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The rise of secular religion : Comments

By Peter Sellick, published 13/12/2006

The truth may give us flat screen TVs but increasingly, as culture decays, there is less and less to watch.

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Sells a temper tantrum? You have opponents? A tad dramatic if you ask me but I guess the cult of Christianity is a cult of exclusion and thus everybody else and all of nature is the Christians enemy in the mind of a Christian. If so it is bad for you as you were defeated before you started.

You had no case. Your assertion of god as your base requires you have knowledge of the god that you claim. To assert god to exist on any level requires an intimate knowledge of that god which only god could deliver in person with gods own undeniable proofs. That is that even if a god did appear he has to prove he is god. That god also has to prove all his claims are also true and then clarify them in no uncertain terms. Such intimate knowledge requires an in-depth exchange and experience of proof previous to your claim.

All you have done is make the same claims children make when they speak of pretend friends – ‘Don’t sit there you will sit on god’. Worst still you demonstrate you don’t even have understanding of your own prejudices. You are using the internet a product of science to say across a nation that ignorance and backwardness creates a better world than secularism. Even god can’t go further than the skull of the believer. Science trumps god again. Worst again you have to use untruths to push your case.

All along it is you speaking, speaking from the ego, that’s why you throw the tantrum. God has not disagreed with secularism; god is a no show, null and void. You are left just regurgitating your fantasies and horrifically expecting others to march to your dictates.
Posted by West, Tuesday, 19 December 2006 12:51:39 PM
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"There must be a creeping suspicion that something is wrong as secular humanism cuts its grim swath through the culture leaving only degradation behind. As culture grows thinner they must feel the cold of the universe against their bare backsides and wonder what the future will bring"

I've heard that old chestnut before, as Xtians worry as to what
will happen without their moral guidance etc. Fact is that we
could introduce school subjects such as morality, ethics, philosophy,
etc tomorrow, if the godsquad did not object and insist that it
has to be preached in conjuction with the "jesus loves you,or you
will burn in hell" etc story. Whilst Xtianity insists that only
it should rule about what is ethical or moral, we have a problem.
Posted by Yabby, Tuesday, 19 December 2006 1:31:13 PM
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For Sells (1),

Peter, I can't see how open questions and my gentle critic of "a priori" assessment can be seen "bias". Bias means presenting predisposition.

Given (a) YOU have a chance to answer open questions and (b) my recommending the triangulation of disciplines on topics, it seems, I exhibit a newer, stranger form of bias. Better let the lexicographers know.

Moreover, YOU acknowledged “other” gods having the same characteristics (as the Trinity) to be myths. But, the Christian Trinity looks and quacks like a mythical duck. Why? The ball has been in your court for days.

For Sells (2),


The OT recognises El Elyon as the Head of the Canaanite Baal. In the OT, Yahweh was accepted by the gods, s, as, elohim,, a [indefinite article] son of El Eylon. In Pslam 82, we read: Yahweh took the stand at the Council, [anthromorphic, but that’s another story], "to deliver judgements among the gods, s. [plural]..."

Various Christian denominations since have avoided the gods, s, aspect, herein, supplanting gods with angels, majesty, tribal elders and pagan divinities. Here, it is not typically recognised, the Hebrews initially were henotheists (polythieists with a tribal god)
and Yahweh was merely a tribal god.


Sells, please answer this question. If you don't; just think about it:

Is the ousia of the Father one substance (homoousion), as in the Grand-Father (El Elyon). Do the three hypostates of the Trinity, also exist for El Elyon? Did El Elyon beget Yahweh, a God, having God the Father, as an hypostatis? Are there three hypostates existing, for EACH (divine) generation's ousia? If pneuma/spirutus is an hypostatis of God, in the Father's Father (and Brothers); How can this divine family, mock justice, "undermining the very basis of human society" [Psalm 82], and remain moral divinities? Or, is the Holy Spirit fallible?

[Psalm 82., Trans. Bowker, in Armstrong 1993]
Posted by Oliver, Tuesday, 19 December 2006 3:45:43 PM
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What a wonderful suggestion: teach ethics, character, philosophy in schools. I had always thought we should, but of course the religions would jump up and down. Although, there is nothing to stop the state schools.

That is very funny but it is no way to argue - it is so unfair! You had me in stitches. Who do you think you are submitting the word of god to examination: highlighting inconsistencies, diefied plurals, angelic fractions, heathen exponents and pagan infinities? But where was the logos of it all?

John Lennon once said: "it is all dick" but once you get past dick - perhaps it is all Plato.
Posted by YEBIGA, Wednesday, 20 December 2006 12:55:24 AM
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The only way to teach values in School is to teach law, teach kids that there are consequences to action. Sex education teaches more and better weighed values than religion as sex education teaches consequences to action. Teach manners and that will construct social cultural consequences to action. Science too informs real consequences to real actions and so is a far better way to teach good values than religion.

Spirituality is a politically correct word for self obbsession. How could a belief in a deity so emotionally immature as to need to be worshipped and only save those that stroke its ego hold any good value whatsoever? Even if it did keep people behaving good (and it most certainly does not)false motive will only lead to counter revolution and people will misbehave.

The mumbo Jumbo of jesus or allah only teach disrespect. Halali for instance preached the morality of womens dress but in my street women dont wear hats or other head coverings to prevent god being turned on and so far the street has been living in peace and prosperity. Yet now in Bande Ache women are being beaten if they do not cover their head and are blamed for the tsunami.
Posted by West, Wednesday, 20 December 2006 9:43:40 AM
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Logos, The Word of God's historical engagement ebbs and flows and ebbs again. The word of Sells flows and ebbs only. But, to be fair, God has had longer to work on His technique.
Posted by Oliver, Wednesday, 20 December 2006 1:43:14 PM
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