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How to scare and confound men : Comments
By Mark Christensen, published 27/2/2006Of course feminism’s a sham and an indulgence!
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Robert Robert Robert the point is mate that feminism cant hurt untill someone effected by it and all its hate and anger knocks on the family court door then theres a whole community of feminatzi supporting the new fresh feminist with the new found strength and its then that feminism hurts and its then that feminism gets its guernsey can you follow that.Imagine what you like about christians m8 im a catholic and christians follows me and are usually first timers a bit like apprentice catholics if you like.As far as morals go m8 and i can tell where your coming from but i am talking about correct not incorrect morals, ethics are in the heart and how you feel and act as you say but cant come without moral teaching and all of that comes from religion how you act from there is up to you believe me m8 their are hypocrites in every club but it doesnt mean you have to put your hand down. Anyway the family court is not just a breeding ground it is the head office for the feminatzi squad dont worry about that m8 not only that it is soley responsible for the insecurity in mariage in our society today,Just ask yourself and anyone reading this if there isnt anyone in their family or a close friend that hasnt been hurt by it and i would be very surprised if their wasnt.And then ask yourself if you think anyone can feel secure about a family and a marriage that could be taken away with a knock on the family court door and if that can give anyone confidence or a feeling of security .No i dont think so and robert the people your talking about who think that a mans role and a womens role are this or that are the feminatzi dont you get it m8 even the bloke, but he dont get it, do you.
Posted by terry and son, Monday, 6 March 2006 1:15:56 AM
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Another stereotype that goes under the broad heading of 'feminism'. How shallow. Funnily enough I see less of a defensive reaction to the concept of Nazism than I do from Feminism. Personally I think emancipation is a good thing.
Posted by tubley, Monday, 6 March 2006 2:12:36 AM
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Since you guys are so fond of statistics I suggest you have a look at the domestic violence figures on the ABS. Just out of interest.
Posted by tubley, Monday, 6 March 2006 2:15:46 AM
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tulbey, much of the problem with DV stats is that most of the time the collection methods are biased and produces corrupt results.
Techniques such as collecting them in female DV shelters, defining DV as violence by a man against a women (so when a woman hits a man it is not DV etc). Well respected research conducted across the western world for many years has shown that the incidence and severity of physical DV is not particulary gender specific. Some links which are worth a look at Check the "who commits child abuse" figures. - National Child abuse summary - a study into DV in Australia which attempted to eliminate collection errors. - a short article which I can't confirm the credibility of but which does tie what I've seen elsewhere together and with some good references. Patricia Pearson's book "WHen she was bad" is a gem and has the advantage of being a feminist perspective on the issue. A good coverage of why so many lies are being told about DV and how the lies are hurting feminism. R0bert Posted by R0bert, Monday, 6 March 2006 1:15:08 PM
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Another stereotype that goes under the broad heading of 'feminism'. How shallow. Funnily enough I see less of a defensive reaction to the concept of Nazism than I do from Feminism. Personally I think emancipation is a good thing. Posted by tubley, Monday, 6 March 2006 2:12:36 AM Unquote I like it when people play the Nazi card, accusing others of either being like a Nazi, or being a Nazi sympathiser, or at least not being against Nazism as much as they are against other 'isms'. It shows that the person who plays that card simply wants to throw mud in the hope that some sticks, regardless of the veracity of any comment made. Posted by Hamlet, Monday, 6 March 2006 4:05:38 PM
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The quick answer to Maureen Dowd's book "Are men necessary?" is to note that Australian dads work 5hrs a day longer than Australian mothers (ABS)... Men are necessary, to give mothers the luxury of not working.
But they do 'house'-work I hear you complain... Think about it... 5hrs a day - that's a hell-of-a-lot of 'house'work. I've never done 5hrs of 'house'work in a day... and I am a single dad with a young toddler. I work a 4 day week. From my personal experience 'house'-work is not equal to 'work'-work, 'house'work is a luxury, plesantly mind-numbing! So Maureen... Who allows women to sit at-home for a few years playing with the kids or a work-life balance of comfortable parttime work? Who goes from being a comfortable DINK to being the the sole breadwinner supporting two dependants and a large mortgage? Who is forced to INCREASE their hours of work when they become a parent? That's what the typical Australian dad does for his family. This noble and hard-working dedication is why men are necessary, until women actually do their half of the 'work'-work. Interestingly, the utopia of the Nordic countries... where women form nearly 50% of parliament and around 40% of corporate board postions... This feminist utopia is not due to feminism, but the opposite... Women earn their status... These wonderful results are because women work full-time all their lives, just like men. In Australia, the proportion of women working FULL-TIME has not changed in 40 years... To climb to the top, you have to work full-time for many years. Before you say "but that is not my experience" then "you" are not typical. I have done the stats, and what I have written is what the overwhelming bulk of Australians experience. If what I write isn't your life, then (like me) you're an exception. To Maureen the successfull feminist men are un-neccessary. She has missed the alarm on her biological clock (what a surprise!). But equally, she is totally usless to men also. But for real Australian families, dads make all the sacrifices to make it work. Posted by partTimeParent, Monday, 6 March 2006 9:33:50 PM