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Defining David Hicks : Comments

By Neil James, published 9/6/2006

Releasing David Hicks is not as easy and straightforward as it seems.

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Dee I know what you are trying to say but others[dozens] have complained to M about the same thing.
ie. She never answers the questions.

I posted to her on Battlets web page for six months as others did asking the same questions.

It wont make any difference Dee.

M does have a lot of knowledge but fails to come up with better ideas and truley thinks we can afford to take in the whole world.

She means well.

I am looking forward to her reply to nedneck. What a dag. A man after my own heart.

As I said I just in the end had to except that M wont ever see it our way and not take these posts too much to heart.
Lets face they are not going to change any laws anyway.

Your comments are appreciated by many and Yes M you should answer the hard questions instead of ignoring Dee and others.

Dont be too hard on my new mates Dee and Red Neck M.
Now thats what I call Pro Ausie Anth and M.

I was dissapointed u did not comment on my poem.
Its my pride and joy.

Be nice now like we are! [grin]
Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Sunday, 25 June 2006 8:21:18 AM
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Wendy - I agree that our comments here dont make a lick of difference but its good to keep up your debating skills and to read what others are thinking.

Marilyn - ‘..the ADF who just murdered a guard in Iraq should be charged with murder’

You had these men tried and convicted before you knew what had happened. Do you count that as an 'Australian value'? Last time I noticed, Australians still believed in 'innocent until proven guilty' - except if you have the misfortune to be members of the Australian military serving in a war Marilyn doesnt support, of course.

From the Daily Telegraph:

"Australian soldiers travelling in a convoy of three Light Armoured Vehicles (ASLAV) fired on the unmarked 4WD carrying the bodyguards when it attempted to overtake the convoy at speed.

The Australians waved away the Iraqis – who were armed with AK-47 rifles – but they were ignored and the car weaved between the ASLAVs.

The Australians fired a short burst into the car, and the Iraqis fired back about 10 rounds."

So what should they have done? Allowed an unmarked car possibly full of suicide bombers, free access to their convoy?
Posted by dee, Sunday, 25 June 2006 2:48:30 PM
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M will just argue that the soldiers should not have been there in the first place.
She will probably say they are just people who like to kill others.

Like I say about low life hunters to then have the nerve to call their sneaking up on innocent animals SPORT!

The counter argument of course given that this post is about David Hicks is David would understand. Your in the wrong place at the wrong time in a war and you get caught by a bullet or the enermy.

Our soldiers have clearly done the only possible thing.

If you look at Mark Vaile as Deputy PM and Nelson you would have to wonder why they did not have this down to pat wouldnt you.

It just goes to show that the relashonship between the two Ministers of trade is not good because there is no comunication about recognising each other in the field.

I guess it would be impossible for the trade Ministers gaurds to be clearly identified under the circumstances but were our guys?

Thats the real question. Or are our guys advised not to make their iD clear as well for their own safety.

I support the war and Saddam had PLENTY of contact with French germanns and others providing him with chemical weapons.

The real worry is where are they.

I get angry when these wimps bag our soldiers and Australia and England etc for trying to dis arm that crazy lot before they can carry out there long term plan of attacks on the west.

Lets face it if the world had not sat back and watched Hitler, he never would have been able to kill so many.

I dont Like Howard because of the lies and the unnessary cruel trade of live exports that he supports because some of his political mates are involved in, no dought making large political donations, but I agree with him on this issue one hundred percent.

Your comments are vaulable as a cit of Australia.

Thankyou De
Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Sunday, 25 June 2006 4:19:44 PM
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Hi Wendy. I am a lowlife hunter who kills animals for sport.

I find it odd that you are sticking up for Aussie soldiers. Hunting has always been the sport of soldiers. In primitive societies, their is no distinction between hunters and warriors, they are the same thing. I have been a soldier, and now I am just a hunter.

