusations of hypocrisy, in his piece… Your statement, confirms that you regard any comment on Irfan’s hypocrisy as religious bigotry, let Irfan and Hilali speak with impunity…hmmm hypocrisy? As for ‘substance’ in the piece…seriously, it has little merit, and less substance… Your earlier statement, ‘for every thread Irfan writes about muslim issues he's criticised for being inflammatory’, indicates by your own admission, he writes inflammatory pieces or even incites people…indicating that the-pot-may-be-calling-the-kettle-black. OLO’s regarded as being an arm of media…yet, you demand immunity from consequence for Irfan. I listen to a number of presenters, depending on where I’m staying…Alan Jones is mild by comparison with a number of past-and-present hosts of radio & TV and is courteous and reasonable on talk-back… (tbc…) Posted by Meg1, Friday, 27 April 2007 2:26:43 PM
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one geographically close opponent is John Laws, whose outrageous larrikinism extends back to his days in Far North Queensland as a 4KZ presenter…I would suggest his ‘behaviour’ can far outstrip Jones when it comes to discourtesy or offensive comments directed at his listeners or others in his line of fire. You’re stretching the lines of credibility when you suggest that Alan Jones is responsible for any degree of incitement in the community…save inciting them to think for themselves, consider the less-fortunate, knit blankets for local hospitals, hang Christmas decorations, etc…I can think of few who are more courteous to talk-back participants…including those he disagrees with…however, be sure to have your facts straight or you’ll be summarily corrected…seems reasonable to me, though I can see where Irfan and his co-horts would have difficulties judging by the inaccuracies in posts to date. Aqvarivs, how good to hear the ring of truth echo in the halls of OLO…refreshing, truly refreshing! CJM, alias Nancy, has decreed a new set of rules has he? Perhaps he should tell someone who’s remotely interested. In your leftist elements of the media Nancy, derision and mockery is used to cover the lack of substance in content…in wider media, my experience is there are many who find degrading namecalling unnecessary and immature. “Crikey” regularly print such c@#*p and that isn’t a recommendation for journalistic standard…you clearly ARE a disciple…parrot-fashion! I would’ve thought prevarication was your middle name, except for your initials…obviously you’ve had a name change by deed of poll. As for the law…you’ve just acknowledged that ‘equal justice without-fear-or-favour’ is a distant memory in your clouded mind…aqvarivs has just reiterated the concerns with precedence and the law on this issue. Try lobbying to introduce capital punishment for those who refuse to lean to the left…mufti and you’ll share another ‘bent’ on the capital punishment bit for those who won’t fall into line… Shanno…articulate means he’s-able-to-present-ideas-clearly-to-his-audience…your post indicates how long you’ve pursued AJ with your vendetta, unsuccessfully…I’ve quoted George Orwell’s fiction to illustrate a point, perhaps that’s what he did…I haven’t all the facts, so can’t judge… Posted by Meg1, Friday, 27 April 2007 2:31:33 PM
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Clearly, there is little point in trying to get Meg1 to engage in rational debate, at least when it comes to the hateful Jones. Her invective has become as shrill as it is obtuse, so I think I'll stop wasting energy in trying to engage with her pathetic efforts at argument.
Meg1 should probably content herself with listening to her deeply flawed idol's approaching departure from the airwaves while she still can. Meanwhile, most of us will cheer his impending demise from afar. My prediction is that Gloria will be sacked very shortly after Howard loses the next election, if he hasn't racked up any more convictions first. Posted by CJ Morgan, Friday, 27 April 2007 3:23:01 PM
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Actually, CJ, I believe that Meg1 is a nom de plume of the man himself.
Have a look back over "her" posts. Has a lot of the man's hysterical bluster about it, don't you think? The other giveaway is the cheating on word count, using the old stick-in-a-row-of-hyphens trick. Who else do you know would stoop so low, just to defend a superannuated old publicity tart like Jones? The more I look, the more I'm convinced. C'mon Meg1, do the honourable thing. Come out of that cyberspace cupboard and show us the true "you". Posted by Pericles, Saturday, 28 April 2007 9:02:55 PM
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Well CJM & surer sign of a lost argument than the tripe you pair are serving up.
