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Israel's 'right to exist'? : Comments

By Saree Makdisi, published 19/3/2007

The 'LA Times' (and other media) consistently adopts Israel's language, giving credence to an inaccurate, simplistic and dangerous cliché.

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The author begins by questioning the language of media but soon asks questions relating to how such questions ought to be structured, while his questions are structured to support the Palestinian view.

“... recognise the state of Palestine. ... (and for some reason, there are no high-minded newspaper editorials demanding that it do so).”

That might be because Palestine is not a State and has refused to establish itself as such. Hence the Palestinian Authority and Palestinian Territories.

“For that matter, why should the Palestinians recognise an Israel that refuses to accept international law, submit to UN resolutions ...”

Do Israeli's get asked the same questions about Palestinians?

“If none of these questions are easy to answer, why are such demands being made of the Palestinians? And why is nothing demanded of Israel in turn?”

The author is either neglecting his responsibility to the facts or is being woefully ignorant to push a pro Palestinian victim agenda. Much is asked from Israel. Often that they be first to come to the peace table, but mostly to leave a hole in their security.

“Endlessly repeating the mantra that the Palestinians don't recognise Israel helps paint Israel as an innocent victim, politely asking to be recognised but being rebuffed by its cruel enemies.”

It isn't the mantra that Palestinians don't recognize Israel. It's that they have written of erasing Israel from the face of the earth in their “constitution”.

Speaking to “Palestinian” legitimacy I can not find a historical reference to any people known as Palestinian. No Palestinian people, no Palestinian tribes.

History shows Palestine as being Judah or Judea as being part of the lands of the Jewish Kingdoms and the land Israel.

The author is correct on one point. The Palestinians are victims but, I don't think it is so much at the hands of the Israeli's, rather at the hands of their brother Arabs as a tool to frustrate the existence of the State of Israel and a Jewish homeland in a land the Arabs once conquered and took for themselves at the expense of Jewish autonomy.
Posted by aqvarivs, Monday, 19 March 2007 12:33:16 PM
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Sure Israel has a right to exist, but not with a brace of nuclear-tipped rockets ready to go.

It not only proves that Israel is being protected by the US, but also by a UN that is simply a mind-piece of the US.

How the UN or US can ever expect the Palestine Arabs ever to recognise Israel with not only its atomic rockets but with the latest in American made strike fighter bombers right next door, is beyond the pale.

Give the Israelies their due, they have proven mentally that they can match or better any other nation in intellect, so why have they not got the simple commonsense that their present ultra-modern armoury, considering the global existence they are now in, will not only get they themselves nowhere, but any real future for any genuine Middle East peace.
Posted by bushbred, Monday, 19 March 2007 12:43:33 PM
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A well written article.

It should also be pointed out that the "Balfour Declaration" only sought to provide the Zionists with a "National Home", not a "State" and also "nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine".

If Israel was controlled by any other group but Zionists, the United States would br clamouring for sanctions to be imposed until they adhered to the U.N. resolutions
Posted by VK3AUU, Monday, 19 March 2007 2:19:45 PM
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So, in a nutshell the author says the notion of the "right to exist" is an Orwellian attempt to legitimise what has happened to the Palestineans.

After all, what other nation has to demand that others recognise it's right to exist?

Well let's see, could it instead be because Israel's neighbours have tried for over half a century to destroy it and slaughter its citizens or drive them into the Mediterranean? Is that not a far more obvious explanation?

If the latter explanation is obvious, the other one, I think, requires a mind that is predisposed to see Jews as devious and malevolent.
Posted by grn, Monday, 19 March 2007 3:12:12 PM
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I guess most people on this post were happy to see Mr Arafat get the noble 'peace' prize a few years back. Most people also take it for granted that they have a right to exist. I take it also that most would be happy for the US not to back Israel. Well one day you will probably get your wish. We are bound to get some brainwashed secular US President who will happily allow Israel to be destroyed. The only problem is guys you have not read or understood the end of the book!
Posted by runner, Monday, 19 March 2007 3:28:39 PM
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Whilst I tend to agree with the author's premise viza viz the Israeli "language" too common in the USA and among the religious right, I find it hard to sympathise with the way the Palestinians promote their cause - corruption, nepotism, terrorism and hatred will NEVER get them anywhere with the west.

I see the problem as fundamentally one of HISTORY - and generations, indeed a millenium and more of hatred, un-forgiveness and blinkered views of history on both the Palestinian side and the Israeli.

Somehwere TWO parties have to forgive all that is past and start again - GET OVER IT and GET ON WITH LIFE. Palestine has a right to exist - it's peopel have a right to a homeland, and so does Israel.

The Palestinians are caught up in the distorted view of hsitory and hatred fed them, and the Jews are still yet to forgive the Nazis, despite Germany's repentance, contriteness and generosity toward Israel over the past five decades, even more so in recent times.

It has been a very clear observation of mine, in counselling, in ministry and in my own life, and Jewish upbringing , that when we harbour anger, hatred and resentment against ANYONE, a deep root of BITTERNESS grows within us and defiles all those around us - whether we are Jew, Gentile, Palestinian, Australian or whatever !

Simply put, we end up becoming just like the ones we hate, whether it be parents, neighbours, Nazis or the Japanese.

FORGIVENESS is what Christ preached - sadly Palestine is not willing to forgive, nor is Israel - after all tyat is why they crucified Christ as a False Messiah - they simply were UNWILLING to listen to His simple message of FORGIVENSS and RECONCILIATION.

Is it possible for peace between the two? - YES. Is it likely? - NO !
Though I pray for the Peace of Jerusalem frequently - the PEACE of JERUSALEM, ie all parties - not just the Jews, whom I once counted myself as.
Posted by Flezzey, Monday, 19 March 2007 3:53:19 PM
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