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Feminism is passé because it worked : Comments
By Vivienne Wynter, published 15/8/2006The equalities we take for granted weren't won without a struggle.
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Posted by Bazz, Monday, 21 August 2006 11:37:45 AM
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"Men still earn more money than women, and are in more positions of power and influence than their numbers of the population should suggest." Laurie
I suggest that you read Warren Farrell's book; " For decades, we in the media have reported that women earn less than men. As a result, we've created a generation of angry women and self-conscious men. A new book, "Why Men Earn More," by Dr. Warren Farrell, shows we've been dead wrong: For the same work, women earn more than men. His findings are based on a comprehensive review of government and other statistics." I am well aware that there are many types of feminism. Neil Lyndon's case "Neil Lyndon's world came crashing down after he wrote a pioneering article in The Sunday Times attacking feminism. He was treated as a pariah, and his young son was taken from him. Now that his boy has grown up, the writer has decided to set the record straight." The above article is well worth reading. Posted by JamesH, Monday, 21 August 2006 12:11:20 PM
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I'll believe feminism is irrelevant when I can walk down the street without being hassled by men, when my appearance isn't considered more important than my character or what I do, when people stop telling me that its the fault of career women that our nation's birthrates have dropped rather than admit that men don't want to marry and women have a right to a career, when women stop getting beaten up, and when the beauty ideal for women excludes anorexia and cocaine abuse to keep weight down and when the female equivalent in attractiveness and age of Bert Newton is allowed on national television.
Posted by Noos, Monday, 21 August 2006 1:29:35 PM
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I think that women like Noos miss the point.Having a highly paid stressful job does not make all people happy.It a is very selfish notion of the feminist elite to assume that all women want full time jobs and independance.For the majority of the population ,men inclusive,work is mundane and boring,something we do until the weekend.
The feminists have been very egocentric and selfish in only pushing the elitest agenda of more power to the top 10% of achievers,without considering the ramifications for the masses,who would rather have more time to enjoy a social life,rather than being slaves to a mortage or some multi national company. Women in the past didn't have the vote or obivious rights,but they had enormous power within the family and had great respect from men in this outwardly unequal relationship.Today no one seems to respect anyone and both sexes seem diminished by this selfish cold war of power. The most tragic thing about our society is that we can no longer recognise the simple joys in life without some notion of being the victim,whose life experiences were stolen by some evil oppressor. The evil oppressor is more often ourselves. Posted by Arjay, Monday, 21 August 2006 9:52:03 PM
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Yeah Arjay, you seem quite repressed, oops I mean oppressed. My advice to you would be to have a mid-life crisis or something. You're obviously not happy with the choices you made in life. You should stop blaming others for that though.
And I don't know what century that guy just flew in from that was going on about white feathers and all. This conversation has gone a bit off the wall which is why I'm not bothering to argue intellectually with any of these small membered* jerks who are so loving pissing off the feminists. *There you go James, I threw that one in there for you. By the way James, women make up 70 percent of the world's poor and it will take women about another 150 years to receive equal pay. The gap decrease has slowed down somewhat with this rise in "post" feminism. Oh and guess what we're all likely to retire with half the superannuantion of men too. Oh yes, the PC crowd have grossly exaggerated that whole inequality thing. Not. Posted by Anna_, Monday, 21 August 2006 11:56:45 PM
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Before the 70s, it was perfectly acceptable for people - mostly men - to spew hatred about women - like some people spewed hatred of blacks or Asians, or homosexuals or - in earlier times, Catholics. In women's case it was called mysogyny.
Now, mysogynists have realised its not acceptable to be blunt about their hatred of women, so they replace the word "women" with the word "feminists" and, hey presto, spout the same old neurotic, paranoid, sad nonsense. I am a human being, guys, with the same rights to my hopes and dreams as you have. I will not be told how I ought to live or what I ought to want. Why is that so frightening to you? I also have the same responsibilities as you have - no more, no less - therefore I am responsible for my own life, my own decisions, my own mistakes, my own happiness or discontent. I am not responsible for yours - you are. Stop expecting women to change to make you happier, and start to take reponsibility for it yourself. Women long ago realised that if they wanted to improve their lot, they'd have to change and, guess what, they did. Posted by ena, Tuesday, 22 August 2006 8:59:26 AM
Unfortunately when women convinced the government to force
lending institutions to lend on two incomes it was not considered what
happens when you dump twice as much money into any market.
The prices in that market rise to take up all the available money.
So now having borrowed on two incomes, it needs two incomes to repay
the loans, not quicker as was originally hoped.
Women now seldom have the option of working or staying home with
the children, they are now *forced* into the workforce whether they
like it or not.
Sorry but feminism was blind and stupid in this matter.