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Battle for the Kingdom of Heaven continues : Comments

By Sheree Joseph, published 10/8/2006

Muslims and Christians must learn to work together as a unified body in the Middle East.

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Glad you joined coach in the tree house.
Enjoy your 'philo'sophy sessions together.
Posted by Fellow_Human, Friday, 18 August 2006 1:42:10 PM
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How can anyone talk about co-operation between Christians and Muslims when their beliefs and attitudes are as far apart as the east is from the west (literally speaking).


In fact the sum total of your faith is in a "religious system" and not a relationship with the true God of the universe. If you were at all human this notion would have bothered you.

Islam believes that he Allah is “the god” but to them he is still unknown and unknowable.

Jesus is God walking on earth – God in every aspect of the world – and human in evry aspect of the word. The main difference is that He was without sin.

Mohammad – was a mere human – like the rest of us a sinner in need of salvation. He never promised salvation to his followers because he could not give it. He never met the God of salvation.

This is very serious F_H and if I were you I wouldn’t run away from the truth and hide in your pride following a pederast and his false pagan god.

On the love subject you need to know that the god you are searching for (through Allah and his prophet} loves you and died for you so you can be saved from the fires of hell.

It is not like the Qur’an repeatedly warn of hell only for unbelievers (in islam) – the true hell is reserved for those who don’t acknowledge God’s death on the cross. That is you F_H.

No philosophy, psychology, or tree-house-games here.

You need to live up to your name and become a fellow human by joining God’s family. Or enjoy hell for ever.

Jesus says to you: ”here I am I knock at your door, would you open the door and let me in to have fellowship with you?”

What is your answer to him F_H? How would you answer your creator F_H? How long are you going to run from Him and hide behing the false god?

Listen if you have ears
Posted by coach, Saturday, 19 August 2006 6:49:21 AM
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You must be kidding coach? Isn’t that so much like the pot calling the kettle? At least you make me laugh... in a sad sort of way.

FH, I must agree. The tree house is rocking…
Posted by Reason, Saturday, 19 August 2006 10:13:58 AM
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Please avoid the personal confrontation, allow the Holy Spirit to convict and convince of truth.

The Old Covenant of Law given by Moses reflects the maturity of understanding they had at that time of what was the nature of God. However by the end of the OT a 1,000 years later and being exposed to all types of cultural and intellectual influences the Israeli society had developed sectional groups holding various attitudes and understandings. The text we have of the TO reflects a development alone a line of what was deemed to be most honourable and true. However Orthodox Judaism rejects as inferior anything other than the Torah.

Christians study the whole set of selected writings of the history of Israel and their relationship to God we call the Old Testament. When Jesus Christ entered the teaching scene he dealt with matters of attitude and motives; rather than laws and rituals which characterised the religious heirarchy. The cannon of the New Testament has been formed on what expresses the purity of heart and forgiving nature of God towards sinners. Its primary message is forgivness and reconciliation for violators of the laws. God is not willing that any should perish, fall foul of society and end up socially rejected.

Mohamet was deeply influenced by the Coptic Christians from which he draws his references to Jesus. However he saw in the community of strict Jews that developed the Babylonian Talmud a society that impressed him as being sons of Abraham. From that he envisaged a whole nation observing one value system [one god]. However from his national tradition there was no historical heirarcy or lineage to check his theology so the Quor'an is merely his view of God and His view of how God is revealed in society
Posted by Philo, Saturday, 19 August 2006 10:34:55 AM
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For the Jews they had a long history of tried laws that were taught from infancy so in the sphere of thier influence they were accepted. However Mohamet wished to enforce a value system that had no tradition in his society upon a diverse range of people and tribes. The only way it could be done was by warlike methods. Mohamet immature in the traditions of developing a unified society by education could do no more than threaten and murder his opponents to bring his dream to reality.

For followers of Mahomet to now be reconciled to Jews and Christians they must reject the warlike attitudes espoused by their prophet and his teachings to war with Jews and Christians and his immature understandings of how God is revealed in Society and recognise God is graceous to his enemies. Followers who ignore the Quor'an and adapt to society make good citizens, those that follow the Quor'an and the lifestyle of their prophet are terrorist at heart. Their attitude to murder will never change to accept anything other than the pride of his teachings and life. Similarly it is with Christians the more they read of Christ Jesus the more they wish to follow his lifestyle and teachings. Passionate? Yes! Murderous? Not likely!
Posted by Philo, Saturday, 19 August 2006 10:46:18 AM
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Coach, what you are incapable of understanding is the secular view.

The agnostic sees one man step forth, claiming "my god is great, and is part of no mere religion. One day the masses shall be convinced".

He then sees another man step forth, and say the same thing. And another.

One calls himself Christian. One calls himself Muslim. One calls himself Jewish.

They are all utterly convinced that god has shown their religion. (Yes I said religion, and you're a part of one Coach whether you like it or not) the way. They are all convinced all others are wrong.

Well, see, I'm afraid I can just as easily heed the words of the muslim or Jewish faiths.
They all have needless ritualism, and are burdened with an overabundance of history and violence.

You have a religion Coach. And it is no better than anyone else's, except in your eyes and the eyes of those like you, so you can drop the 'holier than thou' attitude. That's what's really responsible for all this religious violence. And you're perpetrating it.
Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Sunday, 20 August 2006 11:44:26 AM
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