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The Forum > Article Comments > The Palestinian Christian - persecuted, betrayed > Comments

The Palestinian Christian - persecuted, betrayed : Comments

By Abe Ata, published 24/3/2006

Palestinian Christians are sandwiched between Jews and Muslims - a forgotten and endangered people.

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jeremy29: Pull the other one.
Posted by Strewth, Friday, 24 March 2006 2:54:51 PM
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There is not a religious leader alive (maybe the Dali lama) able to look past their religious persuasion and let others simply live. Religion is full of judgements against other religions. These so called peaceful people are the main source of conflict in our world today and yesterday.

I'll say what I've been saying. Your beliefs are a personal choice. Keep it to yourself and quit whining.
Posted by Patty Jr. Satanic Feminist, Friday, 24 March 2006 5:14:12 PM
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jeremy29 is spot on.

When I saw this article I thought "about time" but alas, it's nonsensical gibberish.

I've known Palestinian Christians all my life, and although I don't formulate my position on their emotional stories about being oppressed by Muslims, not Jews, Muslims, I do know they are telling the truth.

Bethlehem is a perfect example. In 1995, the Israeli's gave the PLO organisational duties, administration and the like, effectively giving them control of the town. Since then, when Bethlehem was 80% Christian, it is now 20%.

There has been a campaign to remove Christians, and it annoys me that, although the church has spoken out, our western governments, who owe our system of living to the ideas of Christ (tolerance, equality, things that basically are lacking everywhere but the west), no western nation cares.

I know some Arabs see it as their "duty" to think of themself as an Arab before a Christian, hence the utter lunacy of this writers comments, and support for his "Muslim brothers".

Those Muslim brothers are likely to enact Sharia provisions in parliament very soon, you do know that right? You do know that Hamas are strict Islamists, as are their financiers, the morally corupt & backward Islamic state of Iran.

A truly poor article. Lets have the same topic written about, but from an objective instead of emotional, angle.
Posted by Benjamin, Saturday, 25 March 2006 4:28:33 PM
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Benjamin: Any old gibberish will do to deflect readers' attention from the sheer nastiness of Israel's slo-mo ethnic cleansing of Bethlehem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territories. You Z-men must really be getting desperate.
Posted by Strewth, Saturday, 25 March 2006 5:44:26 PM
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From : Rafique Iscandar_ACU

Christians are responsible too for this dark fate

Despite we feel and share the same sentiments of desperate, and betrayal ,we disagree with the article misrepresentation of the problem. Copts, Maronites, and Assyrians have lost major portion of their population. Christian should study their mistakes before blaming American Religious Right, and Israel.A considerable part of Christians' Clergy, and intellectuals allied themselves with the Arabs in their unjust wars against Israel. Palestinian Clergy such as Bishop Atallah Hanna, and others have caused damage to Palestinians greater than the damage caused by Islamists. For instance, Bishop Atalla , Coptic Bishop Bissinty are praising, and encouraging suicide bombers, however, they deceive and silent their people . Many occasions Yasser Araffat described " Pope Shenouda III", as Pope of the Arab.
How many of our religious, and political leaders denounce, ongoing atrocities against Christians by the Arab Islamists? The answer is none.
Palestinians, such as Azmy Bishara, an Israeli Parliament member, Hanan Ashrawy, and others have never mentioned violence against Palestinian Christian by Islamists, while speaking with wrongful and weak allegation against Israeli when it comes to the Christian situation. On the Coptic side, we hear Clergies including Pope Shenouda, and Coptic activists in Egypt, and US denied the rights of their own people.
Since the early beginning of Israel re-birth, Middle East Christians put themselves in trouble by claiming that they are Arabs. This claim has depicted Christians as foes to America, Europe, and Israel. Now we must acknowledge the mistakes of our leaders, and correct it.
The defeat of Arab made them afraid that Christian will be a bridge for America, and Israel to the Middle Eastern. That's why Christian are ethnically cleansed .
We Christians need to think, seek the truth, and understand that Arab regimes, and our infiltrated religious, and political leaders are responsible for our great grieve and darkness of our minds, and hearts.

The truth, United States, Israel, somehow are responsible for plight of Christians by appeasing Arab despotic regimes by supporting them.

Posted by ACU, Sunday, 26 March 2006 10:01:36 AM
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Same religion, “god”, same tactics from all 3 factions, same history, same outcome. All violently bad.

I fail to see the rational for a religious one to claim victimisation, when his own belief system is governed by victimisation, suppression and control. Does t really matter whether its jews, christians or muslims, they all want final control, even to the point of destroying those that follow the same god. Now I call that a very rational belief system.

They are either threatening, lying or bleating. What we need is a really strong government that puts a stop to this bastardry of life by monotheists, in the guise of doing good and spreading the true word.

Its ironic that the birth place of the god religion is the most violent place on earth and that violence is between the 3 factions, no other force is involved, just god.
Posted by The alchemist, Sunday, 26 March 2006 10:35:14 AM
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