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Israel and the land : Comments

By Babu Ranganathan, published 3/8/2006

A biblical perspective: Zionism is fuelling the building and expansion of illegal Israeli settlements on Arab land.

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Dear BOAZ_David,

If I’m confusing “Hate for Muslims” with “Hatred of Treason and Enemy Behaviour” it may have something to do with the fact that the majority of posts I have seen appear to be blatant attacks on the religious beliefs of Muslims. It has nothing to do with ‘Treason and Enemy Behaviour and all to do with Islam. If “TEB” is the true target of such hatred, perhaps posters should use this term rather than allow for such misconceptions to be formed.

Either that or you’ve realised this nifty labelling of “anti Semitism” towards anyone who breathes a word against Israel, can back fire and be applied to the Arabs too.

In order to expose the “Evil of Islam” you might want to try and recycle facts which haven’t been distorted in the media in order to effectively convince the rest of the educated world that Islam is evil. Step one might include not going back to Mohammed’s time to analyse his actions as somehow being connected to the actions of Muslims today. That’s as absurd as me saying all Christians today are bloodthirsty Crusaders trying to convert the world with force.

Sancho didn’t lump Christians into anything. He actually said and I quote “Militant Christians” who want some hatin’. As opposed to your fairly confident claim about the mindset of the entire Islamic COMMUNITY (see, you make my job easier by spelling it out for us).

“See Hamas charter Article 11”

For a second there I actually checked my Qur’an thinking the Hamas charter might be a mantra of the entire religion. I don’t know why. Maybe because I’m expecting to see hard evidence that this is the entire COMMUNITY’S world view. Funny that.

You shouldn’t worry about Israel’s alliances and national security being undermined. Israel has the 4th largest military in the world (thanks to the 6 billion it gets every year from the US).

“So, in the very least we should regard Muslims the same way.”

Right. Because that’s what Mohammed would have done. Great way to sum up BOAZ_David. But you’ve proved absolutely nothing.
Posted by fleurette, Monday, 7 August 2006 11:34:23 AM
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The term Semitic refers to the languages or cultures of semitic peoples which includes include: Arabic, Hebrew, Amharic, and Aramaic.

I agree the common and mistaken usage of anti-semitism these days refers only to those who are anti-Jewish.

I've always understood a broader definition to include those peoples of primarily the mid-East, who in their theologies (Religions of Islam, Judaism and Christianity) believe most if not all of their lives are directed by a power greater than themselves and unlike the philosophies underpining much of the western world they tend to believe they can have little affect over their own lives.

Thanks for the link..
Posted by keith, Monday, 7 August 2006 11:37:22 AM
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2 bob

Why Lebanon has rejected the proposed UN resolution?

You'd choke on the truth.

Lebanon refuses to accept the proposed resolution because there is no requirement for the Israelis to withdraw from their illegal occupation. The proposed resolution requires the Lebanese and Hezbollah to desist in resisting that occupation.

That makes the proposed resolution an endorsement of Israel's occupation. Why should anyone be required to stop resisting an illegal occupation?

Your statements have manipulated the intent of the proposed resolution and attempt to give credence to the Israeli land grab. Given Israel's previous history, Israel will now claim this proposed resolution gives it ownership of the occupied territory and we all know how long those occupations last. Take a look at the illegal occupations of Gaza, East Jeresulem, the West Bank, the Golan Heights and Shaba Farms. All those territories have suffered the war crime of illegal settlement...all except Shaba Farms where the Israelis have an organised resistance....Hezbollah.

Now the Israel wants the UN to imobilise Hezbollah because they have failled for a second time. It's unreasonable joking to think this proposed resolution is fair and reasonable.

A reasonable case for demanding an Israeli withdrawal.

Israel's invasion has utterly failed to achieve it's stated aims. Logically an occupation is only going to show that failure in more graphic terms. The violence will continue and rockets will continue to rain down on innocents in Israel.
Since Hezbollah has said if Israel stops it's aggression it will stop it's rocket attacks, isn't it obvious what the course of action Israel should undertake to protect it's citizens?

Anything else is a land grab. That I believe was the root cause of the violence all through this disgrace.

An Israeli occupation will prove that. Oh and by the way warning people to get out and then bombing the crap out of them with this result only endorse p[ast Israeli tactic's in Palestine.

How long will it be before the that bloody Israeli Land Authority moves in and allocates occupied Lebanese land to settlers
Posted by keith, Monday, 7 August 2006 12:01:58 PM
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Why do muslims build mosques on holy places for other religions?

Al-aqsa - built on Solomon's Temple (Only Temple for Jews)
Sophi mosque - built on a Church
Babri masjid - built on a hindu temple


They build mosques there and cry jihad.
Posted by Darwin1, Monday, 7 August 2006 3:17:14 PM
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Come off it. That was silly.

Have a look around Spain.

Great Mosque at Córdoba - converted into a church.
Cathedral at Seville - built around a Mosque.
Synagoga de Santa Maria, Toledo - converted into a church.
Synagogue at Segovia - converted into a church.
Posted by logic, Monday, 7 August 2006 9:31:25 PM
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Hi Logic,

You got some logic, albeit Flawed one.

Do you remember Spain was non-muslim before Islamic rulers occupied it?

Do you remember there were non-muslim places of worship (churches) i.e

A church -converted to Great Mosque at Córdoba - re-converted into a church.
Cathedral at Seville - built around a Mosque - built on Cathedral

A christian Spain - converted to Islamic Ummah - again recoverted to Catholic..

So, there's no point in your logic.

But, look at Al-aqsa - The Only Temple for Jews... They built a mosque there with eternal hatred for Jews
Posted by Darwin1, Tuesday, 8 August 2006 5:37:51 PM
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