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Let's watch our judgmental language : Comments

By Richard Prendergast, published 13/7/2006

Official statements calling gays and lesbians ‘disordered’ and ‘violent’ don't make them feel welcome and respected by the church.

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Most of the supporters here of anal sex try to aviod the mention of this unclean practice as they try to identify a small group of sensitive males that have been programmed /brainwashed from infancy and shooldays because they have a close affinity to their brothers that they are therefore homosexual. This is a conditioning now taught and identified by adult teachers that these boys ought to accept homosexuality [anal sex] as normal lifestyle. This is a social conditioning emphasided by adults and peers.

That I have deep affection for my brothers in infancy however does not make me homosexual. These boys are very capable of fatherhood and are denied it by peer conditioning. Their lives remain unfulfilled as parents, hense the current push for adoption. They will never produce offspring from such a relationship so must violate the monogamous relationship to fulfil their dream.

However most males are bisexual and will poke their penis into any orifice just for gratification. The problem of AIDS is an example that these males are not monogamous but bisexual as AIDS would never [except for blood transfusions] have entered the female population if homosexuality were merely between monogamous male partners. AIDS is a way evolution [design] deals with infidelity, unfortunately many innocent suffer.

Homosexuality is not a genetic modifaction it is an attitude conditioned by society as are bisexuals indulgence in anal sex.

It is the act of indulgence in anal sex that breeds disease, social disorder and is condemned by the pure standards of design and God. THIS THE CHURCH MUST UPHOLD AS RIGHT. It is the act and not the person who must be rejected. The person is to seek forgivness for sin as we all must do for our sins of impurity. Unless the person desires to leave the sin and changes they have not been forgiven and their condemnation remains [this applies to all social sin]. This is the case with pedophiles also we cannot accept persons in the fellowship of the Church who are practising such acts.
Posted by Philo, Monday, 24 July 2006 7:03:01 AM
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Dear philo, I believe most posters support peoples right to be, as long as they aren't hurting others, nothing else. As for social conditioning causing homosexuality, you just display your complete contempt for truth.

If it's a social conditioning, consider the amount of attempted sexual/homosexual conditioning I and most others put up with during our childhood by members of the church. It didn't happen at school, footy or on the street, just in church and associated groups. Add the many practising homo paedophiles, I met during my time within the church factions I dealt with. Intelligent mature people may say the evidence shows, obnoxious social conditioning, comes from followers of god.

Again you show your ilk's psychopathic tendencies by demanding “THIS THE CHURCH MUST UPHOLD AS RIGHT”. What right do you have to be right in detriment to all others. There is no purity within monotheism, it's the gathering ground for the most despicable misfits the world has every dredged up.

“This is the case with paedophiles also we cannot accept persons in the fellowship of the Church who are practising such acts. “

Your churches are bursting at the seams with persons practising these acts. Why doesn't your god clean up its own houses, instead of promoting the festering debauchery inflicting monotheism in the form of protection for abusers, constant war and psychopathic outburst like, I'm right and your way should be destroyed. I 'm sure you see your approach as the pinnacle of maturity.

Once you fools stop interfering in peoples lives, things may become tolerable. However being the gentle soul I am, may the love of god be with you and may you receive its blessing, in its most observable, expressed way. I can see why they always say, you must suffer for god and submit completely to its will.

Fighting to be right, only has one outcome philo, eminently displayed throughout the world by monothiestic comment and expression
Posted by The alchemist, Monday, 24 July 2006 9:11:57 AM
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Only two comments worth speaking to:

“Homosexuality is not a genetic modifaction [sic] it is an attitude conditioned by society as are bisexuals indulgence in anal sex.”

This is simply an opinion – which is OK because this site is Online Opinion.

“However most males are bisexual and will poke their penis into any orifice just for gratification. The problem of AIDS is an example that these males are not monogamous but bisexual as AIDS would never [except for blood transfusions] have entered the female population…”

Ummm.. hhhmmm… OK… I’m bisexual? Really? Thanks!.. I think… wait.. no… no thanks!.... what the… are you for real?!.... perhaps you have some latent homosexuality but I am not that way inclined. And not because I think it’s wrong or dirty. It just isn’t my thing. And you can ask any of my gay friends. They accept and understand that.

Seriously though…
“AIDS would never [except for blood transfusions] have entered the female population”

What about drug use and needle exchange? OK, it’s a minor point but it leads one to suggest that less than full thought gone into this little post.

