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How to scare and confound men : Comments

By Mark Christensen, published 27/2/2006

Of course feminism’s a sham and an indulgence!

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Men are scumbags
If a woman leaves her husband, it's because he is a scumbag and that is why she cannot tolerate or love him any more.

If a man leaves his wife he is a scumbag for deserting her.

If a man commits domestic violence against his wife, yes he's a scumbag.

But if a woman commits domestic violence against a man it is because he deserves it.

If a man drinks too much - he's an undisciplined scumbag.

If a woman drinks too much it is because her husband is a scumbag who makes her feel so bad that she resorts to drink (I have been told this by a Relationships Australia counsellor).

If a man wants more sex in a marriage then he is a selfish scumbag who only wants to satisfy his own desires.

If a woman wants more sex in marriage it is because the scumbag she is married to doesn't give her enough.

If a separated man and woman are fighting over assets then he is a scumbag for simply not giving her everything that she needs.

If he is fighjting for more than would appear to be initially due to him (ie, zero) then he is ascumbag for being so nasty.

If a couple are fighting over child support payments it is because he is a selfish scumbag who is not prepared to meet her expectations for her (yes HER - not his) children.

If he wants more access to the children he's being a selfish scumbag for inconveniencing the woman and her new partner.

If a woman commits suicide she's a desperate soul who could not find help and the males in her life acted liked scumbags making her life so unbearable.

If a man commits suicide he's a cowardly scumbag who is not prepared to face the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.

So, maybe we should ban men from marrying or being in relationships with women. All men are scumbags, and do not deserve the blessings of having women in their lives.

Yes, only women should be permitted to marry...
Posted by Hamlet, Thursday, 2 March 2006 11:12:19 PM
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You are the seeker! One clue is the twenty minute time frame?
Posted by Suebdootwo, Thursday, 2 March 2006 11:13:22 PM
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Hamlets on the money no doubt agout that.Anyway talks cheap its when its taken to the family court that it becomes exspensive and thats usually at a cost to the ones it claims to be helping (the children)and all because two adults failed in thier fairytale to live happily everafter.And by the way pk in case you didnt know all moral teaching comes from religion the only difference is you werent instilled like the guy your having a go at or your parents or thiers were hung up about the church or religion they attended like most non believers but dont you worry mate you and us all will be put on the scales and if you dont weigh up m8 you wont be getting in anyway the blokes actually helping you but you cant see it(*funny that).And as far as feminism goes they can all go and play in the park together if they like they dont bother me untill they knock on the family court door to take everything from that bastard especially the most important the love of the children so if we want to blame anything for feminism and the anger and the decay between men and women blame the family court
Posted by terry and son, Sunday, 5 March 2006 11:34:03 AM
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terry and son, not sure if I've understood your post correctly but a couple of key points seemed to be
- all morals come from religion.
- feminists and the family court, I think you are blaming feminism for that horrid system but am not completely certain.

I much refer the term ethics because it is in my view more about how we treat others. There are some very "moral" people around who treat others like utter crap and some quite "immoral" people who live lives we can all learn from. Ethics does not have to come from religion, they come out of the body of human experience which includes religion and much more.

An abuse of feminism has contributed to the damage done by the family law system but you might also want to consider the part played by paternalistic types (both male and female) who want traditional roles for men and women. The ones who think men should be the providers and women the primary caregivers, ones who believe women are not as responsable as men and so should not face the same consequences, those who think women are inherently better parents than men. That kind of thinking fits in really well with the kind of issues that make family law a massive farce.

I've noticed that a large proportion of the men posting on this site who appear to have been done over in family law are christian (or post things that suggest they are). Not sure if that is coincidence or representative of the misuse of the family law system by those who hold to parts of christian teaching about roles in the family etc.

The feminists might not be your worst enemy in this, it might be those who think that a womans place is in the home (and that really she is not much good elsewhere anyway).

Posted by R0bert, Sunday, 5 March 2006 4:23:08 PM
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Hamlet- you are correct in everything you say. What I find truly frightening is that each statement is literally true and not the tongue -in- cheek exaggeration some would have us believe.
Posted by chalkie, Sunday, 5 March 2006 5:19:40 PM
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I would not blame all brands of feminism for the confusion that men feel, after all, nearly all of the confusion in understanding predates feminism by about 500,000 years.

Even Christians are confused, because the Bible dictates a different standard of fealty for men and women: “So I say again, each man must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband” (Ephesians 5:33). “

Women are held to a lower standard than men, for love requires a willingness to sacrifice.

Getting back to feminism:

There are many brands of feminism. Feminism isn’t just about equal pay, or equal opportunity, even though they are worthy goals that must be strived for.

Feminism provides much of the doctrinal basis that is used for abortion, and I am not just talking about the idea of a woman controlling her own body. Dvorkin and other ‘extreme’ feminists consider that all penetrative sex is rape, it being an invasion of women’s bodily integrity, whether by consent or not. As these feminists consider that nothing good can come of man, it must be considered that ova, which come from women are ‘good’, however a fertilized ovum has a component from man.

This supports the idea that a foetus is a part male parasite feeding off a woman’s body.

Feminism, doctrinally, supports the idea that women and men can live separately, some feminists even excluding male plumbers and electricians from carrying out repairs in their homes. If this didn’t mirror Opus Dei so much it would be almost funny.

Hard core feminism sees no place in the world for the male of the species, except perhaps in his homosexual form.

The biggest joke is that domestic violence lesbian relationships so beloved of hard core feminists rivals that that male-female domestic violence: but you will hear very few feminists advertising that fact.

The goals of feminism are incredibly valuable and should be supported. The underlying doctrine however basically implies that the concept of the family should be destroyed. What is needed is a new doctrine, not new goals.
Posted by Hamlet, Sunday, 5 March 2006 10:43:09 PM
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