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Adept at puerile politics : Comments

By Ted Lapkin, published 21/2/2006

The timing, scope and focus of the Danish cartoon controversy raises suspicions this crisis owes much to cynical manipulation.

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You are incurably dishonest! "Australia is likely to become Buddist or Hindu first", is NOT a quote from The Australian Bureau of Statistics, as you claim, it's YOUR OWN. Go back to your post on 16 of February on the topic "Aborting Muslims from society", and you will see it with your own eyes. Also, in my post to RObert, above yours, I've given some statistics on demographics, which you chose to ignore, maybe because they were unfavourable to your position.

But it's well known that Muslims TRADE on lies and deception, and YOU prove this to be correct. By saying this I know I'm committing sacrilege in the eyes of the PC priesthood. But it's a great pleasure for me to rattle their bigotry.

Posted by Themistocles, Thursday, 23 February 2006 5:16:18 PM
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You are deliberately avoiding the issues I have raised. You are trying to use pseudo-conservative rhetoric to a former endorsed Federal Candidate of the Liberal Party of Australia.

The longer you avoid answering my questions, the more absurd and racist you will look, and the more it will reflect on the organisation you claim to represent.

I somehow doubt that an organisation whose patron was the (now deceased) barrister who argued the Mabo case for indigenous Australians would be impressed to see you not take the opportunity to immediately and unequivocably distance yourself from racist and extremist rhetoric posted in support of your argument.

Ron Castan QC would be turning in his grave if he could read these forums.
Posted by Irfan, Thursday, 23 February 2006 7:02:50 PM
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For a “former endorsed Federal candidate of the Liberal Party of Australia,” you seem to be quite partial to that common Leftist practice: the promiscuous overuse of the “r” word as a favourite political epithet. Perhaps that explains why you lost – you were running for the wrong party.

And as for your comment about my employment of “pseudo-conservative rhetoric” – wow, you really know how to hurt a guy. I must protest that there’s nothing at all “pseudo” about my conservatism. I believe that free market capitalism is the most effective economic system for raising general living standards and enriching the broadest majority of the population. I believe in small government, low taxes, minimal regulation and a strong national defense. I believe that rights in a democracy must be complemented by the concept of personal responsibility, and that contemporary society has erred by excessively expanding the former to the point where it encroaches on the latter. And I believe that the West is engaged in en guerre a l’outrance with a global jihadist movement that is bent on imposing a new Caliphate at the point of an AK-47 barrel.

And as for your assertions that I’m ducking your questions, au contraire. I have stated that neither Pipes nor Steyn are racists by any reasonable definition of the term, and that I agree with much of what they say. So no, there is nothing Nazi-like about either of them.

I have stated that I speak my mind clearly and I see no real need to comply with your arbitrary demand that I disassociate myself from anonymous people with whom I am entirely unacquainted. “mickijo, Leigh, coach and kaktuz?” Don’t know them. My views are what are at issue here. You should address them and stop digressing into irrelevancies.

But now I approach the end of my 350 word quota. I suggest we continue this discussion in a less restricted format.

Time to sh-t or get off the pot, Irfan. Ignoring the challenge to debate won’t make it go away. Do you have the courage of your convictions, or not?
Posted by Ted Lapkin, Thursday, 23 February 2006 9:06:21 PM
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I'm not sure about what things are like in the US or Israel. But in Australia, conservatives don't regard demonising the faiths and cultures of others as being inherently conservative. They also prefer to disassociate themselves from racists at the 1st possible opportunity.

Conservatives have historically been at the forefront of fighting racism and slavery. If you find anti-racist attitudes to be unconservative, I suggest you consider joining One Nation.

I would be happy to discuss matters with you, in private or public. Even if your goal is to continue making spurious generalisations about Muslims which you refuse to see made about Jews.

If someone made the same comments about Jewish people, only an anti-Semite would agree with them. As a Muslim and as a conservative, I would have to condemn such anti-Semitic sentiments.

Your refusal on 2 occasions to condemn the comments made by some people on these forums leads me to believe you agree with them. Once again, I invite you to tell me what you think of the views they have expressed. I am not asking you what you think of them as people. I am asking about their stated sentiments.

Will you take up the challenge? Or will you continue to duck for cover? Now is your opportunity to show readers here what your precise views really are. Stop hiding behind rhetorical devices. Answer the questions.

Posted by Irfan, Thursday, 23 February 2006 10:40:05 PM
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Irfan Nothing I read in Ted Lapkin’s article “demonised Islam”.

Ted’s concluding observations for instance,
“The real offence to Arab sensibilities should come, not from Copenhagen but from the heartland of the Middle East where autocrats use and abuse their own people.
It is time for Arab political culture to grow up.”

refers not to any religion or faction of any religion and does not even demonize “Arabs” but makes fair observation and criticism of the processes of non-democratic government which pervades the middle-east.

Ted has asked you too to debate the issue and offered you fair opportunity to respond, yet you avoid engaging on that issue.
As for condemning the postings of others. If Ted had acclaimed someone else’s comment, then you might have a point but you are being completely and totally unreasonable and it would be totally inappropriate for anyone to be held accountable for what another person wrote and expected to disclaim it simple because you demand it.

I have gone back over your posts on this thread.

You have not condemned the ravings of the lunatic Muslim Extremist who fomented the recent flag and building burning riots in the idle east, all you have done is act as an apologist – so before you go asking something of someone else should you not seek to lead and set the example?
So Ifran- when are you going to condemn the actions of Muslim fanatics and when are you going to stop “ducking for cover” from Ted’s proposal?
Posted by Col Rouge, Friday, 24 February 2006 5:01:27 AM
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To Irfan

Bigmal was very perceptive. He pointed out that there is a fundamental contradiction in your stated position. Your previous article posted on OLO was a model of Muslim liberal progressive thought where you quite plainly suggested that Muslims must stop acting like rabid fanatics over any perceived slight to themselves and take a more mature approach to criticism of their religion.

Along comes Ted Lapkin who, with valid reason, strongly criticises the most objectional aspects of your religion which are fundamentally at odds with western liberal thought, and you start jumpimg up and down with red faced apoplexy.

So far, you are the only Muslim journalist that I considered might have a reasonable point of view. But I have always wondered if your platitudes towards Western values were simply a ruse to lull the gullible like Sneakypeter into thinking that Muslims can be reasonable and can accept western thinking.

But you just blew it mate. My tendency now will be to regard your liberal Muslim views with increased scepticism and consider that they are simply a cover for other agendas.

Anybody got any poporn? An Irfan/Lapkin stoush. This is starting to get interesting.
Posted by redneck, Friday, 24 February 2006 5:14:34 AM
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