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The semantics of abortion : Comments

By Helen Ransom, published 9/2/2006

When does human life begin? A discussion on RU486, abortion and choice.

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Mjbp “I was referring to the group you were referring to when you said:

“My club rules differ from your club rules.”


I still insist you IDENTIFY that team which according to you “has a worse track record for engaging in paedophile behaviour”

Reality is you cannot declare or identify the team, whilst I am able to punch two words into google and get 364,000 references. The two words “catholic paedophiles”

I have never claimed paedophilia is the preserve exclusively of the priesthood, catholic or otherwise.

I challenged you to present one single web site which alluded to any acts of impropriatry by “my team”.

Your observation “see how many paedophiles pass through the courts” – that does not identify them as being on “my team”.

This is very simple, you do not have a clue who is and who is not on “my team”, the name of “my team” the terms of its charter or its objectives.


Your attempt at retreat is nothing else other than a humiliating yet complete abdication from your slanderous claims.

Mjpb, I have come to a conclusion. You are a jackass.

You cannot claim impropriatory conduct of an organisation which you cannot identify. You can, like a jackass, make all the petulant claims but since you have no clue to the identity of my TEAM , you have no target on which to fix your sights or focus your aim.

Scout – I suggest you ignore mjpb’s “pontificating”, it is pure “faux-pontiff”, the sort of thing one has come to expect from a ranting, foaming catholic seeking to inflict the mind control of the inquisition and dictates of the cardinals upon us all, regardless of our personal religious choices or allegiances.

Oh Meg1, desperation exudes from your post when you sink to trawling for Hitler references. PATHETIC!
Posted by Col Rouge, Wednesday, 29 March 2006 9:49:31 PM
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"Experimenting with them may be ok if you have abandoned regard for life, but in essence is no difference to Hitler's human experimentation,"

Meg dear, you really need to put down that Cathecism and apply some common sense to your life. The above statement is clearly ludicrous.
Comparing thinking, feeling people, with dividing cells is an insult to those people.

Even the Catholic Church cannot ignore the laws of nature. Far more
potential individuals of any species will be created, then can ever survive, limited by available resources.

Now you are free to try to obtain your so called ticket to heaven, by blindly following Catholic dogma. Many of those of us who can think for ourselves, are far more concerned with thinking and feeling individuals of various species, who already suffer, then
the future of dividing cells.

Comparing what Hitler did to people, with the future of embryos,
is plainly ridiculous!

Te talks about "brother and sisters". How many potential "brothers and sisters" has she flushed down her toilet in her lifetime?

Its time for a reality check, even for Catholics.
Posted by Yabby, Wednesday, 29 March 2006 9:52:17 PM
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As jackasses go Col, you win hands down. You are so afraid of your club’s history that you have yet to name it…you need to come out of your closet if you are serious about asking for references – what is it you and your friends really do in that secret club of yours ?

Of course your past pitiful attempts at logic left much to be desired, no surprises there. You have not lost your ability to contradict and discredit your own rants, often in the same sentence.

I notice you can rant and spit bile and vitriol, but you haven’t answered the references to your club that I posted, based on your own spurious logic…I guess the cap fit too well.

Yabby: ‘Meg dear, you really need to put down that Cathecism and apply some common sense to your life.’

‘The above statement is clearly ludicrous.’

Well you’re right, it is, so why did you post it?

If I put down my Catechism (you really do need a spell check too), then I might display as little common sense as you have in your posts…and as much hostility…that I can do without in my life, thanks anyway.

You continue to blindly follow ‘Darwin’s theory’ for goodness sake, I’d have to say that you are in no position to pass any criticism of other’s beliefs on that basis alone.

As for reality checks – Col and Yabby, you both like to TALK about tolerance and other virtues…I’m still waiting for either of you to show evidence of any…you are two of a kind for all the wrong reasons…
Posted by Meg1, Thursday, 30 March 2006 12:11:19 AM
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To all anti-choice proponents, I extend my thanks (an extra-special commendation to Meg1) in assisting me to prove what I already suspected:

You don’t give a rat’s about foeti.

You have been completely incapable of producing a single, reasoned response to the issue of surplus embryos.

Apparently you are quite content to trust the parents to dispose of their surplus embryos as they see fit; be it stem call research, to other infertile couples or to simply flush down the drain when the term of storage expires.

This brings me to another question.

If you don’t care about the future of surplus foeti, then why do you expend so much energy condemning women for seeking abortions?

A foetus is a foetus – whether it resides in the womb of a woman or in a test tube. Guess it was all about controlling the lives of women after all.

Very interesting indeed.

Thank you again for all your help in clarifying this issue for me.

Not that I’m suggesting you are hypocrites, but one could be forgiven for thinking that that is indeed what you are.

Posted by Scout, Thursday, 30 March 2006 9:42:57 AM
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Scout, the only one who stands condemned by your post is you.

I have NO likelihood of any control whatsoever over other women or their babies…of whatever age or stage.

Your hypocrisy in demanding that I issue statements about what I would do deserves no response at all.

That any of us have bothered to respond, has more to do with our effort to offer some reasoned debate, despite your nonsensical flagellating and hyperbole, than because of any obligation to respond to questions you or anyone else pose.

I am not going to be in a position to make that decision because I would not put those tiny lives in that position to start with.

More to the point, what would YOU do with them?

Your hostility and defensiveness is not only an indication of your dissatisfaction with aspects of your own life, but also a clear sign that you are not convinced of the logic of your own argument.

You are more to be pitied than condemned.
Posted by Meg1, Thursday, 30 March 2006 2:29:19 PM
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Meg dear, the ludicrous part of your statement was referring to Hitler. Btw, he was a Catholic :)

You are free to ignore what virtually every university in the world
accepts, based on the evidence. Even the Catholic Church accepts
evolution theory, given the overwhelming evidence. You are free to
claim there are fairies in your garden, I really don't care, whatever gets you through the night as they say :)

What it is time for, is that you are your church became tolerant
and stopped trying to force your dogma down the throats of others.

At the end of the day, the Catholic Church has no substantiated evidence for its claims, just people who had visions and heard voices in the past. Today we understand schizophrenia and epilepsy, mind you the Church still has a dept for "excising demons"

If you read the URLs that I posted for you, you would have come to understand how women are suffering in the third world, through lack
of family planning. Its sad that your church is encouraging the lack of these options for women. Ah well, it took them 400 years
to concede that Gallileo was right after all. Perhaps one day your
Church will catch up on this debate, just a few hundred years late
of course.

Scout your questions made perfect sense. These people just repeat what they are told, to get their so called ticket to heaven. Its intellectually bankrupt, but it makes them feel better.
Posted by Yabby, Thursday, 30 March 2006 3:18:05 PM
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