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Fair cop on media ruling, Mr Jones : Comments

By Irfan Yusuf, published 20/4/2007

Surely shock jocks, of all people, wouldn't want to see anyone get away with breaking the law?

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So Irfan feels he knows how it all is...I doubt it.

I guess he is not a regular listener to Alan Jones' program or national comments...fortunately I have listened, on occasion, to the program and the national comments for work related purposes for many years.

Firstly, I'm under 50, not retired, not wealthy (by anyone's standards) and have life-long friends in both the Muslim and non-Muslim communities in Australia. So your estimation of audience is off the mark on that score also, Irfan. Incidently, there are many Muslim listeners to Alan's program who have defended him and his program on air and in some of those 'e-mails' Irfan refers to.

I listened to the Alan Jones program on 2gb over the period in question and find it amusing that Irfan describes the ACMA report as an '80 odd page report'...odd indeed, couldn't have put it better myself. I also wonder at it's credibility, Irfan.

I am unimpressed by the behaviour of some Muslim members of our community and even less impressed that the so-called spokesman for 'Australian' Muslims is allowed to incite, vilify and 'preach' hatred and contempt against Australians with apparent immunity from any consequence...where's the balance? Surely Irfan doesn't support the Sheik's inflammatory and downright un-Australian outbursts?

As a woman, I find his attitude apalling...let alone his apparent contempt for all things Australian.

Posted by Meg1, Friday, 20 April 2007 9:48:18 AM
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This is a democracy, an Australain democracy...welcoming migrants with more tolerance than any Muslim nation or community on earth would welcome christians, agnostics, aethists...etc. Non-Muslims would be expected to conform or suffer the consequences in a Muslim nation...the same should apply here...when in Rome, do as the Romans do. That's why I live here and haven't migrated to Iraq.

You should ask yourself whether you are Australian or not...and take off your blinkers and see what this country has to attract migrants...don't destroy that for others who live here also or may want to migrate here too. Judge the issue as an Australian and from the facts...did you hear the program? I guess not...there's an Aussie saying 'stop talking through your hat...'.

Surely you wouldn't like to see a Muslim cleric getting away with breaking the law, Irfan? Who would you say has incited more racial and religious hatred in Australia...I guess Alan Jones isn't even in the race in that respect when you put it all in perspective without your blinkers, huh Irfan?

Aren't we lucky we can still democratically have our say in Australia...I see Irfan enjoys the privilege of online opinions and blogs, etc...I wonder how those privileges would sit for a Christian in Iraq?
Posted by Meg1, Friday, 20 April 2007 9:55:41 AM
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Meg, I tried to see how your post was relevant to the ACMA ruling and Jones's contempt for it, but I really can't.

So, put simply, you're saying... Jones should be above the law?

I find it interesting that for every thread Irfan writes about muslim issues he's criticised for being inflammatory.

Then when he writes one which is only very tangentially related to the muslim issue, he's criticised for the same thing.

Quite frankly, I'm annoyed at Jones's hubris - the man clearly doesn't have much respect for ACMA, and if the Federal Government doesn't take a tougher line on this, ACMA won't have any teeth at all, so you can kiss any media oversight goodbye.
Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Friday, 20 April 2007 1:19:36 PM
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Clearly, Australia's most odious shirtlifter is above the law. But of course that suits his disciples just fine. Personally, I think a stint in the big house is in order for Gloria, but I won't hold my breath.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Friday, 20 April 2007 1:46:32 PM
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“Admittedly, most are over 55”, sneers Yusuf, making his contempt for older people clear.

Yusuf is one of the Muslims always making excuses by saying that the Mad Mullah, Hilali, does not represent Islam or the majority of Muslims.

Let’s hope that Yusuf himself also does not represent Islam or the majority of Muslims in his regular rants on OLO.
Posted by Leigh, Friday, 20 April 2007 2:13:00 PM
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irfan PLEASE give it up you are flogging a dead horse in your accusation about jones. Jones 'attacked' gutless islamists - OH DEAR! - who had insulted Anglo Australian women and when asked by lifesavers to desist they turned on these l/savers, well they would wouldn't they as they outnumbered them. I have never listened to nor would I waste my time listening to jones and his ilk. He apparently broke a law but remember petal these gutless moslems were coming from even Melbourne as I believe to do battle. These moslems also broke the law in a much harsher and a more severe way than did janet jones. If there had been no gutless arrogant pagan moslems behaving like mindless thugs there would have not been any strife.
I have noticed my pagan friend that you do not answer many questions put to you in other posts, you disappear then wallah you turn up once again with yet another inane article. And it is either said or unsaid but the nub of ALL your articles is how we poor bloody peace loving, decent, honourable moslems are being maligned. Please mate pack it in for a while eh! Regards, numbat
Posted by numbat, Friday, 20 April 2007 2:16:43 PM
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