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How to scare and confound men : Comments

By Mark Christensen, published 27/2/2006

Of course feminism’s a sham and an indulgence!

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I support and applaud Maureen Dowd for her honesty and for her intelligence in being able to disturb so many males.
Males are ignorant about nurture, nature and survival. They all had a mother who fed, nurtured and loved them.
Male dominance of females [including mothers and sisters] is ugly and unattractive and it is no wonder that educated or savvy females have been resisting this dominance in the past and in the present.
Sociopaths are male and are very dangerous individuals, they are basically inadequate people who are driven by aggression and ambition and ride over anyone to achieve their aims. They are more bad than mad.
You find them in politics, business, gaols and in the home, many of them are in powerful positions and have lots of influence. Females would be very aware of these males, not so males, as they are very unaware, and are very likely wanting to emulate them.
Feminism is harmless and understandable. Females, due to their nuturing nature do not want the planet raped or the killing of innocent people in offshore countries and cannot ignore the plight of the poor.
Females are more beautiful than males and have more common sense intelligence. Males cause their own ugliness when they think ugly.
Posted by Sarah10, Tuesday, 7 March 2006 7:37:05 AM
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So, Sara10

You would support the idea that instead of counselling to prevent male suicide; male suicide should be encouraged?

After all, if men are so bad then there should be fewer of them...

Maybe cut all funding to prostate cancer programs, encourage genetic testing of all foetuses, and the ones due to be born male should be aborted? After all, its a woman's choice what she wants to bring into the world, isn't it?

Maybe cut medicare to males completely? From the sounds of it you think that males are a waste of space.
Posted by Hamlet, Tuesday, 7 March 2006 12:07:09 PM
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Hamlet, you are definitely one of those ignorant males and you are hysterical to boot.
Posted by Sarah10, Tuesday, 7 March 2006 4:11:40 PM
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Sarah10, what is your issue? You seem very angry at men in general. Your earlier post was very sexist (plenty of that around these parts though).

There are men who do the wrong thing and men who are ugly because of what wells up from inside them but there are also plenty of good men around. In the same way there are good and bad women.

If your issue is a man who has done you wrong that does not make all men bad just as the behaviour of my ex does not make all women bad (or the behaviour of Hamlets current does not make all women bad).

How about backing off on the broadbrush attacks on men and take part in the discussion - please.

Posted by R0bert, Tuesday, 7 March 2006 5:37:15 PM
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Robert, thanks for your comments.

Sarah10 seems to have a problem with men, yes: she forgets people like Kathleen Folbigg, who killed four of her own children (I guess that she must have been a man somehow trapped in a woman's body...)

Apart from that, I don't see much point in having an extended discussion with Sarah10, who considers me to be ugly - well, I may be ugly - I probably am ugly - well, lets face it: I am UGLY... BUTT FUGLY! but that is something I have to accept when I look in the mirror when I shave every morning.

At least I can accept that both sides of the 'argument'have some good points.

And Sarah10 may just have to accept that this BUTT FUGLY bloke may be the only person with enough decency to stand for her if she ever gets pregnant and is standing in the bus when all of her emo-boy ideals stay seated listening to their i(idiot)-pods and ignoring the world around them.
Posted by Hamlet, Tuesday, 7 March 2006 10:39:14 PM
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Hey R0bert & Hamlet

I think Sarah10 is just the female equivalent of Seeker or Maximus. Just as Sarah hasn't anything positive to say about men, neither of these two have anything positive to say about women. I'm not condoning what she says by any means, but as a spectator I am rather amused.

We all know that neither sex holds the monopoly on poor behaviour - if anything she has demonstrated just how pointless the article really is.

To Sarah10 - scaring and confounding men is just too easy - like shooting fish in a barrell. Try to be a little more reflective in future.

Posted by Scout, Wednesday, 8 March 2006 10:09:31 AM
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