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Israel's 'right to exist'? : Comments

By Saree Makdisi, published 19/3/2007

The 'LA Times' (and other media) consistently adopts Israel's language, giving credence to an inaccurate, simplistic and dangerous cliché.

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Agree with your comment and funny you mentioned it since that was Sadat's vision which was rejected by both Palestinians and Israeli (ie mutual recognition 1967 borders). On another token, I am having a beach holiday in Sinai next week so I can stop worrying for a while.


Its as messy as trying to define and agree on 'secular' borders between Israelis and Palestinians. Bringing biblical borders into the mix will only encourage fundi Jewish and Muslims to throw their own religious borders. Secularism is good, lets stick to it and negotiate peacefully, Mr Armageddon!

Posted by Fellow_Human, Monday, 19 March 2007 11:59:03 PM
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The ancient Judahites and Israelites stole the land from its inhabitants, with much killing, cruelty, and enslavement.
After being overwhelmed by attackers, the Judahites regained their independence more than once, but finally were destroyed as a people in Palestine around 135 AD.
The country became part of the Christianised Roman Empire, remaining part of the Eastern Greek-speaking "Roman" Empire until Arab Muslimised marauders attacked and stole the country after 632 AD.
Historically, neither "Israel" nor "Arabs" have a right to Palestine.
Previous posters have made it clear that the Israeli Government has no intention of setting a LIMIT to the land they want. We can only guess that at the back of their mind is to seize as much as they can of ONE of the conflicting Biblical "promises" -- that is, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates.
NOW you can GUESS why the fake Christian fundamentalists at the head of the U.S. pretended there were weapons of mass destruction around the Euphrates in IRAQ. Their real reason is to seize the oil -- and they are asking the Iraq Parliament to give the U.S. leases of 32 years. I hope the Iraq Parliament insists on refusing, and instead invites back the companies that were drilling for oil there 50 years ago, while retaining OWNERSHIP of the oil -- and distributing the profits to every Iraq family in the country, not grabbing it for the rich or the ruthless. Check
Posted by johnmassam, Tuesday, 20 March 2007 12:28:15 AM
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I think this article misses the point. Israel can not recognise a Palestinian state that has terrorist organisations in government.

Hamas and Fatah are both terrorist organisations that call for the destruction of Israel. The many times that Israel has given the leaders (previously Yasser Arafat) the opportunity to create a Palestinian state have been met with opposition (Camp David, Oslo Accords).

Further, it is surprising that we in the West assume that Abbas or Khaled Mashal are rational. Just because they dress up in suits, join forces to form a "coalition" and sit down to a "cabinet" meeting does not mean that they are democratic, rational, willing to negotiate and want peace. They do it for the cameras!

Lets not use western terminology to define these people. They are what they are - terrorists!
Posted by chav, Tuesday, 20 March 2007 6:51:41 AM
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Please define "zionist" for us, because if zionists are terrorists, you will find that zionism has passed away decades ago and only a few Israelis remained zionists. The word "zionist" is still sometimes used in Israel, but its meaning has changed and now refers to generally being a good person and citizen, saving water, helping an elderly lady cross the road, etc.

The Irgun never targeted innocent civilians, as today's terrorists do.

No archeologist disputes the fact that Israelis lived in Israel thousands of years ago.


Every sentient being has a divine mandate to exist (including Australians).


The Israeli government is not interested in expansion. It was in fact elected on the promise of getting rid of most of Israel's occupied territories. Yes, there is a sad bunch of hot-headed Israelis who desire biblical borders and attempt to take the law into their hands in the matter, and Israel's government is unfortunately too weak to deal with them and punish them properly. Israel needs your help in its struggle to fight simultaneously both Jewish and Arab/Palestinian terrorists.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 20 March 2007 8:21:12 AM
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READ END of the BOOK .....

I agree with spendocrat - GROW UP - and I would ADD...

"Read the WHOLE of the book"

You folks just do NOT get it - it is the human condition that is the heart of the matter - I REPEAT.....

"It has been a very clear observation of mine, in counselling, in ministry and in my own life, and Jewish upbringing , that when we harbour anger, hatred and resentment against ANYONE, a deep root of BITTERNESS grows within us and defiles all those around us - whether we are Jew, Gentile, Palestinian, Australian or whatever.

Simply put, we end up becoming just like the ones we hate, whether it be parents, neighbours, Nazis or the Japanese.

FORGIVENESS is what Christ preached - sadly Palestine is not willing to forgive, nor is Israel - after all that is why they crucified Christ as a False Messiah - they simply were UNWILLING to listen to His simple message of FORGIVENESS and RECONCILIATION."

SIMPLE but too easy for mankind - his PRIDE and DESIRE for REVENGE fuels his ego and hatred.

The one great lesson of History - mankind continually IGNORES the lessons of History.

What is needed is LOVE, FORGIVENESS, RECONCILIATION not more flawed ploitical/diplomatic compromises - sadly, too simple for most!

And, yes, I HAVE read the end of the book - Israel's postion is sad - all this bloodshed CAN be avoided, but it won't be.
Posted by Flezzey, Tuesday, 20 March 2007 8:45:21 AM
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If the Israeli Government is against the illegal settlements why did it authorise the setting up of a new settlement in the occupied territory as recently as the last Christmas period?

Why did the Israeli Government auction Palestinian land, for settlement soon after the debacle in Lebanon?

Why does the Israeli Government encourage and condone the expansion of the existing settlements using the word 'thickening' to describe the process?

No weasel words when you face and 'explain' these actions!

No mate the Israeli govenment is made up of and supports those sad individuals you mentioned.
Posted by keith, Tuesday, 20 March 2007 9:09:37 AM
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