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Israel and the land : Comments
By Babu Ranganathan, published 3/8/2006A biblical perspective: Zionism is fuelling the building and expansion of illegal Israeli settlements on Arab land.
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Posted by 2bob, Wednesday, 9 August 2006 1:01:44 AM
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Lebanon thinks it can win? You are unhinged.
They don't need to. Hezbollah are doing just that if Bint Jabyal is any indication. World opinion has changed. Dramatically. It appears it is only Israeli mouthpieces like you who wish to see the illegal invasion in Lebanon extended. Most of us don't want to see an escallation. Most of us don't want to see the Syrians or all the other Arab states go to war. You seem to think Syria will be alone if Israel starts a war with them. Mate you are not reading the news from the Arab world. Oh Israel has often defied world opinion...but world opinion used to be based on a sympathy for Israel. They've lost that sympathy with their killing of Lebanese civilians, their wanton destruction of civilian buildings and civilian infrasructure in Lebanon. No-one with any brains believes all those shells, bombs and rockets are exclusively aimed at Hezbollah...especially when they see that Hezbollah is in fact taking to the IDF in places like Bint Jabayl. Israel will divide when the efforts in lebanon get bogged down. The Arabs are winning many aspects in this particular war. Time is on their side...and the rockets are still raining down on Israel. It is a war crime to steal occupied lands. Golan Heights is just another in a series of Israeli illegal land grabs. And they will be given back and peace treaties will be signed once Israel is force to stop it's expansionism...just as the US force it to in the cases of Egypt and Jordan. Mate that's the end game and more and more of us are coming to that conclusion. And Mate to show you exactly how aggressive and how big liars the Israeli's are: Your own words 'Israel will pound Lebanon until someone realises that Lebanon is alone, and that Lebanon is beat.' We all thought you and the Israeli's went to war against Hezbollah NOT LEBANON. That's what you all claimed. So now the truth is you ARE admitting attacking Lebanon. Why? Posted by keith, Wednesday, 9 August 2006 2:57:11 PM
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This article contains many factual errors.
The most fundamental error as printed in this article is an error in the definition of Zionism. It is simply a belief in the return to Israel. The biblical view, which the author presents, is not the dominant view, nor has it ever been. It is revisionist (or religious) Zionism, which does not dominate most Zionist thought. Zionism is simply the return of the Jews to their historical homeland. It does not dictate the extent of the land for this return. It is a misrepresentation to believe that Zionism is a maximalist policy. Secondly, it is not true that Israel was founded by terrorist activities. Whilst they certainly helped towards this end, they were ultimately not pivotal in achieving the establishment of the state. It was the work of the Zionist founders, settlers and leadership that was able to achieve Israel in the form of the UN partition plan. Basic reading of the works of Benny Morris and Walter Lacquer reveal that it was, in fact, fighting between the Arabs and Zionists that caused the evacuation of the British and not the Irgun, Etzel etc. Posted by catfish23, Wednesday, 9 August 2006 4:06:45 PM
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Dear Catfish
When you say "Zionism is simply the belief in the return of the Jews to their historical homeland".... the statement requires some analysis. 'Jews' in this day may well include LARGE numbers of converted Gentiles. In which case of course, there is no such thing (for them) as a "historical" homeland. Which of course raises important questions about the non 'converted' group, who may well be genetically connected to the 12 tribes, (though more likely to the 2 tribes of Judah and Benjamin which comprised the Southern kingdom of Judah which was never dispersed as was the northern Kingdom of "Israel/Samaria") and those of the tribe of Levi (denoted by the current names of 'Levi/Lewi/Levy' and 'Cohen'.) So, if we look purely at 'historic' homeland, this would equally apply to the Arabs who have migrated to the area since 135 AD, a period of approximately 2000 yrs. So, the concept of 'historic' is dangerous. More preferable is the 'Biblical' mandate, which you refer to as the 'minority' or revisionist Zionism view. Apart from the divine mandate to 'possess the land' all other approaches are historically relative and equally valid. "You shall be to me a kingdom of Priests, a holy nation" is the defining characteristic of Israel's calling AND the ONLY legitimate basis of claim to the land, unless we accept the 'might is right' approach, which means that as soon as a Arab country becomes 'mightier' than Israel, they are finished. Posted by BOAZ_David, Thursday, 10 August 2006 8:19:00 AM
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Very true Keith I agree with all you've said so far.
I think it was Logic a few posts back (in this thread) who said Israel is not like South Africa and the apartheid for several reason and one of them was a comparison between the banning of marriages between whites and non whites. Well look what I just stumbled across.. Could Israel make this any easier for its critics? And another brilliant article from Uri Avnery Very true! It's almost prophetic in a way. So many people are predicting a huge downfall for Israel and the irony of it all is that it will be Israel's own doing. All great empires fall. Just like Germany, Israel will reap what it has sown. Posted by fleurette, Thursday, 10 August 2006 10:55:10 AM
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The following article by Lebanese Michael Béhé, explains in detail how Israel is Lebanon's best friend. Israel is saving Lebanon! Michael concludes: Like the overwhelming majority of Lebanese, I pray that no one puts an end to the Israeli attack before it finishes shattering the terrorists. I pray that the Hebrew soldiers will penetrate all the hidden recesses of southern Lebanon and will hunt out, in our stead, the vermin that has taken root there. Like the overwhelming majority of Lebanese, I have put the champagne ready in the refrigerator to celebrate the Israeli victory. Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 10 August 2006 5:04:04 PM
This is not 1996, too many people have been harmed by the international jihadis, too many people are sick of wondering if they will be blown up on holidays or on their way to work. Lebanon best start talking, as if the rockets continue Israel will continue to act, it is political suicide for Olmert & Peretz to do otherwise, in which case Binyi will be back with a Knesset majority, and Lebanon will be taken entirely, and Syria will be dared to act.
Unfortunately for the Arabs in this one they are facing a very unified nation (please do not go on about the fringe dwelling far, far left). The truth is that Lebanon helped Hizbollah to start this war, they are completely involved, and Israel is not stopping until their own safety can be assured. Israel has defied International opinion in the past, and if necessary will do so again, this constant terror and brinkmanship must stop. Syria will not get involved, as Syria will be defeated, as they have tanks, an airforce etc, and they know it.
The golan will not be given back, as it was the ground used for a near fatal attack on Israel in '73, and Israel cannot afford to give it back. Israel will pound Lebanon until someone realises that Lebanon is alone, and that Lebanon is beat.