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The Forum > Article Comments > Battle for the Kingdom of Heaven continues > Comments

Battle for the Kingdom of Heaven continues : Comments

By Sheree Joseph, published 10/8/2006

Muslims and Christians must learn to work together as a unified body in the Middle East.

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Why is it then that so many decent Christians who can work side by side and in harmony with so many good Muslim? Is it that they aren’t good Christians? Or perhaps just not your idea of a good Christian?

It appears that you have exposed your lack of Christian charity and tolerance. Perhaps a little time examining Jesus attitudes would do you some good? But then, I suppose not…

FH… I believe you have it right. Simply accept. Where there is difference, discuss and find the compromise and middle ground.

It speaks volumes that the most peaceful place on a battlefield was the middle ground, don’t you think?
Posted by Reason, Wednesday, 30 August 2006 11:06:19 AM
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Thanks Reason,

I guess the point I kept making to Philo, Boaz and Coach is that
co-existence and acceptance is a personal choice.

All religions and cultures can co-exist or conflict based on the inidvidual choices. We don't need to accept each other interpretation of our faith or understanding of God or..or..
Posted by Fellow_Human, Wednesday, 30 August 2006 11:41:32 AM
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OK you asked for it - here's a few verses from the first book of your holy book (I won't bother about the other 113 books for now)

[note: believers are those who believe in Allah and his prophet Mohammad. disbelievers are all the rest: Jews, Christians, pagans, ...]

Which verse really speaks about acceptance and tolerance of others? - you hypocrite you!


Don't bother to warn the disbelievers. Allah has blinded them. Theirs will be an awful doom. 2:6

Allah stamped wretchedness upon the Jews because they killed the prophets and disbelieved Allah's revelations. 2:61

Allah is an enemy to the disbelievers. 2:98

Only evil people are disbelievers. 2:99

For unbelievers: ignominy in this world, an awful doom in the next. 2:114

Disbelievers are losers. 2:121

Allah will leave the disbelievers alone for a while, but then he will compel them to the doom of Fire. 2:126

Those who die disbelievers, are cursed by Allah, angels, and men. 2:161

The doom of the disbelievers will not be lightened. 2:162

They will not emerge from the Fire. 2:167

Disbelievers will be deaf, dumb, and blind. 2:171

Those who hide the Scripture will have their bellies eaten with fire. Theirs will be a painful doom. 2:174

How constant are (they) in their strife to reach the Fire! 2:175

Believers must retaliate. Those who transgress will have a painful doom. 2:178

Kill disbelievers wherever you find them. If they attack you, then kill them. Such is the reward of disbelievers. (But if they desist in their unbelief, then don't kill them.) 2:191-2

Fight them until "religion is for Allah." 2:193

War is ordained by Allah, and all Muslims must be willing to fight, whether they like it or not. 2:216

Those who die in their disbelief will burn forever in the Fire. 2:217

Intermarriage is forbidden. 2:221

The disbelievers, they are the wrong-doers. 2:254

Disbelievers worship false gods. The will burn forever in the Fire. 2:257

Allah does not guide disbelievers. 2:264

"Give us victory over the disbelieving folk." 2:28
Posted by coach, Wednesday, 30 August 2006 3:03:40 PM
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Coach I have one piece of information for you that may shock you into change (one can only hope). It discredits every point you've ever made.

"Disbelievers" does not refer to the Christians and the Jews. The Christians the the Jews believe in One God. They are believers! Allah was trying to convert the wandering nomad tribes who believed in many gods.

This is the whole point of Islam and it's creation in the first place! AHH the fact that you do not know this and have based your entire argument on this makes me almost want to laugh.

References: "Misinterpretation of the verses of the Qur’an occurs when the historical, grammatical and theme contextual aspects are not taken into consideration. Unfortunately, some people wrongly accuse Islam of teaching violence based on an improper understanding of a few verses of the Qur’an that were actually addressed to a specific group of people, with a specific historical background. We will explore these verses in the light of their historical framework and of the subject matter in order to bring about their correct meaning and purpose. "

"In either case, the word disbelievers in verse 191 cannot be taken to mean Christians nor Jews or any disbeliever other than Quraysh. Thus, the claim that Islam teaches violence is proven false."
Posted by fleurette, Wednesday, 30 August 2006 3:25:16 PM
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May you continue to shine through your beautiful mind…

Thanks for teaching coach (and hopefully some others) his errors. Perhaps there is hope yet?
Posted by Reason, Wednesday, 30 August 2006 3:47:06 PM
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If the Qur'an is to be interpreted in a local context and to specific tribes its message is irrelavent for us today and must be discarded. Its principles have no authority for us today. I wish you would tell the fundamentalist extremists that, instead of trying to convert our society by threat of death by the sword.
Posted by Philo, Thursday, 31 August 2006 1:50:02 AM
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