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If you're white, you're right : Comments

By Stephen Hagan, published 25/5/2006

Not a lot has changed over the last one hundred years: racism still persists in Australian society.

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People like Connie Rice first American women Secerarty General, white or black.
Colin Powell,Oprah Winfrey,Bob Johnson ect, are not apart of your blind ghetto stereotype.You also fail to mention R&B,Jazz,Funk music that appeal to everyone an its not violent.
Posted by Amel, Thursday, 8 June 2006 1:14:42 AM
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"Black “musicians” in the USA are notorious for broadcasting “music” that endorses violent criminal behaviour, illegal drug abuse, disrespect and violence towards women, hatred of authority and hatred towards white people."

Now why do you think that they would feel this way?
Nothing to do with the systemic and historic inequality and social injustice they suffer at the hand of the dominant white, male, hetero society. A society which has, for hundreds of years, created and maintained the very laws you talk of, to advantage themselves and create bias against the poor, minority groups and other races.
Posted by human interest, Thursday, 8 June 2006 1:52:14 AM
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redneck, I've always been horrified by the violence in "What a Wonderful World" whenever I hear it. Obviously just another example of the black passion for violence.

If only they could all be like Marilyn Manson and other more lightly tinted singers.

Posted by R0bert, Thursday, 8 June 2006 7:41:59 AM
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Well Mr Human Interest, of course you do not believe that black culture should be blamed for the unbelievably high rates of serious criminal behaviour in black communities. If black men murder their spouses at a rate seven times higher than white people do, you don’t think it could have anything to do with a black male culture where songs like “Smack My Bitch Up” not only endorse violence against women, they clearly display the women debasing attitudes which appear to be a black male cultural universal. To you, it is the fault of white people.

And if black songs endorse and promote illegal drug abuse, then this could have no connection with the rampant substance abuse common in black communities. Nup, blame the whites for that too. If black role model pop stars brag to black children about their criminal skills, then that is also the white races fault. When black cultural values are reflected in their songs displaying hatred of whites, encouraging the rape of white women and the murder of police officers, then to you, the blame must go to the usual suspects.

It is interesting to speculate on your reaction if Country and Western singers wrote songs about the pleasures of hating and killing blacks. One presumes that it would have you hopping around in red faced apoplexy screaming that this was proof positive how racist white people are. But with black culture, a different standard applies.

According to SMH journalist Paul Sheehan quoting US Justice Department figures, (May 20, 1995.) the average white American is 50 times more likely to get robbed, raped, murdered or mugged by a black American than a black American has of being attacked by a white American. Excuse me, Mr HI, just which race is the racist one again?

I submit that Mr Amel’s “blame the white fella for everything” mindset is self evidently racist and indicative of a person suffering from doublethink. Mr HI, I would like to remind you that I am OLO’s resident racist, and I object to you making a grab for my coveted title.
Posted by redneck, Thursday, 8 June 2006 7:50:48 PM
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To Human Interest again.

There are “numerous” rural communities scattered throughout Australia that are impoverished and very law abiding. While imported immigrants routinely help themselves to Australia’s social security system in our cities at whim, Australian farmers were denied access to unemployment benefits until a wave of rural suicides finally drove home to the Australian government that Australian farmers were broke and desperate. But the crime rates in their communities was practically non existent. Despite the widespread presence of firearms and endemic poverty, many of Australia’s rural communities have never suffered an armed robbery in their entire history.

Australia is a unique country in that it is one of the very few where generally reliable and detailed crime statistics have been kept for around 150 years. These statistics tell an interesting story. The entire Commonwealth of Australia was at its most law abiding during the days of the Great Depression when we were at our poorest, and many people were desperate and hungry. The surge in criminal behaviour began during the 60’s, and really took of in the 80’s when prosperity abounded, and less-than-desirable immigrants were being imported. To rub that in, 55% of the handgun murders in the entire state of NSW occur within two notorious ethnic ghettoes.

The US experience is similar. Inner city Washington DC suffers from chronic poverty and in 1993 the National Guard was almost called in to restore order. D.C. leads the nation in just about every category of crime including murder, robbery, aggravated assault, and vehicle theft. D.C. also has the country's strictest gun control, highest police costs per capita, highest ration of police and correctional officers per citizen, and highest rate of incarceration. Its permanent population is almost 100% Black.

West Virginia, which has the nation's lowest crime rate, suffers from chronic poverty and has the highest unemployment in the U.S. It also has the fewest police per capita. The difference is that West Virginia is over 96% White.

Has the penny dropped yet?
Posted by redneck, Thursday, 8 June 2006 8:03:56 PM
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Your failure to explain why Asia was poor before Singapore started to become a stonger economy powerhouses recently shows you have failed lamentably to successfully argue your link of poverty, riches and intelligence to race - why is it a mystery to you when you can link everything through genetics Mr. Intelligesia? And your example of a menstrual Italian woman's legal acquittal to try and answer me as to why white Australians of today are not criminals shows that you 'have' lost at your own game. Your recent article addressed to me was pretty shallow and lacks any merit in it even for a suspected racist of your calibre and stature. You have definately run out of ideas and with this I rest my case. Unless you can come up with better explanations to my two questions above: Why Asia was poor before and whether Australians living today are all criminals, then I got nothing left to continue talking to you and I'll move on to try and 'educate' other people of your kind elsewhere!

I'm out, PEACE and One Love!

Posted by Jigga, Thursday, 8 June 2006 10:51:52 PM
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