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Let's watch our judgmental language : Comments

By Richard Prendergast, published 13/7/2006

Official statements calling gays and lesbians ‘disordered’ and ‘violent’ don't make them feel welcome and respected by the church.

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Saintfletcher warned us about this kind of c-rap!,20867,19878988-1702,00.html


“There would not be enough public to support a law that favours paedophilia.”

You missed the point of my argument. All these changes were done by pollies and Judges with no reference to the public. That the public didn’t rise up & overturn them is also lamentable.

Re the ever increasing incline on the slippery slope…


“There are other hopeful signs, too. The piece of ‘research’ I mentioned above shows that catholics are leading the way in their acceptance of homosexuality, …that the younger you are the more supportive you are of same-sex unions. The bigots are dying out. For some, not fast enough, but the indications are that this argument here will be incomprehensible to future generations of Australians.”

All this ‘research’ shows is that Catholic Education is failing these young people and I would be surprised if they maintain the Faith. They certainly won’t be able to get married in the Church!


Your quote, as amended my CAPS

"The inhabitants of Sodom displayed the most despicable form of sexual immorality. Nevertheless, this passage cannot be construed as EVEN CONTEMPLATING YET ALONE condemning loving, committed, monogamous homosexual relationships. The sin displayed in this story is the sin of homosexual (gang) rape, possessive lust, and sexual abuse.”


Jesus didn’t mention much about abortion, illicit drugs, the pill, euthanasia or WMD’s, but he did mention a lot about the role of St Peter, mind you, you probably don’t like the sources for same.

Sorry about Bolshi replies, but lost the more reasoned text by OLO technical fault…
Posted by Reality Check, Monday, 24 July 2006 3:59:53 PM
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You first said Quote "I don't think that Jesus, coming from the Jewish tradition, would have needed to say anything about sexual impropriety or homosexuality as the tale of Sodom & Gomorrah leaves little room for doubt as to how those behaviours were considered."

Now you say Quote "this passage cannot be construed as EVEN CONTEMPLATING YET ALONE condemning loving, committed, monogamous homosexual relationships" Glad to see you've contradicted yourself & are now changing your mind.

You said Quote "only reason (aided by Divine Light) is able to establish the moral equality of humans qua human." Rubbish!
Ever heard of Deontology? Utilitarianism? Stoicism? Unaided reason not able to support morality? Only in your ego Martin.

Now as to your crack about one disputed verse. I can direct you to a site that dispiutes them all! Every single one.
Face it Martin - you and RC are choosing the interpretation of texts based on your prejudice not on which is the more reasonable interpretation. In other words you don't have a leg to stand on.

Next point. You accuse me of "Sniggering and tittering about the dirty old man," Where exactly did I do this? Quote me Martin or apologise this instant
Posted by Bosk, Monday, 24 July 2006 5:28:37 PM
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Some of Richard Prendergast’s comments are meritorious that the Christian church should be more welcoming of homosexuals. Though why anyone would want to join a church that still hasn’t admitted its errors 500 years after the Reformation I cannot fathom. Prendergast is correct that we should love one another, as Jesus Christ asked us to do. Now, it is true that Jesus Christ never mentioned homosexuality, but in the Old Testament, Leviticus sets down all the laws that God imparted to Moses. One was that “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination…” (Lev 18:22). Since Jesus claimed that he was God, then he in theory should share this view. But faith in Jesus Christ makes the old Jewish law void. It doesn’t mean you deliberately disobey it; it means that when you have true faith and the Spirit resides in you, you’re much less likely to do the things that God hates. Even so people should be strongly mindful of Christ’s commandments re: love, and think carefully about his teaching, “whoever is without sin, let him/her cast the first stone” before chastising homosexuals.
Posted by Robg, Monday, 24 July 2006 5:47:43 PM
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Did anyone, even Jesus, ever think "loving, committed, monogamous homosexual relationships" and Sodom should be put in the same sentence? Don't think so, so no contradiction there... sorry to disappoint.

re: "you and RC are choosing the interpretation of texts based on your prejudice not on which is the more reasonable interpretation. In other words you don't have a leg to stand on."

Did you really say that?

Of course, you & your 'theologian' wouldn't be doing that at all...

I am going home to have a "loving, committed, monogamous sexual relationship" with my puppy 'Sodom.' I knew we were just misunderstood...
Posted by Reality Check, Monday, 24 July 2006 6:00:45 PM
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Martin, you are very welcome to argue your case. I hope I've never done or said anything to the contrary and if I have my apologies. Having said that I reserve the right to put my views forward and to respond posts such as Philo's built on very unsound logic.

I gather you really don't like what I have to say regarding the christian church and its ultimate head. Fair enough but if you consider that inappropriate why don't I see you rebuking your fellow christians when they denigrate the beliefs and lifestyles of people outside the christian church. Have I misunderstood your point?

As I've said previously if christains would stop trying to tell the rest of us how to live then I'd be more than happy to keep my views about the christian church and god to myself.

Posted by R0bert, Monday, 24 July 2006 6:47:57 PM
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I also thank rObert and Scout and as being non-gay posters willing to who show human compassion along with Reality Check. It would be appropriate to see more Christians with compassion join the enlightened.

Sodom and Gomorrah is a good example of how God's angels the were abused and even raped. Angels have no need for genitals to reproduce: neither male nor female as they are not human.

This is too serious to be tight-cast as homosexual rape. It is a warning for us all. Rape is not hostpitality, and there are no excuses.

A society full of and abuse with no sense of the sacred: materialistic, lust, greed, violence and corruption is a society beyond redemption.

Homosexuality is not specific noted in the bible. "Sodomy", however, can be done by anyone. "Sodomy" includes forced oral sex too: not just buggery. Everyone else's fault? The Bible does not discriminate.

We can also learn from the context of Romans. The quote that a man shall not lie next to a man as he would a woman as it is an abomination...

In this part of history, there was a period of peace between the Jews and the Gentiles, therefore, complacency.

The message in context is about the corruption of complacency in the Church when they literally "sleep with the enemy" in contempt and spite.

If your church in Poland and Russia are "sleeping with the enemy" for the sake of anti-gay hate for your own people, then you literally sleep with "strange bedfellows" and betrayed your own temples of God. You actually sleep with your enemies: the communists and the neo-Nazis in Poland, in Israel, fundamentalist Muslims, just to hatefully oppose a gay celebration in Juruselem this year.

Enemies united by hate? Romans and Sodom indeed! Hospitality? What is abuse? What are you doing? Fools!

Christians, Do not listen to Saintfletcher!

Sleep with the enemy and they will pull the rug from under your establishment! Praise Jesus!

I will just play my violin while Rome and your churches burn. Don't listen to me, please! You don't deserve my wisdom.
Posted by saintfletcher, Monday, 24 July 2006 7:01:16 PM
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