I started hunting as a 13 year old on my uncles property at Marulan. There was not much to do in the school holidays out in the middle of nowhere and the rabbits were running riot all over the farm. My uncle handed me an old Sportco .22, taught me how to use it and told me to make myself usefull getting rid of the damned rabbits.

Once you accept that the animals must be killed anyway, it is a lot of fun. I really enjoy it. Killing bigger animals is more emotionally wrenching, and no hunter likes walking up on a downed creature who is dying, in pain, and terrified. That is why we practice so much to obtain the preffered "one shot kill." My trusty Ruger can put 5 shots inside a twenty cent coin at 90 metres, when I am doing my job right. Like holding my rifle steady, breathing correctly, exersizing trigger control, and using hand to eye co ordination.

I gather that you have lived all your life in a city and simply do not understand the realities of rural living.

As for David Hicks. I would walk from Sydney to Melbourne, in bare feet, on broken glass, to get in on the firing squad who would shoot the bastard.
Posted by redneck, Sunday, 25 June 2006 5:37:21 PM
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Thank`s good post you expressed your feelings well.

Dees post was good. She pointed out a few more details.

Hicks has no loyalty to Australia Anth.That’s the end of it as far as I am concerned.

Your right about one thing> He got Caught.

I am not anti Muslim Anth but I am certainly anti any Ausie who leaves his or her own country to fight against us.

I am sick of the lies from the Australian Government who hide behind the Vaile See Minister of Trade

Alexander Downer and Mark Vaile pretty much treat the public with utter contempt.

They push live animal exports and use the tax payer’s funds to do it regardless of the fact that 90 percent want it stopped.

Yes I have far more sympathy for animals being sent live to Middle East than Hicks.
They didn’t ask to be there!
Which brings me to you Senator Fielding. We are still waiting for your good Christian values to stand up against animal cruelty.
AFIC The Australian Federation Of Islamic Council have put out several media Releases denouncing Animal cruelty involved with live exports and informing the public that they do not require animals live.

So if the Muslims are screaming about the cruelty of live animal exports what’s wrong with you Senator Fielding as a good Christian?
John Howard Downer Vaile stops your lies to the Australian Public.
Now you have Senator who represents all Christian Churches I hope the Islamic faith of Islam Give you heaps.
Who has the kindest laws of faith re animal cruelty? According to my records it’s the Muslim faith who has complained about the Australian Government lying to the public about their so called requirements of live animals for religious purposes.

The truth is you have flooded the country with cheap imports and are traitors to the Australian farmers and young job seekers.

You have sold our country out and we are in massive foreign debt.
Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Monday, 26 June 2006 8:51:21 AM
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You should not assume things.>

I am country born and bred with my Grandfather and Father were bullock team drivers and farmers among other things.

I have had to shoot animals bogged and sick in the bush but I can’t say it gave me any pleasure either.

That takes a certain breed, or lack of.

There is a difference between killing for a need such as food or compassion than the pleasure of killing.

Still this was about you enjoying killing animals wasnt it.

Fun your style according to you.

The Taliban and other extreme groups give their kids guns at a young age just like you were given.I guess those poor kids don’t know the difference either.
Who was it that said? Give me the child until he is 7 and I will give you the man.

To give a thirteen year old a gun and say go off and kill anything including possibly the child using it is extremely irresponsible and one of the reasons we are trying to educate the third world countries.

David Hicks is already in custody so I don’t see your need to walk on broken glass to shoot him.

You see that’s your need to hurt the defenseless coming out again in you.

The sporting part of you if you wish.

There is a connection between shooting an unarmed man and defenseless animals.

Your living proof of it.

As I was saying there are low life’s who just enjoy killing and as you pointed out you are one of them.

If all soldiers were like you then I would have to say there is no difference between the Taliban and our own.

Fortunately I know many soldiers who do as much as they can to volunteer in our RSPCA days and work towards banning live animals exports.

I support THOSE soldiers proudly and I very much doubt any one of them would wish to shoot David Hicks in cold blood either!.
Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Monday, 26 June 2006 9:24:16 AM
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