Other than these comments, which appear to be a waste of keystrokes... much like the rest of the posting… rave on Philo…
Posted by Reason, Monday, 24 July 2006 11:43:48 AM
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Philo... Coach.

Umm... took a look through the bible, and could you show me a specific quote from Jesus saying that homosexuals are evil?

I don't mean a passage, as I'm sure you can draw out something specifically archaic referring to sodomites or something like that. I'm after a quote from Jesus.

Whilst I'd consider myself spiritual, organised religion doesn't look attractive at all largely because everybody interprets it their own way, whether it was the people who wrote the bible, or the people reading it.

Besides, I'm quite convinced Jesus wasn't in favour of this whole huge church institution. I reckon he'd be horrified to see that priests elevate themselves above the common man and are presumptuous enough to assume they know god any better.

That being said, it's just my interpretation.... see what I mean?
Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Monday, 24 July 2006 11:55:51 AM
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Evolution the scientific theory is blind to ethical judgment, only reason (aided by Divine Light) is able to establish the moral equality of humans qua human. Without God there is no reason why Reason itself should be considered trustworthy if it too is just a product of random processes.

Read CS Lewis' 'Mere Christianity' – I wish you well on your journey.

Kevin you've said a dangerous thing about God and about truth.
Of course murderous conquest is bad, but there are just wars. You said yourself how important sexuality is, why then are sins against it not important? Isn't our God given sexuality an essential element of our nature? Don't we then sin grievously when we injure it? Giving up such strategic ground to our enemy enables him to launch previously impossible assaults. Can't you see around us terrible crimes of a sexual nature? Topically families – the bedrock of society destroyed by infidelities, because we follow erotic fantasies and our imaginations get stained? Actions follow from thoughts. These little sins over time, unnoticeable singly, eventually affect our whole being. Soon sanctity seems like an impossible and irrational goal and our behaviour reflects our diminished being. When combined with thousands of others who think they're private sins are only that, we get a society warped by members who, in a group think kind of way, support each other's lies. The true meaning and joy of sex is forgotten and 'exploring one's sexuality' uttered to those who don't know the real territory could just mean exploring oneself off a cliff. Its mindless like much of what passes for culture today.

Making pronouncements about the mind of God before spending years trying to learn about him is foolish.

Please respect MY home, marriage is a big part of it. It should be left alone. The West is in spiritual crisis unwilling as we are to bring the next generation into existence.

A fool will skip HAPPILY down into hell and enjoin others to follow him. First learn what is true before deciding to be happy.
Posted by Martin Ibn Warriq, Monday, 24 July 2006 1:59:25 PM
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Wishing you a loving chaste relationship too Kevin. Godbless.

Bosk .This is well worn theological ground. Greek pederasty pretty clear in Plato Alcabiades eg. in the Phaedra I think. Sniggering and tittering about the dirty old man, even in this culture homosexuality merely tolerated never thought of as morally right. How much more in Judaism hater of paganism. If you can't see that there is nothing I can do to gainsay you. Any theologian worth his salt will CONCLUDE that, from more than one disputed exegesis.


I was politely commenting on the article and responding to Kevin when Robert insulted me as a Christian. Why ought you be afforded the right to quote sources you think are authoritative but not Philo? Ah it’s the word of Rex so it must be true.

It’s a PC prejudice to demand Christians use all your presuppositions about what is true or remain silent. You selectively agree with skeptics about the bible, about Jesus Christ and then say that people with my mindset set myself up as judge and executioner? I was arguing about what right conduct is, you seem to assume it is all settled. This is the point of online opinion. Where have you been vilified?

On the one had you spew platitudes about how tolerant you are but refuse any ground to Christians to argue, this is a devious prejudice and is characteristic of our age. It leads many astray.

I understand what other institutions were vital to Europe's success but I didn't denigrate any of them.

The Church knows much better than you its shadows and has been public about them. Do you know yours? I'd ask you to reflect on the first three centuries of Christianity, on all the sacrifices made in the name of Christ in the centuries that followed. Put your prejudices aside and allow Christians to comment in here in peace without insulting them.

You actually have an argument in your post. Good. Leave me be to argue too.
Posted by Martin Ibn Warriq, Monday, 24 July 2006 2:00:51 PM
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