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How to scare and confound men : Comments

By Mark Christensen, published 27/2/2006

Of course feminism’s a sham and an indulgence!

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Didn't get it. Is it a man-bash, a woman-bash, or a "white middle-class heterosexual male professionals have no rights left" bash?
Posted by Ozone, Monday, 27 February 2006 11:38:18 AM
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While women can easily conceive with 'sperm-bank' semen, there is still the other bank that needs attention... the 'money bank'...somebody has to support them...

Aussie Dads work 5hrs a day longer than Australian mothers... but, somebody has to pay the mortgage and support them while they take what they assume is their 'good-given' right to a work-life balance...

Meanwhile Aussie dads are lucky to manage a work-sleep balance. Sadly, Aussie men are forced to INCREASE their working hours when they become parents.

I've got a 18mth old baby, and I work a 4 day week to share the child-care. So does her mother. I have never had such a relaxed and comfortable life as when I dropped down to a 4-day-week... and I realise the sacrifice that most Aussie dads make for their kids (with me as a notable exception :-)

There is one thing that Maureen forgot when she asked if men are necessary... She forgot to ask who will support all these single mothers? Men!

(5hrs a day is the fact from the ABS, I'll send yout the sousce on request...
Posted by partTimeParent, Monday, 27 February 2006 11:46:19 AM
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Dowdy Moron comes to town. Should be an entertaining freakshow.

Translations regarding The Moron's style...

1. Subtle = deceitful, indirect(manipulative), intellectually dishonest
2. Witty = lacking substance so let me entertain you with self indulgent verbosity (she has word count you know)
3. Wounderfully sarcastic = angry and bitter(cynical) waffle masquerading as humourous, intelligent insight.

Moron seems unhappy at being 58 yrs old, manless and childless. Instead of going to a $200 hr shrink like the rest of the Manahatanites, she writes tabloid articles and gets paid for it. At least she's industrious and knows how to make a dollar... hint Moron, a woman's career and earning ability arent usually wot motivates mate selection. Blame evolutionary biology for not fitting a specious ideology.

The article does some of what feminists like to do (eventhough the writer denies that ideologoy)... project responsibility for behavioural modification upon men. Wot a surprise. That is the essense of the whole men-v-women 'problem'... one sided accountability. A case of yelling into the void when you complain and blame without taking your own advice. Goes to credibility.

Alleged masculine/feminine side is myth. Its all the one side and we all have the traits. Yin and Yang.

Moron Dowd-and-out is flailing about on the ropes, a third rate fighter who went a few dozen fights too far and now cant think nor speak straight thru the punch drunk haze. Predictably, taking HER experience and projecting that onto all women. Very typical of the deeply discontented. Maybe one day she may overcome her obvious insecurities and massive yet very fragile ego.

Insecurity, big ego, fragile sensibility, cynicism masquerading as sacrastic wit are NOT ATTRACTIVE qualities. Looked at a picture of her. She aint no beauty.

Moron should do a roadshow thru Australia's retirement villages and find a suitor to meet her demands. Stop ogling those 30-something handsome well-to-do types you see on the streets of Manhattan. Time you accepted your reality... like growing old gracefully.

You made your bed and no one wants to sleep in it with you.

Someone, pleeeeeeeeeese... marry the old battle axe.
Posted by trade215, Monday, 27 February 2006 12:46:51 PM
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btw, the pointless words of ineffectual pen pushing blowhards does NOT SCARE MEN.

Talk is cheap.
Posted by trade215, Monday, 27 February 2006 12:51:07 PM
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trade215 I think you should marry her you seem to need her more then she needs you. It works best if there is a needdy one and a giver. :o
Posted by Kenny, Monday, 27 February 2006 1:39:32 PM
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Is Maureen Dowd necessary? I know I am not. No-one is really. Let's face it; we are just messing it up on the animals anyway. I wonder where women would be without men though. Probably still living in caves, except they would be too sacred to go in unless a man went first. Caves are dark, after all.
Obviously none of Maureen's boyfriends took her camping.
Posted by Nostradumbass, Monday, 27 February 2006 2:04:35 PM
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