ROFL... (:)) Sorry Pericles...I haven't even met the man and my husband and children are still chuckling at your pitiful attempt at bullying?Harrassment?Insult?Whatever it is you were trying to do... You should try to get out more, meet more people. You might even find that people outside of your own narrow political 'bent' have something to offer your miniscule mind. I met a fellow today who could live a life of considerable privilege and wealth, yet he travels two to three times a year to perform surgery voluntarily on some of the poorest and most marginalised people in the world. I don't know his politics and like AJ's, I don't care, I admire his compassion and his passion for what he does for others...for doing what he believes is right...for seeing a need and filling it, instead of wingeing about the politics of the guy over the road or across town. As I have said before, I don't see much difference between you on the far left and those on the extreme are so full of yourselves and so rigidly, rabidly rong...(wrong!) When people no longer recognise good in others and will trade the humanity of others for whatever political 'bent' they follow...they seriously need to widen their horizons...put simply...get a life! Posted by Meg1, Saturday, 28 April 2007 9:49:26 PM
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Interesting thought, Pericles. I agree that something doesn't quite ring true about our Meg1, but would Gloria actually go so far as to pretend he's something he's not in a public forum...?
...oh hang on a minute, that's exactly what he's made his career out of, isn't it? Who knows, this being the Internet. In any case, our Meg1 'parrots' her idol well enough that we know that there's little point in trying to get some honest, rational debate out of her. And of course we have her word that "AJ" wouldn't deign to read the comments of mere mortals like us in such a forum as this. Posted by CJ Morgan, Saturday, 28 April 2007 9:53:24 PM
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Good work've just proved my point beyond reasonable're such a sad pair - Pericles and Nancy!
I see your mates have just sold out on another leftist policy today...more uranium mining on the worksheet, how long before ALL their policies are identical to the Lib/NPA? Still feel like partying? You might feel the need to voice your concerns on talk-back radio on mere mortals. :) Posted by Meg1, Sunday, 29 April 2007 1:45:56 AM
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Hmmm. Methinks she doth protest too much.
>>Sorry Pericles...I haven't even met the man and my husband and children are still chuckling at your pitiful attempt at bullying?Harrassment?Insult?Whatever it is you were trying to do...<< So, to suggest she sounds like AJ is bullying, or harrassing, or insulting, is it? Surely she should be flattered by the comparison? I also love the idea that she can pinpoint my politics simply because I dislike Alan Jones. Simplistic in the extreme. Never mind. In cyberspace at least she has a husband and children. They must be a great comfort to her. Posted by Pericles, Sunday, 29 April 2007 7:05:28 PM
I guess he is not a regular listener to Alan Jones' program or national comments...fortunately I have listened, on occasion, to the program and the national comments for work related purposes for many years.
Firstly, I'm under 50, not retired, not wealthy (by anyone's standards) and have life-long friends in both the Muslim and non-Muslim communities in Australia. So your estimation of audience is off the mark on that score also, Irfan. Incidently, there are many Muslim listeners to Alan's program who have defended him and his program on air and in some of those 'e-mails' Irfan refers to.
I listened to the Alan Jones program on 2gb over the period in question and find it amusing that Irfan describes the ACMA report as an '80 odd page report'...odd indeed, couldn't have put it better myself. I also wonder at it's credibility, Irfan.
I am unimpressed by the behaviour of some Muslim members of our community and even less impressed that the so-called spokesman for 'Australian' Muslims is allowed to incite, vilify and 'preach' hatred and contempt against Australians with apparent immunity from any consequence...where's the balance? Surely Irfan doesn't support the Sheik's inflammatory and downright un-Australian outbursts?
As a woman, I find his attitude apalling...let alone his apparent contempt for all things Australian.