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Taking a stand for all animals : Comments

By Katrina Sharman, published 20/12/2006

Billions of animals are suffering in the US and Australia, but there’s hope in the wings.

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Actually Dickie, I think you'll find that farmers are very much
behind live exporters, thats why I gather the farmers fighting fund
is bankrolling the legal costs. The way I understand it, this case
is more about interpretations of new welfare laws, then anything else.

The WA Govt is very much in support of the live trade, as they
understand the realities. Its economically vital for a start.
There are also no alternatives, apart from shooting 3 million
sheep a year.

Our present meatworks in WA simply cannot find staff and cannot
bring in more staff from China and other places, to even cope with
their present workload, to cope with the 4 million or so slaughtered
here. City slicker politics prevents it from happening. So vital
export contracts are lost, through lack of staff.

If you want to see animals starving, dying in the paddocks, ban
the live trade. If farmers ever thought that the live trade was
seriously threatened, you'd soon have thousands on the steps of
parliament house very quickly.
Posted by Yabby, Saturday, 3 February 2007 1:28:37 PM
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Yabby thank you for the rational, succinct explanation, you are too kind to Dickie.

Ditzie Dickie slam Dunks another Deplorably Obtuse comment.

Comparing a peaceful demonstration to public unrest, what a limp wristed attempt to paint Mr Edwards as a radical.

By contrast Animal Libbers would be likely to dig up some dead relatives of the politicians and then attempt to ransom the cadavers, as was done in England a couple of years ago.

Or is this a vain attempt at humour Dickie?

No wonder he is mad at the world -- he never gets anything right. Or is that write, Dickie?
Posted by Cowboy Joe, Sunday, 4 February 2007 11:15:04 PM
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So, as anticipated, the pastoralists and graziers flourishing placards of protest and without respect for due processes, rallied outside the Central Law Courts yesterday, objecting to the legal pursuit for justice in this country.

Emanuel Exports are defending animal cruelty charges where 1340 sheep died on their way to the Middle East.

Prosecutor, Barry King said "the exporter put sheep at risk by failing to provide proper food on board or allow adequate checks of animal health."

And of course those with vested interests, rallying outside the courts, have remained silent on the issue of animal welfare.

In the meantime, in Britain, 159,000 turkeys have been gassed and incinerated where the deadliest strain of bird flu is believed to be present.

Health Secretary, Patricia Hewitt said "the Government was preparing very very seriously for the possiblity of a pandemic."

World Health Organisation spokesman Gregory Hartl stressed that a European country such as Britain could just as easily be the source of a mutation triggering a human pandemic, such as Asia or Africa.

And with the poor sanitation, inhumane treatment and overcrowding of these hapless creatures, can we see in the near future, the karmic experience of breeders in first world countries, succumbing to the diseases they have perpetrated in other species?
Posted by dickie, Tuesday, 6 February 2007 7:59:08 PM
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Karmic experiences are a wonderful thing for Maharishi & the true believers. We have more than enough religious zeal and homicide in the world at present, consequently, we do not need a Church of Animal Worshipers.

Isn't it great to live in such an enlightened country (comparatively speaking not idealistically)where everyone gets their day in court. Animal welfare legislation is being enforced, but that is not enough for the Dickies -- will the death penalty make you happy Dick?

The farmed fowl were infected by wild birds -- what is Dickies point? 70% of all human diseases originate in animals, historically speaking. Peter Singer isn't concerned about transmitting disease when he advocates consensual sex with animals. Or does he obtain blood tests first. Do we have legislation covering such depraved activity? Maybe animal libbers (real lovers) started the spread of AIDS.

Dickie has Selective Paranoia.

Unlike Dickie volunteer hunters have done something concrete and have provided the Federal Government over 2,000 samples of duck excrement so that monitoring of Australian waterfowl for avian influenza can occur. They funded the costs themselves and in some cases paid the postage.

It is interesting to note how Dickie tries to put out a derogatory connotation by painting certain organisations and groups with derision. Labeling a group with specific characteristics may be regarded as bigotry. 30 years ago bigotry was a commonly used word just before racism was redefined as any negative comment directed against a minority group.

My grandmother was a farmer and used to filled with remorse and cry when one of her milk cows died. The concept that farmers are vile individuals is more delusional claptrap from a pathetic individual with serious psychological issues. Surely he was an abused child.
Posted by Cowboy Joe, Tuesday, 6 February 2007 8:32:21 PM
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Prosecutor, Barry King said "the exporter put sheep at risk by failing to provide proper food on board or allow adequate checks of animal health."

And don’t people die on cruise ships too,its suprising that you havent mentioned anything about the lack of lifejackets for those sheep to.

And of course those with vested interests, rallying outside the courts, have remained silent on the issue of animal welfare.

In the meantime, in Britain, 159,000 turkeys have been gassed and incinerated where the deadliest strain of bird flu is believed to be present.

more than likely the b/flu was spread by animal activists,bit like the placement of pork/ham in the feed downunder.


National Lamb Day will be celebrated in NZ on Feb 15 to coincide with the 125th anniversary of the nations first frozen meat export.

I suggest that you put pen to paper dickle and get those letters off to the Kiwi papers,of course they will do as we do here...laugh and a bit more at your feeble attempts to dissuade us people living in the real world.

Hey watcha feed your cat this morning Dickle,just an honest q`s as i noticed an article in one of the papers about cats being put down due to their physical condition attributed to their VEGETARIAN DIET...

Is that what vegans do? Feed their animals like so? They should be run up the race and be put down themselves.
Posted by the gryphon, Wednesday, 7 February 2007 6:32:41 AM
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Something is definately wrong! - and that's not a new opinion contributable to modern animals rights movements. That's a universal truth! Our inherent culture directs us to be at one with the universe. The rightful, inherent way for humans to deal with ALL animals is to to follow the edict of our inherent impulse; to engage in 'an empathetic stewardship over ALL animals'. But, just as all imposed cultures distort 'the inherent' to some extent, so has ours .. but to the nth degree and then some! Our ultra-pragmatic culture has distorted our inherent impulse, to empathise with other creatures, beyond breaking point! It has imposed a distorted edict which tells us to 'have dominion over ALL animals' which Man reads as 'have (unbridled)dominATION over ALL animals'. We have broken peace with the animals and peace with ourselves and the universe!

If you think meat-eating is O.K., read "The Animals' Lawsuit Against Humanity" originally written in the 10th Century in Mesopotamia and recently revamped for publication (Fons Vitae publishers)
and also
look at

Then conclude who are the crazy ones! Peaceful, empathetic, humane, human vegans?
those who, by eating animal flesh and consuming other factory farm products (eggs & dairy), are, effectively supporting and therefore, responsible for a robotic, emotionless monstrous cruelty of an extreme degree, TO SELECTED ANIMALS? All this because we CAN'T find a way of ending our simultaneous obedience to two diametrically opposed cultural (spiritual) edicts!

The wrongness of cruelty to animals is simply INHERENTLY wrong and this IS universally known (even amongst those who won't overtly acknowledge that animals are better suited to being our spiritual teachers-of-humility than they are to being our food!)

No amount of accusing peaceful people of being 'wacko vegans', a contrived term intended to imply that our distorted Imposed Culture is, by comparison, 'normal' will ever alter the the fact that there is a world of difference between that which is inherently right and that which is inherently wrong. In our hearts we ALL know it, even those who PRETEND to not know this!
Posted by Heather, Sunday, 11 February 2007 1:42:33 AM
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