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Musings on Easter : Comments

By Irfan Yusuf, published 18/4/2006

If we want to be Christ-like, we should make time for the saints of our era, whomever they may be.

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Boaz-David notes “The tone of Irfans article reflects the warmth and love which can be had in Christ,”

Agreed it may read nicely, but realistically, based on ifrans OLO track record, (pro sharia armchair nazi name calling garbage) common sense naturally concludes this latest “façade of decency ” can only be false.

Any association with Keysar Trad for a start by our terms is akin to a date with Hitler. Ifran may well come forward and disassociate himself from Trad, and the hypocrisy of such a move will be glaringly obvious. Just a further blunder rendering him as another aggressively unbalanced voice from the islamic lobby in Australia.

As readers I think a lot of us are obviously offended at the low-grade standard of ifrans approach to statements and conversation on the important matter of Australia’s future. I know I am finding it a worthless degredation of debate, where one can only ask him to get real or bugger off.

Judging by the comment numbers on islamic articles here at OLO, that it’s obvious to us all that it’s the social problem people want to discuss.

I agree with Mr. P Pig, it has become indecent of OLO to publish ifrans articles, when there are other more capable and realistic writers on the subject around.
Posted by meredith, Wednesday, 19 April 2006 11:14:45 AM
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Thanks, Coach. Your response to my post shows you in stark relief as a religious bigot. Fair enough, you are allowed to be, as long as we know that and put your posts in that context. On the question of the Bible, you should know that the authenticity of the modern day version has its supporters and doubters among historians. The English version is 5 language groups removed from the local language used by the disciples. Popes have revised it. The treatment of Mary Magdalene from friend of Jesus to whore to respectability again is one example. If you want others, do your own research. If you want to consider the Bible as the word of God, go ahead. But it is just a matter of faith, nothing more.
Posted by PK, Wednesday, 19 April 2006 3:20:20 PM
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Why do I always feel, when I read some of this stuff, the urgent need to revert to the simple.

There is a myth that a virgin was fertilised by a god and as a result gave birth to a god (the same one) who, after showing he was a great man, was killed and who then rose from the dead.

If people still want to believe this I think they are deluded and unfortunate.

Does this have anything at all to do with what is happening in the world?

What the hell are you on about?
Posted by Stan1, Thursday, 20 April 2006 12:27:54 AM
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I think it is bizarre that you call me a bigot when it is you who are offended with the truth, and find it intolerable to hear that Jesus is God incarnate.

I take it as a compliment and honour. At least I am not a hypocrite like the author of the article who pretends to be a nice person when convenient and profitable.

As for the authenticity of the Bible as I expected you give me nothing to substantiate your previous attacks. Mary Magdalene? Translations? Popes? Common! Where is the meat?

An apology would be a good start if you want to redeem yourself and re-establish your credibility on OLO.

The Bible is the inspired revelation of God through many hundreds of years. It is not a pretend verbal dictation from above. It is factual, poetic, historical, experiential, miraculous, etc… God's Love for His creation and Christ as our one and only saviour is its foundational message.

Of course it requires faith to understand and believe the “unseen". It is not through logic alone that humans can deduce (or reduce) God. To know Jesus is the closest anyone would get to know the fullness of God on this side of eternity.


To answer your questions

1. “If people still want to believe this (myth) I think they are deluded and unfortunate.”
Sorry mate the shoe is in the wrong foot. That “myth” is the reality and you by exercising your God given free will have chosen to become deluded and lost.

2. “Does this have anything at all to do with what is happening in the world?”

Absolutely. It all depends how you chose to understand the world. If your life on earth is just a cosmic coincidence …then that is how you will view your world.

3. “What the hell are you on about?”

A better question would be: “What on earth are you doing for heaven’s sake?”
It is all part of God’s plan for the universe He has created. Get with the programme or you will forever be asking questions.
Posted by coach, Thursday, 20 April 2006 9:28:40 AM
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I find it interesting that the God fearing are determined to convince the Godless that they are missing something. This forum is a perfect example of my point. The God fearing can't let the Godless, simply live their lives. There is nothing wrong with people who choose to live a day at a time. Making choices, taking responsibility for those choices. A persons belief system is a personal choice, and ultimately a personal relationship with the creator, whatever, or whomever it may be. The God fearing don't have anymore information than the Godless. Everyone, regardless of their belief system will know the true answer when they're dead.

I say to the God fearing, what are your beliefs doing to the world? Are they creating war and death? If so, you my friend are a problem for the rest of us.
Posted by Patty Jr. Satanic Feminist, Thursday, 20 April 2006 9:51:43 AM
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Patty's those from your side of the fence who created so much of the bloodshed, agony and trouble for us in the last century what with Mr Adolf, Mao, Joe (Stalin), Pol Pot, the brutal atheistic communist regimes etc etc
Posted by Francis, Thursday, 20 April 2006 12:14:41 PM
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