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Deadly double standards sow terror : Comments

By Antony Loewenstein, published 21/7/2006

Israel's response is disproportionate and counter-productive.

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You STILL haven’t answered my question. Just to remind you:

“how does continuing hostilities end war and achieve peace?”

Pasting a plethora of links – which may or may not be edifying is simply evading the debate and a cowardly way of interaction.

Now, as I am a considerate person I offer a single link regarding the Israeli/Hezbollah conflict:,,1827332,00.html

I have even copied a part of it, as below:

“This war must be stopped immediately. From the start it was unnecessary, even if its excuse was justified. Every day raises its price, taking a toll in blood that gives Israel nothing in return. This is a good time to stop because both sides can claim they won: Israel harmed Hizbullah and Hizbullah harmed Israel. History shows that no situation is better for reaching an arrangement.

“Israel went into the campaign on justified grounds and foul means. It claims it has declared war on Hizbullah but, in practice, it is destroying Lebanon.”

I am sure, 2bob, that you can follow this text.

Therefore, my question remains (and this applies to all the arm-chair war-mongers), how does continuing vengeful hostilities achieve peace in the middle east?
Posted by Scout, Tuesday, 25 July 2006 9:03:36 AM
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A very worthy idea Scout, but just what should Israel do when (not if!) after the cease-fire Hezbollah start armed incursions across the border and lobbing rockets at Israeli towns and cities?
Posted by Narcissist, Tuesday, 25 July 2006 10:11:19 AM
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Not really interested in peace. Was before, even supported the withdrawal from Lebanon, not now. Hizbollah and Lebanon made no attempt to comply with their obligations, and instead precipitated the current crisis, so be it.

The plethora of links you so despise, examine the fact that the main event is on the horizon...

As I point out in a parrallel post, Israeli government's are elected by Israeli people, who are overwhelmingly in favour of destroying Hizbollah at whatever cost, be it moral, ethical, legal or measured in terms of world opinion. Secure in the knowledge that the suicide bombers will begin to bomb the rest of the world soon enough...

Please understand, PEACE is not even on the table at the present time. It was before, and it was lost due to Lebanon's cynical decision not to disarm Hizbollah, or to use the Lebanese army on the border, but instead to flout their obligations by placing an armed Hizbollah on the border.

World opinion is easily cornered by peaceniks & arab terrorists, but its effects never last long, Israel has already ordered $2B worth of weapons to see it through the short to medium impact of continuing the operation.


Posted by 2bob, Tuesday, 25 July 2006 10:16:15 AM
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In previous posts I proposed an enforced meeting of all political leaders in the middle east – via trade sanctions. All you suggested in your post was a continuation of the conflict. There has to be method to gather all parties together to discuss a peace process. I do not claim to have the magic answer – in a situation as convoluted and complex as the middle east no-one can. However, to continue hostile retaliation is going nowhere, surely you can see that?

2bob - I never said I despised your swamp of links - I simply have a life to lead and better things to do.

At least you have admitted that you are favour of the murder of more innocent lives rather than campaign for peace, for that is all that will occur while Israel continues tit for tat bombing on Lebanon. As attempting to discuss this issue with you is going nowhere I shall expend my energies with posters who are able to enter into discussion.
Posted by Scout, Tuesday, 25 July 2006 10:29:17 AM
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What about talks to stop the terrorist in Iraq blowing up innocents there, or are you just naturally anti-democracy, anti-semetic and anti-western (or perhaps just pro-terrorist)?

It seems that the media have concentrated on only the poor innocent children that get blown-up by western bombs, and pay little or no attention to the children that get blown up by terroists. Tell me, is an Israeli or Iraqi child worth less than a Lebanese child? You seem to state this.

The government of Israel obviously is of the opinion that their children are more valuable. This is perfectly understandable. Perhaps the question here should be that the media's response to the 377 killed Lebanese is disproportionate and counter-productive.
Posted by Narcissist, Tuesday, 25 July 2006 12:36:34 PM
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Dear Keith
Ok.. I'll tackle your solution and I wont call you 'evil' but.. I must call you one name.. 'naive' no offense:)

You say.. 'Pre 67 Borders'...ok..but one minor problem with that.. <== map with legend.


1/ 'Who' ruled the WB prior to that war ? i.e. 'which country' was it part of ?(you can sus that one out) So, retreating to the Pre 67 borders will not give the Palestinians squat, but will give the Jordanians lots.

2/ If Indonesia declared war on Australia, attacked us, but shock horror WE WON.. and decide to take West Papua as 'booty' and as a punitive action, and to also pay for our cost of the fight, would you want to 'give it all back' ? Think carefully about your answer.. its pretty close to 'checkmate' in chess :)

3/ Lets say we agree.. EXCEPT for just one tiny little bit of real Estate.. East Jerusalem, that must till hell freezes over, remain part of Israel. Ok.. we compensate the Arab residents, move them along with those in the Camps (formerly from Lydda and Ramla and other places from which they were disposessed) and put them ALL equally in some nice place (you can choose.. WB ?)
But basically, for the sake of a tiny chunk of land in Jerusalem, the Arabs are re-located, re-housed, compensated... do you think there will be peace ?

If not...why not ?

4/ Do you think Ismael Hanyahs statement

"that Hamas does not recognize the existence of the State of Israel and maintains its vision of establishing a Palestinian state throughout all of the area west of the Jordan River." accords with your view that Arabs will 'live and let live' ?

or this

More from Haniyeh (read between the lines)

"If Israel withdraws to the 1967 borders, peace will prevail and we will implement a cease-fire [hudna] for many years," Haniyeh said


or this

"Hamas politburo chief Khaled Mashaal on Wednesday urged supporters around the world on to send Hamas arms, fighters and money to back its fight against Israel.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Tuesday, 25 July 2006 12:45:46 PM
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