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The semantics of abortion : Comments

By Helen Ransom, published 9/2/2006

When does human life begin? A discussion on RU486, abortion and choice.

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Yabby - by the way, interesting that you can quote websites but if those of us who believe in life do, you refute it. Can't go just one way.....

May God bless you and open your heart, mind and soul and help you to see that you are truly loved by Him. You are, you know.
Posted by Te, Saturday, 22 April 2006 10:29:57 PM
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‘I am going to have to ask Graham to give me some extra daily posts’

…still consider you're above the rest of humanity Yabby…existing rules don’t apply to you here either?

‘the effect that your church, specifically the beliefs of the last pope, have had on the the third world and how many have suffered because of them. The results are truly shocking and sad.’

What is 'truly shocking and sad' is your inability to acknowledge true goodness and selflessness in another individual…read the life-story of Pope John Paul 11, then tell me you still believe the prattle you repetitively post.

‘No ru 486 figures in there, as they are practically non existant in places like Europe, where people have Medicare etc.’

Yabby, don’t assume that your posts will be regarded as fact just because you post them…your statement is clearly rubbish, RU486 figures would most definitely be in there and RU486 causes deaths with or without Medicare, etc…you are fantasizing again with statistics manufactured in your own convoluted meanderings.

‘Portugal has no clear cut figures as yet. They are still in the throws of throwing out the old Catholic dogma and giving women choices. Meantime, many Portugese women have done exactly what Irish women do, ie hop over the border, which in Europe is not far away.
In the the third world, many women don't have that option.’

On the contrary, Portugal has very clear cut figures or your website is publishing lies… ‘family planning services are provided free of charge…contraceptives requiring prescription are free…teenage pregnancy in Portugal is one of the highest in Europe (25 of 1000 adolescents).’ Additionally, ‘there’s at least 29,266 infant deaths overall’ from abortion…undeniable even to someone bent on convincing himself it’s all ok…

In the third world most women have many children because of the high infant mortality rate…they don’t need abortion to kill their babies, starvation, corrupt governments and misguided, pseudo-conservationists ensure they receive condoms and contraceptives(including some banned in the developed world)…instead of clean water, medical care and food…therefore killing off millions annually.

Posted by Meg1, Sunday, 23 April 2006 2:09:15 AM
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‘women dies of unsafe abortion practises every six minutes, but clearly religious dogma is more important to you then dying women.’

I repeat my remarks on the use of Gerri Santoro, six and a half months pregnant…’How distressing that you would use this woman and falsely display her like an anti-life trophy or advertisement when the opposite is the case. Are you employed by the anti-life lobby? Is your livelihood dependent on abortion being commercially available?’

As you have not answered the questions posed, I will assume that the answer is in the affirmative…therefore financial gain is more important to you and your ilk than dying women and their babies?

‘The World Health Oranisation figures are about as close as we can get to accurate figures, but anything illegal is hard to be sure about. Clearly many could be hospitalised and dying, that we are not aware of.’

So why does your website lie about the 20 million out of 46 million abortions and the 80000 deaths from illegal abortions? Many could be hospitalized and dying from legal abortion also then…and of course, you continue to ignore the 46 million babies that die to keep your lucrative industry raking in the money rather than healing the sick.

Te you are right about the doctors involved in the abortion ‘industry’ – fortunately the good doctors still believe in their primary role as healers and protectors of all human lives…

RE: Your jihad claims…allow me to reaffirm your own similarities with jihad…you have openly indicated your intention to persist with your anti-Catholic propaganda until ‘you’ succeed in your obsession to ‘destroy’ the ‘power’ you perceive it has ‘politically’…

May I repeat other similarities to your reasoning…

‘Bin Laden, again like you, doesn’t care who the people are…he sends HIS OWN on SUICIDE missions…and many of those who have been his victims are also his followers.’

