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The Forum > Article Comments > The Palestinian Christian - persecuted, betrayed > Comments

The Palestinian Christian - persecuted, betrayed : Comments

By Abe Ata, published 24/3/2006

Palestinian Christians are sandwiched between Jews and Muslims - a forgotten and endangered people.

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Yuyutsu claims "Moslem terror gangs specifically target the population of Bethlehem..." Document it.
Posted by Strewth, Monday, 27 March 2006 3:32:20 PM
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Strewth, well here are some pointers, if you insist (too bad this will prevent me from responding again here for nearly 24 hours): under the section "Palestinian Christians"
(and unrelated, but interesting ref. to

Finally, a site that is unsympathetic to Israel, yet admit the facts: ("5. THREATS TO PERSONAL SECURITY").
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 27 March 2006 5:03:07 PM
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Yuyutsu, Thanks for your source You spin this: "Moslem terror gangs specifically target the population of Bethlehem" from this: "Muslim rioters and Tanzim...often shoot from the rooftops of Christian houses to the nearby Gilo settlement, thus bringing Israeli military retaliation upon Christian civilians and their homes." At the same time you ignore the paragraphs either side: "Israeli military continues to employ tanks, helicopters and snipers...these inflammatory attacks punish an entire group...Daily attacks on Palestinian targets often harm innocent bystanders." And: "Numerous Christian homes have been damaged or destroyed by indiscriminate rocket fire...Other Christian homes...were occupied by soldiers, who confined residents at gunpoint, destroyed personal property and used the homes as strategic outposts, often for snipers." Read the rest if you seriously want to know about Israeli push factors and note the following: "The Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem has rejected hasty speculations, maintaining that tensions between Christian and Muslim Palestinians are not historically rooted. Rather, they result from a 'third party', eg, Israeli involvement, especially within Israel in cities such as Nazareth."
Posted by Strewth, Tuesday, 28 March 2006 6:31:23 AM
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At the end of his article Abe Ata makes his statement:

>>What we seek is support: material, moral, political and spiritual<<

Spiritually, surely the best support we can give him is to refer him to his own religious handbook:

"But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also".

There it is, in simple terms. Your spiritual leader has spoken - enjoy your suffering. It took me less than a minute to find this - in my industry we call it "RTFM".

Which stands for "read the manual"

In terms of political support, he is fishing a dry creek. His group has absolutely nothing to offer any political group, grouping, faction or cell in exchange for their help. Not the US, who support Israel. Not Europe, who only make secular interventions. Not China, who doesn't even support its own christians much. So no luck there.

Moral support is fortunately in greater supply, because it doesn't cost anybody to give it. Here's mine: you are in a tough position, but you have my moral support.

Use it wisely.

Finally we come to "material" support. What does the author believe would make a difference, I wonder? He doesn't actually say, so we need to guess.

Money? For whom, and to what end?

Food? He doesn't mention starvation, so that can't be it.

Weapons? Hmmm, that might be more tricky, because we immediately get into the problems of political alliances and allegiances. What you would need is to find an enemy of Palestine, and persuade them that it is in their interests to help you.

Can't think of anyone. Can you?

I guess the answer is that as a christian, you are on your own. Either convert to something more comfortably in tune with your environment, change that environment, or do what dear Boaz suggests - "shine forth the love and reality of Christ as Saviour and soon coming Lord"

Wise counsel. Whatever it means.
Posted by Pericles, Tuesday, 28 March 2006 9:29:19 AM
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Pericles, You're all heart.
Posted by Strewth, Wednesday, 29 March 2006 10:52:24 AM
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Dear Strewth
before you go on another Anti Israel'rampage' you might like to make some comment on the events at the Christian town of DAMOUR (25,000 people) perpetrated by the PLO, along with Mercenaries from Iran, Syria,Lybia and other Islamic countries.

Have you ever wondered what lay behind the attacks on the PLO military camps of Sabra and Shatila ? its in one word "Damour"1972.

The Israelies are no saints, and in truth the majority of them in Israel are as atheistically godless as some of their opponents are radically Islamist. But then again, when God said "Jacob I have loved, Esau I hated" it was firstly a way of saying "I have 'chosen' Jacob but not Esau for my covenant purposes" and secondly it was not at all based on any inherant virtue in Jacob himself.

So it is today, but be sure of one thing, the covenant history of Gods dealings with Israel are not forgotten, and they will utlimately be included somehow in the final consumation of history, but only those who truly accept their Messiah Jesus will ultimately see salvation. Not that I'm any expert on the subject, but the coming back of Jews to Israel appears to figure prominently in events leading up to the Last Day. Rather than 'win an argument' with you over the rights and wrongs of the Israeli's, I'm more concerned with your own state before God.

I hope you will seek Him,... and find Him. "To him who knocks, it will be opened, he who seeks, finds". But muttering on all day about human injustice without a divine reference point will achieve little.

PERICLES... you did well to bring the words of our Lord to bear on the matter. But before you 'drop verses' as u did, please consider that in the next breath Jesus said "If your eye sins.. gouge it out, if your hand sins, cut it off".
I feel the Lord is expressing in extreme language the divine standard of love and purity, but only 'in Him', can we even approach this let alone attain it. *hint*
Posted by BOAZ_David, Thursday, 30 March 2006 8:02:24 AM
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