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Taking a stand for all animals : Comments

By Katrina Sharman, published 20/12/2006

Billions of animals are suffering in the US and Australia, but there’s hope in the wings.

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quote:Perhaps its time you examined your own city based, unnatural
ways of treating your pets, no wonder they go psychotic
alot of the time! Locked in houses, cars and flats. Dressed
up in clothes, jewelry and whatever else petowners can waste
their money on. :end quote

you forgot to mention the diamonte collar...
Posted by the gryphon, Thursday, 1 February 2007 4:23:14 AM
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My apology to Dickie, I did not use the correct number.

Not 150,000 gassed but 184,000 according to a news report I read yesterday. But the papers seldom get statistics correct.

Yup, that's right Dickie a newspaper, usually written for people with a reading age 12 years and above.

Maybe you could trade in your well worn library of Golden Books at the book exchange for Peter Singers new 'Book', it has something to do with eating ethics, there should be one or two copies in the second hand shop by now.

The world awaits Singer's next book, The Ethics of Consensual Sex with Sentient Animals. The Sydney Writers festival will gladly invite him along to their next festival.

However, he may be too busy drafting a Constitutional Amendment to give pigs their constitutional rights. Apparently he conducted extensive interviews in order to identify their needs and wants. The research took longer than expected as Singer found one spotted sow particularly sensual.
Posted by Cowboy Joe, Thursday, 1 February 2007 5:09:46 PM
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Home-Grown Animal-Rights Militant Banned From UK

The British Home Secretary, acting on Center for Consumer Freedom research and investigative reporting from a top London newspaper, has banned animal-rights extremist Jerry Vlasak from entering the United Kingdom. On May 20, we sent a letter to Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT), whose subcommittee was investigating the very real danger posed to America by violent animal-liberation militants. Included in our letter -- which the Senator read aloud to the entire committee -- was a chilling quote from Vlasak advocating the murder of researchers whose work requires the use of animals.

Billed as a speaker for the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM is a quasi-medical group affiliated with People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), Vlasak told the national "Animal Rights 2003" conference: "I don't think you'd have to kill -- assassinate -- too many ... I think for 5 lives, 10 lives, 15 human lives, we could save a million, 2 million, 10 million non-human lives."

On July 25, the London Observer's Jamie Doward broke the story that the violence-preaching Vlasak planned a UK trip to instruct British animal-rights terrorists. Now, the Home Office (roughly analogous to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security) has informed Vlasak and wife Pamelyn Ferdin that they aren't welcome "on the grounds that their presence here would not be conducive to the public good.
Posted by Cowboy Joe, Thursday, 1 February 2007 10:41:19 PM
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UK Continued:

Vlasak has extensive ties to PCRM, which disguises its animal-rights agenda behind doctors' lab coats. But Vlasak openly advocates violent tactics. Speaking at the "Animal Rights 2004" conference this summer, he argued:

It won't ruin our movement if someone gets killed in an animal rights action. It's going to happen sooner or later. The Animal Liberation Front, the Earth Liberation Front -- sooner or later there's going to be someone getting hurt. And we have to accept that fact. It's going to happen. It's not going to hurt our movement. Our movement will go on.
That's precisely the insanity that responsible public officials in Britain are trying to prevent from spreading. The Guardian reports today:

In her letter banning her from the UK [Ferdin] was told her "presence is undesirable because of your conduct (in particular your willingness to engage in confrontational activities in support of the animal rights movement) and your associations (in particular your role in and with the Animal Defence League-LA and support for Dr Vlasak's activities in the animal rights movement)."
Correspondence from the Home Office to Ferdin -- who, like her husband, has had a clear affiliation with PCRM -- emphasized that the UK has no interest in playing host to those who put animal liberation before human lives:

The secretary of state has now reached a final decision and has given a personal direction for you not to be given entry to the United Kingdom on the ground that your exclusion is conducive to the public good. I am instructed to inform you that you are hereby excluded from the United Kingdom.
Posted by Cowboy Joe, Friday, 2 February 2007 9:30:35 PM
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very welcome news to hear that at least one country has its priorities correct....people before animals is the way for it to be.A tired old line but why is it that these peta`s etc dont channel their minds and their money into the less fortunate peoples of the world instead of animals.Does this mean that they think less of the unfortunates,do i sense that peta`s think far less of their fellow beings of different colours ?
Posted by the gryphon, Saturday, 3 February 2007 7:23:49 AM
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Excerpts from Article in West Australian - Saturday 3/02/07

"Farmers are braced for a landmark trial involving animal cruelty charges against Australia's biggest livestock exporter which begins in Perth on Monday, warning the outcome could determine the future of the controversial live export trade.

"Emanuel Exports and two of its directors are charged with breaching the Animal Welfare Act 2002, relating to a shipment of 100,000 sheep from Fremantle to the Middle East three years ago.

"In February last year, Ag. Minister, Peter McGauran suspended trade to Egypt after footage, shot by Animals Australia, was aired allegedly showing cattle being mistreated at an Egyptian abattoir where Australian cattle were also delivered.

WA Livestock Exporters Association chairman John Edwards said farmers' response has been disappointing. "We haven't seen producers rallying on the steps of Parliament. Imagine if this was France, Italy or the UK, I would have liked to see the reaction from farmers," he said.

Any comment on animal cruelty, Mr Edwards?

Inciting public unrest, Mr Edwards? Been caught out and now objecting to the legal procedures in this country and the subsequent outcomes?

Civilised citizens generally allow for due processes, Mr Edwards.
Posted by dickie, Saturday, 3 February 2007 10:37:41 AM
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