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If you're white, you're right : Comments

By Stephen Hagan, published 25/5/2006

Not a lot has changed over the last one hundred years: racism still persists in Australian society.

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I think a penny must have dropped on your head at an early age, causing brain damage. This must have affected your IQ and predisposed you to racial intolerance and racial stereotyping.


17 Dec 2000

“The claim of advocates of IQ testing is that IQ measures innate ability. Actually, it measures (in part) the opportunities that the person has had to learn over his lifetime. Poor children get second-rate educational opportunities, and this is reflected in their achievement on all sorts of tests, including IQ tests.

Viewed in this way, the gap in IQ scores between blacks and whites is an indictment of the lack of opportunities to learn that blacks "enjoy". Having been systematically oppressed and deprived of the opportunities of acquiring those characteristics that society uses to measure success, blacks are undeniably inferior, as measured in a number of ways: Income, education, housing, and IQ as well. The claim that this gap arises from "inherent" inferiority is a pseudo-scientific way of justifying the existing lopsided distribution of wealth and power, which is widely believed because it flatters whites and the sense of racial superiority. In fact, the IQ gap, like the income gap, is really a measure of racism, not genetics”
Posted by human interest, Friday, 9 June 2006 1:01:54 AM
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“Ask the average American to describe the typical drug user or dealer and they’ll say he’s a black male, even though blacks make up only thirteen percent of drug users and sixteen percent of dealers. Most dealers and 76 percent of users are white, according to federal data.

Ask the average American to describe the typical violent criminal, and likewise they’ll say he’s a black male, although the Justice Department’s annual Victimization Survey indicates that African Americans commit only 26 percent of all violent crimes in a given year. Non-Hispanic whites commit the majority of such offenses, and thus, are the “typical” violent criminals.

That public perceptions are so far from reality cannot owe to genuine individual experience.

This is especially true for whites, who most often stereotype criminals as black, despite the fact that we are four times more likely to be assaulted by another white person, and less than four-tenths of one percent of us will be violently victimized by a black person each year. So what explains the common racial stereotypes with which we are all familiar?

For those struggling for an answer, one need look no further than the news media, which over hypes crime news generally --coverage has exploded in recent years even as crime has been plummeting--and especially crimes in cities committed by people of color.”


Coloring Crime: Violence, Deviance, And Media Manipulation

By Tim Wise, 2003

…then your other bias:

Farmers have helped themselves to more taxpayer funded subsidies than any other Australian group. They might claim to be poor but no one else can place their farm, second house and assets in a family trust to hide income, ensuring that they get more taxpayer funded welfare. They get to send their kids off to private schools under taxpayer funded rural subsidy schemes. They always have the biggest, best and latest model 4WD at home. If business owners can’t cut it in their trade or can’t make a profit, they must fold up and/or face bankruptcy.
Farming is the only business allowed to socialise their losses, yet privatise their profits.
Posted by human interest, Friday, 9 June 2006 2:21:54 AM
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Jigga and Human Interest excellent work.

Ms redneck has failed to prove any link between criminal behaviour and race. All she can do is cite a series of skewed views and biased opinions, nothing that holds up on close inspection.

Farewell to all who have participated on this thread, it has been very worthwhile and entertaining.

Peace to all.

Posted by Scout, Friday, 9 June 2006 8:15:17 AM
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Redneck ,I never spoke of "hating" whites,(Stop setting up straw men to knock down).
Your whole act is to create and spread more negative images of blks& thats because you're a sick racist low life.
You want everyone to agree with what you've been taught most of your life.Just because you're a LOW LIFE klan member doesn't mean what you say and think is true.
Posted by Amel, Friday, 9 June 2006 1:32:00 PM
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To Human Interest.

Who’s side are you on?

I have never even mentioned that the most common IQ for black Americans is 85 while for white Americans it is 103. (Asians are 106) But thank you for bringing the subject up. The biggest causal factor in criminal behaviour is low intelligence, not “racism” or poverty.

I read your article by Time Wise, where he actually claims that white people are more criminal than blacks. Of course, such an opinion is racist, but you could not see that, could you? For liberal trendoids such as yourself, racism directed at whites is so normal it gets right under your scepticism circuit's radar. But racism by whites against minorities, even when it is justified by the minority’s outrageous behaviour, is PC verboten.

That is the contradiction that motivates my efforts. Quite frankly, I am fed up of trendoids blaming my people for burning down the Reichstag, and I am tossing your arguments right back in your faces. So far, your replies have been feeble. Most replies to me are simply sneery one liners, pathetic “hit and runs”, or they resort to calling me nasty names.

Some "intellectuals."

If redneck racists are so "ignorant", why is your "intelligent" side getting so obviously angry and emotional, and fleeing the arena?

Your triumphant article by Tim Wise is quite plainly a pack of lies that is unsupported by any verifiable link. If you want the real figures, then here is the US Department of Justices own statistics which plainly demolish Mr Wise’s dishonest fabrications.

Please note, the incarceration rate in 2004 for blacks was 3,218 per 100,000 population, for Hispanics it was 1,220 and for whites it was 463. The figures are more damning when it is remembered that blacks make up only 16% of the US population. If Australia wants black immigrants, we had better start building a lot more prisons now.

These figures are confirmed by Wikipedia, which also displays that Asians are even more law abiding than whites.

and here is a couple of more links just for luck
Posted by redneck, Friday, 9 June 2006 9:27:59 PM
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It is a factual situation that the vast majority of Australians are decended from English/Irish/Scottish/Welsh ethnic stock. This would account for approximately 70% of our population based on the 2001 census.

a few decades prior to this, the percentage would have been higher, specially prior to World War II, after which large numbers of migrants were invited to come.

Does it seem reasonable to those of a different background, (Tha Konfederation, Jigga ?) that we of such a background regard 'Australian Cultural Identity' as reflecting this historical and demographic reality ?

We speak English, not Dutch or Spanish. We shake hands when we meet, rather than rub noses etc. Things we do at births, marraiges and deaths all reflect core cultural factors.

For those who are not of the 'Australian' Identity I mentioned above,
-do YOU have a culture ?
-Is it important to you ?
-Are you comfortable for your Australian born descendants to identify with the English flavor of Australian culture, or, would you prefer it changed to be more like your own ?

I would appreciate serious answers to these questions and if possible with some reasons for agreeing or disagreeing.
Cheers all
Posted by BOAZ_David, Friday, 9 June 2006 9:31:49 PM
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