Your agenda’s clearer than ever…it’s not about ‘choice’, it’s about ‘anti BABY pills’ …your own admissions continue to condemn your hypocrisy.
Posted by Meg1, Sunday, 23 April 2006 2:14:25 AM
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Te, the reason those women die, is that that its illegal, under the threat of jail, for any doctor to assist them in the first place!
Coathangers and knitting needles are used in desperation, so women
die, by their thousands.

BTW, you sound like a lovely lady, with a sense of humour, despite being a Catholic :) Meg clearly missed the last comment to you and the smiley. She appears overcome with vitriol, so could perhaps learn something from you.

Meg, thanks for the compliments! You clearly think that my posts are so informed and well written, that somebody must be paying me! You are wrong, I simply have an interest in philosophy and the future of the world, as well as having a strong sense of justice. I stick up for little people, downtrodden by political and church leaders.

Yup, Portugal has a high teen pregnancy rate. Due to its Catholic background, proper sex education classes have never been provided in schools, so 70% of kids use no contraception on their first sexual encounter. Things are changing however, now that they have joined the EU and are throwing off Catholic cultural shackles.

JP might have been a nice old man with good intentions Meg, but he was obsessed with contraception etc. He was also out of touch with the realities of the third world, so thousands and thousands have people have suffered and died, because of his ideology. Your church has also suffered hugely in credibility, because of those obsessions. I see that Martini is now coming out with a bit more reasoned thoughts, so all is not lost yet for the Vatican, things may yet turn around one day.

You still however, miss the main issue: Every month you flush another potentially cute baby down the toilet without much thought.
Then you expect people to become teary eyed about fertilised eggs.
If you want more children Meg, have them or adopt them from the thousands in orphanages around the world. Stop trying to tell other women by legal means, how many children they should have.
Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 23 April 2006 3:56:22 PM
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YABBY - do you seriously think that if we made going through red lights LEGAL it would suddenly become safe? The analogy of course is making aborion legal would not make it safe.
Posted by Te, Monday, 24 April 2006 7:21:55 AM
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Yabby, your emotive fantasies forget poverty-stricken Africans haven’t adequate food or clothing and haven’t coathangers or knitting needles…another lie?

’BTW, you sound like a lovely lady, with a sense of humour, despite being a Catholic :) Meg clearly missed the last comment to you and the smiley.’

Your Jekyl and Hyde mood swings indicate that you regard anything with a smiley is ok, no matter the content…you’re a strange one, despite being baptized a Catholic : )

Yabby, I’m sorry to disappoint but my post clearly indicated my revulsion and distaste at your mis-use of Gerri Santoro’s tragic death at the hands of her partner as an anti-life trophy, against her daughter’s wishes…NO CONGATULATIONS implied : (

It is your obsessive and repetitive vitriol that prompted me to ask: ‘ Are you employed by the anti-life lobby? Is your livelihood dependent on abortion being commercially available?’

Your suggestion that your posts are ‘well-written and informed’ is another joke, right? : ) I got that one… : )) I’d suggest spell and grammar checks for starters : )) then find a reputable website that references ALL statistical material and webpages to quote from : ))

To clarify - I dispute the accuracy and content of your posts and your anti-life website – still lacking in at least two of the webpages of ‘statistics’, clearly a farce. It fails to reference most of its emotive and exaggerated claims…so like your own posts : )

Your ‘interest in philosophy and the future of the world’ clearly doesn’t include African babies – or babies at all…NO ‘sense of justice’ for them. Your claim to ‘stick up for little people, downtrodden by political and church leaders.’ …promotes ‘killing’ the little people…with friends like you, who needs enemies? : (

Third world women have many children because of the high infant mortality rates…they don’t need abortion to kill their babies, starvation, corrupt governments and misguided, pseudo-conservationists ensure they receive condoms and contraceptives(including some banned in the developed world)…instead of clean water, medical care and food…therefore killing off millions annually…that’s reality Yabby. : (

Posted by Meg1, Monday, 24 April 2006 8:58:47 AM
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