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Reflections on a multicultural nation : Comments

By Andrew Jakubowicz, published 15/11/2006

The energy directed against multiculturalism has been truly evil, for it has been advancing an agenda of superiority, while disregarding the consequences.

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This “race is skin deep” is flawed as the skin is an organ (correct), the brain is an organ (correct), and like the skin evolved through natural selection differences in colour/ability to protect oneself from sun (Africa) but allow enough sun in (Europe), so to did the brain evolve through natural selection due to the different environments cold/hot and way of life hunter/gatherer i.e. aborigines, to say farmers i.e. Chinese.
An example you say...
To prove genes were responsible, and Not culture or education or any other inconceivable notion.

An aboriginal and European were brought up in the same family, they took a spatial awareness test (in a house, they had to remember what goes where) stunningly enough the aborigine was 75% better at this test then the European Australian. Fluke? You ask. No as again after again the aborigines done far better in spatial awareness. The answer you say? Their evolved hunter gatherer lifestyle (i.e. tracking) led to natural selection advancing this capability (special awareness) in their thinking, as opposed to the Europeans farming/cultivating/herding etc.

People have come to the realization that women and men think differently no matter how they are educated or what culture they are from, why cant people come to the realization that races too will think and act differently no matter how they are educated or what culture they came from.

You’ll all see the facts one day when the pc police go away, and the scientists/evolutionists are allowed to release these dam racial statistics without a fear of unnecessary labels being thrown there way.
Multiculturalism is a very very dangerous policy.

“And that’s why you’re a racist Banjo, you don’t understand your own white privilege.
This privilege means that you can:
• Arrange to be in the company of people of your ‘race’ most of the time.”-Raininer

how is that a “white previledge” what about Japanese, Chinese, Sudanese, that really made no sense you know.

One last point, some people on here deny the existence of race, and in the very same paragraph call people racist < how on earth is that possible?And-CJ,is-a-racist-statement-one-that-points-out-the-bleedin-obvious,australia-is-a-multi-racial-society.
Posted by obviously, Thursday, 23 November 2006 10:45:40 PM
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obviously: "And-CJ,is-a-racist-statement-one-that-points-out-the-bleedin-obvious,australia-is-a-multi-racial-society."



Posted by CJ Morgan, Thursday, 23 November 2006 11:18:32 PM
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Charlie Bradley said: "But the thrust of the educational change that is being promoted by government is towards requiring the narrow, exclusive and superior values of a conservative Australia that never really existed anyway."

Absolutely, western culture, the rule of law, and human rights never really existed in Australia. Therefore, we should end this flimsy facade immediately, and allow the ideology of cultural relativism to prevail. The debauched and racist culture of mainstream Australia must be wiped off the continent to ensure maximum tolerance of all aspects of non-Western culture, including infanticide, torture, slavery, oppression of women, female circumcision etc. as these are obviously far superior to any cultural legacy our contemptuous forefathers established here in this backward nation.

Only until we purge this Western influence can we be truly free of this evil monoculture preventing the complete balkanization of society and the marginalization of mainstream Australia. Notions of integration must be curbed. Minority cultures must take absolute precedence. After all, in a universe with total equality of cultures it would be immoral for a host nation to expect the values, culture, or even language of the majority be adopted by immigrant minorities.

It is my conviction that we multiculturalists shall not rest until the odious legacy of our despicable European ancestors is totally liquidated in favour of total tolerance. Long live multiculturalism!
Posted by Oligarch, Friday, 24 November 2006 4:58:36 AM
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New research shows that at least 10 percent of genes in the human
population can vary in the number of copies of DNA sequences they
contain--a finding that alters current thinking that the DNA of any
two humans is 99.9 percent similar in content and identity.

This discovery of the extent of genetic variation, by Howard Hughes
Medical Institute (HHMI) international research scholar Stephen W.
Scherer, and colleagues, is expected to change the way researchers
think about genetic diseases and human evolution.

To get a better picture of exactly how important this type of
variation is for human evolution and disease, Scherer's team
compared DNA from 270 people with Asian, African, or European
ancestry that had been compiled in the HapMap collection and
previously used to map the single nucleotide changes in the human
genome. Scherer's team mapped the number of duplicated or deleted
genes, which they call copy number variations (CNVs). They reported
their findings in the November 23, 2006, issue of the journal

obviously, go read it. It blows Dawkin's and hence your theories out of the water.
Posted by Steve Madden, Friday, 24 November 2006 5:33:13 AM
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GEE WILLIKERS.... or however its spelt.... the passion..the research...the effort... so much in this thread.. I think its great !

"MultiCulturalism is Ethnocentrism/racism in disquise" seems to sum up MC quite well.

As Banjo said: "Identity politicians like you, Andrew, are in my opinion the most ethnocentric people of them all"

To be honest, up till now I've not considered this particular angle.

But when you think about it... the desire NOT to assimilate or integrate or to embrace (by absoprtion AND by contribution) with Australian Culture by people on the basis of race or culture are in fact the very evidence and source of Xenophobia and Racism of which Ranier,C.J. and gang :) constantly rant against.

There can be no other explanation than the ethnocentric view, 'ours is better, so why would we want yours' ? Am I wrong here ?

This is not to say 'Australian' culture is anything other than 'different'. But its different in a way which by virtue of good manners deserves to be respected and for the sake of national harmony embraced.

Having said that, there are many aspects of CURRENT Aussie culture which should in my view be CHANGED, but we can all work together on this.

RESPECT and POLITENESS yes..lets return to the good old FIFTIES (in one thing at least) 16 yr old Johnny says "Excuse me Mr Smith, (neighbour)my dad would like to borrow your shovel, would that be alright"?

Boy to male teacher "Sir, may I leave the room" ?

et etc....

Respect for elders is something we have lost. LETS GET IT BACK.
(Interest disclosure statement...."I'm getting old" :)

Keep up the great work all yoos.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Friday, 24 November 2006 5:50:14 AM
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P J Morgan,
Are you some sort of politically correct nut or just plain stupid.

Multi means many. Race means, a group of people with common ancestory. So the meaning of multi-racial is plain to everyone, or should be. Life is too short to suffer idiots.

So that this post is not wasted on a bloody fool, I pass on some GOOD NEWS. Night before last on TV news. Some muslim and non muslim adults are organizing for some young muslim males to join Surf Life Saving Clubs and also joining Rural Fire Servic Brigades.

This is to be applauded as nothing but good can come from this and best wishes to those organizing and participating. Both are great community groups. I am not aware of what happens in other countries but here there are many excellant sporting, service and other groups,and a niche for everyone to contribute to our society.

Best of luck to all concerned. This is integration making inroads.
Posted by Banjo, Friday, 24 November 2006 10:11:55 AM
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